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July 3
1925 - By letter, Wyatt Earp beseeches his friend William S. Hart to portray him in a movie, to correct the "lies about me." Hart never did. [story]
Hart-Wyatt Earp

Now and Then in the SCV | Commentary by Darryl Manzer
| Wednesday, Jun 3, 2015

darrylmanzer0215I have a great idea. Let’s bus some “gang bangers” to the Santa Clarita Valley and have them restore a picnic area that needs only a few things repaired. Don’t all y’all think that is a great idea? Really, imagine when they see some places like Stevenson Ranch and Southern Oaks.

I think it is a great idea. The rock walls of Pico Canyon lack any gang tags or graffiti. It will give them a whole new canvas, so to speak. How about the walls of the barn and cottage? What a great opportunity for these kids. Don’t all y’all think so?

Back in the day, many of these “at-risk” kids would have been given a choice: Go to jail or join the Marines. I’ll bet many who picked Marines thought it was a bad choice when they first arrived at boot camp.

I wonder if the “at-risk” youth who will be assigned to Pico Canyon get paid? Will they get the $15-per-hour minimum wage as in the city of Los Angeles?

I didn’t have that idea. It wouldn’t be me. I’ve been told I’m a little too intelligent to have an idea like that. No, the folks at the Mountain Recreation and Conservation Authority had that idea. I think it takes a special kind of stupid to have an idea like that.

It goes along with what they have done with the rest of the historical landmarks in Pico Canyon. Yes, Mentryville is California State Historical Landmark No. 516-2. Number 516 is the first oil well, CSO No. 4.

mentryvilleYes, the MRCA is the same group of folks who have not restored the 13-room Pico Cottage as they agreed to do more than 20 years ago. The same folks who defiled the hillside behind Felton School by building a trail and using a defoliant to remove the weeds around the buildings to provide for fire safety clearance. That is a method those of you in fire areas aren’t allowed to use.

Shall we continue with how they have allowed film companies to deny folks access to the very park the people own? Yes, it is a state park and not a back lot for the movie studios.

Why should these “at risk” youth be allowed to camp in Pico Canyon when those of us who actually pay the bills there cannot do so? I guess if I join a gang, I can go camping there, too. Do the gangs accept a 65-year-old ex-sailor?

Fire safety. Just before the Santa Clarita Cowboy Festival, the county had “at-risk” youths come and cut brush. Guess what they did on a break. They had a cool drink and smoked. I was picking up butts all over Heritage Junction. How do the county and MRCA propose to keep these kids from smoking at Johnson Park?

I’ve been through a fire in Pico Canyon. Johnson Park is the last place I would want to have a bunch of folks camping. Fire in Pico Canyon moves fast. At one point we were at the picnic grounds (Johnson Park), and the fire had moved from north of Pico to the main part of Mentryville. Going out of the canyon was not an option at that point. Anyone up the canyon past the old bakery location was stuck.

Snakes. A lot of snakes. Most of them not so nice. Are the MRCA and Los Angeles County ready to respond to snakebite? Maybe they can respond quickly if they can get in communication with emergency services. Cell phones don’t work at Johnson Park.

I’m not against helping youth who need help or are “at risk.” We have to help them in a responsible and safe manner. It also must be safe and responsible for the community. This plan clearly isn’t safe and responsible.

Those of us who lived in Mentryville know how it was during fires and storms. We know the dangerous wildlife that is in the canyons. The kids coming to Pico won’t have that knowledge.

I pray they don’t see any kids get hurt in any way. Being at risk in the city is one thing. At risk in Pico Canyon is a whole different matter.

I urge you folks in Stevenson Ranch and Southern Oaks to attend the meeting with the MRCA and the county tonight (Wednesday) at 6:30 p.m. at the new Stevenson Ranch Library, 25950 The Old Road. See you there.


Darryl Manzer grew up in the Pico Canyon oil town of Mentryville in the 1960s and attended Hart High School. After a career in the U.S. Navy he returned to live in the Santa Clarita Valley, where he serves as executive director of the SCV Historical Society. He can be reached at dmanzer@scvhistory.com. His older commentaries are archived atDManzer.com; his newer commentaries can be accessed [here]. Watch his walking tour of Mentryville [here].


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  1. We have enough problems without busing more in. I take offense to the statement “imagine when they see some places like Stevenson Ranch and Southern Oaks.” There are beautiful homes and housing tracks throughout our valley that hold wonderful families that are just as threatened by the constant crime that is ravishing our space as the two over priced areas you mentioned. If you’re not going to bus something good or great into our valley then don’t bus anyone or anything in at all anywhere within the valley. Let whom ever owns the land pay to have it cleaned up or beautified just as I must do to property I own. There are plenty of city and park employees that are capable of doing this job, hell the Boy Scouts could do it. Why not bus the genius that came up with this idea in and let them do it.

    • “If you’re not going to bus something good or great into our valley then don’t bus anyone or anything in at all anywhere within the valley.” you sound ignorant.

      • Fred Sandeen says:

        Justin, it’s called satire. Mr. Manzer would prefer they start by cleaning up their own neighborhoods. Imagine if an inner city youth spent a good many hours toiling to clean up a tagged wall only to see a person they knew tagging it again. If it were not for the fear of getting shot at, They might try to stop such nonsense. Just a thought.

    • No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t want scumbags in the SCV. Whats wrong with that?

    • Yeah @justin let’s bus in as much scum as possible. That will be nice for everyone.

    • I think he just mentioned those two neighborhoods since those are the ones they will drive thru on the way to Mentryville….that’s all.

  2. Dan Aird says:

    Just keep them headed north on the 5. Wayside is right up the road and has wonderful accommodations.

  3. Suzi S Smith says:

    You could have just said “prisoners from Pitchess” instead of going down the inflammatory trail.

  4. Travis May says:

    Your profile claims that you are delivering the news. However this article is not news. It is basically a rant without reporting facts. Merely opinions.

  5. Kieran Hawe says:

    I get your point. I get a lot of the points. However, IMO how you express your opinions works against what you are trying to say and accomplish. Your vitriolic statements, a lot of which are speculative, serve no purpose and will accomplish even less. Personal opinion is one thing but I thought SCTV was a news organization?

  6. No not a good idea !!!!!!!!

  7. Take them and fix up their own communities. Don’t bring them here to scope out new place to cause havoc.

  8. Another stupid idea from the Mountain Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA). Have “Gang Members” find out about the “gem”? Why not hand them a case of spray paint too ! Why not offer some of the work to the many Boy Scouts in the Wm S. Hart BSA District for Eagle Projects? I trust the Scouts more that the MRCA !

  9. Rene Klein says:

    Well said! This is simply “not a good idea”, for many of the reason you stated. One thing I’d like to interject for people who aren’t familiar with this proposition is that these at-risk “youths” age extends to 24. There are too many other places in Los Angeles that can work which are not immersed in a suburb.

  10. Not all felons are bad people some of them just made a mistake I’m one of them I spent three years in prison and I take offense to everybody that has a negative comment on here to make about a felon . These programs are designed to help felons and only the ones that actually are trying to better themselves. People like you are the reason it’s so hard for a felon, who’s trying to do right, and can’t land a good paying job to take care of his family.

    • You’re right. Not all felons are bad people. However, the majority are and continue to commit crimes. That’s a fact.

    • Dennis Slater, But do you know why they commit the same crimes again?

    • Chris most felons can’t get jobs because of the 7 year unwritten rule that most employers follow. It is a shame that felons that want to stay on the correct path once they’ve served their time can’t due to that rule and that is tragic. However gathering felons off the streets to repair and clean a picnic area isn’t very likely event. The felons they would ‘bus’ in would most likely be those still serving time. There is no need to ‘bus’ anyone in when there are employees for the state, city etc that can perform those duties.

    • Correct, they can’t find work and get desperate, so they go back to doing the same thing that put them there, and I’m not defending the dumb asses who do it just because. I’m defending the ones who have families to feed and take care of. And no the state shouldn’t be bring in felons in prison to do this, but they need programs to keep them busy and violence in the system down.

    • So I’m confused felons can’t get any jobs but California hires illegals all the time??

    • Correct, most companies in California won’t hire convicted felons. I’m a certified Wind Turbine Technician with a felony, went through at minimum 15 job interviews and because of my felony. They wouldn’t even give me a chance, and when I told them about having a felony, the interview ended quickly. Only companies that will hire a felon are really small mom and pop construction companies that can’t pay enough to live on. The only reason I have the job that I have now is because my cousin pushed to get me in. And I still don’t make that much considering the field I’m in.

    • Sorry to hear that that’s a shame some jobs I understand but wind turbines? This state is so backwards.. You would have better luck in other states but I get it this is home.

    • Sorry to hear that that’s a shame some jobs I understand but wind turbines? This state is so backwards.. You would have better luck in other states but I get it this is home.

    • I had interviews in oregon, Washington, and New Hampshire. Once they heard I was a felon. No luck. It’s everywhere.

    • I had interviews in oregon, Washington, and New Hampshire. Once they heard I was a felon. No luck. It’s everywhere.

  11. I went back there with my kids to check out mentryville and go t stared down by some folks that are apparently living there.

  12. Then they can stay at your house

  13. John Gilbert says:

    I got news for you; We already have gangbangers in the SCV. When the Sherriffs took a report for redundent graffitti on our wall, they told us there were 2 mexican gangs. One in East Newhall and the other Est of lower Whites Canyon.

  14. People make comments as if this place is better then any other! ! There’s as much crime and drama here just like anywhere else!!! And SAD to say but many of so called innocent VALENCIA kids are just as bad or even worse!! Very DECeitful!!hahaha who are we really fooling. ..

  15. Lol I honestly feel it is a bad idea, that being said we have a prison aka men’s colony up here and we still rank as one of the safest cities in America. I don’t think this will change our safety but I do feel I just don’t want more trash up here in our valley. People know we exist, we are not a secret town. We have 1 of the main amusement parks in CA right here. I am sure most of these people being brought into the camp have been to Magic Mountain. Bottom line is even though my reasons for being against this are personal, logically I do not see an argument that would change this from happening.

  16. I try to keep from getting involved with people who make declarative statements on the Internet. They look foolish enough without our help. I agree with you on all accounts as it goes on everywhere. Sadly there are a number of mentally blind people who only see their own needs.

  17. I’ve lived here since 1994 and have I’m sorry to say this city is done. Its time to move…

  18. I agree it’s a concern, but not everyone in jail or prison is a gang member, and not only that, but programs that allow inmates outside prison walls are only for inmates who have shown that they can be trusted in those situations.

  19. Not standing up for them, just trying to bring a different point of view here.

  20. What a stupid thing to say.

  21. Sue Dewinter says:

    WTH! That’s about the worst thing you could do. Unless of course, you are trying to raise the crime rate so we are no longer one of the safest cities around.

  22. Me gustaría vivir un lugar así,

  23. I feel it’s time for awesome town to get some of its own medicine!

  24. Will Diaz says:

    This guy is like a real life Kelly, the editorial cartoonist for the onion.http://www.theonion.com/graphic/april-26-2010-17318

  25. I think the found a body in a car 3 days ago. Off golden valley!

  26. Leon Worden says:

    Sounds like some readers don’t understand that Mentyville is a State Historic Landmark, and that nobody, or few people, would care if MRCA put the gang-prevention program right next door in another park in the Santa Clarita Valley – just not Mentryville.

    • Nanette Lagasse Gaither says:

      Not a State Historical Landmark, Leon. Mentryville is higher up on the scale. It’s a State Historical Monument and Pico #4, the oil well, is State Historical Monument AND a National U.S. Historical Monument. It must be preserved by law and we are being let down in that way by the Conservancy and the State of CA.
      Obviously many of the people who commented here don’t know that a National Monument is located on the property as well as TWO state monuments,,one for the well and one for the town. This is not just any property in the SCV. This is our history and we are losing our historical sites and monuments in the SCV because people are ignorant of how important places like Pico Canyon/Mentryville are. This isn’t a place to bring young people who have already been in trouble. Pico Canyon is a dangerous place for clueless youths and young adults. We lived there for 29 years so I am well aware of what living in the canyon is like. Johnson Park isn’t a real park and doesn’t have much room for a camping program. Johnson Park is a picnic ground with rattlesnakes, sulfur laden stinking water in the creek from the underground gas and oil and falling and tripping hazards that cannot be repaired because they are part of the “lay of the land”. Our parents watched us like hawks when we were there for Standard Oil Co. family picnics, but someone always got hurt every year anyway. We got lectured about safety and where to go and not go and in the dark, the place is very dark beyond the gas-powered lights. I lost track years ago of the number of rattlesnakes we killed there and in the yard of the house while we lived there–many hundreds of them. One year just my dad alone killed 25 in one summer–not counting how many the rest of us had to kill and the ones the other guys (employees)killed. Heidi, the water flows down into the canyon from the stream, but we had to have several filters so we could drink the water. We had a rust resistor, a water softener, and two other filters that took the heavy metals and crap out of the water. Even after that, the water still left rust and heavy minerals on/in all of the sinks and bathtubs that we had to scrub after use with a special rust-removing cleanser. The water in the canyon stinks from sulfur and lead. The water in the canyon is undrinkable without all of those filters including the one on the faucet in the kitchen sink. We didn’t drink the water in the bathrooms or outside of the filters. Sometimes we would forget and drink the water from the outside hoses. Ugh!

  27. Brian Fisher says:

    I’ve been back there once, and making it prettier or whatever did not cross my mind d. It’s fine, the writer is running our of ideas to write about

  28. Santa Clarita Valley is only a safe city cos all the pesky Pigs live there and harass people of color.

  29. Would they need a well for water?

  30. Hey stevensons ranch …Welcome to Canyon Country. This city allowed especially the gang bangers and illegals to move into Canyon Country and Some Newhall with all their section 8 and gangs that the sheriff’s keep here…I’m sorry but inmates Trusted from Prison ?? Isn’t that an oxymoron.. Leave the rebuild and clean up efforts to historian volunteers or high school clubs.. Keep the filth out of scv. Lord knows enough has traveled here last 5 years.

  31. It was all I could do to keep reading this article. The first statement really put me off.

  32. Sounds very biased and scared of the unknown.

  33. Valerie, thank you for sharing this information. Some of my grandmother artifacts are stored their in Mentryville. Will you let me know if their is something I can do to help.

  34. We’re not biased. Just experienced with life in bad cities. That’s why we came here. We don’t care about race, sex or creed, but we do care about behavior.

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