Caltrans Adopt-A-Highway volunteers can earn up to $250 a month to clear litter from California’s highways in Los Angeles County as part of Governor Gavin Newsom’s $1.1 billion Clean California program.
Help keep your community clean with the Adopt-A-Highway program. This program is one of the truly successful government-public partnerships and we need your help to bring it to the next generation of Californians.
The Caltrans Adopt-A-Highway Program provides an avenue for individuals, organizations or businesses to help maintain sections of roadside within California’s State Highway System.
Thanks to the newly created Clean California Program, the Adopt-A-Highway Program has been authorized to provide a volunteer incentive of up to $250 per month for litter cleanup events.
The incentive stipends include:
$250: Adopted Highway Segments
$250: Ramps and Quads (all sides)
$125: One on- and off-ramp
$62.50: One ramp
Up to $250 Supplemental permit, depends on size of clean-up event
Up to $250 Non-traditional adoptions such as Park and Rides and bike paths.
To apply, fill out an online application below and your local Adopt-A-Highway coordinator will contact you about the adoption and incentive stipend process.
For more information, visit Frequently Asked Questions page.
Or watch this video.
To learn more, visit the Clean California website at Clean Up California.
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This is a great idea, but can we take it a step further and offer it to the homeless, the money would help them to clean up and look for other types of employment as well.
Just a thought. Please take it into consideration.
I’m interested in volunteering for cleanup
I would love to help clean up a Highway.I can’t
Stand to see all the trash and debris.
We can help to keep California clean
I would like to be a volunteer.
I want more information on how I can sign up. I am doing some
cleaning by the beach everytime I go fishing.
I have submitted application in my district which is district 10 and have yet to have a reply.
I do not reside in Los Angeles but still am in the County. I live in San Gabriel. Would I qualify to volunteer? Thanks.