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October 6
2000 - Movie stuntman Richard Farnsworth, 2000 Newhall Walk of Western Stars inductee, and Dr. Robert Rockwell, first COC president, die on the same day [Farnsworth story] [Rockwell story]

Hart District monumentThe next regular meeting of the Governing Board of the William S. Hart Union High School District is set for Wednesday, August 9 at 7 p.m. 

A closed session will begin at 5 p.m. Both meetings will take place at the district’s Administrative Center, 21380 Centre Pointe Parkway, Santa Clarita 91350.

The complete agenda follows.

I. Call to Order
I.A. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum
II. First Closed Session
II.A. Public Comments for Closed Session Items

Quick Summary / Abstract:
A member of the audience may address the Board on items listed in Closed Session by completing a Speaker Card. Please use the microphone and state your name and location of residence. No action will be taken at this time, and the Board President will limit comment time to 2 (two) minutes. If you wish to speak regarding an item not appearing on the Closed Session agenda, please make your comments during the Public Session (see below).
II.B. First Closed Session Items
II.B.1. Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation (per Government Code 54956.9(d)(2)) – One potential case (17/18-A) 

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Conference with legal counsel.
II.B.2. Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation (Per Government Code 54956.9 (d)(1)) Case No. BS154132 

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Conference with legal counsel.
II.B.3. Rejection of Claim No. 16/17-14L (per Government Code Section 54956.9)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Action to be taken on Rejection of Claim No. 16/17-14L.  Documentation is confidential and maintained in District files.
II.B.4. Rejection of Claim No. 16/17-15L (per Government Code Section 54956.9)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Action to be taken on Rejection of Claim No. 16/17-15L.  Documentation is confidential and maintained in District files.
II.B.5. Public Employee Appointment/Discipline/Dismissal/Release/Reassignment/Non-reelection (per Government Code Section 54957)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Public employee appointment/discipline/dismissal/release/reassignment/non-reelection.
II.B.6. Conference with Labor Negotiator: Michael Vierra – Negotiations with Hart District Teachers Association (per Government Code Section 54957.6)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Negotiations with Hart District Teachers Association.
II.B.7. Conference with Labor Negotiator: Michael Vierra – Negotiations with California School Employees Association Chapter 349 (per Government Code Section 54957.6) 

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Negotiations with California School Employees Association.
II.B.8. Public Employee Appointment – Director of Classified Personnel (per Government Code Section 54957)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Consideration of appointment of Director of Classified Personnel.
II.B.9. Public Employee Appointment – Chief Financial Officer (per Government Code Section 54957)

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Consideration of appointment of Chief Financial Officer.
II.C. Reconvene to Public Session
III. Organization
III.A. Report of First Closed Session Action
III.B. Re-Establishment of Quorum
III.C. Pledge of Allegiance
III.D. Approval of Agenda
III.E. Approval of Minutes

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 19, 2017, presented for approval.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 1, 2017.
Minutes – Regular Meeting – July 19, 2017
IV. Recognitions by Board
V. Communications
V.A. Board Member Reports
V.B. Employee Association Leadership
V.B.1. Hart District Teachers Association (HDTA) President Jayme Allsman
V.B.2. California School Employees Association (CSEA) Chapter 349 President Kathy Hefferon
VI. Special Items
VI.A. Appointment of Director of Classified Personnel

Terri Renison, Interim Director of Classified Personnel
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Staff will present a candidate for the position of Director of Classified Personnel.
Financial Impact:
Appropriate placement on the classified management salary schedule.
Recommended Motion:
Approve candidate presented for the Director of Classified Personnel.
VI.B. Appointment of Chief Financial Officer

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Staff will present a candidate for the position of Chief Financial Officer at the Administrative Center.
Financial Impact:
Appropriate placement on the classified management salary schedule.
Recommended Motion:
Approve candidate presented for the position of Chief Financial Officer.
VII. Public Comments

Quick Summary / Abstract:
If you wish to address the Governing Board on a topic within the subject matter of its jurisdiction, please complete the Request to Address the Board form and return it to the Secretary to the Board prior to the beginning of the item. Comments regarding the Consent Calendar will be taken during Public Comments. Please use the microphone and state your name and location of residence. No action will be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda, and the Board President will limit your comments to 2 (two) minutes. The President may limit public comment time based on the number of persons who wish to speak.  If you wish to speak regarding an item that appears on the agenda, you will be called upon to make your comments at the time the item is discussed by the Board.
VIII. Discussion Items
IX. Action Items
IX.A. Authorization to Purchase Relocatable Classroom Buildings at Valencia High School (Class Leasing, Inc.) 

Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction
Quick Summary / Abstract:

Request authorization to purchase three relocatable classroom buildings at Valencia High School.


The District has been leasing three 36′ x 40′ relocatable classrooms at Valencia High School since the 2014/15 school year. Located in the center of the campus, these buildings are larger than the typical portable classrooms and being used to house one computer and two science labs. The buildings were installed to address a shortage of science classrooms at the school.

The initial three year lease is about to expire and the District has three options: (1) return the units to the lease company (Class Leasing, Inc.) as of 8/31/2017, (2) renew the lease with an annual lease payment of $23,826 per year, or (3) purchase the buildings for $261,618.

There is no intention of returning the buildings in the short term as they are still needed at Valencia High School. If the population of Valencia High School is reduced with the opening of Castaic High School, these building would be among the last of the portable classrooms to be removed from Valencia High School. There are many older portable classrooms that would be removed before these much newer classrooms would be considered for removal.

The average useful life of relocatable classrooms is 25 years. If the District continued to lease the classrooms, the break even point is approximately 11 years (assuming the lease terms remain the same). Staff believes that these buildings will be needed at the school for at least that long. Purchasing the classrooms now will also save the cost of dismantle and return delivery of $15,879 plus the cost of disconnecting utilities and low voltage to the units. For these reasons, staff believes that the best financial decision is to purchase the buildings.

If the purchase is approved, the District will be utilizing the Capistrano Unified School District Bid No. 1617-15, Modular Building Services to purchase these classrooms.

Financial Impact:
$261,618 to be paid from Community Facilities District (Fund 49).
Recommended Motion:

Authorize the purchase of three relocatable classrooms at Valencia High School through the Capistrano Unified School District Bid No. 1617-15, Modular Building Services.

Class Leasing Agreement – Valencia HS
IX.B. Construction Management Services Proposal for Career Technical Education Projects at Canyon High School and Golden Valley High School (Lundgren Management)

Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Request approval of attached construction management services proposal from Lundgren Management for Career Technical Education (CTE) projects at Canyon High School and Golden Valley High School.
There are two CTE projects at Canyon High School (welding program in Building V and the video studio in room E2) and one CTE project at Golden Valley High School (multimedia classroom in room 521). Lundgren Management has prepared the attached proposal to provide construction management services for all three of these projects. The proposal includes all tasks required to prepare budget estimates and complete the construction of these three projects.
Financial Impact:
$75,437 plus reimbursable expenses from Career Technical Education Incentive Grant.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the attached proposal from Lundgren Management to provide construction management services for Career Technical Education projects at Canyon High School and Golden Valley High School.
Lundgren Proposal
IX.C. Architectural Services Proposals for Career Technical Education Projects at Canyon High School and Golden Valley High School (Taller Dos Flores)

Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Request approval of attached architectural services proposals from Taller Dos Flores for Career Technical Education (CTE) projects at Canyon High School and Golden Valley High School.
Canyon High School welding program:

On December 14, 2016, the Board approved a proposal from Taller Dos Flores to determine the cost and feasibility of housing a welding program at the school. That initial work is done and staff would like Taller Dos Flores to complete construction/bid documents to be submitted to the Division of the State Architect (DSA) for approval. In addition to completing construction/bid documents, Taller Dos Flores will assist the District during the bid phase of the project and provide construction administration for the duration of construction.

Canyon High School video studio and Golden Valley High School multimedia classroom:

In order to make the classrooms more functional, minor improvements need to be done in the Canyon High School video studio in room E-2 and the Golden Valley High School multimedia classroom in room 521.

At Canyon High School, an interior, non-load bearing wall needs to be shortened; carpet needs to be removed to expose the concrete floor; lights over the anchor desk need to be re-wired to provide an independent switch; and an overhead cable tray needs to be provided for cable management to prevent tripping hazards.

At Golden Valley High School, casework and a teaching wall needs to be removed; floor outlets need to be removed and new outlets provided along the walls; power and video needs to be provided for two new large LCD TVs; and teacher storage needs to be added.

Taller Dos Flores will coordinate the work and prepare bid documents for public bidding, assist the District during the bid phase and provide construction administration during construction.

Financial Impact:
All expenses to be paid from the Career Technical Education Incentive Grant.

Canyon High School welding program: $41,200 plus reimbursable expenses.

Canyon High School video studio and Golden Valley High School multimedia classroom: $12,860 plus reimbursable expenses.

Recommended Motion:
Approve attached architectural services proposals from Taller Dos Flores for Career Technical Education projects at Canyon High School and Golden Valley High School.
Taller Dos Flores CHS & GVHS Classroom Remodels Proposal
Taller Dos Flores Welding Proposal
IX.D. Architectural Services Proposal to Develop Americans with Disabilities Act Closeout Bid Package for Shade Structure Program (Oasis Associates)

Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Request approval of attached proposal from Oasis Associates to develop Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) closeout bid package for the Shade Structure Program.

Last summer, shade structures were installed at a number of schools throughout the District. The labor and materials to install those shade structures were purchased through a piggyback bid. There are additional Division of the State Architect (DSA) accessibility upgrades related to the shade structure installation that must be done under a separate contract. These accessibility upgrades are needed at Canyon High School, Golden Valley High School, West Ranch High School, La Mesa Junior High School, Placerita Junior High School, and Sequoia School.

For the most part, the accessibility upgrades are minor, so the work can be done while the campuses are occupied; however, the overall scope of upgrades will exceed the District’s informal bid limit ($15,000). Of the initial $1,000,000 budgeted for the Shades Structure Program, a little over 10 percent of that total remains for hard and soft costs related to completing the accessibility upgrades.

Oasis Associates prepared the attached fee proposal to consolidate the accessibility upgrades for all of the school sites (listed earlier) into one bid package. Once completed, this bid package will be used to advertise the project for public bidding.  At a later date, staff will return to the Board to recommend award of the accessibility upgrades work to the lowest responsive/responsible bidder.

Once these DSA required ADA upgrades are completed, staff and Oasis Associates can closeout the project with DSA.

Financial Impact:
$14,153 plus reimbursable expenses from Special Reserve Funds for Capital Projects (Fund 40.3).
Recommended Motion:
Approve attached proposal from Oasis Associates to develop Americans with Disabilities Act closeout bid package for the Shade Structure Program.
Oasis Associates Proposal
IX.E. Appointment of Measure SA Citizens’ Oversight Committee Member

Vicki Engbrecht, Superintendent
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Recommendation for appointment to the Measure SA Citizens’ Oversight Committee.
The ad hoc committee, comprised of Board members Mrs. Linda Storli and Mr. Joe Messina, Superintendent Engbrecht, and a member of the public Mr. Carl Goldman, assigned to review applications for the Measure SA Citizens’ Oversight Committee, is recommending appointment of Dr. Ana Dwork as a Member at Large.
Recommended Motion:
Appoint Dr. Anna Dwork to the Measure SA Citizens’ Oversight Committee.
IX.F. Revised Board Policies and Administrative Regulations – Second Reading

Mike Kuhlman, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Revised Board Policies and Administrative Regulations 3270 – Sale and Disposal of Books, Equipment and Supplies (Personal Property), and 3400 – Management of District Assets and Accounts, are being brought to the Board for a second reading and approval of revised Board policies.  No changes or revisions were suggested at the first reading on July 19, 2017.
Recommended Motion:
Approve revised Board Policy 3270 – Sale and Disposal of Books, Equipment and Supplies (Personal Property), and Board Policy 3400 – Management of District Assets and Accounts.
AR 3270 Sale and Disposal of Books 
AR 3400 Management of District Assets and Accounts
BP 3270 Sale and Disposal of Books
BP 3400 Management of District Assets, Accounts
X. Consent Calendar

Quick Summary / Abstract:
Unless a Board Member has a question concerning a particular item and asks that it be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar, the Governing Board approves the items at one time.
X.A. Consent Calendar-Removal of Items
X.B. Consent Calendar-Personnel
X.B.1. Personnel Report No. 17/18-2

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Personnel Report No. 17/18- 2 regarding certificated, non-certificated, classified and non-classified employees, and Workability Program.
Recommended Motion:
Approve Personnel Report No. 17/18-2.
17/18-2 Personnel Report
X.B.2. Memorandum of Understanding Regarding the Teacher Education Intern Credential Program Between Loyola Marymount University and the William S. Hart Union High School District

Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Agreement between Loyola Marymount and the William S. Hart Union High School District regarding Intern Credential Program.
The Internship Program is designed to meet the growing need for qualified teachers of higher education.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the agreement between Loyola Marymount University and William S. Hart Union High School District regarding the Intern Credential Program.
MOU Loyola Marymount University
X.C. Consent Calendar-Curriculum/Instruction
X.C.1. Requests to Travel Out-of-State – Administrative Center

Mike Kuhlman, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Three Administrative Center employees are requesting authorization to travel out-of-state for educational purposes over the next few months.
Wesley Hester, a program specialist in Special Education, is requesting authorization to travel to Missouri, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, and Utah to make residential site visits, from September 17-21, 2017.

Nadia Cotti, a  program specialist in Career Technical Education, and Sue Reynolds, a career development coordinator, are requesting authorization to attend the Association of Career Tech VISION 2017 conference, in Nashville, Tennessee, from December 6-9, 2017.

Nadia Cotti is also requesting authorization to attend the Association of Career Technical Education (ACTE) 2017 Best Practices and Innovations conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, from September 27-29, 2017.

Financial Impact:
All Wesley Hester’s expenses for travel to out-of-state residential centers will be paid from Special Education funds; and the Career Technical Education Incentive Grant will pay all expenses for travel out-of-state by Nadia Cotti (New Mexico and Tennessee) and Sue Reynolds (Tennessee).
Recommended Motion:
Authorize Wesley Hester’s request to travel to Missouri, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, and Utah to make residential site visits, from September 17-21, 2017; authorize Nadia Cotti and Sue Reynolds to attend the Association of Career Tech VISION 2017 conference, in Nashville, Tennessee, from December 6-9, 2017; and authorize Nadia Cotti to attend the Association of Career Technical Education (ACTE) 2017 Best Practices and Innovations conference in New Mexico, from September 27-29, 2017.
X.C.2. School Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Agreement (County of Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department)

Mike Kuhlman, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Agreement with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department to provide for safety and security at school functions.
The District currently works with the County of Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department to obtain deputies for security purposes at public activities. Deputies providing security for athletic events are an expense of the school student body associations.

The attached five-year agreement provides for supplemental law enforcement services through June 30, 2022.  The hourly rates for various deputy classifications are to be adjusted annually. Either party may terminate the agreement by giving 30 days prior written notice to the other party.

Financial Impact:
Costs for supplemental deputies are borne entirely by student body associations.
Recommended Motion:
Approve School Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Agreement for Special Events by and Between County of Los Angeles (Sheriff’s Department) and William S. Hart Union High School District, effective July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2022.
Supplemental Contract with LA County Sheriff’s Dept
X.D. Consent Calendar-Business Services
X.D.1. Addendum to Vicenti, LLoyd & Stutzman, LLP, Contract (CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP)

Vicki Engbrecht, Superintendent
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve addendum to contract for professional services with Vicenti, LLoyd & Stutzman, LLP, (VLS) combining with CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP (CLA).
On March 2, 2016, the Governing Board ratified an agreement with VLS for Measure SA General Obligation Bond Performance Audits through 2017/18 fiscal year.

Staff received notification that as of June 1, 2017, VLS has combined with CLA.  CLA has legally assumed and will fully perform all future contractual obligations under existing VLS agreements.  In this instance, future obligations mean that only the service provider’s name will change.  All terms and conditions of the original VLS contract will remain unchanged.

Staff recommends approving the addendum from VLS combining with CLA.

Financial Impact:
None.  Financial obligations of the original agreement remain unchanged.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the addendum combining Vicenti, Lloyd and Stutzman, LLP, with CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP.
VLS Addendum combining with CLA
X.D.2. Refund of Developer Fees

Vicki Engbrecht, Superintendent
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Approve developer fee refund of $3,944.
On September 6, 2016, the District collected $3,969 in developer fees for residential construction at 17003-1/2 Forrest St., Canyon Country, CA 91351.  Since the project did not commence, the building permit has been cancelled and the developer has requested a refund of fees paid.  Pursuant to California Education Code Section 17624, the District may reduce the refund by the administrative cost incurred in collecting and repaying the fee.  Therefore, the District will refund a total of $3,944 (the original fee collected, $3,969, less an administrative charge of $25).
Financial Impact:
$3,944 to be paid from the Capital Facilities Fund (25.0).
Recommended Motion:
Approve developer fee refund, as specified, totaling $3,944.
X.D.3. Special Education Consultant Agreements, 2017/18

Sharon Amrhein, Director of Special Education
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Request for approval of Special Education Consultant Agreements, extending from July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018.
It is necessary to complete individual assessments as specified in students’ Individual Education Programs to determine and provide the designated instructional services (DIS) necessary for the students to benefit educationally from their instructional program. The District contracts with many vendors to perform and provide these assessments and services.  A master contract will be generated for each Agreement.

Health Care Services, All Source Recruiting aka Ardor Health Solutions

Escort of Students Attending Nonpublic Schools, Bill Lane & Associates

Health Care Services, Maxim Healthcare

Group Counselor Therapist, Angela McCorkle

Financial Impact:
All Source Recruiting, approximately $50,000 budgeted from Special Education funds

Bill Lane & Associates, approximately $25,000 budgeted from Special Education funds

Maxim Healthcare, approximately $50,000 budgeted from Special Education funds

Angela McCorkle, approximately $3,600 budgeted from Medi-Cal funds

Recommended Motion:
Approve Special Education Consultant Agreements, extending from July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018.
X.D.4. Additional Nonpublic Schools, 2017/2018

Sharon Amrhein, Director of Special Education
Quick Summary / Abstract:
Request for approval of additional nonpublic schools for the 2017/18 school year.
On June 14, 2017, the Governing Board approved a list of state-licensed, nonpublic schools to provide services for Individuals with Exceptional Needs for whom the District has no appropriate program.  Such determination is made by Individual Education Program Teams.  It is requested to add the following nonpublic schools to the approved provider list:

Foundations for Living (Mansfield, OH)
Piney Ridge Treatment Center (Fayetteville, AR)
Financial Impact:
Fiscal implications will be determined as the Individual Service Agreements are completed.
Recommended Motion:
Approve the additional nonpublic schools, 2017/2018.
X.E. Consent Calendar-Operations
X.F. Consent Calendar-Requests for Information
X.G. Approval of Consent Calendar 
X.H. Items Removed from Consent Calendar
XI. Items for Future Consideration by the Board
XII. Second Closed Session

Quick Summary / Abstract:
This Closed Session will be used as an extension of II. First Closed Session, if needed.
XII.A. Public Comments for Second Closed Session Items
XII.B. Second Closed Session Items
XII.C. Return to Public Session
XII.D. Report of Second Closed Session Action
XIII. Adjournment
Disability Information:
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Superintendent’s Office (661.259.0033.x201). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.

Published: August 4, 2017, 3:28 PM


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