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Today in
S.C.V. History
March 14
2000 - Time capsule buried at Newhall Metrolink station [Station Grand Opening Video]
Newhall Metrolink

Monthly Message from Mayor Bob Kellar
Thursday, Dec 1, 2016

It has been my honor to serve as your Mayor this year. The city of Santa Clarita is one of California’s best cities and it just keeps getting better and better. I was very proud this year to help launch the new Hometown Heroes Military Banner Program. The program provides our community with an opportunity...

Fun Fall Events | Message from Mayor Bob Kellar
Wednesday, Nov 2, 2016

2016 marks the 21st anniversary of the Santa Clarita Marathon sponsored by Parkway Motorcars, Boston Scientific, Children’s Hospital, BJ’s Brewhouse and Whole Foods. The Marathon is conducted on City streets and also includes a half marathon, Kid K and a 5K run. If you’ve been looking for an...

Something for Everyone | Message from Mayor Bob Kellar
Thursday, Sep 1, 2016

It is my pleasure to share with you some of the things happening in our community this month. On Wednesday, Sept. 7, at 6:45 p.m., the City of Santa Clarita will host the annual Evening of Remembrance and Walk event. The Evening of Remembrance is held at the Youth Grove at Central Park to remember Santa...

Happy Fourth
Friday, Jul 1, 2016

July is typically when our summer really kicks off in Santa Clarita, with an abundance of summertime activities. Don’t miss one great event – check out the City’s website for details on free summer concerts, dive-in movies at City pools, hiking and so much more at santa-clarita.com. This month,...

Conservative Budgeting | Message from Mayor Bob Kellar
Thursday, Jun 2, 2016

On July 1, the City’s new fiscal year begins and with it, our newly adopted budget begins.  I am pleased to let you know that Santa Clarita has a 100-percent track record for a balanced and on-time budget with a 20 percent reserve fund and a prestigious AAA Credit rating from Standard and Poors. Since...

The Most Important Thing
Monday, May 2, 2016

One of the most important things we do as a city is provide public safety for our residents and business community. When issues arise, we work closely with the Sheriff’s department and the community to address problems quickly and effectively. Last year, in response to an increase in mental health...

Hometown Heroes
Friday, Apr 1, 2016

The Santa Clarita Valley has always been dedicated to our veterans, and with nearly 10,000 living in the valley, that’s a lot to be proud of. We are very pleased to announce a new way to honor our local, currently serving military members. The new Hometown Heroes Military Banner program was adopted...

Night Life Comes to Old Town
Tuesday, Mar 1, 2016

Old Town Newhall is the place to be on Thursday nights from March through October, when Main Street is transformed into a true arts and entertainment venue with Thursdays@Newhall. We are continuing our most popular Thursday night events and offering some new and fun happenings in the coming year to bring...

Drivers, Do As You Say
Tuesday, Feb 2, 2016

It’s no secret that dangerous driving habits cause the majority of accidents on our local roadways. During the first six months of last year, Santa Clarita saw more than 750 collisions. This is an increase over the previous two years for the same period. The majority of accidents involved speeding,...

New Year’s Resolutions
Friday, Jan 1, 2016

Happy New Year! It is my honor to serve as your mayor of the great city of Santa Clarita for 2016. We have some terrific programs, projects and services on tap for you this year, and it is my pleasure to share just a few of them with you. This is a partial list of some of the things we will be working...

Newest Additions to SCVNews.com
2000 - Time capsule buried at Newhall Metrolink station [Station Grand Opening Video]
Newhall Metrolink
As you drive through Santa Clarita, you may have noticed something exciting, new projects are taking shape all around the city.
Patsy Ayala | From Groundbreakings to Grand Openings
The Soroptimist International of Greater Santa Clarita Valley 16th Annual Wine Affair: Wine, Beer and Cheer Big Hat Bash will be held Sunday, April 6 on Main Street in Old Town Newhall from noon to 5 p.m.
April 6: The 16th Annual Wine Affair Big Hat Bash
The city of Santa Clarita's art exhibition, "Saddle Up Santa Clarita" will run through Wednesday, May 14 at Santa Clarita City Hall, 23920 Valencia Blvd., Valencia, CA 91355.
‘Saddle Up Santa Clarita’ Art Exhibition in City Hall
The William S. Hart Union High School District has announced that 10 high school seniors have been named National Merit Scholarship Finalists in the 2025 National Merit Scholarship Program.
Hart District Announces National Merit Scholarship Finalists
The Master's University Theater Arts presents 'The Importance of Being Earnest' by Oscar Wilde Fridays and Saturdays, March 21-29 at The Master's University, Music Recital Hall at 24736 Quigley Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91321.
March 21-29: TMU Theater Arts Presents ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’
Beginning Monday, March 17, at 6 a.m., Jet will be hosting “Jet into Work,” on 88.5-FM, The SoCal Sound which will lend a fun and upbeat start to listeners’ mornings.
The SoCal Sound to present ‘Jet into Work’ Radio Show
Safely dispose of household hazardous waste and electronic waste for free 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. Saturday, April 5 at the College of the Canyons Valencia Campus, 26455 Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91355.
April 5: Free HHW, E-Waste Disposal at COC
The Music Center has announced 113 of Southern California’s most talented high school students have advanced in The Music Center’s 37th Annual Spotlight program, which includes three students from the Santa Clarita Valley.
Three from SCV Earn Music Center Spotlight Recognition
The track and field teams at The Master's University began their 2025 outdoor campaign at the Occidental Spring Break Classic on Saturday, March 8. Multiple qualifiers were added and a school record fell in the men's 4x100m relay.
TMU Track Opens Outdoor Season at Oxy
Assemblywoman Pilar Schiavo has announced the introduction of the Roads to Resilience Act, AB 1132, a piece of legislation designed to prioritize the needs of communities disproportionately impacted by climate disasters.
Schiavo Introduces Bill to Improve Evacuation in At-Risk Areas
College of the Canyons baseball claimed its first conference win in a 10-5 affair over Citrus College at Mike Gillespie Field on Tuesday, March 10.
Cougars Pick Up First Conference Win 10-5 Over Citrus
Opera America, a nonprofit that supports opera in the United States, recently announced the 2025 recipients of two of its prestigious distinctions: the 2025 Robert L.B. Tobin Director-Designer Prize and the Discovery Grants from its Opera Grants for Women Composers program.
CalArtians Named Opera America 2025 Prize Winners, Grantees
The Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health has launched a new campaign to increase awareness of the Department’s Alternative Crisis Response Program and to foster trust in the program’s Field Intervention Teams which serve as the county’s first responders for mental health crisis support.
County Raises Awareness of Mental Health Crisis Support Teams
The Los Angeles County Library is hosting a series of virtual programs from March 13 through June 13, with the next occurring on Thursday, March 13 at 5 p.m.
L.A. County Library Virtual Programs Offered
1882 - Henry Mayo Newhall dies at 56 of erysipelas he contracted in SCV, his immune system having been weakened by malaria 2 years earlier [story]
Henry M. Newhall
The 47th Annual St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church Lenten Fish Fry opened for the season on Friday, March 7, and sold out within hours. It will continue every Friday through April 11.
St. Clare’s Catholic Church Annual Lenten Fish Fry
California State Department of Education State Superintendent Tony Thurmond is sponsoring legislation, Senate Bill 502, to help local educational agencies across California address the housing affordability crisis by providing critical funding to support the development of housing for educators and school employees.
Thurmond Calls for Support of SB502 to Increase Educator Workforce Housing
The Senate Committee on Revenue and Taxation unanimously passed Sen. Suzette Valladares’ (R-Santa Clarita) Senate Bill 23 – the “Home for Heroes Act” – from committee on a 5-0, bipartisan vote of approval.
Valladares’ ‘Home for Heroes Act’ Clears Girst Major Hurdle
The Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency will hold a special board meeting on Tuesday, March 18 starting at 5 p.m. followed by the regular board meeting at 6 p.m.
March 18: SCV Water Special, Regular Board Meeting
As another atmospheric river bears down on Los Angeles County, the Departments of Public Health and Beaches and Harbors are reminding potential beachgoers to avoid ocean water and wildfire debris.
Beachgoers Warned to Stay Out of Water During Storms
The County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation is excited to announce the Spring 2025 co-ed baseball and girls’ softball leagues.
Spring Baseball, Softball Registration Open For County Parks
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has been notified of the first case of measles diagnosed in 2025 in a Los Angeles County resident that recently traveled through Los Angeles International Airport.
Public Health Confirms Measles Case in Los Angeles County
The hilarious and heartfelt production, "A Couple of Blaguards", is coming to The MAIN from Friday, March 14, to Sunday, March 23, just in time for Saint Patrick’s Day.
March 14:  The Tavern Brawlers Present “A Couple of Blaguards” at The MAIN