I would like to know how many times one has to get predictions wrong before you kick them to the curb.
In the Old Testament, when a prophet said he had a word from God and it didn’t happen, they stoned him. Seven years ago this week, Al Gore predicted in front of a German audience that the “north polar ice cap would be completely ice-free in five years” and that “the entire north ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in five years.”
When that didn’t work out, he predicted it again in 2009: “Some of the models suggest that there is a 75 percent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years.” We’re still waiting.
With something as “important” as “global warming-cooling-climate change,” you would think we would want accuracy and real numbers.
For someone who has been leading this “war,” Gore has gotten it wrong every time. Yet those who have made him lord and savior don’t care. They keep following him off the cliff like he can save them.
And then, Gore got together with the UN (United Nuts; they’re made for each other). They raised the alarm. They screamed from the mountaintops that we had less than a decade to save the planet.
The San Jose Mercury News reported on June 30, 1989: “Senior environmental official at the United Nations, Noel Brown, says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if global warming is not reversed by the year 2000.”
Well, global warming wasn’t even touched, let alone reversed. And the only nations wiped out were those taken by the Russians or ISIS. But hey, don’t let facts stop you.
Fifteen years later, they are still selling it. They don’t even say they made a mistake, it was bad data, a miscalculation … nothing. Just “trust us, it’s true.”
George Monbiot, another “environmentalist,” said that because we won’t fix this issue, within 10 years farming worldwide would only be able to feed either animals or humans, not both. In 2002, the worldwide numbers of people who went underfed were around 930 million. In 2014 that number dropped to 805 million. I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I think that’s more people eating enough food?
What happened? Must be common-core math. Check out the number at the UN for yourself.
Another UN golden boy, Rajendra Pachauri, the former head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said, “If we don’t make changes within the next three years, it will be too late.” That was 2007. By 2012 we did nothing, and the “too late” (whatever that was) never happened. Now it’s 2015 and we’re still waiting for a real plan. And Pachauri (who was the leading climate change scientist for the UN) was more interested in chasing women around his office than taking care of the “too late” issue. He had to resign due to sexual harassment charges.
Prince Charles weighed in in July 2009 and talked of “irretrievable climate and ecosystem collapse, and all that goes with it.” He said experts had told him we had about 26 months before utter catastrophe. September 2011 came and went. Yep, you guessed it. Nothing happened.
In 2009, UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown said, “There are only 50 days to take action or global warming would be irreversible.” He had no Plan B. It’s pretty hard to get the entire world to move in 50 days.
Remember the Climate Treaty of 2009? World leaders came together, again, to save the world. The Canadian prime minister and Green Party leader said, “Earth has a long time. Humanity does not. We need to act urgently. We no longer have decades; we have hours.” In all fairness, he didn’t actually say how many hours.
When Obama was elected, many said he had only four years to save the world. (What a powerful man.) He had total control of the government during those first couple of years and did nothing. UN Foundation President Tim Wirth said Obama’s second term was “the last window of opportunity to impose policies to restrict fossil fuel use” and that it’s “the last chance we have to get anything approaching 2 degrees centigrade. If we don’t do it now, we are committing the world to a drastically different place.” That was in 2012.
In 2014, France’s foreign minister said, “We only have 500 days to act and avoid a climate chaos.” Swung on and missed. You see, his meeting was in May 2014. The climate change meeting happened December this year. That was over 560 days, and still no major calamity.
The UN and others have been throwing the same mantra at us for years: Act now or else. Many times we haven’t “acted now,” and nothing has happened. No major catastrophes.
They said we would be covered in snow and ice, and much of the U.S. would be uninhabitable. That was in the ‘70s. They called it “global cooling.” They blew it.
Then they told us it was “global warming” and that New York would be covered with more than 50 feet of water, and there would be no ice at the polar caps. Another miss.
So let’s rename it to “climate change” so we don’t have to worry about accuracy. From now on, everything that happens in the weather world is due to “climate change.” Fewer hurricanes. Climate change. More hurricanes. Climate change. Snow in June. Climate change. Floods in June. Climate change. Fewer earthquakes. Climate change. More earthquakes. Climate change. Get it?
Let me help. You’re making Al Gore and others very rich. Meanwhile, the Earth continues on its natural five gabillion-year cycle, just as it always has.
Joe Messina is host of The Real Side (TheRealSide.com), a nationally syndicated talk show that runs on AM-1220 KHTS radio and SCVTV [here]. He is also an elected member of the Hart School Board. His commentary publishes Mondays.
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REAL NAMES ONLY: All posters must use their real individual or business name. This applies equally to Twitter account holders who use a nickname.
it is difficult when we are lied to but the past 12 years has been a lot of lying going on.
I know facts are hard for people like Joe…luckily, people who respect facts outnumber idiot right wing loons 10-to-1.
Enjoy El Nino this year, Joe. I hope your roof leaks and the damages are astronomical.
People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw rocks.. Or use a sling shot.. Might come back to bite you..
Man caused climate change is the biggest scam in history!
Kinda light day for Joe Messina haters… you people losing steam? Quiters.
What are “quiters? Those who quit English classes?
I like science better
Flipin moron this guy. 97 percent of all people who work in the field say climate change is man made. But no believe a Republican candidate that will lie about anything for a vote
Igore needs a straitjacket and a lobotomy.
No Joe, you are not the sharpest knife as you proclaim. No point in commenting about climate change since your source is likely Fox and you wouldn’t listen to any opposing evidence anyway. However, I do think that you should refer to your country’s leader as President Obama and not just Obama. I know you would do so if he was white.
Joe-As you say yourself, you are not the sharpest knife. There is no point in commenting on climate change because you obviously get your information from Fox and wouldn’t be interested in opposing views. However, I do believe that you should refer to your country’s leader as President Obama and not just Obama. I am sure that you would be more respectful if he were white.
SCVTV-I would suggest that you stop censoring views that perhaps go against your associate Joe or you risk being brought to task for only allowing one sided conversations.