The "Superman" roller coaster, closed for refurbishment since September, will now be closed permanently, said officials of Six Flags Magic Mountain.
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Missing Persons Unit is asking for the public’s help locating At-Risk Missing Juvenile Isabell Ann Lim. She is a 13 year-old female Asian who was last contacted on March 28 at 9:40 a.m. on the 17900 block of River Circle, in the city of Santa Clarita.
1928 - Little dam victim, thought unidentified & buried in SCV, actually ID'd & buried in Chatsworth [ story]
The Sierra Hillbillies Square and Round Dance Club invites you to the National Tartan Day themed Square and Round Dance on Sunday, April 6, 2-4:30 p.m.
The city of Santa Clarita’s Community Emergency Response Team Program is looking for volunteers to act as injured survivors for the Disaster Simulation drill on Friday, May 9, from 6–9 p.m.
The South Coast Air Quality Management District issued an Order for Abatement on Thursday, March 20, requiring Sunshine Canyon Landfill to implement stricter and innovative measures to reduce odors that have been impacting the community.
The Saugus Union School District is seeking nominations for the annual Dr. Joan Lucid Leadership and Service Award.
Registration is open for the city of Santa Clarita's Community Emergency Response Team training class.
The city of Santa Clarita has announced the launch of the second annual Animal Care Grant Program.
In response to Governor Gavin Newsom’s recent executive order removing California Environmental Quality Act requirements for undergrounding utility lines in wildfire-impacted areas of Los Angeles County, California State Senator Suzette Valladares (R-Santa Clarita) has called for this exemption to be applied statewide.
Among several important issues presented at its Tuesday, April 1 regular board meeting, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors will be planning for the establishment of a new county Department for Homelessness Services.
College of the Canyons softball pounded out 13 hits in a shortened 12-4 five-inning win over L.A. Valley College on Tuesday, March 25 to win its second straight conference game.
Assemblywoman Pilar Schiavo, D-Chatsworth, joined a press conference on Thursday, March 27, on the west steps of the state capitol in Sacramento organized by community members from Val Verde, Castaic and the Santa Clarita Valley. The press conference was held to call attention to the growing public health disaster at the Chiquita Canyon Landfill.
1934 - Bouquet Canyon Reservoir, replacement for ill-fated St. Francis Dam & reservoir, begins to fill with water [ story]
Join the Santa Clarita Artists Association on Monday, April 21, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Barnes and Noble, for the SCAA monthly meeting
The county of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation has announced the return of its Spring Parks After Dark season with free family art and cultural activities at 33 park locations, including the Santa Clarita Valley.
Our family has called Santa Clarita home since 1972 and I take great pride in our city’s beautiful paseos, scenic trails and vibrant neighborhoods.
The city of Santa Clarita will be hosting four informational meetings to discuss proposed increases to the Landscape Maintenance District (LMD) assessments for three zones in the Saugus neighborhood, including portions of Canyon Heights Zone T-62, Shadow Hills Zone T-48 and Bouquet Canyon Zone T-44.
The Santa Clarita Artists Association will celebrate its 2025 Spring Art Festival and Sale at Le Chene French Cuisine. Enjoy art in the beautiful gardens at Le Chene on Sunday, April 27, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
The Santa Clarita Artists Association is proud to announce the six outstanding finalists for its 2025 High School Scholarship Awards.
Science Talks and College of the Canyons Canyon Country Campus will present the Star Party and Science Showcase, 6:30-10 p.m. Friday, April 25.
College of the Canyons women's tennis played to a 6-3 home win over L.A. Mission College on Tuesday, March 25 with the Cougars winning five of six singles matches to earn the conference victory.
Science Talks Series will host a Garden Walk at College of the Canyons Canyon Country Campus, 9-11 a.m. Friday, May 2 at the College of the Canyons Canyon Country Campus, 17200 Sierra Highway, Santa Clarita, CA 91351.
REAL NAMES ONLY: All posters must use their real individual or business name. This applies equally to Twitter account holders who use a nickname.
We need water ! Not this stupid train.
We need water ! Not this stupid train.
great –all that money to make what someday might make a good bike path –lol
Good luck with that. Let me know how it works out for you!!
Good luck with that. Let me know how it works out for you!!
And they’re already over budget
Waste of money.
Farmers can’t grow crops. ..citizens can’t water their foliage and are asked to not flush toilets with every use….the state wants to label drinking water bottles bought in stores as ‘ not drought friendly’ if bottled inside the state and put an extra charge on them….but they have water to mix cement. ..LOTS of cement…and billions of $$ to build a crazy train that the fares will be subsidized by taxpayers on top of what we are paying to build this monstrosity. ….destroying communities and schools churches people’s homes …and will be a sitting duck for a terror attack and will cross the San Andreas fault. ..yea….don’t forsee any problems with this top priority project over any water project…
Well said
Heard recently that there’s plenty of water under the SFV, but it needs major treatment, why not divert funds away from this useless project to the one we actually need???
What a waste of money
This is just beyond logic. This state is in desperate need of water storage, treatment and managers of our water that will not waste in the cure. This mis-management goes back to Gov Brown back in the 1970s when he set aside water storage plans back then. This is a travesty for sure.
We all know this is going to end up being twice or three times as much as it was budgeted for. When has a government project come in at budget. These companies doing these projects for the government know they have a blank check. This will be an extreme waste of money when it’s all said and done
And knowing tutor ” change order” it will go over budget crook ya you ron tutor
Cause that’s what we need. How about building a fkin dam?
I will never step foot on this train…because it goes over the San Andreas fault line.
What a waste!!!
We need water, better care for children, the elderly, the homeless, improved mental healthcare etc. not Gov. Moonbeams train!
this is stupid we dont need this
Not a priority!
Our politicians are a bunch of corrupt sell outs. Wasting money on this P.O.S. Direct all monies to water projects and gang removal. Let the friggen train take care of itself privately if its so great.
If there was a need for a high speed railway, some private company would have invested in it. Just like Amtrak, tax payers will wind up subsidizing this money pit. How about funding more job training programs or fixing our roads? I want a train to Vegas!
They should worry about our water problem in California instead of building a high speed rail.
Therefore, the environmental friendly HSR project is now taking massive amounts of water from the people to build Moonbeams legacy, nothing more nothing less. Furthermore, any idea how much water it takes to make one load per truck? Oops, I think I have the answer; they are NOT using drinking or irrigation water. NO THEY ARE USING non-potable water for all parts of the construction process for the legacy RR. Any bets on that will be their answer!
It seems all Sacratomato has to worry about is political correct nonsense items rather than addressing to wit: the massive underfunded deficit, the medical exchanges shortfalls, the seriously flawed HSR fiscal disaster legacy project, oh ya THE BLOODY EXTENDED DROUGHT seems that is not even on the agenda, and the best one yet – drivers for drunk senator’s.
Golly, I guess I have lost prospective and should delete what I just said – I THINK NOT!!! On the other hand, stated another way, “I think not, I think JB should find some leadership in his bucket and delete this project and disperse this monies and forever never dream up something like this until all the money is in the bank.”