1934 - Bouquet Canyon Reservoir, replacement for ill-fated St. Francis Dam & reservoir, begins to fill with water [ story]
The Castaic Union School District (CUSD) Board of Trustees regular meeting will take place Thursday, March 14, at 6:00 p.m., with a closed executive session starting at 5:15 p.m.
The meeting will take place in the Board Room of the District Office, located at District Office 28131 Livingston Avenue Valencia, 91355.
Items on the agenda include bids for Castaic Middle School’s locker room expansion, approval for the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between
XVI.4. Approval of 2019-2020 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between CUSD and the RISE After School Program and Castaic Union School District and RISE After School LLC and approval of the collective bargaining process with the Classified Employee Association (CSEA) Chapter #401.
The full agenda can viewed below:
Regular Meeting of the Governing Board
Castaic Union SD
March 14, 2019 6:00PM
District Office 28131 Livingston Avenue Valencia, CA 91355
The Castaic Union School District, in partnership with the community, provides children with a creative and collaborative learning environment supported by a safe and nurturing atmosphere that creates life-long learners and empowers them to be critical thinkers in a global community. |
Mrs. Stacy Dobbs, President Mr. Fred Malcomb, Clerk Mrs. Mayreen Burk, Member Mrs. Laura Pearson, Member Mr. John Richard, Member Mr. Steve Doyle, Superintendent Mrs. Janene Maxon, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services Ms. Linette Hodson, Chief Business Official Mr. Jaime Garcia, Director of Facilities Ms. Kim Tredick, Director of Student Support Services Mrs. Charmin Ortega, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent |
The President announces in Open Session the items to be discussed in Closed Session, and will ask if there are any public comments regarding closed session items. |
With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to GC Section 54956.8 |
With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to GC Section 54956.9(b)(1) (i.e. potential litigation) |
With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to GC Section 54957 |
With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to GC Section 54957 |
With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to GC Section 54957.6 |
Please be advised that this meeting is being recorded at the direction of the Board and may capture sounds of those attending the meeting. |
State law prevents the Board from acting on any matter not listed on the agenda, or from discussing any such matter in any detail. Speakers who must have submitted their “Advance Request to Address the Board” prior to the start of the meeting, should limit their comments to a maximum of 3 minutes per speaker, 20 minutes per topic, and should only expect the Board to take their comments under advisement for possible future discussion and/or action. |
Unless a Trustee has a question concerning a particular item and asks that it be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar, the consent items are approved with a single motion by the Board of Trustees. |
Charmin Ortega |
See attached. |
Approve item as submitted. |
There is no fiscal impact on the District. |
Minutes |
Wendy Mullins |
See attached. |
Approve item as submitted. |
All positions shown are authorized by the Board and are included in the 2018-2019 budget. |
Personnel Report |
Julia Phippen |
Castaic Elementary School has received a donation of $384.00 from the Los Angeles International Academy for the Winter Exchange Camp. |
Approve item as submitted. |
Donation total: $384.00 |
Julia Phippen |
The second interim budget report is due mid-March to LACOE. This second report provides an updated look at revenues and expenses through January as well as projected totals through the end of the current year and two out years. |
Approve item as submitted. |
Ending fund balances are included in the report. |
2nd Interim Report |
Julia Phippen |
Fund 63.0 is our Enterprise Fund and has been used for the accounting of our Preschool and RISE programs. RISE is preparing to assume the accounting duties for their program and in talking with our accounting consultant, VTD, we have determined our preschool programs can be folded into the General Fund and tracked by resource.
Closing Fund 63 will also allow us to close the Bank of America pass through account maintained solely for this fund. This will eliminate time spent each month and at year end close reconciling Fund 63. |
Approve item as submitted. |
There is no fiscal impact on the District. |
Jaime Garcia |
The District and Colombo Construction Corporation (CCC) have solicited formal and informal bids under Public Contract Code 22002 for the Castaic Middle Locker Room Expansion and Modernization. Submitted for approval are the final contractors for the Locker Room project. |
Approve Item as submitted. |
Felice Schiappa Construction $279,250.00
Midstate Sheet Metal, Inc. $131,300.00
John Pence Building Specialties $22,400.00
Kern Glass & Aluminum $2,444.00$435,394.00 from Measure QS funds. |
Locker Room Expansion Award Recommendation & Bid Re-cap |
Francisco Rodriguez |
The District would like to approve the 2019-2020 MOU with RISE After School to provide before and after school programs for Castaic Elementary, Live Oak Elementary, and Northlake Hills Elementary Schools, as well as a summer program at Castaic Elementary School. This agreement will be effective beginning June 1, 2019 through May 31, 2020. |
Approve item as submitted. |
There is no fiscal impact on the District. |
RISE – Contract
RISE – Scope of Program
RISE – Tuition |
Steve Doyle |
Kindergarten mailers to be sent to 1,390 households with children age 0-5. Open House mailers to be sent to 2,074 households with children age 3-11. Both 6″ x 9″ large postcards. |
Approve item as submitted. |
$2,758.20 from the General Fund. |
Open House Kinder Mailer |
Linette Hodson |
The District looks forward to negotiating the collective bargaining agreement with the Classified School Employee Association (CSEA) Chapter #401 during the 2018-19 school year. Article 19 of the Collective Bargaining agreement outlines the term and process for re-opening the process.
CSEA has asked to re-open Article 2: Duty Hours; Article 3: Salary; Article 4: Employee Benefits; Article 8: Sick Time; Article 10: Vacation Time; Article 13: Rights of Exclusive Representation; and new article: Reclassification.
At this time the District does not intend to open any additional articles.
In the spirit of collaboration, additional articles may be re-opened as mutually agreed upon by both parties, CSUD reserves the right to freely submit alternative proposals with amendments or alterations to the aforementioned articles. |
Approve item as submitted. |
None at this time. |
2018-19 District Re-Opener Proposal |
Steve Doyle |
It is recommended to adopt the calendar for the 2020-2021 school year. The draft of the calendar is attached. |
Approve item as submitted. |
There is no fiscal impact on the District. |
2020-2021 District Calendar – Draft |
Steve Doyle |
It is recommended to adopt the calendar for the 2021-2022 school year. The draft of the calendar is attached. |
Approve item as submitted. |
There is no fiscal impact on the District. |
2021-2022 District Calendar – Draft |
Steve Doyle |
Nominations for representatives to the CSBA Delegate Assembly are being accepted through March 15, 2019.
The Board may vote up to the number of vacancies in the region as indicated on the ballot. Regardless of the number of vacancies, each Board may cast no more than one vote for any one candidate. (The ballot also contains a provision for write-in candidate; their name and district must be clearly printed in the space provided). Election results and the names of all Delegates will be available on CSBA’s website no later than Monday, April 1. |
Determine whether vote shall be made. |
There is no fiscal impact on the District. |
CSBA 2019 Delegate Assembly Election |
Linette Hodson |
Los Angeles County Office of Education is concerned that, if this deficit spending continues as projected, it will adversely affect the District’s ability to meet its reserve requirement in future years. Therefore, we request that the District address deficit spending in a Board-approved Fiscal Stabilization Plan to be submitted with its 2018-19 Second Interim Report, due to our office by March 18, 2019. |
Approve Resolution as submitted. |
There is no fiscal impact on the District; for recording purposes only. |
Maintain 5% Reserve Stabilization Plan |
Jaime Garcia |
The District has obtained insurance coverage through Joint Powers Authority (JPA) serving schools within the Santa Clarita and Antelope Valleys. The District has been working with SIRMA I covering workers compensation and SIRMA II covering property and liability. Preliminary notices to withdraw were issued to each JPA with a notice to withdraw to be provided by April 1, 2019. This resolution will provide Board action to issue the withdrawal notices while the District continues to review proposals from vendors for these services. |
Due to the nature of language in by-laws and ability to obtain quotes, it is very difficult for vendors to issue pricing for a proposal to be submitted with the intent to withdraw. |
Approve Resolution as submitted. |
Potential savings for the District. |
Reso 19 – SIRMA I and II Withdrawal |
Steve Doyle |
We are adopting this resolution due to the requirements of BP 5113 – Absences and Excuses, which is up for adoption on tonight’s Agenda. This policy is in accordance with Education Code 46014 which requires a Board resolution allowing students’ absences for participation in religious exercises or instruction. |
Adopt Resolution as submitted. |
There is no fiscal impact on the District. |
Reso 20 – Absences for Religious Purposes |
Steve Doyle |
This regulation is being updated to clarify that the Parent Advisory Committee and English Learner Parent Advisory Committee established to review and comment on the LCAP are not subject to Brown Act requirements, but must comply with other, less complex procedural requirements. Legal cites for school site councils are revised pursuant to NEW LAW (AB 716). |
Adopt revised Administrative Regulation. |
There is no fiscal impact on the District. |
AR 1220 – Citizen Advisory Committees |
Linette Hodson |
The contents of this policy and regulation are being deleted since they are severely outdated. The policy is being updated to reflect NEW LAW (SB 751) which provides that, if the amount of monies in the state Public School System Stabilization Account is 3 percent or more of the combined total of General Fund revenues appropriated for school districts and allocated local proceeds of taxes, the District’s combined assigned or unassigned ending General Fund balance must not exceed 10 percent of those funds in the immediately following fiscal year, unless the District is a basic aid district, is a district with average daily attendance of 2,500 or less, or is exempted by the County Superintendent of Schools under extraordinary fiscal circumstances.
The regulation is being updated to reflect the current CSBA requirements. |
Adopt new Board Policy and Administrative Regulation. |
There is no fiscal impact on the District. |
BP/AR 3100 – Budget |
Steve Doyle |
We are adding this new policy and regulation, which includes material formerly in BP/AR 3311 – Bids, pertaining to requirements of the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (UPCCAA). The policy also adds a prohibition against splitting a project or purchase into smaller work orders in order to evade requirements for competitive bidding, and legal authority to suspend the UPCCAA bidding process for the replacement or repair of a school facility in cases of emergency. The regulation also clarifies the requirement to disseminate the bid notice to the District’s list of contractors.
The regulation has been updated to reflect NEW LAW (AB 2249) which revises the threshold amounts that determine the process that may be used to award contracts for public works. It also is being revised to clarify requirements for informal bid notifications that must be sent to contractors and/or construction journals. |
Adopt new Board Policy and Administrative Regulation. |
There is no fiscal impact on the District. |
BP/AR 3311.1 – UPC Cost Acct. Procedures |
Steve Doyle |
This regulation is being updated to reflect NEW LAW (AB 2160) which eliminates the exemption of part-time playground positions from the classified service in merit system districts, thereby making those positions part of the classified service. It also reflects NEW LAW (AB 2261) which eliminates the exemption from the classified service, in merit system districts, of community representatives employed in advisory or consulting capacities for not more than 90 working days per fiscal year. Paragraph moved to emphasize that employees in either merit or non-merit system districts who are exempted from the classified service must fulfill obligations related to physical examinations, fingerprinting, and tuberculosis tests. |
Adopt revised Administrative Regulation. |
There is no fiscal impact on the District. |
AR 4200 – Classified Personnel |
Steve Doyle |
The contents of this policy and regulation are being deleted since they are severely outdated. The policy is being updated to reflect the requirement for a Board resolution approving reasonable methods by which students can verify absences due to illness or quarantine. It also deletes the section on “Effect of Absence on Grades/Credits,” as that material is covered in BP/AR 5121 – Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement and BP 6154 – Homework/Makeup Work.
This regulation is being updated to reflect NEW LAW (1593, 2016) which provides that a student’s attendance at his/her own naturalization ceremony constitutes an excused absence. It also includes parent notification requirement formerly in the BP, and adds notifications that a student may be excused for religious exercises or instruction and that a student’s grade will not be lowered following an excused absence provided that missed schoolwork is completed within a reasonable period of time. The regulation reflects NEW LAW (AB 2289) which (1) amends the definition of “immediate family” for the purpose of authorizing certain excused absences, (2) prohibits a district from requiring a physician’s note for an absence by a parenting student to care for a sick child, and (3) clarifies that students may be excused from school, under specified conditions, for work in the entertainment or allied industry, participation with a nonprofit performing arts organization in a performance for a public school audience, or other reasons at the discretion of school administrators. |
Adopt new Board Policy and Administrative Regulation. |
There is no fiscal impact on the District. |
BP/AR 5113 – Absences and Excuses |
Steve Doyle |
This policy is being updated to reflect NEW LAW (AB 2657) which prohibits seclusion and behavioral restraint of students as a means of discipline, and to encourage staff development regarding equitable implementation of discipline.
The regulation is being updated to revise the section on “Detention After School” to more directly reflect state regulations and delete a specific timeline for advance notice to parents/guardians of a student’s detention. |
Adopt revised Board Policy and Administrative Regulation. |
There is no fiscal impact on the District. |
BP/AR 5144 – Discipline |
Steve Doyle |
We are deleting the contents of this policy and regulation since they have never been updated, the title has changed, and it is referenced in recently adopted Board policies. CSBA has updated the policy and regulation to reflect requirements for parent involvement in schools receiving Title I, Part A funding, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act, including expanding activities to include engagement of family members. The policy also reflects parent involvement as a state priority that must be addressed in the District LCAP. |
Adopt new Board Policy and Administrative Regulation. |
There is no fiscal impact on the District. |
BP/AR 6020 – Parent/Guardian Involvement |
Steve Doyle |
In updating our Board Policies manual, we found that this regulation no longer exists in CSBA. Therefore, we are deleting it from our files. |
Delete this Administrative Regulation. |
There is no fiscal impact on the District. |
AR 6162.5 – Student Assessment |
Linette Hodson |
The California Government Code 3547 requires that the initial proposals of both a Union and a Board of Trustees be “sunshined” at public meetings, that a public hearing be held at a subsequent meeting to allow for public comment on each proposal, and that a board publicly acknowledge receipt of the proposal from the Union. After the public hearing, this item is that final step in the process for the Union’s proposal. |
Announce receipt and “Sunshine” Initial proposal from the CSEA. |
No direct impact from this action separate from the overall impact of the collective bargaining process. |
CSEA Initial Proposal “Sunshined” |
Laura Pearson |
Mrs. Pearson asked that this item is discussed and considered as she believes touch screens may be easier on the staff. |
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, disability-related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to participate in the public meetings of the District’s governing board, please contact the office of the District Superintendent at (661) 257-4500 ext. 1500. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accommodations and accessibility to this meeting. Upon request, the District shall also make available this agenda and all other public records associated with this meeting in appropriate alternative formats for persons with a disability. |
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