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Today in
S.C.V. History
March 28
1934 - Bouquet Canyon Reservoir, replacement for ill-fated St. Francis Dam & reservoir, begins to fill with water [story]
Bouquet Reservoir

Newhall Veteran Center to Reduce Hours in Face of COVID-19
Monday, Mar 16, 2020

The Veteran Center in Newhall currently has a food pantry, computers, library and resource table. | Photo: Emily Alvarenga / The Signal. Amid numerous facility closures and health concerns across the world, the Santa Clarita Veteran Services Collaborative has announced a reduction of hours and services...

SCV Documentary Filmmaker Laura Carlson Debuts in Cannes, L.A.
Friday, Mar 6, 2020

Most of the time, stories about the U.S.-Mexico border are immensely polarizing and political, but Laura Carlson wanted to show a different side of the region. The Valencia resident is a professional writer by day and a documentary filmmaker on the side. Her first film “Beyond Barriers” was screened...

Senior Center Creative Writing Class Promotes Bonding, Individuality
Wednesday, Feb 12, 2020

For 20 minutes, the creative writing class was silent save for the inhales and exhales of the 13 people who softly, yet quickly scratched pen to paper. Then, an alarm sounded and the stillness was replaced with laughter, applause and heartfelt “awws” as the members of the Bella Vida senior center...

CarFit Program Helps Keep Seniors Safe Behind the Wheel
Wednesday, Jan 29, 2020

The Bella Vida senior center in Canyon Country hosted a CarFit class on Tuesday to help make car travel safer for seniors. CarFit is an educational program hosted by the AARP and the California Highway Patrol to provide comprehensive reviews of how drivers of advanced age can better optimize the safety...

Thompson Family Floats in the New Year the California Way
Wednesday, Jan 1, 2020

For many people, the annual Rose Parade is just a part of the New Year’s Day tradition, but for the Thompson family, the parade represents quintessential California living. “Back home we would watch the parade and I was always amazed that they made the floats from flowers, but my friends just said,...

Drifters, VFW Post 6885 Make Annual ‘Spark of Love’ Toy Donations
Monday, Dec 23, 2019

Drifters Cocktail Lounge may not allow anyone under 21 to enter the bar, but that doesn’t mean that they’ve forgotten about the kids during the holidays. On Monday, Santa’s sleigh took the form of a fire engine and utility truck from Los Angeles County Fire Station No. 107 as they pulled into the...

Dec. 16: Dementia Workshop at Oakmont of Valencia
Friday, Nov 22, 2019

Oakmont of Valencia will host “A Day With Teepa Snow,” a dementia workshop designed to give caregivers of dementia patients a better understanding of life with the disease, on Monday, December 16, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Dementia is a debilitating disease that leaves those affected by it often in...

Bow-Wows & Meows Pet Fair Affected by Saddleridge Fire
Monday, Oct 14, 2019

Thousands of pet lovers and hundreds of their furry friends flocked to William S. Hart Park on Sunday to celebrate their love for animals at the 19th annual Bow-Wows & Meows Pet Fair. Sarah Vatcher, social media coordinator for the pet fair, said that approximately 100 vendors participated in this...

Kids Expo Brings Resources, Family Fun to SCV
Monday, Oct 7, 2019

Vendors and community members filled the Golden Valley High School gymnasium on Sunday, eager for information and giveaway goodies at this year’s Kids Expo hosted by the Child & Family Center. This year, the Kids Expo featured 50 booths, a DJ and a photo booth as well as martial arts performances...

Red Cross Sets SCV Blood Drives in September, October
Wednesday, Sep 25, 2019

Donating blood is a popular way for people to give back to their communities and potentially save lives, and the

Newest Additions to SCVNews.com
The city of Santa Clarita’s Community Emergency Response Team Program is looking for volunteers to act as injured survivors for the Disaster Simulation drill on Friday, May 9, from 6–9 p.m.
May 9:  City Seeks Volunteers for Disaster Simulation Drill
The South Coast Air Quality Management District issued an Order for Abatement on Thursday, March 20, requiring Sunshine Canyon Landfill to implement stricter and innovative measures to reduce odors that have been impacting the community.
Sunshine Canyon Landfill Required to Take Stronger Actions to Address Odors
The Saugus Union School District is seeking nominations for the annual Dr. Joan Lucid Leadership and Service Award.
SUSD Seeks Nominations for Lucid Leadership, Service Award
Registration is open for the city of Santa Clarita's Community Emergency Response Team training class.
City Offers Free Community Emergency Response Team Training Class
The city of Santa Clarita has announced the launch of the second annual Animal Care Grant Program.
City invites Community Organziations to Apply for Animal Care Grants
In response to Governor Gavin Newsom’s recent executive order removing California Environmental Quality Act requirements for undergrounding utility lines in wildfire-impacted areas of Los Angeles County, California State Senator Suzette Valladares (R-Santa Clarita) has called for this exemption to be applied statewide.
Valladares Calls for Streamlining Process for Underground Power Lines
Among several important issues presented at its Tuesday, April 1 regular board meeting, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors will be planning for the establishment of a new county Department for Homelessness Services.
April 1: Supes to Plan Department for Homelessness Services
College of the Canyons softball pounded out 13 hits in a shortened 12-4 five-inning win over L.A. Valley College on Tuesday, March 25 to win its second straight conference game.
Cougars Power to Second Straight Conference Win
Assemblywoman Pilar Schiavo, D-Chatsworth, joined a press conference on Thursday, March 27, on the west steps of the state capitol in Sacramento organized by community members from Val Verde, Castaic and the Santa Clarita Valley. The press conference was held to call attention to the growing public health disaster at the Chiquita Canyon Landfill.
Schiavo Joins Impacted Residents to Demand Action on Chiquita Canyon Landfill
1934 - Bouquet Canyon Reservoir, replacement for ill-fated St. Francis Dam & reservoir, begins to fill with water [story]
Bouquet Reservoir
Join the Santa Clarita Artists Association on Monday, April 21, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Barnes and Noble, for the SCAA monthly meeting
April 21: SCCA Features Watercolor Demo by Artist Pete Morris
The county of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation has announced the return of its Spring Parks After Dark season with free family art and cultural activities at 33 park locations, including the Santa Clarita Valley.
L.A. County Spring Parks After Dark Returns
Our family has called Santa Clarita home since 1972 and I take great pride in our city’s beautiful paseos, scenic trails and vibrant neighborhoods.
Marsha McLean | Safe Streets Start with You
The city of Santa Clarita will be hosting four informational meetings to discuss proposed increases to the Landscape Maintenance District (LMD) assessments for three zones in the Saugus neighborhood, including portions of Canyon Heights Zone T-62, Shadow Hills Zone T-48 and Bouquet Canyon Zone T-44.
City to Host Info Meetings on Landscape Maintenance Assessment Increases
The Santa Clarita Artists Association will celebrate its 2025 Spring Art Festival and Sale at Le Chene French Cuisine. Enjoy art in the beautiful gardens at Le Chene on Sunday, April 27, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
April 27: SCAA 2025 Spring Art Festival at Le Chene
The Santa Clarita Artists Association is proud to announce the six outstanding finalists for its 2025 High School Scholarship Awards.
Finalists Announced for SCAA High School Scholarship Awards
Science Talks and College of the Canyons Canyon Country Campus will present the Star Party and Science Showcase, 6:30-10 p.m. Friday, April 25.
April 25: Star Party, Science Showcase at Canyon Country Campus
College of the Canyons women's tennis played to a 6-3 home win over L.A. Mission College on Tuesday, March 25 with the Cougars winning five of six singles matches to earn the conference victory.
Canyons Serves Up 6-3 Win Over L.A. Mission
Science Talks Series will host a Garden Walk at College of the Canyons Canyon Country Campus, 9-11 a.m. Friday, May 2 at the College of the Canyons Canyon Country Campus, 17200 Sierra Highway, Santa Clarita, CA 91351.
May 2: Science Talks Garden Walk at Canyon Country Campus
College of the Canyons baseball continued its hot hitting while picking up a pair of victories at the annual three-day Spring Classic Tournament hosted by Allan Hancock College March 19-21.
Canyons Stays Hot, Takes Pair at Spring Classic
Heavy winds, desert heat and difficult pin placements battered The Master's University men's golf team, which traveled to Bullhead City, Ariz. to compete in The Battle at Laughlin Ranch Golf Club March 24-25.
TMU Men’s Golf Battles in The Battle
Kevin Nealson, Emmy and SAG-nominated actor and comedian will perform 8-9:30 p.m. Friday, April 18 at the Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center at College of the Canyons on the main stage.
April 18: Kevin Nealon to Perform at PAC
1847 - Probable birth date of Pico Canyon oil driller Charles Alexander Mentry [story]
C.A. Mentry
On Monday, March 24, 2025, a supervisor over the Scientific Services Bureau became aware of a notice from a DNA testing kit manufacturer indicating that a specific lot of kits were prone to intermittently poor performance with potential to cause incomplete results or profiles.
LASD Investigates Use of Defective DNA Kits