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[KHTS] – A missing Canyon Country teen who disappeared last week has been confirmed as a runaway, Sheriff’s officials reported Wednesday.

Rayna Ramirez, 17, was reported missing by her family June 17.

runaway062315_boyfriendHer family reported that she was last seen having an argument with her boyfriend in a black Ford Crown Victoria at her home, said family friend Julia Rodriguez.

“Everyone has been contacting her but she’s not replying to anyone,” Rodriguez said.

Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station officials confirmed a missing person report had been filed but Ramirez is believed to be a runaway, said Lt. Brenda Cambra of the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station Detective Bureau.

“She is listed as a runaway in our system,” Cambra said. “We would like her to return home.”

“It appears she probably went missing with her boyfriend,” Cambra said, adding that as of Wednesday she had not returned home.

Ramirez’ boyfriend has had a small amount of contact with his family but she has not contacted hers, Cambra said.

If anyone has information about the whereabouts of Rayna Ramirez, they are encouraged to contact the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station at 661-255-1121.

You can also remain anonymous by calling “LA Crime Stoppers” at 800-222-TIPS (8477), texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or using [this website].


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  1. you guys should post his name and picture. Im sure someone has it.

  2. Don’t know his name.

  3. @scvtv you did not verify and confirm the details you have publish are true and correct.

    • Christine Nehme says:

      Teresa… you know the truth… Rayna is missing and was last seen arguing with Martin and he took off in his car with her in it. He is 17 and should not have anyone younger 25 years old in his car. That’s the truth. No please stop attacking my family. I want my God Daughter Rayna home and safe.

    • TO TERESA HAIDE PEREZ AND OTHER SUPPORTING THE RUNAWAY TEENS: as a complete unbiased outsider, I AM OUTRAGED with the lack of compassion you have and the way you are treating this girls family. MARTIN, regardless his status as her “boyfriend” OR not IS IRRELEVANT. if he cares and loves her, he would not think for one second he is capable as a 17 year old boy to RESCUE or SAVE her, regardless her living situation. this is coming from my experience, I ran away with my boyfriend when i was still a minor as well. THEY ARE TEENS. IT is factual knowledge that they have more hormones raging through their bodies than they know what to do with. Please, for their safety, stop giving them the benefit of the doubt that either of them are capable of making a rational and healthy life decision, especially when their obvious choice is TO RUN AWAY!!!! this is crazy. Fact: she is a minor. Fact: He is a minor. Fact: teenage boys are extremely capable of taking advantage of emotionally unstable females, especially if there is a strain within the females home environment, which you continue to state. IF YOU CARED, genuinely cared about both of them, YOU WOULD help them by assisting in finding resources for her to improve her life, opposed to RUNNING AWAY FROM IT. this is just disgusting.

  4. How about you get her mom to share the pics of the beatings she gave her.

    • Destiny says:

      These facts are true.
      Im sorry Sonia Sanchez but you need to get your facts together my aunt never beat my cousin so before you go open you mouth and state “facts” know exactly what your taking about.

    • Katie Nehme says:

      My niece Rayna Marie Ramirez-Nehme is missing we haven’t heard or seen from her since June 17, 2015 this is so out of her character we have spoken To the boyfriends mother and her stories have changed many of times my niece is reported missing and this mother is covering up for her son because she has not reported him missing which means she knows where he’s at we will not stop until my niece is home and safe and for those who say that my sister beats her daughter why don’t you check your facts straight my sister never hits her kids

    • Your saying her Mom beats her? Just asking?

    • Raynas mom,
      My Aunt never layed a hand on her. So Before you open your mouth please have correct facts.

    • Christine Nehme says:

      Sonia… I have no idea who you are. But if you have solid proof I want to see it. My sister never never hit her. My sister loves her very much and is very worried about her. So please stop with your lies. We want Rayna home and safe. Don’t try to make my family look bad because your probably covering up for Martin.

  5. ACTUALLY……… This is a case of teens running away together! It’s understandable that her family is worried, his family is worried too.. Not cool to falsely accuse people and make up stories!! Please stop making this out to be what it’s not!!!!!!

    • Destiny says:

      Yes this is true they are Runaways
      And they are hiding together. If his family was worried about him there would be flyers and posts and and a missing report filed and there isnt.
      No one is falsely accusing anyone just stating facts

    • True this is a case of runnaway teens but she was last seen Martin Ramos arguing with him and he drove off like a crazy maniac.
      His family is obviously not worried because theres is no flyers,posts. Or even a missing report filed. With that being said its obvious his family is helping them. Considering they are both minors and information that is being hiddin about my cousins Raynas whereabouts. There will be consquences because its considered harboring a minor.

    • Aja Davee says:

      just because HIS family isn’t worried, does not mean HER family isn’t! there is a missing girl, a distraught mother and worried family and friends. if you do not have anything nice to comment, do not bother commenting at all

    • Do not again make accusations or give opinions on his family and if they are worried or not!!! Destiny your FALSE ACCUSATIONS can have consequences as well so educate yourself a little before you write your posts.

      • Katie Nehme says:

        Teresa your the one who is making FALSE ACCUSATIONS about my sister. My family is just stating the truth and nothing more. Teresa i will give your name along with your home address since everything is public record to the detective for questioning it seems to me that you know where my niece is from all your comments or your helping his family cover up something. We HAVE NO IDEA WHO YOU ARE .. We need our niece back home safe. We need to see her to believe that she is Okay. Remember check your laws before you comment keeping a minor from there parents or withholding information about the whereabouts is illegal.

        • SCVNews.com says:

          In comments on this website, if you see someone’s face next to their name, their comment is being imported here from Facebook. They’re not going to see your reply unless you reply to their comment on our Facebook page, here => https://www.facebook.com/scvtv

    • Its Not false accusations its the truth

    • If they arent hiding information good for them but if they know something they need to come forward

    • Its also obvious the family isnt worried because no missing person report is filed on him.

  6. Liz Saenz says:

    Sounds like every one has opinions but the fact is there is a missing teen and a worried parent!

    • Correction, 2 missing teens! Thanks

    • Liz Saenz says:

      All I see is one!

    • They’re both teens and missing!

    • Liz Saenz says:

      Where is the report on the other missing teen?

    • Liz Saenz says:

      Aww someone is upset no hurt feelings just stating facts!!

    • HA! YOU don’t know the facts! You don’t upset me FYI, it takes a lot more to hurt my feelings, just trying to clarify what’s REALLY going on! Have a nice day lady!

    • Marisol, thank you for adding information.
      Liz, yes they’re both missing but her bf doesn’t have a missing persons report due to decisions of the family

    • Liz Saenz says:

      Now how do you know the facts ? There is a missing teen and worried parents if this is posted!

    • Liz Saenz says:

      A report should be filled so many things could be done to help find them BOTH Julia

    • Liz, I’m a close family friend! Rayna’s mother acted out as to reporting her missing, on his family’s part they haven’t reported him missing at all…it’s their decision and no one can do anything about it

    • Liz Saenz says:

      That is sad who wouldn’t want to report their child missing? Unless they KNOW where he is.

    • Maybe they do know when he is

    • Maybe they do know where he is

    • Julia as a “close family friend” have you made an effort to gather details from her mom? Has she made you aware of the abuse accusations her daughter has made towards her? Your above comment implying that Martins family may be aware of where they are again are intending to place blame on the other missing teen. Please be considerate of the other persons family as well.

    • Teresa as a family member of raynas my family never abused her.
      Julias comment is correct i know exactly what is being said. Martin Ramos is the last person my cousin was seen with and his family is the last people she talked too, if it is true and they are hiding information and not having there stories straight there will be consquence for harboring a minor.
      As far as we know Martins parents stated” they went camping”
      My cousin did not have permission to go anywhere with Martin. So please be considerate on what you say.

    • Diana Ortiz says:

      Destiny Rivas people are ignorant and just making up false accusations fact of the matter is she’s missing. I pray you all find her and she’s safe. Love you lots ❤️

    • Katie Nehme says:

      Teresa Haide Perez … your the one who is making FALSE ACCUSATIONS about my sister. My family is just stating the truth and nothing more. It seems to me that you know where my niece is from all your comments or your helping his family cover up something. We HAVE NO IDEA WHO YOU ARE .. We need our niece back home safe. We need to see her to believe that she is Okay. Remember check your laws before you comment keeping a minor from there parents or withholding information about the whereabouts is illegal.

    • Wow .. lol all I read was Liz asking natural harmless questions. And she is attacked for nothing. I get there are 2 missing teens now, but she was as I also now know .. was asking about the post itself stating 1 person is missing. So when you throw in extra stuff to the story that is no one’s fault but your own that information was not disclosed .. if someone asks for help we would like to help .. NOT be attacked by someone telling us to mind our own when this is now public knowledge .. and a mother pleading for help. So that anger you have.. USE IT!!! But just not on people who are asking the right questions and trying to help. Use it to push yourself to find ways.. or think of anyone who might know .. or any ways of search parties etc to find this girl or boy if the family so chose. USE it for the push to get results NOT to deter people from wanting to help because they will get their heads bit off. I know this Is a scary time. And God knows I been here with my now 18 yr old daughter. And even now that she is on her own .. i worry.. it never stops.. and the pressure of the anziety really causes you to be someone you are not. Kinda like those snicker Comercials. . Lol you know once you eat it you are yourself.. anyways. From one end of the glass to the other.. screen shoot. This and look back at it a month from now all that was said. And you will then be calm enough to re read and see how over the edge some of the responses are .. and how you could had perceived them at the moment. But what you thought you read was completely wrong for the responses .. let’s pray.. let’s get a deep breath in and think hard on how to help to solve this.. and prepare for anything .. i hope this helps.. if not .. well it is the internet and I am just a no one with a picture on a screen and words typed up .. it is what it is ..

    • Wow .. lol all I read was Liz asking natural harmless questions. And she is attacked for nothing. I get there are 2 missing teens now, but she was as I also now know .. was asking about the post itself stating 1 person is missing. So when you throw in extra stuff to the story that is no one’s fault but your own that information was not disclosed .. if someone asks for help we would like to help .. NOT be attacked by someone telling us to mind our own when this is now public knowledge .. and a mother pleading for help. So that anger you have.. USE IT!!! But just not on people who are asking the right questions and trying to help. Use it to push yourself to find ways.. or think of anyone who might know .. or any ways of search parties etc to find this girl or boy if the family so chose. USE it for the push to get results NOT to deter people from wanting to help because they will get their heads bit off. I know this Is a scary time. And God knows I been here with my now 18 yr old daughter. And even now that she is on her own .. i worry.. it never stops.. and the pressure of the anziety really causes you to be someone you are not. Kinda like those snicker Comercials. . Lol you know once you eat it you are yourself.. anyways. From one end of the glass to the other.. screen shoot. This and look back at it a month from now all that was said. And you will then be calm enough to re read and see how over the edge some of the responses are .. and how you could had perceived them at the moment. But what you thought you read was completely wrong for the responses .. let’s pray.. let’s get a deep breath in and think hard on how to help to solve this.. and prepare for anything .. i hope this helps.. if not .. well it is the internet and I am just a no one with a picture on a screen and words typed up .. it is what it is ..

    • The approach the family of the missing girl have taken is to blast Martin and his family stating they know where he is and that they are “harboring” minors. I am not in any way ignorant and don’t appreciate the implication made Diana Ortiz. I am very aware of the situation and am aware of the accusations Rayna made towards her mother.

    • The approach the family of the missing girl have taken is to blast Martin and his family stating they know where he is and that they are “harboring” minors. I am not in any way ignorant and don’t appreciate the implication made Diana Ortiz. I am very aware of the situation and am aware of the accusations Rayna made towards her mother.

      • Ashley Blair says:

        TERESA PEREZ: As a complete unbiased outsider to this entire situation and forum, I AM YET TO READ A STATEMENT FROM YOU THAT SAYS “I have no knowledge of the missing teenagers whereabouts.” all you continue to do in your comments is write inflammatory statements. You haven’t acknowledged anything, in my opinion you look very guilty of withholding information from this girls and minors family.

        • SCVNews.com says:

          If you see a person’s face (or silhouette) next to their post on this website, the comment came through our facebook page. Unless you reply to their comment on our facebook page, the person you’re talking to will never see it.

    • No one is trying to “blast” martin all we are saying is the last person know that she was with was Martin and the last known person she talked to was YOUR Family.
      All we want is Rayna home safe and thats it.
      If you want to be helpful in anyway
      Tell the sherriffs department anything information that you know.

    • No one is trying to “blast” martin all we are saying is the last person know that she was with was Martin and the last known person she talked to was YOUR Family.
      All we want is Rayna home safe and thats it.
      If you want to be helpful in anyway
      Tell the sherriffs department anything information that you know.

    • That way we both can have our family memebers back.

    • That way we both can have our family memebers back.

    • Sharing with the “Public”

    • It appears as if she has removed all of her comments from this forum. I WOULD URGE YOU to visit SCVTVS website and screenshot all of her comments because they are still visable there. I have a very strong feeling she is so defensive because she is partially guilty of something. I AM SENDING POSITIVE ENERGY AND PRAYERS FOR THE SAFETY OF RAYNA. HERE IS THE WEBSITE WHERE YOU CAN FIND ALL OF HER COMMENTS: http://scvnews.com/2015/06/24/friends-family-searching-for-missing-teen/

    • It appears as if she has removed all of her comments from this forum. I WOULD URGE YOU to visit SCVTVS website and screenshot all of her comments because they are still visable there. I have a very strong feeling she is so defensive because she is partially guilty of something. I AM SENDING POSITIVE ENERGY AND PRAYERS FOR THE SAFETY OF RAYNA. HERE IS THE WEBSITE WHERE YOU CAN FIND ALL OF HER COMMENTS: http://scvnews.com/2015/06/24/friends-family-searching-for-missing-teen/

    • Cj Bailey says:

      Bottom line!!! Come on people!! I will be sharing this post in Las Vegas, NV .. let’s get the word out!

  7. She’s with her bf…

  8. There’s a worried mother out there doing everything in her power to get her daughter back home safely. If you don’t have anything nice to say please do not comment!

    • The so called worried mother was abusive and caused her daughter to leave home. She is attempting to rectify the situation in an incorrect way. Spreading lies and false stories will hurt both families involved in the long run.

      • Destiny says:

        Setting facts straight my family isnt abusive to Rayna.
        True there is two missing teens technicaly but you cant report that Martin is missing his parents never filed a missing person report. So they obviously know where my cousin is. If you are Martins family and your are commentig you need to get your facts straight.

      • Katie Nehme says:

        Teresa Haide Perez, This is her aunt No one is Spreading lies these are the FACTS .. Rayna was last seen arguing with him he drove away with her in his car. Rayna hasn’t been heard from since June 17th 2015. This is so out of Rayna’s character. My sister has reported her under age daughter MISSING and when questioning his mom her stories have been changing. His mother isn’t worried about her son enough to report him missing. This is because she is covering something up. So please before you make your comments. Help us find Rayna, instead of trying to attack my sister.

    • So, do you know where they are?

    • No Julia I don’t know where they are. I do know that she ran away from her mom and that the story of them arguing is false.

    • Aja Davee says:

      and you can provide proof of that, yes?

    • How exactly do you know that? Teresa Haide Perez you weren’t there, do you have proof?

    • Let’s turn that question around on you 2, do you have proof of the argument? WERE YOU THERE?

      • Ashley Blair says:

        TERESA: so do you have proof that there WASNT an argument ? She is still a minor, however if in fact there was abuse in her home where is the police report and photos to corroborate your accusations? I was a minor when I ran off with my boyfriend as well. I was not physically abused by my parents however it was an extremely disfunctional environment for me. Still, to this day, I regret ever trusting the boy I was dating. As teenagers, hormones are raging and the males are extremely capable of taking advantage of the female during that time, especially if the young female doesn’t feel close to her family. That does not give anyone , especially the boyfriend, to be the one to rescue her. If in fact she is in an absuive family situation, a loving and caring and MATURE boyfriend would not think in his right mind he is capable of actually helping her beyond moral support. He should help her find resources that are available to her that does not entail taking her away. No one can say if she will regret this in the future, however, again, it is not her boyfriends place as a teenager to try to be the one to save and protect her. Not if he really cares and loves her.

    • I’m talking to her mother and cousin! Why would they lie?!

    • Aja Davee says:

      I was not there, no. but her family was and ive known Rayna for 5 years. her family wouldn’t lie!

    • Yes we have proof they were arguing and that martin drove off like a maniac he threw his phone to the ground and we have pieces of it.

    • There’s your proof Teresa Haide Perez where’s yours?

    • Well let’s see…the mother is being accused of abuse so maybe that’s why they would lie.

    • Yea but theres no proof of abuse.
      And again if they are lying there is consquences
      If they accusations were true wouldnt you go to the police and report it?

    • Diana Ortiz says:

      Omg does this Teresa girl have it out for her. Sounds like she doesn’t give a crap about her or if she comes back. She sure does know a lot about her! Hmmmm check her house

    • It Diana Ortiz its raynas boyfriends family member

    • Diana Ortiz says:

      Oh no wonder she’s on his side. Wow maybe she’s harboring a minor

    • Diana Ortiz says:

      I would tell the police to check her out as a possible suspect. She seems to know a lot!

    • Thats a good idea!

    • Katie Nehme says:

      Teresa Haide Perez CORRECTION my sister is NOT BEING accused of abuse. This is what your saying.. This is her aunt No one is Spreading lies these are the FACTS .. Rayna was last seen arguing with him he drove away with her in his car. Rayna hasn’t been heard from since June 17th 2015. This is so out of Rayna’s character. My sister has reported her under age daughter MISSING and when questioning his mom her stories have been changing. His mother isn’t worried about her son enough to report him missing. This is because she is covering something up. So please before you make your comments. Help us find Rayna, instead of trying to attack my sister. Teresa I will give your name along with your home address since everything is public record to the detective for questioning it seems to me that you know where my niece is from all your comments or your helping his family cover up something.

    • So what I see here is someone slandering another with accusations that have no facts behind it. Anyone can say they were abused.. but do you have pictures? Is there police reports? I really hate when people throw out a wrong to rectify another wrong. This child is under age.. she is a teenager with raging hormones and is bound to hate their mom or dad atleast 500 x in their young years of life over anything from .. mom won’t let me have candy.. i hate her…. my mom won’t let me go to a party… i hate her… my dad said he would shoot any man that touches me… I HATE HIM.. and there is also story’s they tell so it feels better to be upset rather then letting one know how petty the situation is as to why you are so mad.. no matter what.. THAT IS NO ONES BUISNESS BUT THE PARENTS. … not the boyfriends family.. not friends. And trust me throwing out false words in hopes to make a monster out of someone to justify the others actions is ugly.. if you ask for facts and get them.. those are proven actions for that time line of the story.. it IS what one side saw or has proof of in that moment.. what proof does the other side have to state abuse. Or even to say she ran away.. that to me proves you do know something because the family saw arguments and anger.. never her running away.. so where did that come from… if anyone Is ruining it for these 2 love birds It is the boyfriends family for not being honest as to what Is going on.. and I am just an outsider looking in..

    • So what I see here is someone slandering another with accusations that have no facts behind it. Anyone can say they were abused.. but do you have pictures? Is there police reports? I really hate when people throw out a wrong to rectify another wrong. This child is under age.. she is a teenager with raging hormones and is bound to hate their mom or dad atleast 500 x in their young years of life over anything from .. mom won’t let me have candy.. i hate her…. my mom won’t let me go to a party… i hate her… my dad said he would shoot any man that touches me… I HATE HIM.. and there is also story’s they tell so it feels better to be upset rather then letting one know how petty the situation is as to why you are so mad.. no matter what.. THAT IS NO ONES BUISNESS BUT THE PARENTS. … not the boyfriends family.. not friends. And trust me throwing out false words in hopes to make a monster out of someone to justify the others actions is ugly.. if you ask for facts and get them.. those are proven actions for that time line of the story.. it IS what one side saw or has proof of in that moment.. what proof does the other side have to state abuse. Or even to say she ran away.. that to me proves you do know something because the family saw arguments and anger.. never her running away.. so where did that come from… if anyone Is ruining it for these 2 love birds It is the boyfriends family for not being honest as to what Is going on.. and I am just an outsider looking in..

    • The drove off together and havent been seen according to his family.

    • The drove off together and havent been seen according to his family.

    • Bianca Diaz says:

      She ran away with her own free will, she would always rant on how she was moving out and she hated it at home. I pray that she contacts anyone to let us know that she is safe.

  9. Destiny says:

    You realize that my cousin is missing and the last person that she was with was martin ramos and the last people she taked to was his family?
    Once again get your facts straight my family didnt treat her like “crap”

  10. Katie Nehme says:

    Ian Ramos if you know the whereabouts of my niece please contact the Santa Clarita sheriff station.

  11. She has been missing for a week? Why is this being reported so late? Hope she is safe.

  12. Katie Nehme says:

    Teresa Haide Perez, This is her aunt No one is Spreading lies these are the FACTS .. Rayna was last seen arguing with him he drove away with her in his car. Rayna hasn’t been heard from since June 17th 2015. This is so out of Rayna’s character. My sister has reported her under age daughter MISSING and when questioning his mom her stories have been changing. His mother isn’t worried about her son enough to report him missing. This is because she is covering something up. So please before you make your comments. Help us find Rayna, instead of trying to attack my sister.

  13. Shirley says:

    Wow…I hope they are both okay, and I hope they find out what is really going on. Prayers.

  14. Prayers to the family during this very stressful time. I pray she comes home soon! Xxx

  15. Oh my goodness this girl was in choir class when I was high school, she was so sweet! I hope she’s okay.

  16. Christine Nehme says:

    I am Raynas aunt and God mother. There is no abuse from her mother towards her. Stop making up these lies. We love her and miss her and want her home. We want to know she is ok and alive. Rayna baby if your reading this please call me and let me know your ok. Anyone who as any information please come forward please. We have been to his mother’s home with no help. So please stop spreading lies or attacking Raynas family my familyunless you have solid proof. We just want her home and safe.

  17. Once a police report is made, they can publish anything they confirm through police department. It is public records

  18. Christine Nehme says:

    I am Raynas Aunt and God mother. There is no abuse from her mother towards her. Stop making up these lies. We love her and miss her and want her home. We want to know she is ok and alive. Rayna baby if your reading this please call me and let me know your ok. Anyone who as any information please come forward please. We have been to his mother’s home with no help. So please stop spreading lies or attacking Raynas family my family unless you have solid proof. We just want her home and safe.

  19. Nadiya says:

    So very sad.

  20. Jr Rodriguez says:


  21. She prolly got introduce to meth she got beating and stayed with him that says it all

  22. Aaron Tye says:

    Man a parent wants to know where her child is, i love all these idiot detectives that are jumping to conclusions… The only fact that you know is a parent, does not know where her daughter is, and they are concerned so they filed a police report.
    I hope they find her, and if there os any unresolved issues, that they are solved.

  23. This is every parents worse nightmare. I hope she is found and is safe. My heart goes out to her family

  24. James Parker says:

    Oh no! That looks like my car. I hope they find them before LAPD shoots up my ride

  25. Dylan Todd Do you know her?

  26. Elissa says:

    looks like Theresa is friends with Martin Ramos on facebook.

  27. Bianca Diaz says:

    This is my stepsister, her boyfriends name is Martin Ramos, if anyone has anything please let us know.

  28. Bianca Diaz says:

    This is my stepsister, her boyfriends name is Martin Ramos, if anyone has anything please let us know.

  29. Haha its that foo Jeremy

  30. What matters is getting her home safe and knowing she is ok. Her mom must be out of her mind worried. At least a phone call to prove she is safe. Please please understand that nothing else matters just the safety of the teen reported missing. No one really knows what happened if she left because she wanted to or if she was taken. The only thing we know is she is missing and her family just needs proof she is a live and well. please please please just let everyone know that she is ok.

  31. We’re keeping an eye out for her and will share. Prayers for her and your family.

  32. Dorene Tapp says:

    Prayers for her safe return home.

  33. Sabrina Stewart says:

    I’m a concerned friend and a mother myself. So I looked up the SCVnews to see if this parents nightmare was true.? Sadly :(…What do I see? Not only is a true, but to read the horrible comments being said about Rayna’s worried mother, is so devastating to read. All these ugly, heartless, inconsiderate comments towards a poor mothers grief. How sad & ungodly.
    I’m a mother of 3 boys and 2 girls and if anyone of my kids went missing of any age, you best believe there would be a missing persons report filed in heart beat. Please show compassion and consideration for Rayna’s loving family. Don’t project your anger unto them when it’s their niece and daughter missing. Remember this is still a missing teen who family reported her missing. Regardless what you think or know, she’s missing until her mother or the officials say otherwise! Do you know the pain of having to give your child’s description to the police? I do? It’s the worst feeling any parent can ever feel. Now imagine just try to imagine having to see your child’s picture on a missing persons news, add or website. :( My heart is broken to know there’s so many cruel people out there, deflecting the real reason why were all here. It’s about Rayna and her mother. Give a grieving mother & worried family a simple phone call to just say “She’s ok”! Have Rayna just leave a message to let her praying mother know she’s ok.♥ This is coming from a mother who has the same age daughter, who’s own daughter graduated a few weeks ago with Rayna♥ If you have children you need to try to put yourself in her mommys shoes and see if from her eyes. Please if you don’t have anything nice to say or something positive to contribute to this investigation, then don’t say anything at all. I’m sure it was easy to wake up today and eat breakfast, and you’ll probably sleep comfy tonight but trust me…I’m sure Rayna’s mother has slept or had any appetite to eat. Please call the Sheriffs or the family and let them know she’s ok. Let the family work out their own family trials if any♥ Don’t play God with another soul. God is watching, and there is conviction to follow with consequences. Do something while you still can. God forgive you if you know anything and choose NOT to help. I’m blessed to have a family that would stand together side by side in such a horrible experience as this. I hope you and your family are as loving and compassionate as mine. Do the right thing, do what God would want you to do.♡ God forgives but this is one trial no parent should have to go through :( I’m sorry if I offended anyone by my comment.♡ God bless both families.♡ Rayna everyone is praying for your safety. Go home baby.

  34. Katie Nehme says:

    JENNIFER YOUR WORDS ARE CLEARLY SAYING THAT YOU’RE HIDING THEM UNTIL THERE OF THE AGE OF 18. REMEMBER THAT EVEN WHEN SHE TURNS 18 SHE IS STILL A MISSING PERSON. not a runway as you state. Remember keeping a minor from there parents or withholding information about their whereabouts is illegal.

  35. Ashley Blair says:

    TO TERESA HAIDE PEREZ AND OTHER SUPPORTING THE RUNAWAY TEENS: as a complete unbiased outsider, I AM OUTRAGED with the lack of compassion you have and the way you are treating this girls family. MARTIN, regardless his status as her “boyfriend” OR not IS IRRELEVANT. if he cares and loves her, he would not think for one second he is capable as a 17 year old boy to RESCUE or SAVE her, regardless her living situation. this is coming from my experience, I ran away with my boyfriend when i was still a minor as well. THEY ARE TEENS. IT is factual knowledge that they have more hormones raging through their bodies than they know what to do with. Please, for their safety, stop giving them the benefit of the doubt that either of them are capable of making a rational and healthy life decision, especially when their obvious choice is TO RUN AWAY!!!! this is crazy. Fact: she is a minor. Fact: He is a minor. Fact: teenage boys are extremely capable of taking advantage of emotionally unstable females, especially if there is a strain within the females home environment, which you continue to state. IF YOU CARED, genuinely cared about both of them, YOU WOULD help them by assisting in finding resources for her to improve her life, opposed to RUNNING AWAY FROM IT. this is just disgusting.

  36. kc says:

    I only see ONE missing person report filed. So that is what we have to go by. There is only one missing person here. If there were 2 missing people then there would be 2 missing person reports. If a family has a missing child/teen and they have no idea where they are it is only natural to be scared about where that child is and worried about them and to file a missing person police report asap so that people can start looking for them.

  37. Habibi Punjabi says:

    Now all of you look horrible. Arguing in front of the public. Facts this facts that. No wonder no one takes this serious. Fighting like cats and dogs. If drawling bad criticism to people of white ethnicity is what you wanted you now have made everyone look bad thank you…..

  38. I hope she is found safe I hope if his family knows anything when she is found safe they r charged with harboring her. Unfortunately he looks like a kid who would be up to no good I hate to say that judge him he must have anger issues if he throwing his phone. Does she have her cell phone?

    • Courtney, both cell phones have been disconnected

      • kc says:

        Julia how do you know this? How do you know both cells have been disconnected?

        • Christine Nehme says:

          KC your right the family must know where he is and where my niece Rayna is at. That’s why there was no urgency to file a missing person report on him. We just want her home we want to hear her voice and see her smile. We miss her so much and it hurts not knowing where she is or if she is ok. Rayna if your seeming this please come home. Call me text me something anything. Martin if your seeing this bring her home please.

    • Awwww darn cause even if there off the phone canoes can do an emergency ping to locate them we did that when we couldn’t find my diabetic step dad who phone was off

  39. Bianca diaz I sent u a pm trying to help hope I didn’t bother u

  40. Jess says:

    Has anyone tried tracking down her cell phone? There are apps that show the location or im sure the police have a way to also :o

  41. Katie Nehme says:

    UPDATE … As of June 25 2015 … RAYNA MARIE RAMIREZ-NEHME … is STILL MISSING….. please conutine re-posting the pictures, get the word out until she is home safe. My sister Rayna’s mom wanted me to THANK EVERYONE for helping us out in any way they can and she has read everyone’s comments. She is so apprecitaive for the prayers and best wishes..

    • Ken Ny says:

      Where’s her boyfriend? Is he missing too?

    • Katie Nehme says:

      Yeah he is missing to and his family still haven’t filed a missing report for him..

      • kc says:

        no he is not missing! there is no missing report for him so he is NOT considered missing. If he was missing, his family would have filed a missing report on him. So that tells me someone knows where he is. Otherwise his fam would be running to the police to look for him and file a missing person report. The only time people don’t file a missing person report is when they know where they are.

        • Katie Nehme says:

          KC .. you’re right, the parents have not yet reported him missing. When my sister and myself questioned his mother why she hasn’t reported her son missing she keeps telling us that she said that she has a reputation to protect. If she isn’t worried enough about her son’s whereabouts this leads me to believe that she knows where he is at and she is either covering up something for him or their hiding him and my niece with family or friends or something worse. All I know that my niece RAYNA is stilling MISSING and we need her home we need to hear from her see her to make sure that she is alright. Rayna we Love you.. So PLEASE I AM BEGGING ANY ONE WITH ANY INFORMATION ABOUT MY NIECE RAYNA RAMIREZ-NEHME TO CONTACT the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station at 661-255-1121.
          You can also remain anonymous by calling “LA Crime Stoppers” at 800-222-TIPS (8477), texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or using

  42. sammy m says:

    Fauna this is your cousin Sammy call your mother she’s worried about you and the rest of the family is worried about you. and to her boyfriend this is not right to keep her away from her family

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Friday, Mar 14, 2025
March 15: St. Francis Dam Tour Postponed Due to Rain
The Santa Clarita Valley Historical Society has announced that the St. Francis Dam Tour scheduled for Saturday, March 15 has been postponed until Saturday, April 26.
Friday, Mar 14, 2025
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Friday, Mar 14, 2025
April 26: Celebrity Waiter Dinner to Feature ‘Broadway Lights’ Theme
The Santa Clarita Valley Senior Center is preparing for the annual fundraising Celebrity Waiter Dinner to be held Saturday, April 26 at the Bella Vida Senior Center.
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