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September 26
1876 - California oil industry born as CSO No. 4 in Pico Canyon becomes state's first commercially productive oil well [story]
Pico No. 4

[Supv. Antonovich] – Los Angeles County Mayor Michael D. Antonovich announced that the Department of Public Social Services issued $291 million in welfare and food stamp benefits to illegal alien parents for their native-born children during the first six months of 2015. At this rate, the county will spend nearly $600 million in benefits for illegal immigrants by the end of the year.

Approximately $110 million was spent in CalWORKs (welfare) and $180 million was spent in CalFresh (food stamps) from January thru June.

More than 20 percent of the county’s public welfare funds are spent on illegal immigrants. This does not include the $550 million spent on public safety, nearly $500 million on healthcare, and hundreds of millions spent on education.

“Illegal immigration continues to cost County taxpayers nearly $2 billion dollars a year and siphons resources away from vital municipal services for legal immigrants and county residents,” Antonovich said.



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  1. When a country has no borders, this should be expected.

  2. Todd Wimett says:

    Amazing! Keep em coming in and eventually the legal citizens, business and businesses will leave.

  3. Here’s an idea, STOP GIVING THEM BENEFITS.

  4. Amazing what we give away to illegals…we need to get a grip on this give away.

  5. Why provide welfare/food stamps?….The government should only help with any medical need. If people are good enough to make babies then they should good enough to work.

  6. Gee another surprise!!! Along with the sanction cities that protect illegal aliens.

  7. That is why the election in 2016 are so much important

  8. Ossim Dawn says:

    maybe we should give them a tax ID number so they can pay taxes with us

    • Shoshi Maria says:

      They have a tax id number so they do taxes too and
      They pay like the rest of us … ✌?️

    • They do pay taxes as well, people before giving an opinion or judging should know everything

    • Some do pay. The ones that do tax ID#, are the ones hoping for citizenship. Some don’t.

    • No they just want their votes …

    • Ossim Dawn says:

      Cool! we’ll live

    • They have a tax id # and they do pay taxes just like you.

    • Rocio Garcia says:

      Yes we pay taxes like … But the difrence the work hard then u and we get less so so every time u speak think 2wice ?

    • We pay tax, like you.

    • Jeff Sporny says:

      NOT ONE Illegal, should be here…….PERIOD !!!!!!! It seems every single comment in opposition to this post is by a Latin person, seems a bit biased. I’m sure there are plenty of Mexican Americans that don’t want this invasion of illegals also. It’s bad for us ALL.

    • Tim Minnig says:

      Jeff, this Irish American supports the parents of American citizens, regardless of their immigration status. Your nativist views put you firmly in the minority fringe.

    • Legal or illegal makes no difference for some people they jist don’t like Hispanics PERIOD!!!!

    • Illegals pay taxes as well as US citizens.

    • Jeff Sporny says:

      Sorry, Tim Minnig, you are just wrong. You ask most Americans if they think it’s a good thing for Chinese woman to be flown into the U.S. to just give birth to their babies to make a citizen ?????? Do LEGAL citizens want parents of Kids that have grown up in the U.S. Deported ?????/ NO !!!! Do the majority agree with whats going on NOW ??? NO!!! who cares if you are an Irish American, Most are of origins outside of America. Oh, I get it you are a Liberal white that is for Illegal immigration, so that makes you opened minded and progressive ! NO…..Just a Dupe.

    • Tania Janicek says:

      If having to pay taxes through a govt issued tax I’d number for illegal immigrants, getting lower wages for being here illegally, and working you ass off for no benefits is not acceptable – I would dare say to please go back to your native country….. But even with this crappy arrangement for an illegal immigrant – it is obviously still better than where you came from. My mother came to this country and followed procedure and waited her turn to become a citizen – I can’t understand why others feel entitled to not follow the rules.

    • Tania Janicek says:

      If having to pay taxes through a govt issued tax I’d number for illegal immigrants, getting lower wages for being here illegally, and working you ass off for no benefits is not acceptable – I would dare say to please go back to your native country….. But even with this crappy arrangement for an illegal immigrant – it is obviously still better than where you came from. My mother came to this country and followed procedure and waited her turn to become a citizen – I can’t understand why others feel entitled to not follow the rules.

    • Tim Minnig says:

      Jeff, your post is ridiculous.

      We don’t need to ask Americans about a mythical Chinese woman because there is ample polling about the issue.

      In Feb 2015, A Public Religion Research Institute poll found:

      “Roughly three-quarters (76 percent) of Americans favor allowing illegal immigrants who are the parents of children with legal status to stay in the U.S. for a period of up to three years if they pass a background check and have lived in the U.S. for at least five years. Nineteen percent of the public are opposed to this policy. Strong majorities of Democrats (87 percent), independents (77 percent), and Republicans (67 percent) support this policy, as do all majorities of all major religious groups, including majorities of Catholics (76 percent) and white evangelical Protestants (68 percent).”

      “Do LEGAL citizens…”

      Are their any other type of citizens? Do you imagine illegal aliens are citizens?

      “who cares if you are an Irish American”

      You should because you apparently were convinced that only Latinos, because of their apparent self interest, were posting in favor of the topic. Lucky for the rest of us, your opinions are shared by relatively few in the USA.

    • Tim Minnig says:

      Jeff, your post is ridiculous.

      We don’t need to ask Americans about a mythical Chinese woman because there is ample polling about the issue.

      In Feb 2015, A Public Religion Research Institute poll found:

      “Roughly three-quarters (76 percent) of Americans favor allowing illegal immigrants who are the parents of children with legal status to stay in the U.S. for a period of up to three years if they pass a background check and have lived in the U.S. for at least five years. Nineteen percent of the public are opposed to this policy. Strong majorities of Democrats (87 percent), independents (77 percent), and Republicans (67 percent) support this policy, as do all majorities of all major religious groups, including majorities of Catholics (76 percent) and white evangelical Protestants (68 percent).”

      “Do LEGAL citizens…”

      Are their any other type of citizens? Do you imagine illegal aliens are citizens?

      “who cares if you are an Irish American”

      You should because you apparently were convinced that only Latinos, because of their apparent self interest, were posting in favor of the topic. Lucky for the rest of us, your opinions are shared by relatively few in the USA.

    • Jeff Sporny says:

      Get a Liberal Grip, Tim Minnig, We can ALL put studies up to try to prove our points, it’s just your poll is a slanted biased poll that doesn’t reflect true America. Ever heard of Cloward ans Piven? Your Liberal God Obama doesn’t give a Sh*t about Mexicans, he’s just following the diabolical playbook of his communist A-hole mentors. Most Americans are fine and have history in immagration,….mostly legal, but immigration policy was always a limited endevor and had strict rules and regulations. This Country has always been a refuge for immigrants in the numbers we could handle and bless with the available resources. Being overrun and letting ALL peoples come across our open boarder with no controls and regard for legal citizens is a failed policy and will only perpetuate an already burdened and stretched economic American system, which will sink the ship for ALL. These Liberal idea’s are incompatible with the true American desire and ability to help The Worlds Immigrants. And as far as your “I’m Irish” deal,…… 98% of the favorable biased comments on here are from Latinos. Just because one White Liberal spouts some Socialist rhetoric from a flawed poll,….doesn’t make it true. You are such a white hero !!!!!!

    • Jeff Sporny says:

      Get a Liberal Grip, Tim Minnig, We can ALL put studies up to try to prove our points, it’s just your poll is a slanted biased poll that doesn’t reflect true America. Ever heard of Cloward ans Piven? Your Liberal God Obama doesn’t give a Sh*t about Mexicans, he’s just following the diabolical playbook of his communist A-hole mentors. Most Americans are fine and have history in immagration,….mostly legal, but immigration policy was always a limited endevor and had strict rules and regulations. This Country has always been a refuge for immigrants in the numbers we could handle and bless with the available resources. Being overrun and letting ALL peoples come across our open boarder with no controls and regard for legal citizens is a failed policy and will only perpetuate an already burdened and stretched economic American system, which will sink the ship for ALL. These Liberal idea’s are incompatible with the true American desire and ability to help The Worlds Immigrants. And as far as your “I’m Irish” deal,…… 98% of the favorable biased comments on here are from Latinos. Just because one White Liberal spouts some Socialist rhetoric from a flawed poll,….doesn’t make it true. You are such a white hero !!!!!!

    • Tim Minnig says:

      Jeff, you do know your link is from 2011 and has NOTHING to do with the poll I referenced? Would you like to try again? While you are at it, refute these as well!

      ABC News/Washington Post Poll. July 16-19, 2015, ”

      “Do you think undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States should or should not be allowed to live and work here legally if they pay a fine and meet other requirements?”60% say yes.

      Public Religion Research Institute/Religion News Service. June 10-14, 2015

      “And do you strongly favor, favor, oppose or strongly oppose allowing illegal immigrants who are the parents of children with legal status to stay in the U.S. for three years without being subject to deportation, if they pass a background check and have lived in the country for at least five years?” 73% yes

      CBS News/New York Times Poll. April 30-May 3, 2015 “Which comes closest to your view about illegal immigrants who are living in the U.S.? They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. and eventually apply for citizenship. They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. legally, but not be allowed to apply for citizenship. OR, They should be required to leave the U.S.” 57% Stay with citizenship, 11% Stay without citizenship

      There are a dozen more. You are the fringe, Jeff.

    • Tim Minnig says:

      Jeff, you do know your link is from 2011 and has NOTHING to do with the poll I referenced? Would you like to try again? While you are at it, refute these as well!

      ABC News/Washington Post Poll. July 16-19, 2015, ”

      “Do you think undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States should or should not be allowed to live and work here legally if they pay a fine and meet other requirements?”60% say yes.

      Public Religion Research Institute/Religion News Service. June 10-14, 2015

      “And do you strongly favor, favor, oppose or strongly oppose allowing illegal immigrants who are the parents of children with legal status to stay in the U.S. for three years without being subject to deportation, if they pass a background check and have lived in the country for at least five years?” 73% yes

      CBS News/New York Times Poll. April 30-May 3, 2015 “Which comes closest to your view about illegal immigrants who are living in the U.S.? They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. and eventually apply for citizenship. They should be allowed to stay in the U.S. legally, but not be allowed to apply for citizenship. OR, They should be required to leave the U.S.” 57% Stay with citizenship, 11% Stay without citizenship

      There are a dozen more. You are the fringe, Jeff.

    • Pay taxes for their assistance?

    • It’s well documented that a majority of the U.S. believe what Tim posted above. I didn’t realize it was up for debate. Republicans were ready to take this issue up under Bush and suddenly changed their tune when Obama took office. What a shame this issue has dragged on with no reform in several years simply because the GOP didn’t want to work with the current administration despite the fact this was one of the few issues both parties have agreed on over the years.

    • Jay Rowell says:

      You dont pay taxes getting paid in cash. Stop lying liberals

    • Jay Rowell says:

      You dont pay taxes getting paid in cash. Stop lying liberals

    • Tim Minnig says:

      Jay, how does getting paid in cash keep people from having to pay sales taxes? How does it allow them to avoid gas taxes when they fill their gas tanks? The fact is, these people pay taxes except the income taxes that their employees, American citizens and corporations presumably, do not withhold because they wish to defraud the government. The fact that you blame illegals for not paying income taxes is ridiculously silly considering the employer is entirely responsible for the I9 paperwork, withholding taxes, etc.

  9. Oh yeah…and Trump is so horrible to the media and politicians for speaking the truth!

  10. Sheila Lopez says:

    I thought u couldn’t get assistance with out a ss #?

    • They cant. They get a card for their US born kids and use that to obtain welfare. Im all for immigrants that come here and do the right thing and try to become legalized but if youre illegal and drive better cars and have a better home than me, and i work hard every day and i cant get assistance after losing a job something is wrong…

    • The child is a US born citizen. The “child” qualifies for the food stamp. The adults dont, but their income is pooled into the computation.

    • Sheila Lopez says:

      Well then why do our school systems allow children that are illegal to attend school

    • The government allows it. There are also so many that have disappeared into the systems and gotten ss cards from dead citizens they cant keep up with them all.

    • Sheila Lopez says:

      My husband was here on a visitors visa when I met him … he had a visa since 6 months old and was visiting his cousin which was my neighbor … we ended up getting married and went thru the immigration process where u can’t work and they take away the visa so he had to stay here and when u dont have ur visa ur out of the country license becomes invalid so u cant drive and it cost an arm and a leg and took 2 years… there’s gotta be a better way if I knew it was gonna be like that I would’ve just moved to our house in mexico ?

    • There does need to be a better way but at least he knew it was important enough to do it legally, to go through all that work. I would think that after going through all that, someone living here illegally, getting all kinds of benefits and no taxes paid in would be a slap in the face to someone like your husband who worked so hard.

    • Sheila Lopez says:

      My husband didn’t want to get legal he wanted to go to mexico he was scared of the process and I said no no no it’ll be fine well little did I know after leaving our interview in tears from being belittled and screamed at I wish I wouldn’t have started not to mention after he got his papers we had to do more because we filed before we were married for 2 yrs that we had to file another application and pay $600 more dollars because his 1st card had a 2 yr condition on it we were still paying off the lawyer from the 1st process ?

    • Yea the immigration people are dickheads lol

    • They can’t these fool obviously can’t read the children receiving benefits are us born

    • They can’t these fool obviously can’t read the children receiving benefits are us born

  11. So what is gong to be done about it? First suggestion…like it’s a surprise…DRUG TESTING before giving the $$…that’ll take it down some right there…

  12. Karina Diaz says:

    First and foremost what a racy thing for this group to be posting and secondly what a horrible and vague chart to display for expenses. What is the criteria for an “illegal” Mexico? Canada? Europe? And what is the benefit behind creating a seperate category for these expenses, seems like a lot of work for something that only highlights the opportunity for ignorant and/or racists remarks. Perhaps they should spend that time in finding ways to be more strict for these programs to avoid a scenario such as this.

  13. Rachel Lee says:

    We have starving kids we could spend the money on and make health care cheaper for everyone

  14. Will Fleet says:

    Ok, he announced these numbers. Now, what is he going to do about it? What action is going to be taken?

  15. It’s not just illegal aliens on food stamps and welfare that work the system … Just sayin

    • True enough, but this table shows just how much illegals cost LA County annually…
      A whole LOT of dinero!

    • Richard Mace says:

      The U.S. is broke we need to save money. this is why democrats run our country. They twist things to make it sound like republicans are racist. We should not be paying for any illegal immigrants. They are NOT supposed to be in our state! Learn the difference, Don’t confuse an immigrant with an illegal immigrant.

    • Yeah…there are a lot of people on it. Problem is these people are not here legally. Do it the right way.

    • Yeah…there are a lot of people on it. Problem is these people are not here legally. Do it the right way.

    • Richard, I know the difference.

    • Richard, I know the difference.

    • Well I am a naturalized citizen, I always been against welfare there are people that need it, but the majority just take advantage of the system, I feel the same way for anyone.

    • Well I am a naturalized citizen, I always been against welfare there are people that need it, but the majority just take advantage of the system, I feel the same way for anyone.

    • There still should be no reason that this country, already burdened with crushing debt, should be taking in people that go straight on the dole. We’re not a country, not a battered woman’s shelter.

    • There still should be no reason that this country, already burdened with crushing debt, should be taking in people that go straight on the dole. We’re not a country, not a battered woman’s shelter.

    • Oh but we can pay welfare towards the crack attic citizens who are too lazy to get off their ass and get a job.. but their citizens right? Lets not point any fingers at them since their not “illegal aliens”

    • Oh but we can pay welfare towards the crack attic citizens who are too lazy to get off their ass and get a job.. but their citizens right? Lets not point any fingers at them since their not “illegal aliens”

    • Trilce Eli says:

      ^chris why the need to call out battered woman? Low blow to those who are

    • Trilce Eli says:

      ^chris why the need to call out battered woman? Low blow to those who are

    • True but these stats are in regards to illegals. Too much of you ask me!! I work hard for my money!!

    • This is how the Democrats pay/get there votes, with our tax dollars! Sick of it!!

    • Tim Minnig says:

      Jennifer, please explain how an illegal alien parent of an American child who collects food stamps can vote for a Democrat.

    • Wrong Danielle Esqueda the children receiving the benefits are us born.

    • Wrong Danielle Esqueda the children receiving the benefits are us born.

    • I didn’t say they weren’t! I said the money was going to their illegal parents!

    • Jim Oge Jr says:

      No it’s just illegals read it

    • James Park says:

      If their illegal how do they qualify?

    • Amanda Wrenn says:

      Eileen: And corporate subsidies go to keeping prices low, so more people can afford the products and services that they provide, which helps to keep the economy alive and keeps jobs in existence.

    • Tim Minnig says:

      Amanda, if you actually believe the more than $1T per year our country spends on corporate welfare, which is much more than all forms of welfare for individuals, is a good thing, then you should refrain from discussing the deficit or national debt.

    • Jeff Sporny says:

      Tim Minnig , stop spreading your liberal idiocy, just because you have a Mexican family. How do illegals vote? Because dip sh*t liberals like you try to pass legislation that requires no I.D. to vote. And what does corporate welfare, that by the way, BOTH of these dirty political parties engage in , have to do with another evil……..welfare and American programs going to illegals? STF up. It’s a sad thing to see Santa Clarita and SO Cal, infiltrated by illegals.

    • Tim Minnig says:

      Jeff, I prefer to call it educating the ignorant. I assume you believe you need to be disrespectful because you have little confidence in your ability to argue in a rational manner. Perhaps a Poli Sci, speech, or debate class at your local community college could help your very apparent feelings of inadequacy. Illegals don’t vote except in your imagination. If you believe otherwise, post your evidence from a credible source. Despite your claim, there is no liberal legislative effort to “require no I.D. to vote. That is the status quo and has been for centuries. it is the Voter ID laws, pursued by conservatives, that are that are trying to change the status quo. Sadly for you, and those who think like you, they have been cosistently found to be un Constitutional. Perhaps you should know something about a topic before you post on it.

    • Jeff Sporny says:

      Do I need a California State ID to Vote?
      ◾If you have voted before and your name is on the roster of voters, no. (Ed. note: You will be asked your name and address; the poll worker will repeat each back to you. Then you sign the roster of voters list. That’s it.)
      ◾If this is your first time voting and you are registered by mail without giving your California driver’s license or state identification number or the last four digits of your social security number, then you may need to show photo identification (e. g. valid driver’s license or state ID) or a paycheck, utility bill, or government document that shows your name and address.
      ◾To be safe, take a photo ID with you to the polls.
      ◾Update: If the poll workers check the roster and cannot locate your name they will assist you to try to find your correct polling location. If you believe you are registered to vote and want to vote at the polling location where you are, you are entitled to a provisional ballot. You do not have to show any ID in order to vote provisionally. (Source)

    • Jeff Sporny says:

      Timmy, It’s more like Ignorant trying to dupe the Ignorant. As far as my feelings of inadequacy and my Education….I’m doing just fine, as I have seen through your Highly overeducated rhetoric, B.S. ,No substance Liberal Jibberish. And just because my patience for Trolls like you has run shy and I’m not a pussified little politically Correct dweeb, does NOT mean I’m stupid and uneducated, just a pissed off American Male with a load of Testosterone pumping through his body, because polite, wimpy, overeducated Liberals like you have continued to make America a less successful, prosperous, God fearing Republic. If you think illegals, dead people, multiple voters, shenanigans, etc. aren’t happening……you are a complete brainwashed dupe, (Oh Soweee, did dat hurt ur wittle feewings). So I posted some info for you above, The California rules are very subjective, and being manipulated consistently. Obviously like at the DMV, where an American has to bring every bit of documentation to just get a license, Illegals can get I.D. and CDL’s with very limited docs and proof of citizenship is NOT required, therfore a path to vote for non-citizens and/or no I.D. is required or asked for at the Polls, and that’s no sh*t Sherlock, I don’t give a hoot what your liberal self spews or believes, that’s just plain O’l truth. Also The Huffington Post is NO conservative Republican rag, and they spell it out pretty clearly, even for a genius like you. I done with going over this with you, You’re just a troll, I was making a comment in regards to what one of my FB friends said and since you thought you are going to change my mind or educate the the folks on here that don’t agree with your views, …….you have shown yourself to be the typical arrogant, troll bully Liberal that has brought this country to the abhorrent state that we find our once Great Country in. F off, ……PLEASE !!!!!!!!

    • Tim Minnig says:

      ‘So I posted some info for you above” The blog you pasted sadly didn’t document a single instance of voter fraud, despite your belief that it did. I suggest you read it again, or better yet get someone to explain it to you.

    • You’re right, however ILLEGAL PARENTS, shouldn’t be here in the first plane, and we shouldn’t be paying WELFARE of any kind. We simply CAN’T AFFORD this. This is insanity.

  16. Aaron Kohler says:

    Doesn’t matter what the race of the illegals are. Being or getting here illegally should forfeit any rights or benefits. Most of their untaxed earnings will go to whatever country they are from. So they work without tax. Therefore whether their offspring was born here or not, not one single cent should go to anyone. The law that allows a child born to illegal immigrants on this soil to be deemed a citizen should be repealed.

  17. Lisa Reinhardt says:

    That’s BULLPUCKY!!!!

  18. A big part of this that people are missing is that these services are going to CITIZENS. Citizens that are CHILDREN.

  19. Please remember it is not “illegals” that put us into the. recession . Corporate welfare should also be a focus.

  20. Jet Garcia says:

    All … Please remember this is not just Mexicans. How many languages are used when you go to the DMV or when you read tax forms. JUST REMEMBER THIS! And what is going to be done about it? Take away from the child you take away from the parent who is supposed to support the CHILD. Catch 22.

  21. Aaron Kohler says:

    Also seeing ebt cards accepted here signs at 7/11’s needs to stop. There should be designated stores that only carry necessity items. Basic food groups only. You shouldn’t be getting a free effing slurpee.

  22. Jesse Vera says:

    “…welfare and food stamp benefits to illegal alien parents for their native-born children…” In other words CITIZEN children cost county $291 mil. in services.

    • Danny Lyons says:

      In my mind there illegal citizens throw there parents out of our country and see if they stay

    • Sean Cohen says:

      I dont exactly consider anchor babies citizens

    • Don Teller says:

      Danny Lyons I guess you don’t believe in the 14th ammendment of the Constitution.

    • Don Teller says:

      Sean Cohen than you don’t believe in the Constitution

    • Tim Minnig says:

      Don, conservatives love to pretend they revere the Constitution, except when they don’t.

    • Sean Cohen, every person born on US soil is an US citizen.

    • Yea and that’s not strategically planned, played, and abused….. It’s enough already.

    • Ummm their parents get the benefits. They don’t hand all of this to a newborn baby…so the money does go to illegal aliens.

    • Ummm their parents get the benefits. They don’t hand all of this to a newborn baby…so the money does go to illegal aliens.



    • Tim Minnig says:

      Heather, your beliefs put you firmly in the fringe. A PRRI poll in Feb details:

      “Roughly three-quarters (76 percent) of Americans favor allowing illegal immigrants who are the parents of children with legal status to stay in the U.S. for a period of up to three years if they pass a background check and have lived in the U.S. for at least five years. Nineteen percent of the public are opposed to this policy. Strong majorities of Democrats (87 percent), independents (77 percent), and Republicans (67 percent) support this policy, as do all majorities of all major religious groups, including majorities of Catholics (76 percent) and white evangelical Protestants (68 percent).”

    • Tim Minnig says:

      Heather, your beliefs put you firmly in the fringe. A PRRI poll in Feb details:

      “Roughly three-quarters (76 percent) of Americans favor allowing illegal immigrants who are the parents of children with legal status to stay in the U.S. for a period of up to three years if they pass a background check and have lived in the U.S. for at least five years. Nineteen percent of the public are opposed to this policy. Strong majorities of Democrats (87 percent), independents (77 percent), and Republicans (67 percent) support this policy, as do all majorities of all major religious groups, including majorities of Catholics (76 percent) and white evangelical Protestants (68 percent).”

    • Oh my goodness. So just because they’ve been here for years means they get to stay with no consequence. How many more babies are born in the meantime and more benefits given? Its abuse of our system and resources, period.

    • Oh my goodness. So just because they’ve been here for years means they get to stay with no consequence. How many more babies are born in the meantime and more benefits given? Its abuse of our system and resources, period.

    • Laura Keith says:

      Tim no one ever surveyed me for this. I’m not trying to jump on you but I find it hard to believe.
      Where are you getting these stats ? How big was the number of people in this survey? Where and when was it done and by whom? What is the source of these results you have posted?
      do the Americans that are surveyed for this include children of illegal aliens? Just asking around Casually I came up with a large deviation from these

      I agree that with Heather that birthright citizenship must end if we want to keep providing retirement benefits for the people we have in the system. It is no longer appropriate for the time period we are in to give anything automatically. We could be giving citizenship to a child of terrorists. There are only two countries who can cross the boarder of the United States without flying in or docking at port. Canada and Mexico
      The rest of the countries who’s citizens come here do so on a boat or plane.

      Closing the boarder to auto or foot traffic would have a great impact. A better handle on access needs to be done. Not just for birthright issues but for drug smuggling , human trafficking , disease control and criminals that take refuge with no extradition .

      The student visa system in the USA sucks too. People come in and never get deported when it expires. And they have children while here on a current or expired visa that are considered citizens of the USA.
      That is total crap.
      A issuance of a visa student or otherwise should include language that any childbirth while here on U.S. soil does not entitle them to U.S. citizenship the fees for a visa should be at least what a human trafficker would charge.
      They can apply for citizenship for their kid like everyone else.

      While on the subject, the issuance of a visa or the visit or return with a passport to USA by citizen or non needs to require proof of vaccinations or proof they are disease free of what we vaccinate for here in the USA If they have to be quarantined so be it. Think Ebola exposure.
      A foreign visitor to Disneyland created an outbreak of a disease that has been all but eliminated
      For a state and country that is broke ass and charging the citizens taxes they sure forget how to save money or ways they could be making it in fees off potential citizens to be in a place of privilege. The amount of money in fees for applications and screenings needs to go WAY up. If someone wants to be here bad enough they will raise the funds. It should offset some of the tax increases for the rest of us . Besides they are already paying the coyotes big bucks they could be doing it legally and paying those funds to the USA to post a bond for background checks , disease screening etc. I can see waiving immediate fees for people that are coming here to escape political uproar in certain countries. But we let people come here with no intention on becoming a citizen. There should be consequences for being here for more than 9 months and not filing for U.S. citizenship. Your intent to become a U.S. Citizen should be realized by then. If there is nothing in motion by then you need to leave. Why be here if you have no intent of being a citizen.

    • Laura Keith says:

      Tim no one ever surveyed me for this. I’m not trying to jump on you but I find it hard to believe.
      Where are you getting these stats ? How big was the number of people in this survey? Where and when was it done and by whom? What is the source of these results you have posted?
      do the Americans that are surveyed for this include children of illegal aliens? Just asking around Casually I came up with a large deviation from these

      I agree that with Heather that birthright citizenship must end if we want to keep providing retirement benefits for the people we have in the system. It is no longer appropriate for the time period we are in to give anything automatically. We could be giving citizenship to a child of terrorists. There are only two countries who can cross the boarder of the United States without flying in or docking at port. Canada and Mexico
      The rest of the countries who’s citizens come here do so on a boat or plane.

      Closing the boarder to auto or foot traffic would have a great impact. A better handle on access needs to be done. Not just for birthright issues but for drug smuggling , human trafficking , disease control and criminals that take refuge with no extradition .

      The student visa system in the USA sucks too. People come in and never get deported when it expires. And they have children while here on a current or expired visa that are considered citizens of the USA.
      That is total crap.
      A issuance of a visa student or otherwise should include language that any childbirth while here on U.S. soil does not entitle them to U.S. citizenship the fees for a visa should be at least what a human trafficker would charge.
      They can apply for citizenship for their kid like everyone else.

      While on the subject, the issuance of a visa or the visit or return with a passport to USA by citizen or non needs to require proof of vaccinations or proof they are disease free of what we vaccinate for here in the USA If they have to be quarantined so be it. Think Ebola exposure.
      A foreign visitor to Disneyland created an outbreak of a disease that has been all but eliminated
      For a state and country that is broke ass and charging the citizens taxes they sure forget how to save money or ways they could be making it in fees off potential citizens to be in a place of privilege. The amount of money in fees for applications and screenings needs to go WAY up. If someone wants to be here bad enough they will raise the funds. It should offset some of the tax increases for the rest of us . Besides they are already paying the coyotes big bucks they could be doing it legally and paying those funds to the USA to post a bond for background checks , disease screening etc. I can see waiving immediate fees for people that are coming here to escape political uproar in certain countries. But we let people come here with no intention on becoming a citizen. There should be consequences for being here for more than 9 months and not filing for U.S. citizenship. Your intent to become a U.S. Citizen should be realized by then. If there is nothing in motion by then you need to leave. Why be here if you have no intent of being a citizen.

    • Danny Lyons says:

      I believe the 14th amendment needs to be changed we live in different times now there’s people coming here to birthing houses just to have kids tell me that our founding fathers had that in mind when they created the 14th admendment

    • Danny Lyons says:

      I believe the 14th amendment needs to be changed we live in different times now there’s people coming here to birthing houses just to have kids tell me that our founding fathers had that in mind when they created the 14th admendment

    • Laura Keith says:

      And here is the survey breakdown …. Not something I would really use to predict the rest of the country…but basically the majority wants immigration reform on both dem and rep sides when you get down to it.

      The majority of people who responded were home when called and were okay with responding. The time of day year and month called affects this. Working people are not going to be around to answer the phone generally during the day. This is right around new fiscal year and Chinese New Year. It’s a religion based group and that sometimes turns people off and results in hang ups as well.

      The Religion and Politics Tracking Survey, conducted by the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute, finds striking agreement across the political spectrum: 85 percent of Democrats, 73 percent of independents, and 62 percent of Republicans express a preference for prioritizing passing comprehensive immigration legislation. The survey was conducted by telephone between February 4 and February 8 among 1,015 respondents.

    • Laura Keith says:

      And here is the survey breakdown …. Not something I would really use to predict the rest of the country…but basically the majority wants immigration reform on both dem and rep sides when you get down to it.

      The majority of people who responded were home when called and were okay with responding. The time of day year and month called affects this. Working people are not going to be around to answer the phone generally during the day. This is right around new fiscal year and Chinese New Year. It’s a religion based group and that sometimes turns people off and results in hang ups as well.

      The Religion and Politics Tracking Survey, conducted by the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute, finds striking agreement across the political spectrum: 85 percent of Democrats, 73 percent of independents, and 62 percent of Republicans express a preference for prioritizing passing comprehensive immigration legislation. The survey was conducted by telephone between February 4 and February 8 among 1,015 respondents.

    • Not really!! The money is going to the parents.

    • Trilce Eli says:

      Danny and Sean, you might not consider them citizens but guess what the law of the land does. So your opinion doesn’t count. And Danny go ahead fight to get a petition to change the amendments but don’t cry when they also make a petition to change the 2nd too.

    • Trilce Eli says:

      And Daniela supporting people that say that kids of illegal immigrants shouldn’t be consider US citizens makes you look so pathetic, have you seen yourself in the mirror? do you know where your ancestors come from? Do you know that you, your parents or grandparents wouldn’t be consider US Citizens….smh…. Bad news you you all but that’s not gonna change so maybe you all want to look for another land to conquer and make your own secluded land, I mean your ancestors immigrated here too. Peace out!

    • Trilce Eli says:

      And the worst thing of all is that all you are most likely Jesus “lovers” he would be limberest of you all

    • Thank you Heather Lombard- Samuel for actually providing accurate history and intent to the 14th Amendment. You just gotta’ love how liberals show reverence to the parts of the Constitution that have clearly been manipulated and abused from their original intent…ie right to privacy and abortion and the 14th amendment and illegal immigration. Gotta’ love unborn babies being murdered becoming a constitutional right and lawlessness being rewarded as part of the 14th amendment’s effort to protect black citizens. This is how liberals view the constitution. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so warped and disturbed.


    • Tim Minnig says:

      Trice, no one that uses the term anchor baby is a Jesus lover.

    • What term should be used? Are you saying this isn’t intentional? Heads need to get out of the sand. I worked with a group of nice women at a hospital in the valley that explained very thoroughly how people come over, the steps taken once they get here to get as many benefits as possible, getting over here as quickly as possible once they are pregnant so their kid is a citizen, not getting married bc they get more money that way, each kid means more money, and on and on and on. Didn’t hear this from one woman or three, many… this seemed like unspoken knowledge amongst the undocumented.

    • What term should be used? Are you saying this isn’t intentional? Heads need to get out of the sand. I worked with a group of nice women at a hospital in the valley that explained very thoroughly how people come over, the steps taken once they get here to get as many benefits as possible, getting over here as quickly as possible once they are pregnant so their kid is a citizen, not getting married bc they get more money that way, each kid means more money, and on and on and on. Didn’t hear this from one woman or three, many… this seemed like unspoken knowledge amongst the undocumented.

    • Kim Roberts says:

      Fine. They are legal. By a technicality. This is bancrupting our state. Stop the madness of entitlement, especially amongdt tge illegals who have border babies for the money.

    • Kim Roberts says:

      Fine. They are legal. By a technicality. This is bancrupting our state. Stop the madness of entitlement, especially amongdt tge illegals who have border babies for the money.

    • Tim Minnig says:

      Starlet, think about it. Get a bracelet that says WWJD, put it on, and reflect on whether Jesus would use the term anchor baby. Once you agree that the use of that term isn’t compatible with Christianity, find another way to describe a baby that is.

  23. Looks to me like 2014 still spent 2.5 billion too much after taking the illegals out of the equation. Instead of 2.5 billion in handouts, creating jobs might be a better option. I still don’t see why I should have to pay out of my taxes to put food on someone’s table because they decided to have 10 kids instead of wearing a condom after the first

  24. Sorry, not illegals. Their children are CITIZENS….. WOW….

  25. Nanette King says:

    The children are only citizens because the parents come here illegally and purposely time when they are due to give birth then our country grants them citizenship ! That is where it starts ! Then it all goes down hill from there … I’m all for legal immigration from any country… Something needs to change …

    • Don Teller says:

      If you don’t want the children to be citizens than you don’t believe in the US constitution

    • Nanette King says:

      The Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868, as one of the Reconstruction Amendments. The amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws, and was proposed in response to issues related to former slaves following the American Civil War.

    • Nanette King says:

      You obviously did not read my post correctly @donteller they are only born here because their parents are here illegally ! 14th amendment above you should read that too !

    • Trilce Eli says:

      Well Nanette the amendment does not state that so collect signatures to change it ?? good luck

  26. Jose Franco says:

    The comments on these types of posts never disappoint. Good work.

  27. Undocumented cannot get food stamps or cal works only Legal permanent or citizens.. I work department of social services.

  28. Jeff Sporny says:

    Can anyone say………….Cloward and Piven !!!!!! Obama’s devious plan to ruin America as we know it. Oh Ya, and get illegal VOTES, by a bunch of Dupes.

    • Tim Minnig says:

      Ridiculous hyperbole! Congrats!

    • Tim Minnig says:

      Ridiculous hyperbole! Congrats!

    • Jeff Sporny says:

      Heil Obama !!!!!Hyperbole!!!!!! Ya, Do you know who or what these Liberal Gods wrote about? How about another Liberal God, Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals ??????? Your Liberalism is showing. I’m sure these are your hero’s also. I’m sure your Lord and Savior Obama would be proud of your undying devotion.

    • Jeff Sporny says:

      Heil Obama !!!!!Hyperbole!!!!!! Ya, Do you know who or what these Liberal Gods wrote about? How about another Liberal God, Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals ??????? Your Liberalism is showing. I’m sure these are your hero’s also. I’m sure your Lord and Savior Obama would be proud of your undying devotion.

    • Jeff Sporny says:

      Tim Minnig, let me guess,…..you have a good Friend, or Girl friend, etc. that is Mexican, so you throw all logic out the window and try to defend illegals flooding into our Great Country because of this. I also have Mexican friends, as a matter of fact my best friend, 100% Mexican American, who’s family immigrated to Southern Ca. Generations ago and are great hard working people that these illegals are hurting also.

    • Tim Minnig says:

      Jeff, anything you think you know about me is as invented as your ridiculous political talking points regurgitated from some insane reactionary entertainment program.

    • Tim Minnig says:

      Jeff, anything you think you know about me is as invented as your ridiculous political talking points regurgitated from some insane reactionary entertainment program.

    • Jeff Sporny says:

      Tim, you should move to Mexico. Adios Amigo. I was right about you, a Mexican family member…..right. Common sense gone, biased liberal commentary……..check.

    • Tim Minnig says:

      No thanks Jeff! I will remain here in the USA and continue to watch my liberal politicians win national elections and turn the USA into a Liberal paradise!

    • Jeff Sporny says:

      Good luck with that, Tim Minnig, Liberals have turned every State they have controlled into bankrupt sh#t holes, and now The Federal Government is in the worst shape ever. I guess if that’s what you call a paradise.

    • Jeff Sporny says:

      Good luck with that, Tim Minnig, Liberals have turned every State they have controlled into bankrupt sh#t holes, and now The Federal Government is in the worst shape ever. I guess if that’s what you call a paradise.

    • Jeff Sporny says:

      Oh wait, maybe you can quote some liberal information cooked up by some communist Democrats. You’re obviously in this utopian delusion that Government can bring a Paradise. Neither of these corrupted Parties can fix or will fix a spiritual problem that exist today. Power and Greed pervades BOTH parties and The Love of money has perverted our Republic. I guess most Germans thought Hitler was going to bring in a Paradise…………we know how that turned out.

    • Jeff Sporny says:

      Oh wait, maybe you can quote some liberal information cooked up by some communist Democrats. You’re obviously in this utopian delusion that Government can bring a Paradise. Neither of these corrupted Parties can fix or will fix a spiritual problem that exist today. Power and Greed pervades BOTH parties and The Love of money has perverted our Republic. I guess most Germans thought Hitler was going to bring in a Paradise…………we know how that turned out.

  29. This is crazy! Our tax dollars at work with these idiots!

  30. How much do they pay in taxes?

  31. Anchor babies are NOT citizens because their parents are NOT citizens.
    Read and learn.
    The Naturalization Act of 1790 provided that “the children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens: Provided, That the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States . .”

    I doubt it.

    • Tim Minnig says:

      You do know the Constitution has been changed over the years, right? We call them amendments. Read the 14th one and find that you don’t know nearly as much about the Constitution as you thought you did.

      I doubt it.

    • Tim Minnig says:

      You do know the Constitution has been changed over the years, right? We call them amendments. Read the 14th one and find that you don’t know nearly as much about the Constitution as you thought you did.

      I doubt it.

    • Read & understand…
      Questions? I doubt it.

      In the Dred Scott Case,1 Chief Justice Taney for the Court ruled that United States citizenship was enjoyed by two classes of individuals: (1) white persons born in the United States as descendents of “persons, who were at the time of the adoption of the Constitution recognized as citizens in the several States and [who] became also citizens of this new political body,” the United States of America, and (2) those who, having been “born outside the dominions of the United States,” had migrated thereto and been naturalized therein. The States were competent, he continued, to confer state citizenship upon anyone in their midst, but they could not make the recipient of such status a citizen of the United States. The “Negro,” or “African race,” according to the Chief Justice, was ineligible to attain United States citizenship, either from a State or by virtue of birth in the United States, even as a free man descended from a Negro residing as a free man in one of the States at the date of ratification of the Constitution.2 Congress, first in Sec. 1 of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 3 and then in the first sentence[p.1566]of Sec. 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment,4 set aside the Dred Scott holding in a sentence “declaratory of existing rights, and affirmative of existing law. . . .”5

      While clearly establishing a national rule on national citizenship and settling a controversy of long standing with regard to the derivation of national citizenship, the Fourteenth Amendment did not obliterate the distinction between national and state citizenship, but rather preserved it.6 The Court has accorded the first sentence of Sec. 1 a construction in accordance with the congressional intentions, holding that a child born in the United States of Chinese parents who themselves were ineligible to be naturalized is nevertheless a citizen of the United States entitled to all the rights and privileges of citizenship.7 Congress’ intent in including the qualifying phrase “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” was apparently to exclude from the reach of the language children born of diplomatic representatives of a foreign state and children born of alien enemies in hostile occupation, both recognized exceptions to the common–law rule of acquired citizenship by birth,8 as well as children of members of Indian tribes subject to tribal laws.9 The lower courts have generally held that the citizenship of the parents determines the citizenship of children born on vessels in United States territorial waters or on the high seas.10

      In Afroyim v. Rusk,11 a divided Court extended the force of this first sentence beyond prior holdings, ruling that it withdrew[p.1567]from the Government of the United States the power to expatriate United States citizens against their will for any reason. “[T]he Amendment can most reasonably be read as defining a citizenship which a citizen keeps unless he voluntarily relinquishes it. Once acquired, this Fourteenth Amendment citizenship was not to be shifted, canceled, or diluted at the will of the Federal Government, the States, or any other government unit. It is true that the chief interest of the people in giving permanence and security to citizenship in the Fourteenth Amendment was the desire to protect Negroes. . . . This undeniable purpose of the Fourteenth Amendment to make citizenship of Negroes permanent and secure would be frustrated by holding that the Government can rob a citizen of his citizenship without his consent by simply proceeding to act under an implied general power to regulate foreign affairs or some other power generally granted.”12 In a subsequent decision, however, the Court held that persons who were statutorily naturalized by being born abroad of at least one American parent could not claim the protection of the first sentence of Sec. 1 and that Congress could therefore impose a reasonable and non–arbitrary condition subsequent upon their continued retention of United States citizenship.13 Between these two decisions there is a tension which should call forth further litigation efforts to explore the meaning of the citizenship sentence of the Fourteenth Amendment.

    • Read & understand…
      Questions? I doubt it.

      In the Dred Scott Case,1 Chief Justice Taney for the Court ruled that United States citizenship was enjoyed by two classes of individuals: (1) white persons born in the United States as descendents of “persons, who were at the time of the adoption of the Constitution recognized as citizens in the several States and [who] became also citizens of this new political body,” the United States of America, and (2) those who, having been “born outside the dominions of the United States,” had migrated thereto and been naturalized therein. The States were competent, he continued, to confer state citizenship upon anyone in their midst, but they could not make the recipient of such status a citizen of the United States. The “Negro,” or “African race,” according to the Chief Justice, was ineligible to attain United States citizenship, either from a State or by virtue of birth in the United States, even as a free man descended from a Negro residing as a free man in one of the States at the date of ratification of the Constitution.2 Congress, first in Sec. 1 of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 3 and then in the first sentence[p.1566]of Sec. 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment,4 set aside the Dred Scott holding in a sentence “declaratory of existing rights, and affirmative of existing law. . . .”5

      While clearly establishing a national rule on national citizenship and settling a controversy of long standing with regard to the derivation of national citizenship, the Fourteenth Amendment did not obliterate the distinction between national and state citizenship, but rather preserved it.6 The Court has accorded the first sentence of Sec. 1 a construction in accordance with the congressional intentions, holding that a child born in the United States of Chinese parents who themselves were ineligible to be naturalized is nevertheless a citizen of the United States entitled to all the rights and privileges of citizenship.7 Congress’ intent in including the qualifying phrase “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” was apparently to exclude from the reach of the language children born of diplomatic representatives of a foreign state and children born of alien enemies in hostile occupation, both recognized exceptions to the common–law rule of acquired citizenship by birth,8 as well as children of members of Indian tribes subject to tribal laws.9 The lower courts have generally held that the citizenship of the parents determines the citizenship of children born on vessels in United States territorial waters or on the high seas.10

      In Afroyim v. Rusk,11 a divided Court extended the force of this first sentence beyond prior holdings, ruling that it withdrew[p.1567]from the Government of the United States the power to expatriate United States citizens against their will for any reason. “[T]he Amendment can most reasonably be read as defining a citizenship which a citizen keeps unless he voluntarily relinquishes it. Once acquired, this Fourteenth Amendment citizenship was not to be shifted, canceled, or diluted at the will of the Federal Government, the States, or any other government unit. It is true that the chief interest of the people in giving permanence and security to citizenship in the Fourteenth Amendment was the desire to protect Negroes. . . . This undeniable purpose of the Fourteenth Amendment to make citizenship of Negroes permanent and secure would be frustrated by holding that the Government can rob a citizen of his citizenship without his consent by simply proceeding to act under an implied general power to regulate foreign affairs or some other power generally granted.”12 In a subsequent decision, however, the Court held that persons who were statutorily naturalized by being born abroad of at least one American parent could not claim the protection of the first sentence of Sec. 1 and that Congress could therefore impose a reasonable and non–arbitrary condition subsequent upon their continued retention of United States citizenship.13 Between these two decisions there is a tension which should call forth further litigation efforts to explore the meaning of the citizenship sentence of the Fourteenth Amendment.

    • Children born to citizens of other countries
      The Fourteenth Amendment provides that children born in the United States become American citizens regardless of the citizenship of their parents.[50] At the time of the amendment’s passage, three Senators, including Trumbull,[51] the author of the Civil Rights Act, as well as President Andrew Johnson, asserted that both the Civil Rights Act and the Fourteenth Amendment would confer citizenship on such children at birth; however, Senator Edgar Cowan of Pennsylvania had a definitively contrary opinion.[52][53][54][55] These congressional remarks applied to non-citizens lawfully present in the United States, as the problem of unauthorized immigration did not exist in 1866, and some scholars dispute whether the Citizenship Clause applies to unauthorized immigrants, although the law of the land continues to be based on the standard interpretation.[50] Congress during the 21st century has occasionally discussed revising the clause to reduce the practice of “birth tourism”, in which a pregnant foreign national gives birth in the United States for purposes of the child’s citizenship.[56]

      The clause’s meaning with regard to a child of legal immigrants was tested in United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898).[57] The Supreme Court held that under the Fourteenth Amendment, a man born within the United States to Chinese citizens who have a permanent domicile and residence in the United States and are carrying on business in the United States—and whose parents were not employed in a diplomatic or other official capacity by a foreign power—was a citizen of the United States. Subsequent decisions have applied the principle to the children of foreign nationals of non-Chinese descen

    • Children born to citizens of other countries
      The Fourteenth Amendment provides that children born in the United States become American citizens regardless of the citizenship of their parents.[50] At the time of the amendment’s passage, three Senators, including Trumbull,[51] the author of the Civil Rights Act, as well as President Andrew Johnson, asserted that both the Civil Rights Act and the Fourteenth Amendment would confer citizenship on such children at birth; however, Senator Edgar Cowan of Pennsylvania had a definitively contrary opinion.[52][53][54][55] These congressional remarks applied to non-citizens lawfully present in the United States, as the problem of unauthorized immigration did not exist in 1866, and some scholars dispute whether the Citizenship Clause applies to unauthorized immigrants, although the law of the land continues to be based on the standard interpretation.[50] Congress during the 21st century has occasionally discussed revising the clause to reduce the practice of “birth tourism”, in which a pregnant foreign national gives birth in the United States for purposes of the child’s citizenship.[56]

      The clause’s meaning with regard to a child of legal immigrants was tested in United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898).[57] The Supreme Court held that under the Fourteenth Amendment, a man born within the United States to Chinese citizens who have a permanent domicile and residence in the United States and are carrying on business in the United States—and whose parents were not employed in a diplomatic or other official capacity by a foreign power—was a citizen of the United States. Subsequent decisions have applied the principle to the children of foreign nationals of non-Chinese descen

    • Tim Minnig says:

      Chris, I see you discovered the 14th Amendment! Congrats! Copy and paste as much silly nonsense as you wish, the matter is settled. If one is born in the USA, one is a citizen, despite the wishes of the lunatic frindge.

    • Tim Minnig says:

      Chris, I see you discovered the 14th Amendment! Congrats! Copy and paste as much silly nonsense as you wish, the matter is settled. If one is born in the USA, one is a citizen, despite the wishes of the lunatic frindge.

  32. You have to have a social security number to get benefits! So “illegal aliens” or “undocumented people” are not the problem. Everyone needs to get the facts straight before you assume.

    I like how a got off the freeway this morning in Anaheim and I see an obvious “undocumented” person selling flowers and oranges on my right and an obvious “documented” person on my left with a sign BEGGING for money!


    This should make you all think before you speak

    • Tania Janicek says:

      What does an “obvious undocumented person” look like? Was the “obvious documented person” white or black? If so, did you ever stop to think that undocumented (aka: illegal) immigrants come from all over the world? A white person might be here illegally from Canada, for instance. A black person here illegally from South Africa. They could’ve come her on a visitor visa and decide to overstay their welcome.. It still makes them here illegally.

    • Tania Janicek says:

      What does an “obvious undocumented person” look like? Was the “obvious documented person” white or black? If so, did you ever stop to think that undocumented (aka: illegal) immigrants come from all over the world? A white person might be here illegally from Canada, for instance. A black person here illegally from South Africa. They could’ve come her on a visitor visa and decide to overstay their welcome.. It still makes them here illegally.

  33. Ryan Rivera says:

    I love the fact that most people forget that this country was founded by “illegal” immigration, and is kept operating today by “illegal aliens”. Fans of trump agree with him and are quick to say that immigrants are stealing jobs from “Americans”. Then get your ass down to those fields at five in the morning and stay working hard busting your ass in one hundred plus degrees until eight at night for days on end only making what you can pack per pound. Get your ass to the factories and take your jobs back from those illegals who sweat and shed blood to make the clothes you wear on your back and the beds you sleep in. But to post something claiming or stating that illegal immigrants are the only ones wrongfully accumulating welfare checks each month is completely baffling.

  34. Tony Follett says:

    Anchor babies bringing home the goods. Birthright citizenship for children of illegals needs to end now.

  35. Too much when is it going to end

  36. I’m no math wizard … but illegals are about 1/5 of what is being spent…sooo if we get rid of all illegals we still have about 4/5 of possible legal people taking advantage of the system . MAYBE we should focus on that…

  37. I’m no math wizard … but illegals are about 1/5 of what is being spent…sooo if we get rid of all illegals we still have about 4/5 of possible legal people taking advantage of the system . MAYBE we should focus on that…

  38. see if it pays they will keep coming and coming and coming.

  39. see if it pays they will keep coming and coming and coming.

  40. Here is some more news about Antonovich, looks like he doesn’t like black people on Antelope Valley. I don’t see this on the new SCVTV Santa Clarita

  41. Here is some more news about Antonovich, looks like he doesn’t like black people on Antelope Valley. I don’t see this on the new SCVTV Santa Clarita

  42. Erwin Blanco says:

    For those stupid people go to do the same job of that people and get the same money so don’t said stupid things

  43. Erwin Blanco says:

    For those stupid people go to do the same job of that people and get the same money so don’t said stupid things

  44. John Cedillo says:

    How about doing mandatory drug testing and limiting the amount of time they can remain receiving benifits. The Government allows these people to remain lifers, always depending on the backs of others to support them.

  45. John Cedillo says:

    How about doing mandatory drug testing and limiting the amount of time they can remain receiving benifits. The Government allows these people to remain lifers, always depending on the backs of others to support them.

  46. Your better at math than i am :)

  47. Your better at math than i am :)

  48. I bet native Americans can relate!

  49. I bet native Americans can relate!

  50. Shari Voroba says:

    This is so wrong! Food stamps expects me to feed my father who is 80 years old and has moderate Alzheimer’s on a $194 a month. He qualifies for IHSS but no one will get paid until he pays $717 half of his Social Security share of cost.

  51. Shari Voroba says:

    This is so wrong! Food stamps expects me to feed my father who is 80 years old and has moderate Alzheimer’s on a $194 a month. He qualifies for IHSS but no one will get paid until he pays $717 half of his Social Security share of cost.

  52. I’m so OVER the whole ILLEGAL thing. White people are on it, blacks, Chinese. .. ALL RACES… What is with this crap !? Starting to sound like Donald Trump. SMH. GTFOH

  53. I’m so OVER the whole ILLEGAL thing. White people are on it, blacks, Chinese. .. ALL RACES… What is with this crap !? Starting to sound like Donald Trump. SMH. GTFOH

  54. Mary Mucha says:

    This graph says nothing. What does illegal mean and who makes the determination? I can say this. I have many fights with DPSS who claim my clients are not eligible for cal-works or food stamps and they are under the law. Then when I speak to the supervisors, and quote the law, they smugly say, and I quote ” sorry we must have made a mistake” yeah, right. Happens all the time.

  55. Mary Mucha says:

    This graph says nothing. What does illegal mean and who makes the determination? I can say this. I have many fights with DPSS who claim my clients are not eligible for cal-works or food stamps and they are under the law. Then when I speak to the supervisors, and quote the law, they smugly say, and I quote ” sorry we must have made a mistake” yeah, right. Happens all the time.

  56. Noe Garcia says:

    That’s about what Trump got in tax breaks. But as always we point the finger at the poor. We are ALL illegal here. Let’s all move back to our ancestor point of origin and give the land back to the Native Americans OR we are all blessings from God and don’t hate. No one is illegal in Gods eyes. For those that hate be ready to be judged by God and be sent to eternal damnation.

  57. And by the way an undocumented person CAN NOT benefit from The food stamps program or Calworks

  58. If you in depth its more white people on welfare…. And so what!! The city has spent more on the Lakers .. Police security, clean up, and traffic… And they make up for by parking tickets and traffic infractions!

  59. Rudy Herrera says:

    Dodgers Won!!! yea, yea. kershaw another scoreless game and grienke tomorro

  60. I dont mind ebt cards, its when they max it and go into there wallets and pull out hundreds that pissed me off lol

  61. We need illegals. America will crumble. What U.S. citizen will put up with nasty work conditions and accept being underpaid? Get over it. Look up Alabama HB 56- fail.

    • Americans worked before illegals got here. They will work again. It’s the employers that pay illegals less than Americans because the Americans pay taxes so they need a higher wage to survive. That’s the difference. We don’t need Illegals. They need/use us!

    • We use each other. The door swings both ways. Think about how our food gets to those nice air conditioned grocery stores. Among other labor intensive jobs we benefit from. And yes, illegals pay taxes. Lastly, before illegals and the illegals before those illegals were Native Americans. So I don’t know what your “Americans worked before illegals got here” means. Because before America became America, there were Native Americans. There is and always will be illegal immigrants here.

  62. We need illegals. America will crumble. What U.S. citizen will put up with nasty work conditions and accept being underpaid? Get over it. Look up Alabama HB 56- fail.

    • Americans worked before illegals got here. They will work again. It’s the employers that pay illegals less than Americans because the Americans pay taxes so they need a higher wage to survive. That’s the difference. We don’t need Illegals. They need/use us!

    • We use each other. The door swings both ways. Think about how our food gets to those nice air conditioned grocery stores. Among other labor intensive jobs we benefit from. And yes, illegals pay taxes. Lastly, before illegals and the illegals before those illegals were Native Americans. So I don’t know what your “Americans worked before illegals got here” means. Because before America became America, there were Native Americans. There is and always will be illegal immigrants here.

  63. Cuando llega el joven o hombre, es mano de obra barata, para el estado, el estado nunca pago, por el nacimiento hospital , educacion , crecimiento, si acaso un indocumentado consigue, trabajo, no le quita al ciudadano, educado en highschool, college ,

  64. Cuando llega el joven o hombre, es mano de obra barata, para el estado, el estado nunca pago, por el nacimiento hospital , educacion , crecimiento, si acaso un indocumentado consigue, trabajo, no le quita al ciudadano, educado en highschool, college ,

  65. Si hablar ingles, sin alta escuela, “si le quita el trabajo” al ciudadano hay que pensar en el, no creo que alguien levante cosechas por el minimo, cuando el latino no trabaje , en los campos , se sentira en las carteras por el alto costo de llos alimentos, entonces,todos quedran que regresen

  66. Si hablar ingles, sin alta escuela, “si le quita el trabajo” al ciudadano hay que pensar en el, no creo que alguien levante cosechas por el minimo, cuando el latino no trabaje , en los campos , se sentira en las carteras por el alto costo de llos alimentos, entonces,todos quedran que regresen

  67. If u look at the numbers the cost has gone down by a lot compared to 2014. Most illegal immigrants r hard workers and it’s unfortunate that most people continue to stereotype races due to the few the mess it up for the rest.

  68. If u look at the numbers the cost has gone down by a lot compared to 2014. Most illegal immigrants r hard workers and it’s unfortunate that most people continue to stereotype races due to the few the mess it up for the rest.

  69. you have to be legal to get welfare or food stamps, the only thing that they could be trying to throw in there is kids that were born here in which case are legal citizens! so in reality $0.00 Goes to illegal immigrants in this country

  70. you have to be legal to get welfare or food stamps, the only thing that they could be trying to throw in there is kids that were born here in which case are legal citizens! so in reality $0.00 Goes to illegal immigrants in this country

  71. Una verdad a medias, o se ve la moneda solo de un lado, el menos favorecido nunca tiene burnos abogados, se dice q un il egal fue hallado culpable de ls muerte de una persona en San Francisco , correcto, tambien se ignora lo q paso en la cd. De Penasquitos hace aprox. 30 ani os cuando un agente anglo , detuvo para infraccion, causando la muerte a la joven q violo, un inducumentado fue testigo , y por temor ae regreso, despues , de dias el conto la historia, y el crimen casi perfecto dejo de ser l o, al investigar quien estuvo de servucio en esa area y sorpresa fue el agente, nadie dijo hay que cuidar a nuestras hijas de los agentes,, por uno no se puede generalizar, disculpen

  72. Una verdad a medias, o se ve la moneda solo de un lado, el menos favorecido nunca tiene burnos abogados, se dice q un il egal fue hallado culpable de ls muerte de una persona en San Francisco , correcto, tambien se ignora lo q paso en la cd. De Penasquitos hace aprox. 30 ani os cuando un agente anglo , detuvo para infraccion, causando la muerte a la joven q violo, un inducumentado fue testigo , y por temor ae regreso, despues , de dias el conto la historia, y el crimen casi perfecto dejo de ser l o, al investigar quien estuvo de servucio en esa area y sorpresa fue el agente, nadie dijo hay que cuidar a nuestras hijas de los agentes,, por uno no se puede generalizar, disculpen

  73. whether any of you like it or not, if a child is born in this country they are every bit a citizen, EVERY BIT A CITIZEN as any of you are. They are Americans by birthright. Don’t like it? TFB.

  74. whether any of you like it or not, if a child is born in this country they are every bit a citizen, EVERY BIT A CITIZEN as any of you are. They are Americans by birthright. Don’t like it? TFB.

  75. Vanessa Ardila why Trump want to talk his mess most likely half his real estate was built by the so call Aliens!! It pisses me off that freedom of speech is okay to use when your information is false !! Girl I wish there was someone for all the slaves and aliens to go and see what American would turn into!

  76. Vanessa Ardila why Trump want to talk his mess most likely half his real estate was built by the so call Aliens!! It pisses me off that freedom of speech is okay to use when your information is false !! Girl I wish there was someone for all the slaves and aliens to go and see what American would turn into!

  77. Hans Ahlert says:

    No more “anchor babies”

  78. Hans Ahlert says:

    No more “anchor babies”

  79. Kelly Baker says:

    $291 million is a drop in the bucket for LA County. I know that the county paid more than double that for a new charting system that would abide by Obamacare rules

  80. Allen Evans says:

    Here in UK illegals do not get benefits,they have to work in black economy to live,you have to claim assylum under un rules.

  81. stop being so christian typical conservative

  82. Bill Timony says:

    And you wonder why California is broke!

  83. This is our liberal county government.

  84. It is the 14th amendment anchor babies. 80% of North Hollywood is Mexican moms with American children as well as south Santa Clarita.

  85. our system sucks , some folks find it easier to qualify, when here we do have seniors who are finding it difficult to get by. where is the justice?

  86. SCTV Santa Clarita..

  87. Joohhnn Kim says:

    so this country is spending money to feed the poor when they are throwing away $1.6 billion dollars worth of perfectly fine food? something is wrong…..

  88. kathy says:

    People you only have to hit “add comment” once to state your OPINION. Obviously a very sensitive subject.

  89. Nancy Pritchard says:

    My child is a student in the Newhall school district. When we have PTA meetings the principal at our school always states that the English language learners are the schools priority. Why is my American born English speaking child not as important as a Spanish speaking child? I know one reason I was told is that the school receives $3 for every Spanish speaking student compared to $1 for every English speaking student. Shouldn’t the English speaking students be given the same importance in the education system? The Spanish speaking child also has the advantage of being bi-lingual giving them an advantage when they grow up and look for a job. Our kids are getting the short end of the stick. I think a society where everyone is educated benefits everyone but please don’t leave our English speaking children behind.

  90. That’s a lot of money that could be used for other needed things.

  91. Michael Foth says:

    No wonder we’re in debt, go Trump!

  92. Richard Mace says:

    The U.S. is broke we need to save money. this is why democrats run our country. They twist things to make it sound like republicans are racist. We should not be paying for any illegal immigrants. They are NOT supposed to be in our state! Learn the difference, Don’t confuse an immigrant with an illegal immigrant.

  93. Richard Mace says:

    The U.S. is broke we need to save money. this is why democrats run our country. They twist things to make it sound like republicans are racist. We should not be paying for any illegal immigrants. They are NOT supposed to be in our state! Learn the difference, Don’t confuse an immigrant with an illegal immigrant.

  94. Joe Butner says:

    And people wonder why Trump is leading in the GOP polls! It’s time for a border wall!

  95. Joe Butner says:

    And people wonder why Trump is leading in the GOP polls! It’s time for a border wall!

  96. Thom says:

    I’ve two comments….1st…..Los Angeles County Mayor Michael D. Antonovich, I thought mayors were for cities not counties.
    2nd…I say send all the illegals back to whatever country they came from. Their kids that were born here? They can take them with them or put them up for adoption. Don’t understand how two illegals can have a baby here and it’s legal. If life starts at conception, where were these kids conceived? The old saying….Two wrongs don’t make a right. Two people here illegally is wrong, so their babies would not be right legally. The people who are here working, are taking jobs from those here legally. Legal people don’t want those jobs? Well then they shouldn’t be getting any kind of public assistance. You don’t get unemployment if you refuse a job (or that’s the way it use to be).

  97. Ron Leibsker says:

    If the illegal immmigrants had fought this hard to ‘change’ their own corrupt countries they would not have felt it necessary to leave and ‘rob’ funds from us. Yes ROB! They fill our jails and prisons with illegals. They leech off our goodwill and then think WE are wrong for getting completely tired of it all.
    Hit-and-run car accidents hardly EVER took place in this state until the illegals decided it was easier to run than face the law. Do you know how many hit and runs we have in this state now? This is another problem caused by those who decided it is better to break the law than come into this country the RIGHT way. TRUMP is hard to respect but by GOD he is RIGHT on this issue. It IS time to put this up for a vote! The ONLY reason our government has allowed this to happen is to “buy” votes. If our government decides to legalize all 12 million plus illegals who are mostly poor and uneducated then this state and country will look more like the country all the illegals are running from. When the illegals heard what this country would do for them for NOTHING, I too would have come over…
    Our leadership, and I use the term leadership with constraint, has failed all of the LEGAL people in this country. Illegal is ILLEGAL!!
    I respect ALL immigrants to this country but not those that feel we owe them a paycheck and thumb their nose at us. GO TRUMP! and those who believe he is RIGHT about this abuse from outsiders!!

  98. Kryssi Tyler says:

    County didn’t pay for it the taxpayers in LA did!

  99. This is just ONE COUNTY! This must END. We need to Amend the Constitution and END ANCHOR baby status, and then END WELFARE TO anchor baby households. The illegal parents can go home with their kids, and those kids can come back if they choose when they are adults.

  100. Ron Leibsker says:

    Just for the record. The ENTIRE country is paying for these LAWBREAKERS, not just LA, and in turn, they offer this country very LITTLE.
    When most of them have their hand out to collect $$ in one form or another then we are ALL being ROBBED!

  101. Christina Rodriguez says:

    We have got to do something about this! Years ago I had a child who had a severe liver disorder and was dying. My ex husband left us. I was left with nothing, but an old car that barely worked of which I needed to go back and forth to CHILDRENS HOSPITAL. The welfare dept refused to help me because I owned the car and could sell it for money. My son died 5 weeks later. I was born and raised in California and worked up until my son became too ill to be left alone. Needless to say I have NO RESPECT for the DPSS!

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The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health cautions residents who are planning to visit the below Los Angeles County beaches to avoid swimming, surfing, and playing in ocean waters:
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