Last week we had what some are calling the second worst terror attack on American soil since 9/11. I say “some” because, at the time of this writing, I am still waiting for most of the mainstream, left-leaning media to call it what it is – an attack by extreme religious Muslim terrorists. Period.
What are they waiting for? They had no problem calling it an attack by three white guys in ski masks. Then it was “workplace violence” because one of the shooters supposedly got into a fight with co-workers and then came in on the “spur of the moment,” murdering 14 people and injuring another 21. And then we heard it might have been conservative, gun-toting Christian nutjobs.
All of that speculation was A-OK with little to no information. But when Syed Farook was the first suspect name released, not one of the mainstream morons would say, “Maybe we have a terrorist issue. Maybe they killed in the name of Islam.” Why? Why is it OK to assume it’s always the white, Christian, conservative Republican? Why? Because we don’t behead, kill, stone or throw gay people off of buildings. We don’t walk up to you and shoot you in the head because you can’t recite a verse from the Bible.
Do we have the occasional nutjob? Yes. God, yes. But we come out in numbers to speak against them. Where are the numbers of moderate Muslims speaking out against this?
The PC police have made sure you feel bad, not only about being white, but if you even have a thought about it being a Muslim-backed or Muslim-based terror attack simply because they’re from the Middle East, their name is Mohammed, or they have a Quran, then you’re a “hater” and must be silenced.
As much as the mainstream media were tripping over themselves not to call it a terror attack – even though everything pointed to it – can you imagine what would have happened if, when the police entered the home, they found a Bible and scriptures on the walls? Every station (except Fox News) would have been talking about the Christian terrorists. No doubt in my mind.
To all of you progressive “lefties” who love to blame everything on conservatives, shame on you. You have the blood of 14 innocent murdered people on your hands. You have responsibility for the 21 wounded on your hands.
Two separate individuals, a delivery man and a neighbor, have stated they saw highly suspicious activity going on at the suspects’ residence and didn’t report it. Why? Because you, the PC pinheads, have convinced the weak of mind that they are racists or Islamophobes for even considering it, even when common sense would draw that conclusion.
Shame on you for putting that on them. You blame the NRA president for promoting mass murder and even lump him in with some of the most notorious killers in America, yet you are willing to give a pass to those who say, “We hate Americans,” “We hate what you stand for,” “We hate your way of life, and we will kill you every chance we get.”
You want to give them jobs, places to live, hugs, and love. Do it over there. Go to their country and help them. Show ISIS the love you speak of. Let me know how that works out for you.
Political correctness is a dangerous and deadly thing. Stop it. And stop it now. San Bernardino is a great community. People are just trying to live out the American dream. Look where political correctness got them.
The PC police have the blood of these and many more on their hands. How many times after these mass shootings have people said, “He was odd and sometimes very angry, but I didn’t think it was OK for me to report it.” Really? If you’re on a college campus and you have an “odd duck” and they go from zero to out-of-control in a few seconds, and you believe them to be capable of violence … report them.
What’s really interesting is, there are many on the left who have reported me to some of the organizations I serve on as potentially dangerous to some groups because I don’t fall in line with their beliefs. They have no problem reporting me. They don’t like what I write … they report me. Those same hypocrites come unglued at me for calling out Bruce-Catlin Jenner for getting unearned awards or for calling out the Supreme Court on its rulings. Why? Because what I say might, just might, cause someone else to behave violently, even though I repeatedly say violence is never the answer.
However, even after 14 people were murdered and 21 injured on our soil, even after 150-plus were executed in Paris and others mowed down and blown up in the name of Allah, we still have to choose our words carefully so as not to offend moderate Muslims.
Hypocrites. All of you who think that way are hypocrites.
Equality, my foot. You don’t want equality. You think of yourselves so highly that you believe you get to set the PC standards and the rest should fall in line. That’s not equality. That’s oppression. And I will never just “fall in line.”
Now leftists have another ally in the White House, one who subscribes to using the U.S. Constitution as toilet paper because the only law that matters is what she says is law. Hey, Loretta, here’s your first case to go after. Our U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has said the Department of Justice will prosecute any Muslim bashing. In other words, if you say anything bad about Muslims, the AG might step in. Forget local law enforcement. The AG knows better. And she wants you to call her office directly. What about Christians? Jews? Blacks? The LGBTQ community? Can they also call the DOJ directly and be afforded the same protections?
Mr. President, your true colors are growing brighter and brighter. Your love for those of the Muslim faith and the Muslim community far outweigh your love for America and all Americans. You don’t even try to hide it anymore.
God save America. And yes, Virginia, there is a God, and He’s not Obama.
Joe Messina is host of The Real Side (, a nationally syndicated talk show that runs on AM-1220 KHTS radio and SCVTV [here]. He is also an elected member of the Hart School Board. His commentary publishes Mondays.
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Lauri Bell Fitzsimmons, here he goes again! He has really twisted this one! Lol!!!
This man is seriously disturbed. That’s for sure!
I love this comment.
It would be one thing if he were just one in a string of goofy, uninformed people. But the fact that he sits on the School Board in Santa Clarita is really troubling. He’s already expressed his distaste for the LGBT community, but now for the Muslim community as well. His words can be interpreted as a tacit agreement for violence towards children from these communities. He isn’t just goofy, he’s actually dangerous.
Says the nut that can’t put together a few paragraphs of her own but follows Joe around telling him how wrong he is… get a life
Dear darling Nathan, I don’t “follow Joe around”, I correct his glaring fallacies on his page.
He is not dangerous, people with their head up their ass are dangerous, because they can’t even see any light at all..
I’m wondering if SCVTV would print a piece about how Joe should not be on the school board cause he’s racist? They claim that anybody can write an opinion piece and they will publish it. I say we give it a try!
New pic please.
Seriously tho…why does that goofy ass pic have to be so large? I don’t want to read his nonsense, I sure as hell don’t want to see his face plastered on my screen!
This is a joke right?
Portrait of Joe Messina
Wow, way to go. Insult beavers.
HAHAHAHAH Chris Kasten
Got a picture of you via a selfie, did you?
Sorry Lanna, he’s more sloth than beaver! LOL!
Nothing short of typical Democrat behavior. Insults, with potty humor. Generally, this comes about when they know they’re wrong.
Protip: once you bring god or the fact that you love jesus so much into a conversation any point you make is moot.
At least have the Proper respect God and Jesus, not god and jesus. Capitol G and J please. The creator deserves proper recognition.
Yeah if you believe in fairy tales I guess it does…
I am unfollowing SCVTV. It’s one thing to publish informed, dissenting opinions. It’s another to publish ridiculous, made up, malicious, and uninformed claptrap. If Mr. Messina cared to do any research at all, instead of making things up, he would know that all of the so-called “left” media have called this attack terrorism, and last night, so did the president himself. What Mr. Messina is doing is not an opposing viewpoint. It is seditious libel, verging on treason. Not only that, it is un-Christian, and against the views of the mainstream Republican party. I feel sorry for him and his self-righteousness. He and his anger make me sad. I think the SCV is capable of much more, and SCVTV should set its sights higher, instead of depending upon nutjob click-bait like this editorial. Mr. Messina, read your own scripture, “John 1:17: For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” What you are doing has nothing to do with truth. It’s an embarrassment.
I dont even bother with him at all. Hes no one. Just another talking head. Scvtv isnt that bad,bad.
You’ll be back
This internet thing not working out so well for you?
You should all get your head out of your asses. What he says is true…As far as I could read, he wasn’t making a Bible point. No need to point to verses. He’s saying if this was anyother group, they would all be labeled. Read his words and stop telling him what he said.
Mr. Green, we are sorry you feel that way but thank you for your feedback. Our editorial rules are the same as any newspaper or online news source. We welcome anyone that wants to write an opinion piece to submit and be published. Joe is not related to any of us here and he does not reflect the views of the station. Please feel free to email us with your op-ed at
David Green is an anti American scum. Why don’t you try siding with America? Your response to this article is idiocy. We were attacked by muslim terrorists yet AGAIN.
Hey Dennis, where was all your outrage against non-brown people during all these shootings?
Valeri Estrada and none of those people were doing it in the name of a religion. I call BS.
Notice how the 9-11 attack isn’t on this map? What a load of crap.
See ya ;)
This is what gives scv a bad name.
Right wing, left wing, republican, democrat. This in not god like. This is hate, you should all be ashamed.
Valeri Estrada Such BS.
I know, Nathan. Facts can be so infuriating when they do not align with your very narrow world view.
“To all of you progressive “lefties” who love to blame everything on conservatives, shame on you. You have the blood of 14 innocent murdered people on your hands. You have responsibility for the 21 wounded on your hands.”
Stop trying to blame people you disagree with and put the blame where it belongs. On the shooters.
Excellent so the silly gun control talk can stop…
Unlike this guy I blame the perpetrators when shootings occur.
When it comes to gun control the issue isn’t about one specific shooting, it isn’t about blaming the crime on the gun. It’s about having common sense regulation, not banning all guns. After all, it says right in the second amendment, “A well regulated militia”.
Every time I see his mug in my news feed, I know I’m just a click away from some craziness.
Yet you comment. That will show him.
Got a little crush on Joe, Nate? That’s so cute.
Nathan Imhoff exactly! Irritated someone?
SCTV Santa Clarita, I would really like to know if someone there actually read this before publishing? If this man’s views are representative of this station, and why you would give this guy a platform?
Hes related.
Our editorial rules are the same as any newspaper or online news site, Joe has a right to his opinion and it gets published. We welcome anyone that wants to write an opinion piece to submit and be published. Joe is not related to any of us here and he does not reflect the views of the station. Please feel free to email us your op-ed at if you would like. Thank you.
I don’t know anything about journalism, but there is a sense of integrity that a source of news has to maintain with the general public. Publishing this man’s extreme views destroys that integrity, as you can see from many of these comments. Sure, you probably don’t care about the opinions of a few people, but that’s also taking a gamble that there aren’t more who just aren’t voicing their disappointment. Lets not pretend that there isn’t a line when it comes to publishing someone’s opinion. I can’t imagine you would print an openly racist opinion, or one that supports doing harm to others. Yet that is almost what you’re doing by publishing one that contains language such as, “To all of you progressive “lefties” who love to blame everything on conservatives, shame on you. You have the blood of 14 innocent murdered people on your hands. You have responsibility for the 21 wounded on your hands.” This is an absolutely absurd and inflammatory statement. You can be provocative without printing rubbish and sacrificing the public’s view of your credibility. We live in a polarized time where most national media outlets are warped and biased. Why not be the one to rise above?
Well put Joshua Bushek! Do you think they would print an article about our disdain opinions of Joe? Highly unlikely.
A big smear fest would be pointless and juvenile. I want to see higher standards for our local media if anything. But Joe definitely needs to be taken to task for polluting the social discourse.
Yeah… go tell NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CBS that in reference to liberal slant and opinion-based news. I call BS.
No one is talking about slant. It’s understandable that there will be some bias in all the sources.
What a waste of good hair.
How can you people not see threw this mass propaganda effort by our government?Every single one of the mass shooting are fake this is a highly organized effort to take away the most important amendment the 2nd amendment is the target.If people dont start waking up and start doing your homework you will wake up one day in the new world nazi order.The second amendment states the right to bare arms against foreign or domestic does anyone understand what this means to protect our familys from our government!!That right the people that wrote this amendment did UNDERSTAND we the people needed this to protect ourselves against our government!!Why cant you see what is going on here pay attention!!If you think this not to be true then research for your self and every one better get there heads free from there anal cavities!!This is not some joke Obama’s plan to take down America is working he is destroying America by design and you people think its a big joke Why is this happening maybee because its the end of the world and the great deception has begun!!
Hopefully this idiot does not own a gun. He is unhinged with hate and vitriol.
Oh, I’m sure he does, guys like him have them for compensation.
Hey Joe! Thanks for the reminder that there is a narrow-minded, mean-spirited faction in the SCV. You and Betty.
Clueless. It’s ok for Democrats to have an opinion, but not the other side(s).
I notice many people are disturbed by a comment of a school board member. Everyone can speak out against what he says publicly at board meetings, or even send a message to the district. If you are interested in coming to the next Hart District Board Meeting to say something during public comment, the details are below:
When: Wen. December 9, 2015 @7pm
Where: 21380 Centre Pointe Parkway,Santa Clarita, CA 91350
Thanks, Joe, for having the courage to tell the truth; leftists can’t stand it when they are proved wrong over and over and over.
I swear, I’m losing brain cells every time I read one of these posts
I don’t know why I even bother clicking the link once I see his face
You can’t blame the people who did not report suspicious incidents. It’s not because they would be considered racist either. It’s that the sheriff can do nothing until a crime is committed. Their charter is to investigate crimes and apprehend violators.
Short of changing our entire society, you can’t prevent this sort of thing. You can only try to not be a soft target.
The “Blood on his Hands” comes from Colorado. The GOP/Right made that crazy fool do what he did with their “news” coverage.
1) Real news outlets don’t report conjecture. Maybe Fox News and right wing radio nutjobs are willing to jump to conclusions, but everyone else waits to get the facts from authorities. And immediately after authorities called it an act of terror, Obama condemned it as such.
2) Considering that the overwhelming majority of domestic terrorists are white, male gun-huggers, why isn’t Joe standing up and condemning “his people”?
Easy answer, it wasn’t done in the name of a radical religion.
Are you that much of a lemming to have to wait for the decision from a guy that was elected because of his skin color and looks? LMFAO!
I didn’t read anything that was made up, not sure why some people have a problem with this other than their opinion is obviously different. Suck it up, its still some what of a free country!
We were attacked by muslim terrorist scums yet again. Period.
Oops, a smack in the face of liberal news.
Joe Messina, you are a garbage human and should be relieved of your government position. Someone with such hateful, accusing, bigoted thoughts shouldn’t be in charge of anything.
This is horrible about the DOJ such a high position and abuse of power, can the senate remove her from office? I googled her and it was disgusting and very frightening what I read in many articles.
What I googled: “Is Loretta Lynch a Muslim”
I can’t believe this guy actually gets published.