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S.C.V. History
September 19
1863 - Gen. Edward F. Beale loans money to A.A. Hudson and Oliver P. Robbins to erect toll house in Newhall Pass [story]
toll house

[KHTS] – Two Saugus High students were arrested this week for allegedly posting “inappropriate photos,” Hart district officials said Thursday.

The arrests were not made on campus, officials said. The names and ages of the suspects are not being released, according to officials.

Detectives with the Special Victims Bureau of the Sheriff’s Department are not releasing any information in connection with the arrests.

twitter-accounts-post-pictures-nude-santa-clarita-valley-teensThere is wide speculation online and in social media the arrests are tied to “SCV Purge,” a series of crimes committed online involving the posting of pictures of underage girls and private information.

Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station officials referred all inquiries to the Special Victims Bureau, which is handling the investigation.

In the case of the “SCV Purge,” using the Twitter handle @scvpurge1, the suspects allegedly posted dozens of naked or near-nude photos of teenage girls July 16 — many of whom were underage — that were solicited online.

They then published the private messages from people who sent him pictures and private information about other Santa Clarita Valley teens. The account quickly gained more than 2,000 followers.

Shortly before the SCV Purge account was taken down for a final time, the username and password were tweeted out, leading many to log in to the account.

The incident prompted Hart district officials to share the following advice from sheriff’s officials with parents, regarding suggested dialogue with their children about social media activity:

– Establish guidelines with your child before allowing him or her to use social media such as reviewing your child’s posts before posting.

– Ensure your child is using privacy settings

– Caution your child about the dangers of posting inappropriate or provocative information or images. Teach them that once something is posted online, it cannot be taken back.

– Encourage your children to come to you if anything on a blog site or social media makes him or her feel uncomfortable and to always let you know if there is an attempt by a stranger to contact them or engage in conversation.


From a previous story:

One of the initial accounts, SCV Purge, was put together Wednesday, and then taken down after Twitter was notified of the content. Another Twitter handle “@SCVpurge1,” was quickly put up in its place and Twitter took away the accounts posting rights.

The final Twitter handle @Scv_Purge1 was set up around 2 p.m. Wednesday.

The Twitter handle posted dozens of nude photographs along with captions that claimed to identify Santa Clarita high school students. The anonymous poster also published tweets including explicit actions that the named teens had allegedly done.

The posting continued to escalate until 9:21 p.m. when the owner of the account tweeted “Stay tuned till 12am tonight for what you all have been waiting for…. THE BIG PURGE.” and minutes later began threatening to reveal the people who had shared the explicit content with the Twitter account.

Around 10:11 p.m. the Twitter account @Scv_Purge1 went from private to public and posted all of the Twitter handles of people who “exposed” the teens.  The account also published several more nude photographs and explicit actions allegedly done by the named teens.

The account was shut down by Twitter between 10:50 p.m. and 11:30 p.m.

“I heard about it (Wednesday) actually by friends,” said a Saugus High School student who asked to remain anonymous. “They told me about it and they told me that it’s kind of discriminating to teenage girls and embarrassing that they were trusting people with pictures. It’s not OK to post those pictures but it’s not OK to take those pictures and it’s not OK to send them to people. Even if you trust them, you never know.”

The title “SCV Purge” was apparently inspired by a 2013 movie called “The Purge,” in which “A wealthy family is held hostage for harboring the target of a murderous syndicate during the Purge, a 12-hour period in which any and all crime is legalized,” according to IMDB.

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REAL NAMES ONLY: All posters must use their real individual or business name. This applies equally to Twitter account holders who use a nickname.


  1. Dumb kids wanted to be known. Now they’ll be known as a registered sex offender, for life.

  2. Dumb kids wanted to be known. Now they’ll be known as a registered sex offender, for life.

  3. Really? Arrested for posting that? SMH

  4. Really? Arrested for posting that? SMH

  5. Maybe these little girls should stop sending all kind of naked pictures out.

    • Remy Cashman says:

      Maybe you should stop shaming young women for expressing their sexuality, which is healthy and natural, and rather shame the parents who apparently did not teach their sons that it’s not okay to exploit people, women especially, and blaming the victim.

    • Maybe girls should start acting like ladies.

    • Remy Cashman says:

      Maybe part of being a woman is being familiar with herself and her sexuality, and it is necessary for young women to experiment sexually in order to figure that out.

    • Remy Cashman says:

      Also, what constitutes acting like a “lady” for you? I feel like there’s a strange gender double-standard going on here.

    • Remy Cashman says:

      Or maybe you’re jealous that some people are getting laid and you aren’t.

    • Or maybe you should worry about your own problems and stop being immature fighting people on FB

    • Remy Cashman says:

      Or maybe I like to stand up for victims of unreasonable shaming. If you want to keep quiet about something that is entirely wrong and unjust, be my guest.

    • Remy Cashman says:

      Or maybe I like to stand up for victims of unreasonable shaming. If you want to keep quiet about something that is entirely wrong and unjust, be my guest.

    • So its ok for a girl to send out naked pictures to all kinds of guys but its wrong for guys to show those pictures to other people. If the girls didnt want the world to know they are hood rats then they shouldn’t of sent the pictures.

    • So its ok for a girl to send out naked pictures to all kinds of guys but its wrong for guys to show those pictures to other people. If the girls didnt want the world to know they are hood rats then they shouldn’t of sent the pictures.

    • Remy Cashman says:

      Yes. Yes it is. If you found out that your son had done something like that, you would be ashamed. You’re obviously someone who blames the victim, similar to those who would rather support the police officers than the black men they have murdered. How dare you pass the judgement that these women are “hood rats” (which sounds pretty racist to me) when all they are doing is becoming familiar with themselves. Maybe you’re insecure because you were told that you weren’t allowed to express your sexuality when you were young. But you are not any higher on the moral food chain than any of these people. What these girls do absolutely none of your business and you have no right to judge them for doing something natural.

      PS: *shouldn’t have

    • Remy Cashman says:

      Yes. Yes it is. If you found out that your son had done something like that, you would be ashamed. You’re obviously someone who blames the victim, similar to those who would rather support the police officers than the black men they have murdered. How dare you pass the judgement that these women are “hood rats” (which sounds pretty racist to me) when all they are doing is becoming familiar with themselves. Maybe you’re insecure because you were told that you weren’t allowed to express your sexuality when you were young. But you are not any higher on the moral food chain than any of these people. What these girls do absolutely none of your business and you have no right to judge them for doing something natural.

      PS: *shouldn’t have

    • Becoming familiar with themselves and sending naked pictures out are 2 different things. I wouls be embarrassed if my daughters were to disrespect there bodies like that…and for the record I hate the police. I just hate when girls act like whores and then cry when there treated like whores

    • Becoming familiar with themselves and sending naked pictures out are 2 different things. I wouls be embarrassed if my daughters were to disrespect there bodies like that…and for the record I hate the police. I just hate when girls act like whores and then cry when there treated like whores

    • Except your not changing anything by putting it on FB, life’s too short to worry about problems that are out of your control and to make enemy’s on Facebook by ridiculing their opinion with your own

    • There’s a HUGE distinction between exploring the sexuality privately at home and taking nude pictures of themselves and sending them out to be viewed publicly. And clearly you have a skewed view on what constitutes a victim since you think that someone who strong-a robs someone and then charges after an officer and tries to take his weapon is a victim. I believe your moral compass needs some serious tweeking.

    • Remy, it is in fact NOT a “healthy expression of sexuality” for underage teens (aka children) to disseminate or share naked pictures of themselves on the internet. That goes for children of BOTH genders.
      It’s irresponsible, dangerous, and in fact illegal.

    • Dynamic Interventions holds parenting classes, and I can tell you one thing they brought up… ” tell your daughters not to take pics and send them out, because one you send them out.. they aren’t your pics anymore.. and people can do what they want”…

    • Dynamic Interventions holds parenting classes, and I can tell you one thing they brought up… ” tell your daughters not to take pics and send them out, because one you send them out.. they aren’t your pics anymore.. and people can do what they want”…

    • Remy Cashman says:

      Also, who exactly are you referring to as “hood rats?” Still seems to have some racial implications to me. But it wouldn’t surprise me knowing that a majority of you either won’t stand up for what’s right or prefer to blame the victim and not get your hands dirty.

    • Wow I can tell your not the sharpest tool in the shed if your asking who im referring to as a hood rat. Here let me break it down for your ignorant self. The girls who didnt respect themselves, and sent out naked pictures to guys are hood rats. The little girls who should of been doing there homework instead of taking naked pictures. Are you still wondering who im referring to?

    • Steff Choe says:

      One: you’re, not your. Before you call her ignorant or unintelligent, please respect her (and subsequently me) and use proper grammar and spelling, please. And “should have been doing homework instead of taking naked pictures”? Sounds like a fallacy considering the fact that these girls probably weren’t spending their ENTIRE day taking nude pictures. Taking nude pictures and sending them to people they trust probably took, maybe max 10 minutes?

      And the problem is not them taking nudes. The problem are these improperly raised boys (and some girls, as well) who think it’s okay to shatter young women’s trust by sharing their photos all around.

    • To me this falls in the same category as, “well she was wearing a short skirt…”as a defense for rape? I see both sides, but I’m leaning more towards the boys shouldn’t have shared the photos…and I would kick my teenage girls bum for sending naked pics of herself! Torn here…

    • It’s not an “either/or” situation. BOTH parties were wrong. The boys should not be disseminating the nude pictures, and the underage girls shouldn’t have shared them in the first place.
      The internet is a domain that’s crawling with predators over which you have ZERO control, and making your private photos accessible in such a vulnerable public forum is incredibly thoughtless, risky behavior. It has nothing to do with “shaming” or morality, it’s just plain stupid.
      Both parties’ actions were irresponsible, foolish, and ultimately illegal.

    • Gina Stewart says:

      ^TOTALLY agree Christian Lanz

  6. i think the names should be known! then we know who to stay away from. these kids get away with this and we DON’T get to know who they are??? that’s the problem- these people post photos without the consent or knowledge of their victims and the law protects THEM?

  7. A hard lesson learned: actions have consequences. Hopefully teens will be smart enough to learn from this lack of good judgement !

  8. Dee Dee says:

    Once they are on the sex offenders list, we will know who they are. Give it time and check sex offenders names in your area.

  9. Erika Martinez Michael Llamas Mike Arreola

  10. Julian Gamba says:

    They’re underage as well. Correct me of I’m wrong but I thought you had to be an adult to be a sex offender

  11. Julian Gamba says:

    Plus I didn’t read it was 2 boys doing it what if it was 2 females that decided to post the pictures and bully other girls. It shouldn’t be assumed that it was males that did it if it’s not clearly stated. Women are just just as likely to do the same.

  12. The internet isn’t as anonymous as they would like to think it is..

  13. Omar Chavez says:

    They won’t b lonely in prison…

  14. Art Tom says:

    Stupidity always shows up to defend itself.

  15. You can get a shot for influenza but not stupid

  16. You can get a shot for influenza but not stupid

  17. Ellie Han says:

    Andie Phongpharnich

  18. Ellie Han says:

    Andie Phongpharnich

  19. Tom Dehn says:

    Wellspring of testosterone + computer. -bad.

  20. Tom Dehn says:

    Wellspring of testosterone + computer. -bad.

  21. Audra the names can not be released because the kids are minors – what was done carries very serious penalties including incarnation in the California Youth Authority and a requirement to register as a sex offender for the rest of their lives

  22. Audra the names can not be released because the kids are minors – what was done carries very serious penalties including incarnation in the California Youth Authority and a requirement to register as a sex offender for the rest of their lives

  23. Daniel Kim says:

    What the hell is happening to SCV? It was supposed to be a safe place to be in

  24. Daniel Kim says:

    What the hell is happening to SCV? It was supposed to be a safe place to be in

  25. Mia Gina says:

    Not true.. scv was only listed as one of the safest towns to raise a family in because the city of Santa clarita doesn’t claim certain areas within out city for example Jakes way in canyon country and the housing near Jakes way is considered Los Angeles but the rich homes behind it is considered within city limits. This isn’t safe when our own city doesn’t want to claim us.. it’s all about keeping a good name to bring in revenue..

    • The Jakes Way area was very recently added. There are pockets of town that are more unsafe than others, just like any other town. I am still blessed to call Santa Clarita home. It is big but has a small town feel.

  26. Remy, once you send a pic out You are no longer an owner. These girls, will have these pics for the rest of their lives. There is expressing sexuality, this isn’t shaming, this is real life. Accept responsibility, why do young ladies have to send nude pics to boys…..that’s not sexually expressing, that’s low self esteem and desperate for attention.

    • Steff Choe says:

      Then does this standard apply to boys as well? Why is it that when boys act “loose” and “easy” it’s actually considered socially acceptable and actually sought after?

      Why is sex so stigmatized towards women, but not men?

  27. Lol shes probably mad because she was on the page…

  28. Eric Alcaraz says:

    Lol they got what was coming.

  29. Eric Alcaraz says:

    Lol they got what was coming.

  30. I dont see anything wrong

  31. I dont see anything wrong

  32. I’m embarrassed. ..I graduated from that school!

  33. The girls are just as much to blame. What a bunch of little easy, hussies for sending nudes out in the first place. Whores.

  34. Joseph Finch says:

    This entire world needs to be purged

  35. We are such a pornified culture that sending nude selfies seems normal to some people :((

  36. Wondering what they are being charged with…. ‘posting inappropriate photos’? How about child pornography distribution?

  37. Denise I. Bayardo-Aguilera

  38. no they aren’t going to prison. they’re already back at school and no the names won’t be released since they’re minors. if the names were to be released they’d need parent permission.

  39. What examples do we provide? Did you see the fashion show in NYC, and then we are upset when kids act out in a similar way.

  40. Calvin Olbes says:

    You’re all stupid. No argument over Facebook has ever gone smoothly.

  41. Daniel Lewis says:

    Who cares. What do you expect from highschoolers

  42. Sally Rivera says:

    Vince Rivera Unreal

  43. Can’t say I’m surprised that a bunch of scv citizens are blaming the girls. Grew up in scv my whole life, and I’ve never seen more racism, bigotry, hate mongering, and victim blaming in my life. You are the same archaic bunch that would blame a girl for being raped because she was wearing a tank too and a pair of short shorts on a hot summer day. Underage girls shouldn’t be sending nudes of themselves, sure, but I’m not about to blame them for the disgusting people taking these images and spreading them.

  44. Is this still happening?

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