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Sanford Lyon

The Real Side | Commentary by Joe Messina
| Tuesday, Sep 20, 2016

joemessinamugLet me start off by saying I don’t wish a disease or death on anyone. For those of you who really don’t have a grasp on reality, calling someone out on something doesn’t mean you’re wishing that upon them.

Hillary Clinton has all the signs of a “pseudologia fantastica.” For instance, one definition says:

“It’s a condition involving compulsive lying by a person with no obvious motivation. The affected person might believe their lies to be truth and may have to create elaborate myths to reconcile them with other facts.”

Another reads:

“Someone who often embellishes his or her stories in a way that he or she believes will impress people.” A pseudologia fantastica “is different from a normal liar in that a (sufferer) believes the lie they are telling to be true — at least in public — and is ‘playing’ the role. He or she sometimes is seen to have a serious mental problem that needs to be rectified” and “often actually convince themselves that they are telling the truth, which in turn can alter polygraph tests and other questioning.”

“When caught in a lie, (pseudologia fantasticas) tend to become hostile or try to disregard the fact they lied; often playing it off as a joke.”

Let me say I am not a shrink, nor do I play one on the radio. But I can say, because of all the evidence on the Internet, radio, TV and in print, Mrs. Clinton must suffer from “pseudologia fantastica.”

Let’s look at some issues, starting with what happened recently. Clinton had a heat stroke … I mean pneumonia … I mean the flu. Well, OK, first she said she overheated (commonly known as heat stroke) after she abruptly left the 9/11 ceremony on Sunday. When she got rehydrated after being at her daughter’s clinic for an hour or so, she apparently remembered her doctor came to treat her the previous Friday. So somehow, Clinton was visited by a doctor for an unscheduled exam while being flagged by the media and others … and this was a non-issue? And no one knew about it? The doctor determined that Clinton had pneumonia. Diagnosing pneumonia is a pretty lengthy exam. She must have the best doctor on the planet.

Then on Tuesday, Bill Clinton said he couldn’t understand what all the fuss was about because millions of Americans get the “flu” every day.

So was it heat stroke, pneumonia, or the flu? How did Hillary Clinton and staff not know on Sunday that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday? One of the orders from the doctor surely would have been to drink plenty of liquids and get rest. Did the doctor revise their diagnosis on Tuesday to the flu? Or did the Clintons, in their usual fashion, simply lie?

Hillary Clinton told the story about how she and Chelsea had to duck sniper fire when they landed in Bosnia for a state-sponsored visit. She told and retold and retold the story about how they had to run from the plane to a safe place in the hanger. She “remembered it vividly.” Until she didn’t, when right-wing media exposed her with video and footage of her landing showing kids who turned out to meet her.

She said she “misspoke” and “mis-remembered.” Billy even came out a few days later and wondered: Why is everyone so upset about her not recalling a story properly at a speech she made? Saying it happens all the time.

Can anyone please tell me the last time anyone “mis-remembered” bullets flying by their heads while running for cover? Anyone? Anyone?

Ahh, then the best one. The one she can’t seem to find the truth on, even after she is shown it in her own words from her own emails with her own family.

The night of the Benghazi attack, Hillary Clinton clearly knew it was a planned terrorist attack. That very night she told her daughter it was a terror attack. We have proof of that fact. The next day she told the Turkish leader that it was a terrorist attack. We have proof of that, too. Many other emails from Clinton also refer to Benghazi as everything but a result of a video made by a producer in California – the exact story (lies) she told the news outlets, the parents of those killed in the attack, and us, the American public.

When she finally got irritated at being questioned, she broke out with this: “The fact is, we have four dead Americans. Whether it was because of a protest or because guys outside for a walk one night decided to go kill some Americans – what difference at this point does it make?”

You’re right, Mrs. Clinton. Four Americans are dead and many more because of your inability to tell the truth. God forbid you become president. Will your motto be, “What difference does it make?” You seem to feel the end justifies the means – but the end for you is as long as you don’t get blamed, you don’t care what the story is.

Here is an excerpt from an article printed in the American Journal of Psychiatry:

“Psychiatrists see lying as pathological when it is so persistent as to be destructive to the liar’s life, or to those to whom he lies.

“The most blatant lying is found in the condition called ‘pseudologia fantastica,’ in which a person concocts a stream of fictitious tales about his past, many with a small kernel of truth, all self-aggrandizing.

“Pathological liars seem utterly sincere about their lies, but if confronted with facts to the contrary, will often just as sincerely reverse their story,” Dr. King said. “Their stories have a believable consistency, but they just do not seem able to monitor whether they are telling the truth or not.

“Research suggests that this most extreme form of lying is associated with a specific neurological pattern: a minor memory deficit combined with impairment in the frontal lobes, which critically evaluate information.”

Hillary Clinton has a problem, people.

My diagnosis of Clinton is that she has “responsibility deficit disorder” coupled with “pseudologia fantastica.” The actions she has taken as an adult would land all of your kids as teenagers in a time-out, having the car taken away and losing phone privileges. But because she is a Democratic woman seeking the presidency, the left defends her as if she is their god, at the cost of the American people.

I’d say “God help you,” but as was witnessed when you tried to remove Him from your platform, you wouldn’t have one to help. So I say, “HillBama help you.” That would be the Hillary-Obama god heads.

America bless God. And God, please forgive us. We need Your help.


Joe Messina is host of The Real Side (TheRealSide.com), a nationally syndicated talk show that runs on AM-1220 KHTS radio and SCVTV [here]. He is also an elected member of the Hart School Board. His commentary publishes Mondays.


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  1. Gary Horton says:


    If you were a harp, you would have only one string. And, pluck, pluck, pluck – all day long, the same old off-tune note. Pluck, pluck,pluck.

    Pluck pluck.

    And it sounds like hate. And it sounds like selfish. And it sounds so very anti-everything I learned about Christianity.

    You have taken Christianity and turned it into a nationalistic kind of hate for other Americans not like you.

    Pluck, pluck, pluck, pluck.

    Oh, the sound is that of a sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal.

    Pluck, pluck.

    Pick at that string, Joe. Pick it some more.

  2. Diane Babko says:

    Really? Change the name to Donald Trump and you’d be right on!

  3. Dave G says:

    Nothing like an unbiased story. Who’re ya voting for, Joe?

  4. Lee Jenkinson says:

    “pseudologia fantastica” huh? I find it fascinating that you manage to spin and twist all manner of innuendo and sophistry into “facts” that irrefutably add up to Hillary Clinton being a pathological liar, and not once mention Donald Trump, who makes Hillary look like an amateur at that game. While it must be fun to live in your alternate universe Joe, I’m afraid that your Alt-right obsession with paranoia, lies and intimidation will eventually backfire on you, just as Trump did during the primaries. Your vitriol only works on people who are as gullible, ignorant and biased as you obviously are.
    Oh, and when exactly did you get your degree in psychology Joe? Or is that yet another delusion wandering around in your fevered Alt-right brain?

  5. George Palmer says:

    Very well done! Nice to see that not everyone has been infected with the Clinton kool-aid

  6. I find the truth in your analysis easy to understand and apply to Hillary. Her trail of tales extends for miles or in this case years. I’ll be anxiously waiting for more of the same, the night of the first debate. Then I’ll look forward to your opinion.???

  7. Suzi S Smith says:

    As usual, here is a sad indication of the mind-set of what’s wrong with our populace. Narrow-minded, mean-spirited. And now a medical expert. Now let’s look at your pic and diagnose YOU. Let’s start with your diet….

  8. Yea and Trump is the healthiest, most fit. candidate ever in the history of the world Bigly !
    Get a Grip !

  9. Joe is full of ??????????

  10. Bill says:

    Oh well, you certainly proved that Trump is the smarter, well versed on all issues candidate with absolutely no bizarre personality issues!

  11. Jose says:

    It’s sad to see so many people read and hear the truth about this woman and yet support her. Goes to show how many people are brainwashed by the media and scrhillary’s constant lies. Read Scorched Earth by Michael Savage, maybe that will help with your narrowed minded ways.

  12. SCVTV should not be posting this crap….SCVTV, you disappoint me.

  13. I can’t believe I read this crap!

  14. Free speech folks. You don’t have to read it.

  15. The commentaries by Joe are garbage. Can SCVTV please remove these from its feeds?

  16. Nancy Arnot says:

    Who is this bozo? I’ve never heard of him. So why is his wrong opinion given any Creedence?
    To me it is clear this ying-yang has his stuff confused. He is actually describing orange freak spot on.

  17. El Rey says:

    I don’t have to read this. I just want to laugh so hard I start looking like Joe himself. All caddy wampis. Then people will take me seriously in life for sure. Lol.

  18. sounds like you are describing Trump

  19. Insert the name Donald Trump and your analysis might be pretty close Joe. And you are right, Daryl Manzer we don’t have to read it, just like we don’t have to read yours either, You and Joe must be pretty close. But again, this ilk being associated with the Hart School District is unfathomable…..

  20. Jack Gratrix says:

    you opinion people sure do hate Joe Messina. The opinion he tries to share with you brings out all your vitriol? You can give your opinion, but please try to hold back your personal hate!

  21. Allets Zerep says:

    You must be so proud to be the driver on that crazy train called the GOP. Pathetic, tired, and emphatically untrue statements made by trump and his brain damaged supporters are so outrageous. You are a f***ing MORON

  22. Allets Zerep says:

    You are a f*****g MORON

  23. Oh, for Pete’s sake! What an ass.

  24. Lol the sheeple can’t handle the truth its easier to pretend to believe the lies and not rock the boat. Not one point made to counter what Joe is saying. Just people criticizing him for pointing out facts. If you disagree with his points how about giving your explanation as to why Hillary appears to be a habitual liar. I might not agree with Joe’s diagnosis, but that is based on him not being a psychologist. Otherwise he pointed out some good legitimate concerns. Lets deal with the truth of the candidate and not blindly follow her because of your party. Trump is no saint either. But I would take a big mouth non politically correct person over a repeated liar because I could never trust a liar. I am insulted by her lying to us as Americans and thinking we are too stupid to figure out she will say ANYTHING to get elected. She has to be laughing at how stupid we appear to be that no matter how many cover ups and lies people will still vote for her because the media or their favorite celebrity has them programmed. We have to live with the consequences of whomever is elected. Let’s be responsible with this voting priveledge and use common sense and really look at the truth and consequences of whomever wins. The rest of the world is watching us and our children’s futures depends on us making smart, responsible decisions.

  25. I think your right … “pseudologia fantastica”!

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