SCV Sheriff’s Deputy Chris Craft
The Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station has released the Saugus (Zone 4) Public Safety and Crime Prevention Information for March 5-18, 2018.
The following Part I Crimes were reported:
Burglary – 22800 block of Soledad Canyon Road
An unknown suspect shattered the front door to the business and entered. The victim was unsure at the time of the report if anything was stolen.
Burglary – 22000 block of Caceras Street
An unknown suspect stole an Apple laptop, Nikon camera and photography equipment form the victim’s home office. There were no signs of forced entry to the residence.
Vehicle Burglary – 20425 Calhaven Drive
The suspect entered the victim’s unlocked vehicle and stole a wallet. The suspect then used the victim’s credit cards at a store in Woodland Hills.
Grand Theft – 26500 block of Bouquet Canyon Road
An unknown suspect entered the location and stole a wallet from a women’s purse while she was shopping. The suspect then used the victim’s credit cards at various locations in the Santa Clarita Valley.
Grand Theft Auto – Plum Canyon/Heller Circle
The suspect stole the victim’s 1988 Fleetwood motorhome. Deputies were able to locate the stolen motorhome, arrest the suspect and return the victim’s motorhome to him.
Join your Community with the #9PMRoutine
In partnership with the city of Santa Clarita, the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station is joining other public safety agencies across the country to promote the “#9PMRoutine,” a social media campaign to raise awareness and promote safer habits among residents to prevent unnecessary thefts from vehicles, as well as home and car burglaries.
The #9PMRoutine is to remind residents to take crime preventative measures every night by 9 p.m., before they go to bed. Residents are encouraged to set a nightly alarm on their smartphone, watch, or other device to remind them to do the following:
1. Remove valuables (electronic devices, wallets, etc.) from your vehicle.
2. Ensure that vehicle doors and trunks are locked.
3. Check that all house and property exterior doors and garage are locked.
4. Turn on exterior lights.
To join the 9 p.m. Routine and help spread the word to your community, show your 9 p.m. Routine with the hashtag #9PMRoutine and follow the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station and the City of Santa Clarita social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Deputy Chris Craft
Crime Prevention Unit (Zone 4), Saugus
661-255-1121 Ext. 5161
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Crime is increasing in SCV. What’s being done about it?
More people. Once another 100,000 are in the area, crime will go away.