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1932 - Actor Harry Carey's wood-framed house at Saugus ranch (now Tesoro del Valle) burns down when engine of water pump explodes [story]
Carey house

After a mother of six was killed in a Santa Clarita crash Friday night, the driver suspected of being responsible has been identified.

First responders reportedly found Alexia Cina, 21, sitting on the curb near the stretch of Golden Valley Road where the crash took place shortly before midnight on Friday, according to an anonymous source.

Read complete story [here].

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  1. How do they not know if she was drunk or not yet?

  2. Prison for life a car is a deadly weapon when you choose to drink and drive.

  3. Anita Silva says:

    Just so sad …..both so young and life has changed for two families and not for the good that’s for sure….

  4. Dana says:

    The article you were looking for

  5. Wow why would you drive drunk?Now six little children are without a mother because of your stupidity ?

  6. Tina Jarvis says:

    With having Uber and Lyft now there is no excuse for this..

    • people like her don’t care or they wouldn’t drive drunk at all. (especially like you said, it’s very easy to get a ride) She’s just selfish and has no conscience. Hope she spends the rest of her life in prison

    • Tina Jarvis says:

      The drunks always survive… Its the innocent who pay the ultimate price.. Sad these children will grow up only knowing mommy from pictures and family telling them about her..

    • And don’t forget that SCV service that takes you home for FREE…. my daughter got info from her HS but can’t remember that name.

      • Susan Makishima says:

        Designated Drivers of SCV – They will get you home for a nominal fee of $20. 661-313-8336

        Sober Drivers of SCV – 661-803-3745

        Safe Rides for Teens – This service is for Teens in no condition to drive. 661-259-6330.

    • George Baida says:

      Before them there never was an excuse

    • I don’t drink and drive, but there is no Uber or Lyft in my town, and up to three hours even if you can find a cab or Lyft. Often, they don’t even respond. Yes, just go to sleep in your back seat, yes. But, don’t use Uber and Lyft as the “reason” not to, they are simply not available to everyone. But, yes, DON’T DRIVE. And, I’m willing to bet half the people commenting here have done it and are lying.

      • J says:

        Uber and lyft is available in Santa Clarita so there is no excuse

      • Greg says:

        I don’t see anywhere that people are saying they haven’t drove when they probably shouldn’t have. But they didn’t kill anyone either. Next will you start blaming the victim. BTW, open bottle is acrime

    • There is no excuse when a company in Santa Clarita has FREE pickup and take your car home anytime of the day or night! No excuse when it’s FREE and your car goes home with you!

  7. Paul Vets says:

    She’s destroyed so many lives, including her own.

  8. Sally Taylor says:

    Well she will have to live with what she did, many of us have driven intoxicated, we can feel blessed for not harming anyone

    • Brad Rennels says:

      I don’t think “many of us drive intoxicated.”

    • Teresa Ann says:

      I see it nearly everyday working in a restaurant. I’ve seen teachers from my kids school, coaches from high schools and parents get intoxicated and drive. No excuses. Just don’t do it. Call Uber/Lift/cab.

    • I absolutely never, ever drive, not even after just two, but for years I certainly did. I’m lucky I never harmed anyone. We certainly shouldn’t judge, it was her first time. Yes, call an Uber, I agree, but we certainly should not judge. Her life is ruined without our judgment. Oh, and, where I live, it takes up to three hours to get an Uber/Lyft, and there are only two private cabs. If they’re busy, they just don’t answer the phone. And, Uber/Lyft will often also not respond, too rural.

    • Toni Teresa says:

      Sorry but many of us is not accuarte. I would never drive intoxicated.

    • Let’s not assume many of us….

    • Bri Michelle says:

      Sorry no. Tell that to her husband and six kids.

    • “Many of us” No please don’t throw other’s onto that category! Speak for yourself! I’ve NEVER in my life drank and drove! Wrong.

    • Never. Who in their right mind would want to drive drunk. I know I have ZERO control when I drink. I would NEVER drive drunk and be “thankful” I didn’t kill anyone.

    • Ben Ibarra says:

      Many of us? Speak for yourself. Stupid is as stupid does.

    • You don’t feel blessed because you didn’t harm anyone while driving drunk. You should feel stupid that you made such an idiotic decision in the first place. With so many ways to get around now there is absolutely no excuse for this. I feel bad for her family but I feel even worse for those 6 children and husband who are missing the rock of their family.

    • I recently had a small party, and we discussed this case. Every single person here admitted that they have made the mistake of driving when they shouldn’t have. So, yes, “many of us” is an accurate statement. I even bet some in this stream are lying about it (sorry). I’m happy that I shall never do this (drive after drinking), but I have back in the ’80’s and I’m ashamed. Let’s not lie or judge.

    • Bri Michelle says:

      Amybeth Hurst then you need new Friends. I have never driven after drinking nor do I want to… I will never because I’ve seen the devastating consequences.

    • No need to lie. But don’t lump the responsible people with those who have made poor decisions. Sorry not all of us have made such dumb decisions. And saying that drinking and driving is dumb isn’t judging it’s a fact.

    • Bri Michelle No, I do not “need new friends.” Shame on you. And, I do think you’re being dishonest. I bet you have made plenty of stupid mistakes. Let it go, I have more wonderful friends that you could ever dream of having.

    • This argument is so ridiculous. She didn’t say “everyone” she said many. What she is being is honest. Does it make it right? no. Does it make it any better? no. Is it reality that far too many people drive while intoxicated? YES! Many people will say they never cheat on a diet with take out bags hidden in their trunk or say they never judge people, while judging people. Why get up on a pedestal and judge, especially when you’re wrong. “MANY” people do drive when they shouldn’t. It’s very wrong and very dangerous but telling people they need new friends, like your friends are better and would never drink and drive… Really? I bet none of your friends cheat on their spouses either. I also bet all of your friends have perfect kids that never do anything wrong. I wish I could be as perfect and have friends as perfect as some of the people on FB. Come on people, a woman died here after a young person made a HUGE mistake. It’s horrible! There is such a thing as reality in life and on FB. Maybe some people should realize and face it and quit being so quick to judge everything and condemn others. Sorry. Rant over.

    • Sally Taylor says:

      Some of you sound so perfect your type annoy the heck out of me

    • Jerry Citarella I agree with you 100%!

    • Amybeth Hurst how dare you tell her she’s being dishonest! You have zero clue what she does for a living and what she has seen, I bet if you did, YOU would change your tune and stop making your stupid decisions because apparently YOU are the one drinking and driving since you’re defending it

  9. I pray that this was just a horrible accident. This young lady will have to live with herself for the rest of her life.

    • Bri Michelle says:

      Drinking and driving is not an accident. It’s a conscious decision she made.

    • praying that it was just a horrible accident? Why would you pray when it already was a horrible division causing a life lost.

      Praying won’t bring this mother back.

    • Your right Bri Michelle it is. However I haven’t heard any facts that she was drunk. If indeed she was drinking and driving she will spend her young life in prison. Either way this was a horrible crash that took a mother away from her family.

    • Lindsay Leigh, praying for those young kids without their mom. Praying that this was a accident not caused by alcohol. Just because someone dies doesn’t mean you stop praying for the remaining victims even tho they weren’t there. This story bothers people who just care about people. It hurts so I pray for them. Sorry if that bothers you. But I will not stop praying when I feel the need to.

    • Bri Michelle says:

      La Donna Wilson Roberts did you read the article, she had open containers. Normal and prudent people who are sober don’t drive around with open containers. They wouldn’t be reporting she was an “- Alleged drunk driver ” if there weren’t facts to support it

    • Bri Michelle , they found open containers. Who knows how long they have been sitting in her car. For all we know they could of been her boyfriends or someone else drinking in the car earlier. My son would go take our recycling in and leave a bottle (open) in the back a long with a few cans. Then I would go to work with a open container. So until they tell us that she was drunk or on drugs they can not confirm at this time. Let some facts come out before you paint this 21 year old a murderer. Either way it’s a tragedy no matter what.

    • An open container has to be in the trunk. Them not saying that leads people to believe they were in the vehicle.

  10. So very sad all around ? there is always someone who can get you home safely . Many lives ruined over a bad choice this night .

  11. I do not feel sorry for her one bit! She had no excuse! She could’ve had a sober friend take her home, an uber, a cab, lyft, her parent’s, or anything/ anybody else. No excuse. She made a bad call and now she has to deal with the consequences! Not only now but for the rest of her life. Not only did she end her life but she ended someone else’s life as well. She made a bad choice, that was tragic and life changing.Two families have lost their loved one, and that can never be repaired. Do not drink and drive! Period. May God be with them ?

  12. Travis Levy says:

    Watch her get off due to she was found on the curb and not behind the wheel. They’ll come up with some excuse due to lack of evidence she wasnt behind the wheel at the time of the crash .

  13. Denise Bonus Herrington

  14. Bri Michelle says:

    She deserves to be charged with murder. She knowingly drank and drive, and in doing so had the INTENT to hurt the public because we ALL know what results in drinking and driving. She should be held accountable and sentenced to the fullest extent. She left 6 beautiful babies without their mommy! SO SELFISH!!!!!

    • Forget about vehicular manslaughter. Go right to murder. I completely agree.

    • Bri Michelle says:

      Lindsay Leigh I think it should be an option at this point. Because people know what results from drinking and driving. There’s no excuse for this. Too many options available for finding a safe ride. Maybe If there was REAL consequences then people would think twice.

    • Bri too many people got off scott free for this kind of thing. Make her an example.

    • Murder 2. Murder 1 is premeditated, which there is no way to prove. But manslaughter is a less charge used for someone who truly did not mean to cause an accident.

      She murdered a mom. Her young children will never know her, have no memory of her. There’s no restitution for that. The dad has to work, no one to care for these babies. A family is turned upside down.

  15. May the God of forgiveness and grace heal and comfort her and the mom’s family during this terrible time. ♡

    • SCgal says:

      Why didn’t that same God prevent this in the first place? Oh right; he gets to pick and choose when tragedy befalls us. Twisted

  16. Helene Fish says:

    Take her license away for good and jail time and she can get help in jail

    • Greg says:

      It appears that they didn’t arrest, ticket or take her license. She could be it there driving at this very moment.

  17. That’s a sad statement , I and many many I know have not, I pray those many stop doing it ASAP

  18. I see so many people judging here. She is suspected drunk driver. Not a drunk driver. It is true that she had the containers opened; however, it didn’t say that shet was drunk at the time of the accident. Anyways, if she was drunk at the time she must pay for what she did because it is not fair for the victim’s family to lose their wife and mom.

    • Angelic Ager says:

      The only reason she is being suspected drunk driver is her blood toxicology report has not come back to tell them how much alcohol is in her system.

      • P Haerle says:

        There were passengers in her car- they have to establish she was the driver- further, my daughter friend was with her at the bar- she took 3 shots before leaving! Tragedy all around!

    • She was drunk. Don’t defend this girl who killed someone because she’s selfish

    • Angelic Ager they don’t need to know how much alcohol she consumed. All they need to know to charge her with drunk driving is that she was drunk which in the article doesn’t mention any of that.

    • I agree wait to see her levels . Open containers could mean she’s a pig and does not clean up after herself. Either way a sad horrible tragedy . Manslaughter versus reckless driving ? was it an accident ??debris in the road??? How many times have we as Humans judged without knowing all the facts. Please let the law do what they need to do. In the meantime pray to all the people who have been affected by this.

      • Greg says:

        Vicki Ross-White,
        Why would she throw empty alcohol containers in her car if she was drinking somewhere else? I don’t remember ever taking a number of beer cans out of a bar, party or house and throwing them in my car? If she didn’t know about the open container law, she shouldn’t have a license. I agree that she may not have been drunk but it is apparent that she had been drinking and driving at some point. I can’t remembwe a time when they let a suspected drunk driver go free without so much as an open bottle citation after killing someone. There is something very wrong with this situation. The person she killed will be long buried before they even decide if she was drinking?

    • If she was clearly intoxicated at the time she would’ve been booked immediately and yes from the hospital

    • Vicki Ross-White she’s probably yet to be booked because she’s still in the hospital, she can’t be booked if she has injuries.. once she is released then they can take her straight from the hospital and book her

    • Angelic Ager says:

      Ludy Palacios They do need to wait for the test to come back to charge her. I hope you’re never on a jury because it’s innocent until proven guilty he I’m not saying what she did is wrong or right but we don’t know if she had consumed any alcohol they suspect. Trust me I normally don’t defend somebody like this because I had a drunk driver killed somebody very very close to me and I’m on the list to help that dad with all six kids.
      And by law if you don’t do a breathalyzer on scene your license is suspended for one year but you can turn around and say you want a blood draw instead and then they took her to the hospital and she has been released

    • Bri Michelle how’s it all work?

    • Bri Michelle says:

      You’re wrong. Levels do matter.
      Please don’t spread false information Ludy. It’s clear you don’t know how it works.

    • She hasn’t been booked because she was or is in the hospital recovering from her injuries. They were unable to get a breathalyzer because she went to the hospital.

      There was another car involved. That person us lucky they weren’t hurt too

    • And levels matter. If she was .02 she wasn’t legally drunk. If she was 1.8 she was well over the limit.
      And they need to know the time of the blood draw versus accident time since the body metabolizes the alcohol differently for each person.

    • The sheriffs are sitting on her in custody in the hospital. They will be with her till she’s released from there and go straight to jail if she in fact was drinking. I work in the ER and this is procedure. They already know off record what her blood alcohol was or wasn’t.

    • Natalie Rollins Norwood exactly! Thank you!!!

    • Bri Michelle says:

      Jeanette McCullough you can be arrested if you are under the legal limit, if the officers can prove the impairment was dangerous despite a low BAC. Everyone reacts differently to alcohol.

      And often times Bac is lower at time of draw or testing and it still doesn’t matter… a lot of the evidence lays with the field sobriety tests, which proves how one handles impairment.

    • Angelic Ager says:

      Natalie Rollins Norwood
      Thanks Natalie I’ve basically said the same thing the lady doesn’t want to pay attention

    • OPEN CONTAINER is a crime as well…….. and honey… don’t forget… where there is ‘smoke… there is usually fire’ so to speak. SHE is responsible for this death…. and no one else.

  19. Looks like they took down her FB page. It was up yesterday.

  20. Makes me mad when they say this is an “accident”…. sorry not an accident…. it was intentional to drink and drive.

    • Angelic Ager says:

      They have to consider it an accident and tell her blood alcohol levels come back and then she won’t be a suspected drunk driver and if her alcohol level is way over legal limit then she will be considered a drunk driver and they will arrest her

    • It doesn’t take any time at all for her BAC to come back from the lab. They knew right away. She was arrested and charged.
      They would not have arrested her if she wasn’t legally drunk.

  21. What an Idiot! i hope she pays for it with her life

  22. Willy Jay says:

    Asking for justice is fine, but we should not hate or fail to forgive, something this heavy can destroy the mind and poison the heart. Let GOD and the courts of the land decide. Careful casting stones is dangerous for the soul. I cast my burdens upon GOD, sometimes we really have no choice.

  23. Josh Rizzo says:

    This is very sad. Spoke to my wife, hugged my children. Still a heavy heart.

    While serving jury duty a few years back, during the selection process, the lawyers asked the juniors, under oath, if they had ever been charged with a DUI or DWI… about 60% of the folks raised their hand. This was shocking to me at the time, but eye opening.

    As a family, we practice crossing the street and driving like everyone else could be drunk or on a cell phone. More work for us, but it really won’t matter who was in the right when you or a loved one is dead. ✌?❤️

  24. The driver should be behind bars…for a very long time. This is the worse DUI accident I have ever heard. I am just sick.

  25. Throw the book at her and set an example to ALL the ‘young’ of our community (and everywhere) that YOUR STUPIDITY and/or SELFISHNESS has consequence… sometimes deadly and heartbreaking consequence.

  26. prayers for both families especially the woman who passed and left beautiful babies at home!! ?

    There is noo need to be hateful yes she was “under the influence of alcohol” yes she made a mistake and drove in state of mind.. now families are without there loved ones..

    Everyone of you can be considered the hateful words you are using towards this young girl everyone has driving “intoxicated” not to the extent of her impaired thoughts or state of mind but everyone has done it .. my rant over … it was a mistake she will have to life with for the rest of her life …..

    • Nope, wrong. not everyone has driven intoxicated. It was a selfish “mistake” where she killed someone!! She should have ALL the consequences

    • Kristina Joy says:

      I agree with you. Devastating from ANY perspective. What’s with all the hate?

    • Soo you mean to tell me you have never driven after having one or two beers or if your a wine drinker , a glass of wine ?? Cause technically that’s still intoxication your vision or reactions may not be impaired but it’s still being intoxicated !!

    • Jon Contreras nope never .. it’s sad to think so many people think this is the norm

    • I have NEVER driven after having any wine! My husband doesn’t drink, so he drives. There should ALWAYS be a designated driver if you know that one of you is going to have a drink. IMHO. She has no excuse, nor should she be excused for her actions. Sad that no matter what disciplinary action is handed to her, it won’t bring back the mom of the 6 kids. ?

    • Jon please don’t! I have never driven intoxicated you know why!! because I am not Selfish! I care about my life and my loved ones!!!! She didn’t make a mistake, she made a decision she choose to drive drunk!!!!!!!! and know six little angels are without their mom a husband without a wife!!!. Their loss was way bigger than what she lost. We are not being hateful. She decided to drive drunk and there are consequences!!!!

    • Everyone know that if you drink you shouldn’t drive because it can cause a tragedy likes this .Yes she will regret it for the rest of her life but also 6 little children will never have a mother why ? Because she chose to make a selfish decision to drive drunk and it sure as hell ain’t the kids fault

    • Janet Ryan says:

      Lisa Taylor Cranshaw Jon can’t probably understand he is young too. She ruined 9 lives.

    • I’m one of the ones that doesn’t drive when it’s drunk. Thank you

    • I have NEVER driven under the influence. EVER!
      And, yes, I am feeling very hateful towards her for killing this mother and destroying a family.
      My God and I will figure out my feelings on my judgement day. Some things just can not be forgiven in my book.

    • Jon Contreras NO not “everyone” has driven intoxicated! Absolutely not!!

    • Everyone has driven “intoxicated”? Um, no. I have not driven intoxicated. I don’t get behind the wheel after having a drink, but for you to say that, I would guess you have and that is not okay or a little mistake.

    • I’ve never driven drunk. My husband hasn’t either. Neither have the majority of my friends. Driving while intoxicated is a very serious thing.

    • Ananda Mei says:

      No, I don’t drink alcohol at all. Not a drop. Thus I have never driven with it in my bloodstream, affecting my judgment while operating a lethal weapon (a car). And when I’m driving behind you as you drive slowly to pretend you’re not DUI, I AM DIALING 911 to report you and your plates, as well as anyone else driving impaired. How silly to assume it’s ok and everyone does it. You need better friends.

    • Heather Murray Not EVERYONE.
      I bet this young mother of six young children, two little girls who will never know her… will never have her make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, never have her read a story, kiss a boo-boo, never shop for sweet clothes, or celebrate birthdays and Christmas… never have a single memory. They won’t have their mom help them get ready for prom or their weddings. They will never have their mom hold their own babies. A husband has lost the person he planned to spend the rest of his life with… her four boys will never have a mom to show them by example what a wife and mother mean to a husband and father.
      It is obvious she was a woman of faith… and while I didn’t know her… I would bet everything I have that she NEVER drove drunk. I would bet she never drank.
      There is no excuse to drive after having even one drink.
      I for one hope that this does stay with this young woman for the rest of her life. I hope she realizes she has a problem. She needs to spend the rest of her life making amends to this family starting with never taking another drink and getting behind the wheel of a deadly vehicle.
      For her own sake… I hope this does change her.
      There is no excuse.
      If you have had a drink… call someone. Call the local authorities. They can find a way to get you home without another senseless tragedy.
      Don’t drink and drive.
      I worry about a post that indicates everyone they know has done this and continues to.

    • She’s a criminal who killed someone….end of story

    • Sheriff’s deputy reports of open container in HER car at the scene of the accident…. Awful

    • Ok maybe let’s reword this statement…. Not every one drinkers and drives buy EVERYONE HAS MADE STUPID DECISIONS AT 21!

    • Apparently she is a repeat offender since high school!!! Some never grow up!!

    • Amy Maughan says:

      Kathleen Curran –But, have you had ONE drink and driven? Honestly???

    • Amy Maughan says:

      Ananda Mei ABSOLUTELY!!!

    • Mary Cobb says:

      Fine. But she still needs to be held accountable for her actions and not give a less sentence because of it. Your are taught the drinking and driving laws even before Jr high.

      She knew better.

    • No not everyone sweetheart maybe you did but I didn’t neither did my husband

    • You really sound ridiculous for defending this girl! She deserves the hate. She’s selfish and took an innocent life. You’d be hating her if it was your family member. There’s no excuse for driving drunk. And don’t judge people for hating on her she made her bed.

    • Janine Lynn Bolton I’m saying the exact same thing you are

  27. Now her young life is ruined for making one bad choice and that choice has destroyed another family and 6 children will grow up without their mom! So devastating and heartbreaking! ??

  28. Kelly R Axen says:

    I will publicly call her out on this. She murdered a woman and is walking around our town?!?! She can kill someone else! ?

    • She did a bad thing with tragic consequences. It’s beyond words how tragic this is. But this doesn’t mean she’s a bad person out to kill everyone. She made a horrific mistake. I’m not defending her actions, but to insinuate she’s walking around ready to kill people is a very slanderous statement

    • Kelly R Axen says:

      You can take it that way if you’d like but she literary got out when she murdered a mother. What if she get forgets and gets into her car and kills another person? People that have alcohol problems are repeat offenders. Also I can’t imagine what her husband is thinking right now. She should be in jail. She murdered his wife. She left 6 children behind. And this stupid teenager gets away with it.

    • You don’t know she’s an alcoholic, and she will be charged with more that a misdemeanor DUI. And I dont think I’m going out on a limb here by saying im sure she won’t forget what she did. I can only imagine she is devastated by what she has done. She is 100% responsible for this, I’m not arguing that. Why assume she was a bad person instead of someone who made a bad choice? Hopefully other people will learn from this and not make the same mistake. I’m not on her side, and I’m not defending her actions. I’m just pointing out that people are saying terrible and potentially dangerous things about this girl that aren’t necessarily true.

    • It’s not your place to do anything.

    • Kelly R Axen says:

      Maybe she’ll kill one of your family members and then you’ll change your mind?

    • Laura Conant says:

      my friend’s son got killed by a guy that ran a red light. Ralph Seagar was behind bars for about a month!!! Not a fair sentence for someone that killed an innocent person. I wish this young POS gets a longer sentence behind bars.

    • People are saying terrible and potentially dangerous things about this girl??? Because something terrible happened!!! Her stupid choice turned the lives of 6 innocent children and a father and the rest of her loved ones upside down! I can’t believe some people would expect something less! I’m sure if this tragedy had happened to them the tune would be a lot different.

    • Kelly R Axen I find it unreal all the fools defending her. It’s a choice to drink and a choice and high risk to drive. She didn’t care and drove and killed an innocent mother of 6 that will never know their mom. This is one of the worst stories I’ve heard. I have no sympathy for this stupid girl. And yes there are articles she got kicked out of high school for being drunk. She clearly has issues. I hope she rotts in prison. This is no accident she chose to drive drunk period!

  29. This is why I’m soo against lowering the legal drinking age to 18 ?

  30. Shawna Michelle wow I didn’t even know that was being considered… I hope that doesn’t happen.

  31. She deserves jail for the rest of her life!

  32. Zack Sinner says:

    Life in prison ✌?

  33. George Baida says:

    Drunk drivers are selfish assholes, it’s hard to be compassionate with them

  34. Militza de R says:

    Loser, I can’t stand to see her pic ???

  35. Loretta Norton says:

    SCV News, I believe you show very poor judgement publishing this young woman’s photo and name. This was horribly tragic and angering, but you have given the mob-types a target for the whipping block. Un-ethical and un-American. Shame on you.

  36. SHAME!!! There is no excuse!!

  37. KriZy Rue says:

    Smh…when will we ever learn?!?

  38. Ckay Walker says:

    Blessings all around. Love heals..hate kills.

  39. Koren Young says:

    How can people not realize that the choices we make affect other people? There’s no excuse for getting behind the wheels while under the influence.


  41. You will burn in hell for what you did to that family!! ?

  42. Andrea Karr says:

    Is there anyone helping the family of the young mom? Set up a go fund account? A church ? Friends?

  43. Every time I read something about this I get heartsick. I don’t even know these people and yet my heart HURTS for them, my eyes cry for this family… it is a sickening feeling. The only good that comes of what happened is the community coming together to help. The poor children. Premies need a mom’s touch. I want to throw up.

  44. She probably thought she was pretty darn cool when she took this picture. Not so cool now, are you murderer?

  45. Clara Garner says:

    The life’s of so many people changed in one terrible action. I pray from them all.

  46. Please put the murdering Alexia in jail before she hightails it to Mexico.

  47. So sad.. 1 life gone, a family changed forever and 1 life sadly ruined by the choice of one person.. my heart hurts for all of them. We all make bad choices, no one is immune.. it stinks when our choices affect so many others. ?

    • Kim Spargur Siebe you are a better person than I. I wish that driver nothing but misery and pain for the rest of her worthless life. Everybody is hot about gun control when more innocent people are killed everyday by drunk drivers. I also deal with these drunk assholes in the ER!!!

      • H miller says:

        It doesn’t matter if one has or hasn’t ever driven drunk. The fact is that Alexi did and she murdered a beautiful mother. It’s too bad she didn’t just kill her self. The drunks always live and never do enough time in prison. Obviously the girls friends are on here defending her. I’m sure some of them were partying with her that very night. Of course just speculation. What’s the difference if someone just starts shooting people with a gun while there drunk. Is it an accident if they actually hit someone? Or is it an “accident”? It’s murder in my book and they should receive the harshest punishment possible.

    • Natalie Rollins Norwood well that’s absolutely true about guns vs drunk drivers..

    • Kim Spargur Siebe this is the single number one action that infuriates me in my job. I deal with the aftermath as an ER RN for these people’s choices.

    • Also I think the way her life is going to be will be horrible for her (sadly) because of that choice she made- so without me saying that specifically- her life is going to be HELL – that would be a difficult thing to live with.

    • Natalie Rollins Norwood that would be very heart wrenching – I could NOT do your job but I’m thankful you do and you are good at it!!

    • Kim Spargur Siebe aww thanks. I try. How are you? How are your parents?

  48. One can hate; one can judge; none of it is helping. Instead, leave this to the judge and jury, and direct frustration, anger, hate, sorrow – whatever – to helping the family.

  49. The mom ???? and this one only 21, ruined her life! She’ll never forget the night

  50. Aleah Hughes says:

    Amber Rosas Kaylynn Johnson

  51. So many options to go back home .. she ruined her future and most of all the kids will grow up without their mother. I hope this girl parents does not bail her out

  52. Very very sad all the way around . Alcohol is pure evil and I’m sure the girl will be dealt with . Prayers to all involved .

  53. Kymberly Ann Bishop Carolyn Grijalva

  54. Tina Lilly says:

    She should be charged with MURDER!!!!!!!!

  55. Tina Lilly says:

    There is no excuse for her!!!!! U DONTDRINK & DRIVE!!!!!!!

  56. Dama Angie says:

    I can’t imagine the fear Katie must’ve experienced..her last thoughts of her babies as she saw that reckless driver/drunk driver selfishly took her innocent life away..my heart is torn for her family ?

  57. She knew better than to drink and drive someone lost her life her husband left without a wife the kids without a mother throw the fing book at her no way do I feel sorry for her at all

  58. I seriously can’t believe everything you grown people are saying about her. None of you guys knew who she is and are judging her because of a stupid choice she made. You don’t think she’s beating herself up about it already? Obviously she’s going to do time in prison , and she is obviously stupid for drinking and driving (which has not yet been confirmed). But for all you people saying she’s a murderer and is walking the streets as if she’s a threat to people. Before this you guys didn’t even know who she was and now you’re saying she’s a threat walking around scv. This is ridiculous. It is a very sad incident that happened , but don’t be bashing her on social media calling her a murderer over her own stupid decision. She is far from a murderer. She’s a young girl who made a very very stupid decision to drive that night. All of you guys need to grow up and stop bashing her. Instead you guys should be saying kind words to the family who lost their wife and mother. togive some kind of comfort in their time of need. You guys commenting hateful things about her isn’t going to make anything different. It won’t change what happened , and your comments won’t get her behind bars. So just stop.

    • Tami Bowers says:

      He who has never sinned cast the first stone, I am praying for ALL involved!

    • Gina Stewart says:

      I bet half these people cursing her use their cellphones while driving – which is deliberately reckless. Drunk people’s judgement is impaired. I’m not saying she shouldn’t face consequences but I’m so over public shaming and persecution.

    • Yes i totally agree with you. I am not saying she shouldn’t face consequences but I will not belittle hher as a person or bully her on social media for something she did.

    • Julie Davis says:

      She killed a mother who does not get to see her babies grow! Put yourself in that mother’s place! Ask your family! They would all rage as well! It’s not fair and she will pay!

    • Not saying she shouldn’t pay for what she did but why become a bully ? Why belittle her and talk crap about her as if she doesn’t have feelings . Like I said she did something very very stupid but she’s going to live with that for the rest of her life. No need to bash her all over social media , calling her a murderer as if she’s walking around town killing everyone in sight.

    • Unfortunately you give up all your rights when you break the law. Her feelings do not matter. She should be in jail and charged with murder. Too many lives changed because of her recklessness. You have the need to protect her but I wonder if this happened to you if you would feel the same way?

    • Len Unkeless says:

      Serial apologists lead to serial offenders.

  59. She took her own and other lives at risk for her actions, grown ups pay the consequences !!

  60. Hold on people… she hasn’t been placed under arrest and there has to be a good reason for it. She went to the hospital and her blood was probably checked. What if she wasn’t at the legal limit and it was a horrible accident plain and simple? She didn’t leave the scene, so we will have to see what happens

    • Internet detectives only want blood. Good for you to point out facts and be above the mob mentality.

    • Zachariah Fournier thank you… I’m not perfect, but I have learned to wait for facts to come out. Now, some facts may never come out like the Vegas shooter. I’m sure they’re keeping a lot from the public. It’s best to wait, though…

    • Unfortunately from the beginning they said it was a drunk driver who killed this young mother of 6. So, if it was just a tragic accident, I’m sure it will still haunt this young women for the rest of her life.

    • Oh yeah, definitely. There’s always the chance she was only labeled a dui because of an open container. Which could mean just a half bottle of something that was drank days prior and was just in the car. But if that’s the case it still would’ve been some kind of neglectful driving. Maybe texting or phone call, maybe just daydreaming. Either way this will torture the living girl for the rest of her life. Not to mention the people that never hear what actually happened (if it wasn’t drunk driving) her picture is now out there and people will always assume she did. It’s sad all around.

    • Amy Maughan says:

      Zachariah Fournier –But ANY alcohol involved accident is not an accident. The problem is ‘legal limit.’

    • Open container isn’t dui. If it turns out her blood is clean and it was just a bottle that’s been opened then it’s not alcoholic influence. And the legal limit is in place because of medicine that might have alcohol in it so it very well could be such a small amount it’s an honest mistake.

    • Zachariah Fournier seriously you’ll feel dumb when she’s charged, she was drunk stop making excuses.

    • Nah, I don’t feel dumb before the facts are set. That right is reserved for people that assume guilty before innocent.

  61. Laura Lee says:

    She will have a heavy load of guilt to live with for the rest of her life. Horrible tragedy for everyone involved.

  62. Not EVERYONE.
    I bet this young mother of six young children, two little girls who will never know her… will never have her make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, never have her read a story, kiss a boo-boo, never shop for sweet clothes, or celebrate birthdays and Christmas… never have a single memory. They won’t have their mom help them get ready for prom or their weddings. They will never have their mom hold their own babies. A husband has lost the person he planned to spend the rest of his life with… her four boys will never have a mom to show them by example what a wife and mother mean to a husband and father.
    It is obvious she was a woman of faith… and while I didn’t know her… I would bet everything I have that she NEVER drove drunk. I would bet she never drank.
    There is no excuse to drive after having even one drink.
    I for one hope that this does stay with this young woman for the rest of her life. I hope she realizes she has a problem. She needs to spend the rest of her life making amends to this family starting with never taking another drink and getting behind the wheel of a deadly vehicle.
    For her own sake… I hope this does change her.
    There is no excuse.
    If you have had a drink… call someone. Call the local authorities. They can find a way to get you home without another senseless tragedy.
    Don’t drink and drive.
    I worry about a post that indicates everyone they know has done this and continues to.

  63. Sad a family life is ruined and the max she will do is 10 years. Most likely 4-6. WHAT A JOKE. No wonder we have s problem with DUIs

  64. This killer isn’t in prison yet?

  65. She had open containers. So not only was she drunk and drove, but was actively drinking. No. Nope. This is a murder case.

  66. Linda Harris says:

    Mistake? I think not. This beautiful, young lady made a calculated decision to drink and then drive her car. I am sad she has riuned her life and hurt her family in the process but I’m devastated for Katie’s family! It is a senseless loss for them. WE DONT HAVE THE RIGHT TO DRINK AND DRIVE!!!!! Please do not choose to put the publics lives at risk for alcohol. It’s not worth it.

  67. KJ Slo says:

    She’s a murderer!

  68. Susie Neri says:

    Dee Fourfifth Fernandez

  69. Chris Pease says:

    How do you live with yourself after something like that ?

  70. Two lives over……………..forever.

  71. No excuse for this. What a irresponsible person and she took a life. She will pay because she has to live with this forever. I hope she grows up and turns this into something positive to help others from doing the same thing.

  72. Wow. So many perfect people in one town. I’m not worthy. I am, in fact, imperfect.

  73. Jail for this drunk ass!

  74. Teresa Moss says:

    I feel sympathy and pray for everyone involved. This young lady has to look at herself in the mirror every morning and live with this bad judgement. I say there for the grace of God I go. None of us are perfect and we are not the judge here. Love and healing is what I wish for all in this situation.


  76. David says:

    She will have to live with what she did far longer than any jail time. I hope the event haunts her every moment!

  77. Guss Rob says:

    If you have money to buy alcohol you should put at least 20$ aside for “Uber”. Don’t drink and drive ppl, let’s think about others…. So sad ?

  78. Unexceptable. With all the avenues she has to get home safe and not drive drunk she made a horrible choice. This makes me mad.

  79. Yes. U see the influence regardless of tg at they on is unacceptable. We as human must be better than this.

  80. Amy Maughan says:

    So get as pissed off with me as you would like–but guys, this is SOCIETY’s FAULT. IF YOU HAVE EVER HAD ONE DRINK and got behind the wheel, you helped to kill this woman. The message in society is, ‘well one beer or glass of wine is fine,’… um, the MINUTE you take that first sip of whatever, you should not have keys. The minute you do, you lose ALL perspective as to when it is truly safe to drive and when it is not. It’s at that point that YOU lose all validity to determine whether you are okay to drive or not.

    We tell our kids that it’s not okay to drink and drive and how many of you take your kids out to dinner and Dad has a beer and Mom has a glass of wine and then you go home…in your car…with your kids…in the car? IF you have done that, THEN YOU HAVE NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER TO CONDEMN THIS GIRL!!!!

    My high horse–I lived with an alcoholic mother who drove with me in the car and it scared the bajesus out of me. I have NEVER had a drink and driven. Ask my friends, my family. I didn’t drink much until I realized I had to TEACH my kids proper drinking habits. I made a BIG show of giving my keys away and THEN ordering some wine.

    Each and every one of you that think one drink is fine, taught this 21 year old girl–the same age as my daughter–that it was ‘okay.’ So, she drank one drink…and as alcohol does, it blurred her judgement. THAT’S WHAT ALCOHOL DOES!!!

    So he who has no sin, cast the first stone.

    She WILL go to jail. This WILL take her out of ‘life’ for years. But worse–NONE of the joys you and I know will ever be there for her–when she gets married, it will be Katie Evans. The birth of her first child? O.M.G!!! The SHEER AGONY will be hell on earth and it will NEVER go away…every time she looks at her child, she will see Katie Evans.

    I’m so TIRED of to TORCH LIGHTING and “LET’S KILL THE BASTARD” Lynch mob I’m seeing here. She is 21!!! Her life is O.V.E.R!!! And that’s not enough for you guys…you want to spew hate–when YOU ARE JUST AS GUILTY AS HER!

    You took Katie Evan’s life if you ever had a beer with a friend and drove home. YOU helped to set that societal norm that such behavior is ‘okay.’ NO AMOUNT OF DRINKING AND DRIVING IS OKAY!!! I don’t care if the ‘legal’ limit is 0.08 or not. The minute you take a sip of an alcoholic drink, you MUST think responsibly and know that your thinking is impaired because you are incapable of having a meter to show you that. The only safe time to drive is when there is NO drink involved.

    Bummer, means someone has to go without. Oh well. That’s called responsible drinking. Nothing less is.

    So you all can hate me for standing up for Alexia Cina. She is the same age as my daughter. She is OUR daughter…she is OUR community. She is a REFLECTION of US. WE taught her. And now Katie Evans kids need to be our kids. Are you honestly going to look at them in the face and say your ONE BEER was okay but Alexia’s was not?

    People, it ALWAYS starts with ONE drink. As long as ONE drink is okay, then we all killed Katie Evans.

    The truth hurts. Suck it up.

    • Patrice Haerle says:

      Idiot get your facts straight – the girlwas smashed! She literally gussled a bottle right before getting in the car – people at the party saw her and couldnt stop her- so your one drink doesnt fly! She went to my daughters school and was and is a party girl – she messed up her life and sadly took anothers on the way- she has a chance to change her behavior but her victim doesnt – sad at every angle

  81. Mary Cobb says:

    You’re taught that drinking and driving is bad in Jr high…

  82. Put her in prison and throw away the key

  83. All lives are devastated and ruined, even this young woman. She will have to live with this the rest of her life. This is so tragic and sad. I feel so very sad for the family that lost their wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. Let us all learn from this travesty… My prayers are with all involved.

  84. She needs to be charge with nurse right decided to drive drunk the car was a weapon then , poor children last their mother to this evil

  85. There is no excuse for driving while impaired these days. What a selfish girl.

  86. So many are saying “oh she will have to live with her actions and she will still suffer” … you are correct with that and she should!! Just like she made this woman’s family suffer! .. but guess what, she still will get her life… whatever time she may get in jail (and lets face it, it’s ca, she will get a measly sentence) will he short compared to a lifetime of hurt she’s caused so many others, and then she’ll still get to move on and fulfill her life. It’s infuriating that the innocent always seem die in situations like this, it just isn’t fair

  87. I don’t drink and have never driven under the influence, but I do have compassion for this young woman who made a very stupid decision. To survive an accident you caused, which resulted in the deaths of others would be hell on earth for most of us. She will no doubt suffer emotionally as well as physically and legally, for the rest of her life. I do hope that driverless cars will reduce the number of traffic fatalities in the coming decades, and that future generations will look back in horror at the days when we lost more than 40,000 people every year to auto accidents, most of them caused by poor judgment of one kind or another.

  88. This young girl who made the mistake of drinking and driving took the life of a mother who had six beautiful babies. I seen the entire accident as it’s happened. The young girl lost control of her car because she was in fact impaired. To see the horrible event that took place was mind blowing. This girl was extremely drunk, I’m saddened for the family now has to continue life without there mother because this girl made a bad decision. I don’t understand why they continue to say she was allegedly drunk when in fact she truly was intoxicated. We could smell the alcohol on her while she sat on the curb. I’m sure the truth will come to light. I don’t not wish this on any person, seeing this accident was truly horrifying.

  89. So sad for both families.?

  90. This young woman will probably be charged with manslaughter or 2nd degree murder (not sure if the latter is an option for a 1st time DUI.) It is a horrible tragedy that could have been avoided but realistically, being young and as intoxicated as the rumor claims, she was in no condition to make a good decision. That’s the problem with alcohol. I would be more angry if she had a previous DUI and still got behind the wheel. We all complain or joke about the Sobriety Checkpoints but they are as much reminders and deterrents, not just to catch intoxicated drivers. We all need to keep talking to our kids about the dangers of drinking and driving. To remember friends don’t let friends drive drunk. This young woman will be brought to justice (perhaps the reason they haven’t released her blood alcohol level has to do with building a solid case) but my hope is that she will have to go through a program to deal with her alcoholism and learn to deal with the consequences of her actions. Nothing is going to bring Katie back but we .can hope that others take heed of this tragedy and have the wherewithal to get an Uber or stay the night where they are or even avoid alcohol in the first place.

  91. I agree Heather Murray. So tragic for the victims family and friends. God be with them.

  92. Shelley@landress says:

    This is so heartbreaking and has been weighing heavy on my heart since it happened.
    Has there been any updates on charges or court dates?

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