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The next regular meeting of the William S. Hart Union High School District Governing Board is set for Wednesday, Sept. 4, with an open session beginning at 7 p.m.

In a closed session starting at 6 p.m., board members will review personnel settlements and potential legal cases, and confer with labor negotiators with the Hart District Teachers Association and the California School Employees Association.

In the regular meeting, board members may move to appoint Jonathan Waymire to the Measure SA Citizens’ Oversight Committee as the representative of a business organization. Waymire’s appointment was recommended by the three-member ad-hoc committee that reviewed applications for the post.

The Sept. 4 meetings will take place at the Administrative Center, located at 21380 Centre Pointe Parkway, Santa Clarita 91350.

The full Sept. 4 agenda can be viewed below:

I. Call to Order
I.A. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum
II. First Closed Session
II.A. Public Comments for Closed Session Items

Quick Summary / Abstract:
A member of the audience may address the Board on items listed in Closed Session by completing a Speaker Card. Please use the microphone and state your name and location of residence. No action will be taken at this time, and the Board President will limit comment time to 2 (two) minutes. If you wish to speak regarding an item not appearing on the Closed Session agenda, please make your comments during the Public Session (see below).
II.B. First Closed Session Items
II.B.1. Settlement Agreement No. 19/20-02SE (per Government Code Section 54956.9)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Action to be taken on Settlement Agreement No. 19/20-02SE.  Documentation is confidential and maintained in District files.
II.B.2. Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation (per Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4)) – one potential case

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Conference with legal counsel regarding possible initiation of litigation.
II.B.3. Public Employee Appointment/Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reassignment/Non-reelection (per Government Code Section 54957)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Public employee appointment/discipline/dismissal/release/reassignment/non-reelection.
II.B.4. Conference with Labor Negotiator: Michael Vierra – Negotiations with Hart District Teachers Association (per Government Code Section 54957.6)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Negotiations with Hart District Teachers Association.
II.B.5. Conference with Labor Negotiator: Michael Vierra – Negotiations with California School Employees Association Chapter 349 (per Government Code Section 54957.6) 

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Negotiations with California School Employees Association.
II.C. Reconvene to Public Session
III. Organization
III.A. Report of First Closed Session Action
III.B. Re-Establishment of Quorum
III.C. Pledge of Allegiance
III.D. Approval of Agenda
III.E. Approval of Minutes

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 21, 2019, presented for approval.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 21, 2019.
Minutes – Regular Meeting – August 21, 2019
IV. Recognitions by Board
V. Communications
V.A. Board Member Reports
V.B. Employee Association Leadership
V.B.1. Hart District Teachers Association (HDTA) President John Minkus
V.B.2. California School Employees Association (CSEA) Chapter 349 President Kathy Hefferon
V.C. School Site Report – La Mesa Junior High School

Mike Kuhlman, Deputy Superintendent
Quick Summary / Abstract:
La Mesa Junior High School Principal Michele Krantz will give a presentation on the unique ways the school is working to increase family engagement.
La Mesa Presentation
VI. Special Items
VI.A. Appointment of Measure SA Citizens’ Oversight Committee Member

Collyn Nielsen, Chief Administrative Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Recommendation for appointment to the Measure SA Citizens’ Oversight Committee.
The ad hoc committee, comprised of Board members Mrs. Linda Storli and Mr. Joe Messina, Superintendent Engbrecht, and a member of the public, Mr. Carl Goldman, assigned to review applications for the Measure SA Citizens’ Oversight Committee, is recommending appointment of Mr. Jonathan Waymire to the committee as the representative of a business organization.
Recommended Motion:
Appoint Mr. Jonathan Waymire to the Measure SA Citizens’ Oversight Committee.
VII. Public Comments

Quick Summary / Abstract:
If you wish to address the Governing Board on a topic within the subject matter of its jurisdiction, please complete the Request to Address the Board form and return it to the Secretary to the Board prior to the beginning of the item. Comments regarding the Consent Calendar will be taken during Public Comments. Please use the microphone and state your name and location of residence. No action will be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda, and the Board President will limit your comments to 2 (two) minutes. The President may limit public comment time based on the number of persons who wish to speak.  If you wish to speak regarding an item that appears on the agenda, you will be called upon to make your comments at the time the item is discussed by the Board.
VIII. Discussion Items
VIII.A. Golden Oak Adult School Update

Mike Kuhlman, Deputy Superintendent
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Golden Oak Adult School Principal Jodie Hoffman will give an update on the school, including this year’s course offerings.
IX. Action Items
IX.A. Resolution No. 19/20-3 – Gann Limit Adoption

Ralph Peschek, Chief Financial Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Resolution No. 19/20-3 adopts the District’s Gann Limit establishing an appropriations limit in accordance with Article XIII-B of the California Constitution.
In 1979, voters enacted Proposition 4 limiting growth in government spending to no more than the growth in population and inflation.  This spending limit, commonly referred to as the “Gann Limit” after the initiative’s author, Paul Gann, applies not only to the State of California, but also to cities, counties, special districts, school districts, and county offices of education.  The revenues subject to the Gann Limit are limited to state and local tax sources.  Federal aid and non-tax income (e.g. cafeteria sales and adult education fees) are excluded from the calculation.

To calculate the Gann limit, the base year (1978/79) appropriation limit has been increased annually for both inflation, as measured by the annual percentage change in California per capita personal income, and population, as measured by the annual change in average daily attendance (ADA).  All calculations (see attached) have been prepared in accordance with applicable constitutional and statutory law as provided for by the California Department of Education SACS Form GANN.  The District’s Gann Limit for 2018/19 ($127,105,763.17) and the estimated limit for 2019/20 ($132,025,734.92) do not exceed the limitations imposed by Proposition 4.

Therefore, staff requests the Governing Board adopt Resolution No. 19/20-3 declaring that the District’s budget appropriations in the 2018/19 and 2019/20 fiscal years do not exceed the limitations imposed by Proposition 4.

Recommended Motion:
Adopt Resolution No. 19/20-3 declaring that the District’s budget appropriations for the 2018/19 and 2019/20 fiscal years do not exceed the limitations imposed by Proposition 4.
Resolution No. 19_20-3 Gann Limit
IX.B. Resolution No. 19/20-4 – Certification of 2018/19 Unaudited Actuals Financial Report

Ralph Peschek, Chief Financial Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Resolution No. 19/20-4 certifies the 2018/19 Unaudited Actuals Financial Report, as required by California Education Code Section 42100, and appropriates differences between estimated year-end balances and unaudited year-end balances to the ending fund balance for each fund.
Annually, the District prepares a closing report of the budget for the prior fiscal year. This document reflects actual revenues and expenditures for the entire twelve months of operation, including accruals. The report is mandated and must first be accepted by the Board and then submitted to the Los Angeles County Office of Education.

At the time that the District develops its annual budget, the ending balance for the prior fiscal year is estimated based upon prior year patterns of spending, current legislation and established time lines. This estimate is truly just that: an estimate. By year-end, when actual goods and services are received, and revenues earned, these figures can change. However, the importance of the unaudited actuals are two-fold. First, it establishes the actual ending balance of the prior fiscal year, which then becomes the beginning balance of the current fiscal year. Second, it finalizes the actual revenues and expenditures of the prior fiscal year. These figures will change only if there is an audit adjustment as a result of the annual financial audit.

Recommended Motion:
Adopt Resolution No. 19/20-4 certifying the unaudited actuals report for the 2018/2019 school year, as presented.
2018-19 Fund Summary Reconciliation
2018-19 Unaudited Actuals
Resolution No 19_20-4 Certification Unaudited Actuals
IX.C. Resolution No. 19/20-5 – Authorizing the Superintendent to Establish Fund 10 for Special Education Local Plan Area Pass-Through Revenues

Ralph Peschek, Chief Financial Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Resolution No. 19/20-5 will authorize the William S. Hart Union High School District to establish Fund 10 for Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) pass-through revenues outside the general fund.
Recommended Motion:
Adopt Resolution No. 19/20-5 to establish Fund 10 for Special Education Local Plan Area plan pass-through revenues.
Resolution No 19_20-5 Fund 10 SELPA
X. Consent Calendar — Sept. 4

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Unless a Board Member has a question concerning a particular item and asks that it be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar, the Governing Board approves all the items at one time.
X.A. Consent Calendar-Removal of Items
X.B. Consent Calendar-Personnel
X.B.1. Personnel Report No. 19/20-4

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Personnel Report No. 19/20-4 regarding certificated, non-certificated, classified and non-classified employees is presented for approval.
Recommended Motion:
Approve Personnel Report No. 19/20-4.
19/20 -4 Personnel Report
X.C. Sept. 4 Consent Calendar-Curriculum/Instruction
X.C.1. Authorization to Attend Out-of-State Events – Administrative Center, Castaic High School, and Arroyo Seco Junior High School

Mike Kuhlman, Deputy Superintendent
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A program specialist in Special Education, the librarian at Castaic High School, and two teachers at Arroyo Seco Junior High School are requesting authorization to travel outside the state.
Wesley Hester, a program specialist in Special Education, is requesting authorization to travel to the following locations to make mandated visits that will complete a program review based on California Department of Education guidelines:  Salt Lake City, Utah, 9/29-10/1/2019; Orlando, Florida, Paula and Wichita, Kansas, 10/27-30/2019; and Houston, Texas, 11/17-19/2019.

Lori Hermelin, the librarian at Castaic High School, is requesting authorization to attend the American Association of School Librarians National Conference being held in Louisville, Kentucky, 11/14-16/2019.

Melanie Crawford and Jessica Meraz are requesting authorization to attend the Annual Conference for Middle Level Education in Nashville, Tennessee, on 11/6-9/2019.

Financial Impact:
 All expenses for Wesley Hester’s travel to Salt Lake City, Utah, Orlando, Florida, Paula and Wichita, Kansas, and Houston, Texas, will be paid from the Special Education budget.

All travel, food, and lodging expenses for Lori Hermelin’s trip to Louisville, Kentucky, will be covered by the Hart District Teachers Association, and the three days of substitute coverage will be paid from the Castaic High School Formula Account.

All travel, food, and lodging expenses for Melanie Crawford’s and Jessica Meraz’s trip to Nashville, Tennessee, will be covered by the Hart District Teachers Association, and their six days of substitute coverage will be paid from the Arroyo Seco Junior High School Formula Account.

Recommended Motion:
Authorize Wesley Hester’s visits to students in nonpublic schools in Salt Lake City, Utah, 9/29-10/1/2019;  Orlando, Florida, Paula and Wichita, Kansas, 10/27-30/2019; and, Houston, Texas, 11/17-19/2019.

Authorize Lori Hermelin’s attendance at the American Association of School Librarians National Conference, in Louisville, Kentucky, 11/14-16/2019.

Authorize Melanie Crawford’s and Jessica Meraz’s attendance at the Annual Conference for Middle Level Education in Nashville, Tennessee, 11/6-9/2019.

X.C.2. Requests for Overnight/Out-of-State Trips – Hart High, Saugus High, Valencia High, and Rio Norte Junior High Schools

Vicki Engbrecht, Superintendent
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve overnight/out-of-state student trip requests from Hart High School (Hart Regiment), Saugus High School (Yearbook), Valencia High School (Vocal Jazz, Softball), and Rio Norte Junior High School (Vocal Jazz).
The submitted trip requests have been reviewed and meet all requirements established by Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3541.1.  The trip requests signed by Hart High School Principal Jason d’Autremont, Saugus High School Principal Vince Ferry, Valencia High School Principal Steve Ford, and Rio Norte Junior High School Principal Audrey Asplund are attached.
Recommended Sept. 4 Motion:
Approve trips: HHS Hart Regiment, Pleasanton, 10/18-20/19; SHS Yearbook, Orange, 9/20-22/19; VHS Vocal Jazz, San Luis Obispo,11/7-9/19; VHS Softball, Laughlin, NV, 3/4-8/19; RNJHS Vocal Jazz, San Luis Obispo, 11/7-9/19.
Trip Approvals for 9-4-19 Board Meeting
X.C.3. 2019/20 Preliminary Title I Allocations by School Site

Jan Daisher, Director of Special Programs and Staff Development
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve and authorize the preliminary Title I allocations by school site for fiscal year 2019/20.
Title I, Part A is a federal program to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach, at minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and assessments.

On June 12, 2019, the Board approved the William S. Hart Union High School District’s Consolidated Application submitted to the California Department of Education for the District to receive Title I funds.  Preliminary allocations have been issued by the federal government pending federal budget approval. The attached chart lists the preliminary 2019/20 site allocations.

Recommended Sept. 4 Motion:
Approve and authorize the submission of the preliminary Title I allocations for funding schoolwide programs, fiscal year 2019/20.
Preliminary Title I Allocations by Site 2019/20
X.C.4. CodeHS, Inc., Master Service Agreement (Hart High School)

Jan Daisher, Director of Special Programs and Professional Development
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Goal 2.5 of the Hart High School 2019/20 Title I School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) provides for academic technology programs for teachers in need of supporting at-risk students in the classroom.
CodeHS will provide a computer science software license to supplement classroom lessons. Studies show that additional technological support can benefit students and teachers in accessing programs that enhance learning.  Using CodeHS will help students develop problem-solving and logical-thinking skills with an engaging, ready-to-use web-based curriculum.  It also includes professional development, tools, support, and training for new computer science teachers.
Financial Impact:
$7,300.00 to be paid from 2019/20 Title I Goal 2.5 funds.
Recommended Motion:
Ratify the Master Service Agreement with CodeHS, Inc.
Code HS 1 Year Agreement
X.C.5. Service Agreement with LoveSCV (Canyon High School)

Jan Daisher, Director of Special Programs and Professional Development
Quick Summary / Abstract:
LoveSCV will coordinate and staff a parent resource center at Canyon High School.
Goal 1.4 of the Canyon High School 2019/20 Title I School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) creates a parent resource center on campus to provide families with access to computers, workshops, presentations, resources, and immediate living supplies and food needs to support their child’s education.  Results of a school-wide comprehensive needs assessment revealed a significant number of low-income families, homeless students, and foster youth with many barriers to educational success.  These families often lack access to technology in their homes, especially computers, printers, and access to the internet. Therefore, parents also lack the ability and knowledge of how to support their students academically without the necessary resources and prior educational experience themselves.
Financial Impact:
LoveSCV will be paid a total of 15 hours per week at a rate of $33.00 per hour, not to exceed $20,000.00 per fiscal year, from 2019/20 Title I, Goal 1.4 funds.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the contract with LoveSCV for coordination and staffing of a parent resource center at Canyon High School.
Service Agreement with LoveSCV
X.C.6. Service Agreement with ALR Coordinated Resource Support Services (Golden Valley High School)

Jan Daisher, Director of Special Programs and Professional Development
Quick Summary / Abstract:
ALR Coordinated Resource Support Services will coordinate and staff the parent resource center at Golden Valley High School.
Goal 1.6 of the Golden Valley High School 2019/20 Title I School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) supports the operation of the Parent Awareness Workshops and Support (PAWS) Center in providing services to parents and students in achievement, connection to school, and communication.
Financial Impact:
ALR Coordinated Resource Support Services will be paid a total of 15 hours per week at a rate of $40.00 per hour, not to exceed $22,900.00 per fiscal year from Title 1, Goal 1.6 funds.
Recommended Motion:
Ratify the service agreement with ALR Coordinated Resource Support Services for coordination and staffing the parent resource center at Golden Valley High School.
ALR Coordinated Resource Support Service
X.C.7. Service Agreement with Jacob Olsen

Jan Daisher, Director of Special Programs and Professional Development
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Jacob Olsen will present two 3-hour professional development sessions on 9/26/19 to school counselors on the topic of developing the foundation component of a comprehensive school counseling program.
To develop Part 2 of the foundation component of a comprehensive school counseling program, aligned with the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model, the professional development will focus on using data to write program goals.  This process will identify specific data to collect and review, identify program strengths and areas in need of improvement, and use data to develop program goals to accomplish the District’s counseling department vision and mission.
Financial Impact:
$1,574.64 to be paid from Title IV, Part 1.
Recommended Sept. 4 Motion:
Approve the service agreement with Jacob Olsen for professional development.
Jacob Olsen Service Agreement
X.C.8. Service Agreement with Rebecca Pianta

Jan Daisher, Director of Special Programs and Professional Development
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Rebecca Pianta will present two 2-hour professional development sessions to school counselors on the topic of culturally responsive practices to address disproportionate discipline and support of all students.
Counselors will learn about their role in addressing equity and disproportionality, and implicit bias and how it impacts student and adult interactions.  Counselors will also learn practical strategies to use school-wide data to identify trends in discipline practices, find underserved student populations, and review culturally responsive interventions.  Participants will be empowered to advocate for equitable treatment of all students and provide culturally responsive supports to meet student needs.
Financial Impact:
$1,611.12 to be paid from Title IV, Part 1 funds.
Recommended Sept. 4 Motion:
Approve the service agreement with Rebecca Pianta for professional development.
Service Agreement with Rebecca Pianta
X.C.9. IXL Learning Contract Renewal

Jan Daisher, Director of Special Programs and Professional Development
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A renewal contract for three years of IXL Learning service is presented for approval.
The IXL online computer program is used in the after-school and parallel support intervention classes in both math and English to provide students with a skills-based personalized learning curriculum.  Students develop skills in areas where they have struggled academically, and continue to grow in their abilities.  Teachers monitor individual student progress, and run data analytics to determine instructional strategies based on student growth.
Financial Impact:
$43,740 covers the three year renewal period to be paid from intervention funds under LCAP 2.1.

$21,870 (50%) year 1, due 10/18/19

$10,935 (25%) year 2, due 10/18/20

$10,935 (25%) year 3, due 10/18/21

Recommended Sept. 4 Motion:
Approve the three year contract service renewal with IXL Learning.
IXL 3 Year Contract Service Renewal
X.C.10. Course Offerings for Golden Oak Adult School 2019/20

Mariane Doyle, PhD, Director of Career Technical Education
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Golden Oak Adult School courses for the 2019/20 school year are submitted for approval.
The A22 is California’s online method of submitting courses for approval by the California Department of Education (CDE). Golden Oak Adult School must submit courses for approval online annually and all courses must be approved by the CDE. The CDE reviews the request and provides electronic certification of course approval within 20 working days of receiving the request. Golden Oak Adult School submitted 31 course titles for approval to CDE for the 2019/20 school year. The list of courses submitted for approval is attached.
Recommended Sept. 4 Motion:
Approve Golden Oak Adult School offerings for the 2019/20 school year.
California Adult Education 1029/20 Course Approval
X.C.11. Appointment of Career Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Committee

Mariane Doyle, PhD, Director of Career Technical Education
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Appointment of a Career Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Committee is requested.
The Career and College Readiness Collaborative was formed on December 4, 2014, and has been a thriving component of the Hart District’s Career Technical and Adult Education programs.  Comprised of partners in business, industry, government, and community and inclusive of parents and students participating in our programs, the Collaborative has provided immeasurable support to the development and maintenance of career technical programs for junior high, high school, and adult students.
Recommended Sept. 4 Motion:
As per federal Perkins requirements, we request that the board formally appoint the Career and College Readiness Collaborative as the District Career Technical Education Advisory Committee.
X.D. Consent Calendar-Business Services
X.D.1. Ratification of Agreement with Pear Deck Student Engagement Software

Ralph Peschek, Chief Financial Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A licensing agreement between the William S. Hart Union High School District and Pear Deck, Inc., for student engagement software effective July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020, is presented for ratification.
Pear Deck is an application that allows students to interact with a slideshow.  Instead of just static, informational sides, teachers can make interactive slides that let every student participate in questions or prompts right from their own devices. It allows for formative assessments and higher engagement.
Financial Impact:
$1,000 paid by the Arroyo Seco Junior High School formula account.
Recommended Sept. 4 Motion:
Ratify the licensing agreement between the William S. Hart Union High School District and Pear Deck, Inc., for student engagement software effective July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020.
2019 Pear Deck agreement
X.D.2. Ratification of Contracts for Associated Student Body Activities

Leigh Hansen, Director of Purchasing and Warehouse
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Ratification of the contracts issued between July 1, 2019, and August 26, 2019 for Associated Student Body activities.
The District employs best practices with all Associated Student Body (ASB) activities and implements contracts that indemnify the District for all ASB events and field trips. The contracts require the vendors to comply with general liability, auto liability, and workers compensation liability insurance requirements, and to complete criminal background check requirements per Education Code 45125.1.

The District issued the following contracts for ASB activities or field trips between July 1, 2019, and August 26, 2019, at multiple school sites for activities including, but not limited to field trips, back-to-school events, school dances, and portrait/yearbook agreements.


Name of Vendor


Contract amt.

AS Pledgestar Clash for Cash Fundraiser/ 08-01-19 50% of proceed
AS Valley Trails Ranch ASB Field Trip/ 08-05-19 $2,200.00
AS Lifetouch Portrait Agreement/ 8-06-19 N/A
AS PMMnP Back to School Dance/ 9-13-19 $2,669.00
LM Lifetouch Portrait Agreement/ 8-05-19 N/A
LM Velocity Fundraising Step It Up Funraiser/9-9-19,11-5-19 30-60% of proceed
PL Outdoor Movies By You Back to School Movie Night/8-23-19 $690.91
PL Lifetouch Portrait Agreement/ 8-05-19 N/A
PL Fulcrum Learning Center ASB Field Trip/ 9-10-19 $4,200
PL Velocity Fundraising Step It Up Fundraiser/9-17-19,11-5-19 30-60% of proceed
RN Lifetouch Portrait Agreement/ 8-05-19 N/A
RN Jostens Yearbook Agreement/ 8-01-19 N/A
SV Lifetouch Portrait Agreement/ 8-06-19 N/A
SV McCarty BMX Fall Assembly/ 8-16-19 $1,547.00
AOC SOS Entertainment Back to School Dance/ 8-30-19 $675.00
CA Lifetouch Portrait Agreement/ 8-01-19 N/A
CA Pegleg Entertainment Back to School Dance/ 8-17-19 $15,000.00
CA Pegleg Entertainment Homecoming Dance/ 9-21-19 $24,000.00
CA Pegleg Entertainment Winter Formal/ 2-08-20 $20,000.00
CA Pegleg Entertainment Prom/ 4-18-20 Based on ticket sales
GV SOS Entertainment Back to School Dance/ 8-23-19 $3,675.00
GV SOS Entertainment Prom 2020/ 4-25-20 $47,500 + t/s
HA Pegleg Entertainment Winter Formal/ 2-01-20 $20,000.00
HA Pegleg Entertainment Prom 2020/ 4-18-20 $56,970 + t/s
SA Lifetouch Portrait Agreement/ 8-01-19 N/A
SA Pegleg Entertainment Back to Battle Dance/ 8-16-19 $5,000.00
SA Pegleg Entertainment Homecoming Dance/ 9-7-19 $36,000.00
SA Pegleg Entertainment Dance/ 11-16-19 $15,000.00
SA Pegleg Entertainment Winter Formal/ 2-08-20 $20,000.00
VA Pegleg Entertainment Back to School Dance/ 8-16-19 $21,500.00
VA Pegleg Entertainment Homecoming Dance/ 9-21-19 $15,000.00
VA Pegleg Entertainment Winter Formal/ 2-01-20 $15,000.00
VA Jostens Yearbook Agreement/ 8-01-19 N/A
VA Lifetouch Portrait Agreement/ 8-01-19 N/A
VA Scott Backovich Communications ASB Training/ 9-04-19 $3,000.00
WR Teen Truth Leadership Summit/8-2-19,1-21-20 $4,500.00
WR Lifetouch Portrait Agreement/ 8-05-19 N/A
WR The Habit Truck Back to School BBQ/ 8-23-19 $1,725.24
WR The Habit Truck Back to School BBQ/ 8-23-19 $1,725.24
WR Kona Ice Back to School/ 9-17-19 N/A
WR Adventures America Grad Night/ 5-29-20 N/A
WR Pegleg Entertainment Homecoming Rally/ 9-13-19 $20,000.00
WR Pegleg Entertainment Homecoming Dance/ 9-14-19 $20,000.00
WR Kona Ice College Fair/ 9-17-19 N/A
WR The Habit Truck College Fair/ 9-17-19 N/A
WR Pegleg Entertainment Winter Rally/ 2-7-20 $20,000.00
WR Pegleg Entertainment Winter Dance/ 2-8-20 $20,000.00
WR Pegleg Entertainment Prom 2020/ 4-25-20 $48,170.00 + t/s
Recommended Sept. 4 Motion:
Ratify the Associated Student Body contracts issued between July 1, 2019, and August 26, 2019.
X.D.3. Acceptance of Donations

Ralph Peschek, Chief Financial Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Donations are presented for Governing Board approval.
SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union donated $600 to Academy of the Canyons for student scholarships.

The Michael Bullock family donated $1000 to Academy of the Canyons for student scholarships.

Academy of the Canyons parents donated $700 to Academy of the Canyons for student scholarships.

Josten’s donated $500 to Canyon High School for student scholarships.

The Michelle Briones family donated $300 to Canyon High School for student scholarships.

The Canyon High School Associated Student Body donated $800 for student scholarships.

Recommended Motion:
Accept the donations from SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union, the Michael Bullock family, Academy of the Canyons parents, Josten’s, the Michelle Briones family, and the Canyon High School Associated Student Body.
X.D.4. Disposition of Surplus/Obsolete Equipment

Leigh Hansen, Director of Purchasing and Warehouse
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Authorization is requested for the disposition of surplus/obsolete equipment.
Pursuant to California Education Code Section 17545(b), the value of the following equipment will be sold through public auction, and if not sold, disposed of as surplus/obsolete equipment pursuant to Education Code Section 17545 (b).

1. Heidelberg TO/M printing press (QTY 1, Golden Valley High School)

2. Heidelberg TO/K printing press (QTY 1, Golden Valley High School)

3. TOKO 1319EI duplicator press (QTY 1, Golden Valley High School)

4. RYOBI 512 2/C printing press (QTY 1, Golden Valley High School)

5. BAUM UltraFold ULT paper folder (QTY 1, Golden Valley High School)

6. DUPLO DBM-120 (QTY 1, Golden Valley High School)

7. Mitsubishi/ESKO Graphics DPX System digital platemaker, dedicated DELL computer workstation, platemaking film, activator and stabilizer chemicals (QTY 1, Golden Valley High School)

8. Mitsubishi/ESKO Graphics DPX Genesis digital platemaker,  (QTY 1, Golden Valley High School)

9. HP LaserJet 5100 printer (QTY 1, Golden Valley High School)

10. UCHIDA single hole drill press (QTY 1, Golden Valley High School)

11. KOALA packaging shrink wrap station and heat guns (QTY 1, Golden Valley High School)

12. STANDARD SD700 digital press (QTY 1, Golden Valley High School)

13. EPSON USB 8-1/2 X 14 flatbed scanner  (QTY 1, Golden Valley High School)

14. RHINO-TUFF punching machine and automatic plastic spiral winding machine  (QTY 1, Golden Valley High School)

15. Electric crash numbering machine (QTY 1, Golden Valley High School)

16. DUPLO DC-10 mini collator (QTY 1, Golden Valley High School)

17. Graphic Wizard scoring/perforating machine (QTY 1, Golden Valley High School)

18. Paper jogger (QTY 2, Golden Valley High School)

19. Challenge 30″ paper cutter (QTY 1, Canyon High School)

Pursuant to California Education Code Section 17546(c), staff requests the Governing Board, by unanimous vote of those members present, find that the property listed below is of insufficient value to defray the costs of arranging a sale and thereby authorize the property to be donated to a charitable organization deemed appropriate by the Board, or disposed of in the local dump.  All e-waste will be collected and certified to its proper disposal by an e-waste recycler.

1. Lathe (QTY 1, Placerita Junior High School)

2. Student combo desk (QTY 13, Placerita Junior High School)

3. Task chair (QTY 1, Placerita Junior High School)

Recommended Sept. 4 Motion:
Authorize staff to dispose of specified equipment pursuant to California Education Code Sections 17545(b) and 17546(c).
X.D.5. Fieldwork Agreement Between the William S. Hart Union High School District and Concordia University Regarding a School Counselor Practicum/Fieldwork Program

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A fieldwork agreement between the William S. Hart Union High School District and Concordia University regarding a school counselor practicum/fieldwork program effective September, 2019, through June 30, 2022, is being presented for approval.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the fieldwork agreement between the William S. Hart Union High School District and Concordia University regarding a school counselor practicum/fieldwork program.
MOU with Concordia
X.E. Consent Calendar-Operations
X.E.1. Ratification of Contract for West Ranch High School Baseball Field Leveling (Barkshire Laser Leveling, Inc.) 

Collyn Nielsen, Chief Administrative Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
A contract for leveling of the West Ranch High School baseball field is presented for ratification (Barkshire Laser Leveling, Inc.).
Annually, West Ranch baseball hires a contractor to level and prepare its baseball field.  In order to get the field prepared in time for the baseball season and allow the field the time it needs to settle, a contract was prepared and executed and work was completed on August 22, 2019.

Staff requests ratification of the contract with Barkshire Laser Leveling, Inc.

Financial Impact:
$3,400 from the West Ranch High School Baseball Associated Student Body account.
Recommended Sept. 4 Motion:
Ratify contract with Barkshire Laser Leveling, Inc., for West Ranch High School baseball field laser leveling.
Barkshire Laser Leveling
X.E.2. Refund of Developer Fees

Collyn Nielsen, Chief Administrative Officer
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Request approval of developer fee refund for $136.50.
On January 25, 2019, Certificate of Compliance 1900305 was issued for fees collected from Monica Espina for a 650 square foot addition.  Once the final square footage was calculated by the City of Santa Clarita, it was determined that an error occurred and the actual square footage was 565.  The owner is requesting a refund of the difference less the $25 administrative fee or $136.50.
Financial Impact:
$136.50 from Capital Facilities Fund (25.0).
Recommended Sept. 4 Motion:
Approve developer fee refund, as specified, totaling $136.50.
Cert 1900305
X.F. Consent Calendar-Requests for Information
X.G. Approval of Consent Calendar 
X.H. Items Removed from Consent Calendar
XI. Items for Future Consideration by the Board
XII. Second Closed Session

Quick Summary / Abstract:
This Closed Session will be used as an extension of item II – First Closed Session, if needed.
XII.A. Public Comments for Second Closed Session Items
XII.B. Second Closed Session Items
XII.C. Return to Public Session
XII.D. Report of Second Closed Session Action
XIII. Adjournment
Disability Information:
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Superintendent’s Office (661.259.0033.x201). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.
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