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Today in
S.C.V. History
January 3
2004, 8:35PM PST - NASA Spirit rover lands on Mars. Wayne Lee of Stevenson Ranch handles entry-descent-landing; Richard Cook of Canyon Country is deputy project manager; Jennifer Trosper of Canyon Country is mission manager/surface operations [story]
Rover landing

A 12-year-old student who stabbed a classmate at Pico Canyon Elementary School in Stevenson Ranch Friday morning is now being questioned, according to officials.

“Around 8:09 this morning we received a call about a male juvenile who stabbed another male juvenile, both 12 years old,” said Deputy Chris Craft of the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station.

“It sounds like the kids who were in the classroom pulled the victim away and ran him to the nurse, while the teacher took the subject to the principal’s office and waited for deputies to get there,” Craft said.

“When deputies arrived they discovered that one boy had a couple of stab wounds on his body that were minor,” he said. “He was transported to the hospital for evaluation of the minor injuries. And we were able to detain the subject.”

Craft said a single knife was recovered at the scene, but he had not seen the weapon and had no further description.

“Detectives are interviewing the kid to see if he needs to be taken down to Sylmar (Juvenile Hall) or what needs to happen next,” Craft said.

If a charge were to be brought, it would be assault with a deadly weapon, “at the very minimum,” Craft said.

Newhall School District Superintendent Paul Cordiero issued the following statement to parents and media:

“This morning at Pico Canyon School a student assaulted another student causing injury. The student who was assaulted was transported to a hospital for treatment, accompanied by his parents.

“The assailant was taken into custody by deputies from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept. The Department’s investigation is in progress.

“Our immediate goal is to support our students and their families. We have counselors and psychologists on site. Further, we are in direct communication with parents to assure them that we are following up in every possible way. As always, our top priority is the safety of all students and adults on campus.”

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  1. Lesly Bretzing Eschenbrucher

  2. Trudy Trump says:

    12 years old? Very, very disturbing, thankfully nobody was seriously hurt ?

  3. This is the high rent District too

  4. Like they don’t have issues?

  5. But, you know, ban guns. Cause that’ll solve everything

  6. Rocky Arthur says:

    to see if he needs to be taken down to Sylmar (Juvenile Hall) or what needs to happen next,” Craft said. Damn right he needs to be taken !! He stabbed another kid for God’s sake !!!

  7. Where was the staff? This never should happen!

  8. Tracy, what in the world??

  9. Christine Hernandez

  10. Desiree BA Rosy Selena Bloom

  11. Krista Fish says:

    Stephanie Fiorentino-Corvino Serina Corvino crazy!

  12. That’s so bad!!! Let’s teach our children to respect one another. I don’t know if bullying was involved but most of the time it’s the reason things like this happen. ?

    • PatWillett says:

      Ever try to eat a steak with a plastic spoon, Rachel? That’s what could happen if you were successful in your campaign to ban all knives.Let’s don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.
      And yes, I have a great grandson who goes there. He’s 9 years old but has Down’s Syndrome and is very sensitive. I don’t know how much he saw, but it’s a great concern for all the children–not just the two directly involved.

  13. *From the victims mother – if you know them please respect their privacy and do not tag or name as they are not comfortable releasing their names, edited for privacy*

    “First, let me just say we are feeling your love and it means the world to us. Thank you to everyone who has reached out, and to those who wanted to, but wanted to respect our boundaries. We feel your love as well.

    I wanted to offer an explanation because the press is already getting it very wrong. There was no altercation when this happened. There was no fight, and no one had to break anything up. (My son) was walking in, putting down his backpack when he felt the stabbing and then he lost consciousness. That’s it.

    (My son) is going to be fine. Physically, the injuries were very minor and the wounds were not very deep at all. He was stabbed with 2 kitchen knives about 14 times in his back and his arm, but there was very little blood and he will likely not even scar. He spent several hours at the hospital in great care, and lots of tests and x-rays taken. Nothing major was punctured.

    Emotionally— well, that is another story. We’ve gone through the full spectrum of emotions since 8:30 this morning and back again— fear, then rage, then sadness, then ridiculous silliness and giddiness (because (our family) make jokes about EVERYTHING), then exhaustion.

    Ironically, when the community was just learning about it, and the frantic texts were rolling in, we were already calming down and on our way to lunch (because (my son) will use ANY excuse to get us to buy him sushi.)

    This isn’t just about (my son). It’s about everyone. His teachers, the principal, friends who have come by have all been very emotional and we understand completely. This is a community that often feels immune to the world’s big problems, and a little incident like this was a big shocker. We are very lucky…because it was a VERY little incident. I want to say that again, because as traumatic as this all seems, its nothing compared to what happens in other schools. Pico Canyon Elementary is AMAZING. They protect our children beautifully. This did not happen because they didn’t do their job. This likely happened on the small scale that it was BECAUSE they do their jobs, and they do them very well.

    I know that it’s easy to want to blame someone for this. The other student, the other student’s parents, the teachers, the community, even (my son), even us. Stop it.


    Blaming is counter-productive. The child that did this is clearly very troubled. Do NOT assume that someone is to blame for that either. Sometimes children are just born with mental challenges and their poor parents have to struggle silently, lest be shamed by the community. Do not assume that the teachers ignored the signs. It’s easy to make judgements in retrospect about what we “should have” done, but until you are in it, the signs don’t usually become clear until afterwards. Believe me, we are all suddenly connecting dots that were barely visible before and reminding each other not to blame ourselves for not seeing them. There is no way we could have predicted this when we said goodbye to our kids this morning.

    We are all getting your love, but we are not the only ones who need it. I do not know anything about the other child, and I do not know his family. They are new in town and I imagine that they are horrified by all of this. Their son was taken into custody— and while I am glad that he is no longer a danger to others, I feel terrible for what this must be doing to them. It’s very possible that they have been dealing with this struggle for many years. We have no idea what his family might be going through. Please do not shame them and assume things. Everyone needs empathy, compassion and support. Mental issues ARE NOT a mark of shame. No one is immune to them. And parents are not always to blame. Because of the work I’ve done, I know many parents who have struggled with children and very often feel alone and abandoned by the world. If your child does not have mental issues, you are very lucky. If they do, and you have the resources to get support, you are also very lucky.
    Everyone has a unique situation. In this case, there could be a million explanations. Please do not jump to conclusions. Again, thank you for your love— please send some to the other boy’s family, to the teachers and the other students as well.

    As for the story, there isn’t much of one. (My son) is a well known kid with a big personality. People adore him… and some don’t. Much like some people he is related to, he’s dealt with the curse of a bright flame—both attracting people and repelling them. If you know (My son), you know he is a great kid who goes out of his way to make people laugh and make friends with the one child who no one else is talking to. Some kids become fixated on his big personality and this other child seems to have done just that. We aren’t sure why, and we don’t like to speculate but we have some ideas. It seems that the anger towards (my son) began after the most recent march for no violence in schools. Please don’t blame THAT, either. No matter where you stand, do not go there. Just take it in, and think about it. Because we are all playing a role here in the division that our children are feeling. We don’t need to blame each other, we just need to keep asking, “How can I be better? How can I be more empathetic? How can I show my own children how to love and forgive?”

    We know you are upset. We know you are scared. We know as a community you are feeling vulnerable. If you want to direct your emotions somewhere, just look inward. No blame, no shame. Just keep asking how we move forward so that we grow from this. Look for your own anger and see what you can do to replace it with empathy. THAT is what will get us through this. Yes, this was traumatic but for the most part we all came away pretty unscathed. We have a chance to turn this into something good— that will bring us together. And we need that now more than anything else.

    Thank you for your love and support. Thank you for listening.”

  14. Sean Cohen says:

    Ban assault knives!

  15. C. Harris says:

    Dear Victims Mother, Thank you So much for your post!
    Lets pray that the boy who stabbed your Son gets help
    and NOT put in jail!!!

  16. Dan says:

    A very nice letter from the victim’s mother! She sounds like an excellent parent. But I will take issue with blaming the stabber’s parents. Kids who are well raised rarely do these things. It is more often kids who don’t get attention at home and spend their time watching violent stuff on their computers and television.

  17. PatWillett says:

    Well said, ‘victim’s mother.” Now I hope everyone who reads your post can learn from this.

  18. lu says:

    The victim’s mother is clearly a very empathetic, warm person and her message to not automatically blame the parents and ostracize people with mental illness is crucial — IF that’s what this is, a case of mental illness. Does anyone, other than the stabber’s parents and perhaps therapists/teachers familiar with the kid, know that? It’s normal for other parents to want their own kids to be safe and not be exposed to that kind of violence in school: stabbed multiple times in class with 2 knives! But we live in a society where acts of violence have become more common, no place is immune, we need to look at all aspects. Was this new kid bullied? If so victim’s mother’s depiction of her son as the kind of kid who reaches out to isolated new kids doesn’t add up but maybe the stabber just attacked a more popular kid who he perceived suddenly ignored him, who knows.
    What strikes me is that right next to this school is a public park with a tombstone for a boy who died at age 23 by his own hand after years of struggling with deep depression: IDK why this park was special to him and chosen, there must have been a compelling reason to allow this in a public park but I did some online research on his name. His parents are still seeking support and trying to help others, so it serves as a wake-up call, there but for the grace of god could one of our kids go. Our society has made strides in dealing with mental illness but there’s too great an emphasis on ostracism, forcing victim and families to hide it rather than seek help.
    This stabber is crying out for help and while he needs to be separated from other kids at least for now, he needs HELP as does the family, not just getting tossed in with gang members etc. in juvie.

  19. lu says:

    P.S.KCAL9 story 5/4 quotes father stating the boys got into some sort of argument day before and “the suspect yelled out “This is a lone wolf terrorist attack” and something about murdering the victim.” Some sort of copy-cat violence maybe.
    Also want to add that people shouldn’t blame video games: only someone mentally disturbed with underlying issues would copy a game or other attackers.

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