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The Real Side | Commentary by Joe Messina
| Monday, Sep 28, 2015

joemessinamugThe Bible doesn’t condemn abortion or smoking or same-sex marriage or gay and lesbian lifestyles. Nor does it condemn smoking of marijuana or hashish or heroin or, or, or…

Really, people? When will you engage your brain?

I saw all kinds of people on the left suddenly get so excited to see Pope Francis when, during recent years of their lives, they couldn’t find him if you dropped them at the Vatican.

You see, when this Pope spoke about corruption in government and about how capitalism was bad, the libs fell in love. After his many speeches, the only thing they got out of it was that we need to take care of the planet and open our borders, and that capitalism is bad. (Anything else he alluded to just fell away.)

The conservatives openly made noise about the fact that the Pope was being too political and needed to stay on spiritual matters. What? The head of a spiritual body needs to stay with spiritual matters?

The libs called the conservatives haters for not agreeing with the Pope. Wow. There’s a surprise. So we, yes, me, a conservative Christian who doesn’t agree with the Pope on the issues of climate change and capitalism, must now be a hater.

But those of you who don’t agree with the Pope on abortion, are you also haters? And please don’t tell me he has said nothing on the abortion issue. You’d have to pay to be that ignorant. Just check Google to find his many speeches on the issue. So, does that make you haters?

Now let’s discuss this abortion thing. The Bible doesn’t use the word “abortion.” Many of the left and those liberal Christians are looking for an 18th Commandment or something that says, “thou shalt not have an abortion.” Do you really need a commandment that says, “Thou shalt not walk onto a busy highway while looking down at your smart phone?” Maybe that whole “survival of the fittest” thing has some real merit.

There is a Commandment that says, “Thou shalt not kill.” Actually, if you study instead of just read, you will find it says, “Thou shalt not murder.” Big difference.

Since a lot of you don’t believe that the “cells” in the mom’s uterus are a baby or human, this may go over your head – way over your head.

But God calls it a baby, a child, a being that He knew before it was conceived.

A lot of libs and liberal Christians will use either one scripture out of context or none at all. Let me help you out.

If they are not humans or kids or a life, then God is extremely confused. In Job 31:15, it says, “Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?” Well, now I’m so confused. These two humans were formed by God in their moms? How is that? They aren’t really humans until they totally leave the womb and only then when Planned Parenthood says so, right?

In Jeremiah 1:5, God says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” He didn’t say I knew what you might turn out to be, or that you might be a dolphin if your mom allowed it or before I formed you from the blob of cells in your mom’s womb. No, He knew you before you got there. You had a soul. You had value. God’s babies have value.

The Bible says that in the mouth of two witnesses, let God’s Word be established.

Here are a couple more for your reading pleasure.

In Psalm 139:13, 16 scripture says, “For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb.… Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.” For my Christian friends who believe in abortion – really?

“Your hands shaped me and made me. … Did You not clothe me with skin and flesh and knit me together with bones and sinews? You gave me life.” Job 10:8-12.

So it seems God sees you as a “being” from the time of conception and maybe even before that, since he knew us before we were in our mom’s womb.

Remember, the whole thing that makes society OK with abortion is that it’s just a blob of cells.

For my Christian friends, in Psalm 51:5, David says, “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity (sin), And in sin my mother conceived me.” Conceived David – a human.

In Luke 1:44, “For behold, when the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby leaped in my womb for joy.” I’m so confused. Wouldn’t the all-knowing Creator know that the blob of cells in her womb wasn’t a “baby?”

Then there’s Matthew 1:20-21, “But when he had considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for the Child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.’” Really? Sorry, but you have to hire someone to help you screw that one up.

So what I’m saying for all of you non-religious people who suddenly found religion in the Pope’s words on climate change and immigration, it is laughable and shallow.

Those of you who profess Christ and approve of abortion, you are confused. The Bible says nothing of abortion. But it does call the blob of cells in your body a child. It does say God knew the child before it got there. God had a plan for that child before it was born, even before it was conceived. God values life – all life.

Who are you, me, or the government to play god and stop or get in the way of God’s plan?


Joe Messina is host of The Real Side (TheRealSide.com), a nationally syndicated talk show that runs on AM-1220 KHTS radio and SCVTV [here]. He is also an elected member of the Hart School Board. His commentary publishes Mondays.


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  1. Gary says:


    Again, a confused article.

    First: Most people see the “bible” as ancient belief literature and a curiosity. Your belief has no relevance to most in the modern world. You have become an anachronism in a modern world, Joe.

    Second, for someone (and those like you) who are all excited about not removing “blobs of cells” from a womb, you sure are ok ignoring all those other commandments about being a brother’s keeper, and not committing murder. Joe, we murdered 100’s of thousands of innocent Iraqis and you are happy with yourself on this. Strange that killing adults is ok, but blobs of cells is not.

    Third, why not care first for the living? We have so much to do to educate our poorest so they can lift themselves up. But oh, no. That would be a “hand out.”

    Joe, you, and most like you, are the ultimate bible cherry pickers. You do it for political posturing and material gain. Best watch out, because there’s a good chance, “He never knew you…”

    By your works you will be known. Not by your blathering.

    • Rich says:

      “Most people see the “bible” as ancient belief literature and a curiosity.” What most people are you talking about? People see the Bible as Gods word and truth or they don’t see it at all, very few consider it ancient belief. So I would say you are very wrong that most people see the bible as ancient belief as compared to the millions and millions of Christians that see it as truth. You argument holds no water. As for the adults they can defend their self’s against the worlds injustices the babies can not. The fact that adults are killed does not make it ok to kill babies. Oh and by the way just so you know their is no commandant to be your brothers keeper that is what Cain said after he killed able.

  2. Anna Riggs says:

    Love it Joe! Good job.

  3. Bobby Joe says:

    COMMENT POLICY: We welcome comments from individuals and businesses. All comments are moderated. Comments are subject to rejection if they are vulgar, combative, or in poor taste.

    Everything that you write about is the same. Little depth and no actual thoughts. You keep reiterating the same thing over and over. We get it, you are conservative, site the bible but do not follow what it says yourself and you do not like abortions. Do you have anything else to discuss? I’m not sure if you are trying to preach or what you are trying to do, but you may want to ask the big guy upstairs if he approves what you are discussing in your column.

    Practice what you preach big guy, ohhh wait you can’t it is too late. Maybe you should be dropped in the Vatican and maybe you will be able to speak with the Pope about your problems. You should start micro and work to macro not the inverse!!

  4. Cathy says:

    sir, I think you just bought yourself a one way ticket to hell.

  5. Jack Gratrix says:

    I agree wholeheartedly. Where are all the detractors and haters today. Cat got your Tongues?

  6. I’m so sick of this guy

  7. Gee Hawd says:

    Why must you post his pic,lol?

  8. Justin Peoples says:

    Going to stop at this “Really, people? When will you engage your brain?” Take your own advice Joe.

    • I mean you’re basing your morals and life completely off your assumptions of a book that is thousands of years old. What makes you qualified to even interpret it? I don’t personally have time for your opinions to be apart of laws that dictate my life so please shut up and keep this to yourself.

      • Rich says:

        You tell him Justin. Who does he think he is giving his opinion. Next he will be wanting freedom of speech. You right who needs laws like thy shall not steal or thy shall not kill or bear false witness If I want to lie or kill or steal he has nothing to say about it . I am just glad that the laws of the land are not patterned after the ten commandments.

    • Nathañ Imhoff says:

      “I don’t personally have time for your opinions to be apart of laws that dictate my life so please shut up and keep this to yourself.”

      Perhaps you would have more time if you weren’t posting angry comments on the Internet?

    • This is a classic separation issue. Keep your god out of our laws and country and stop acting like Christianity is the law of the land. If it is to you cool live that life. But don’t push your opinions on those who don’t believe in it one bit.

    • Perhaps if this was a post about Muslim laws of the land you’d be outraged.

    • Justin Peoples says:

      Also for the record stop acting like Climate Change is somehow a political issue, because it really isn’t and that shows just how ignorant and brainwashed you are by your own political party. I bet you’re pro-life but support a bigger military. -_- your logic is faulted so hard

    • Nathañ Imhoff says:

      It is clear that you didn’t read what he wrote and must resort to straw men logical fallacies because you are unable to put together an articulate well supported retort.

    • Carol Clark says:

      I was thinking the same thing as you Justin. Bible does not equal Brain in any stretch of the imagination.

    • Jesse Inman says:

      Nathan – are you able to step back to see the cyclical nature of your argument? You refuse to argue the point with any logic or reason… not to say that you’re incapable (we are human, after all) but so far I’ve yet to see any reasonable argument for shoving your ideology down others throats.

    • He speaks as if Joe has a well articulated opinion with solid supporting facts.

    • My ideology? I don’t believe I stated an opinion so if you claim to know my ideology without me stating it you are just creating a straw man argument.

      My comments have pretty much just been mocking the rage you knuckle heads throw at anyone you disagree with. Calm down, take a walk or something.

    • I don’t possess rage toward most people i disagree with, Joe is just particularly arrogant and annoying with all his opinion posts. Most all his writings are just trash. So he gets this as a response.

    • Joe isn’t arrogant, he does get some amusement from your butthurt though…

    • Tank Franz says:

      If Joe is so smart then why can’t he control his food portions.

    • Well there you go Einstein, Food portions and intelligence apparent go hand and hand, here I thought liberals hated body shaming. Gonna go out on a limb here and assume no one has ever accused you of being classy.

      Keep it up.

    • This isn’t about liberals or conservatives though. I still think Joe is arrogant, I have read most of his recent opinion pieces and he has a very higher than thou tone to his writings. If you think Joe is articulate though and well spoken in his writings this argument will go nowhere and it is pointless to continue.

  9. Jon Amador says:

    You sir, are one petty man-child.

  10. Johnny Valle says:

    Jessica RC

  11. Javi says:


    If you didn’t come off as a racist xenophobe. We would get along just fine.

    Don’t worry about “Gary” and his ilk, they are doing and saying what they are supposed to be doing and saying.

  12. Emily Ball says:

    Joe, you and your kind lost the battle and the war 42 years ago. It is time to lick your wounds and move on.

  13. WOW WOW WOW!!! Made me cry. Thank you Joe. God love you brother!!

  14. Funny how some “religious” people use religion to guide their lives, including when they are politicians and are making political decisions in the name of those religious beliefs. But, suddenly when the Pope’s political views go against theirs, they suddenly want the Pope to stick to “spirituality” and not politics.

    I’m not liberal or conservative…somewhere in between…but I can smell BS a mile away.

    This is why both parties are a mess. The BS is so deep, it’s flowing over the top!!

  15. The Pope is the real deal, you ignorant republicans need to open your eyes and learn from him. You all just hate that he has shown a light on your fake republican candidates who will pretend to be “Christian” to get a vote! You and your backward, fake, judge mental party make me sick.

    • Hummm, Julie, now I think if you take the time to look in the mirror, you will see a judgmental ,loud mouth , chital, brainless,democrat, (ass) for short, person looking back at you.Are you the same idiot that voted for our spineless, incompetent, president, not once but twice? And you want to utter this stupid statement I just read! Ridiculous !

  16. How can we kick this guy off the school board, he’s a disgrace.

  17. Cami Moore says:

    Why is he even on the school board
    A fact about “that blob of cells”
    A woman’s uterus can expel many fertilized eggs in her lifetime
    Meaning that “blob of cells” doesn’t attach to the uterine wall
    Does that make her a murderer?
    A “blob of cells” shouldn’t have more rights than a woman does

  18. Amen Joe …keep up the good work !

  19. Sean Cohen says:

    The bible and engaging your brain should never be in the same sentence

  20. Amen! Makes sense to me!

  21. Wendy Garcia says:

    Justin peoples, your arguing with him and sound just as stupid. You sound angry? You must be a liberal….

  22. The Truth says:

    First and foremost, thank you Joe for being a warrior for Christ. Salvation in Christ is something that we chose to seek, Yes. In this article, I see Joe is mostly speaking to our own (Christian) community not the masses. If there is anything I’ve learned in the short time as a christ follower, is that you cant preach Gods word to unbelievers. Its hard enough to get the none believing-beleivers to beleive…we should live by example and not by many words. Truth: you may not want to admit it (World) but it is because of the 10 commandments that we have some type of standard of order and peace in the world today. Religion doesnt “influence” politics, politics is a direct product of religious influence. Here’s some more truth…Its all jibberiius if the word of God isn’t receive through the Holy Spirit, not by popes, not by pastors, and not by people who claim to know Him. I dont want to push my religious beliefs on anyone, but like Joe, id also like to encourage my brethren to live it out. Live oit your faith and not the life you interpret, but the one life He’s asked us to give up for His name sake. Because one died for all amd so all died. More truth, I love you no matter what you beleive, what you think of me, and I pray for all Christians the Holy understanding and wisdom of the scriptures through God’s holy Spirit

  23. Danny Davey says:

    Anyone who agrees with this clown has no brain to engage.

  24. Andrew Taban. Deb Smith

  25. mboron says:

    MY GOODNESS! What guilt is displayed in these
    comments! And Ignorance. God always wins, but He
    gives us time to hear Him.

  26. Joe knows what a brain is. He had his surgically removed from his ass a few years ago. ‘Merica!

  27. Lanna Ng says:

    He’s so stupid, it’s funny.

  28. Lanna Ng says:

    They look alike

  29. Tony Hidalgo says:

    Hey joe checkout Geniss 1:12

  30. What does this has to do with Benghazi? Have we moved on from that narrative?

  31. Why is the guy allowed to post on scvtv?

  32. Hey blob, why are you so angry?

  33. It’s hard for me to take what was written here seriously. Regardless of political leanings, political op ends should be written with more intelligence and a better vocabulary(I wold have said vernacular but I don’t want to come off as one of those elitist libs). This reads like a 10th grade political science essay.

  34. I also think it’s ridiculous that this page is being used as a political platform.. I doubt that most people like this page for political commentary.

  35. IRene Betsch says:

    Quoting scripture to nonbelievers will never change their minds–just makes them hate you. “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.”–Matthew 7:6.

  36. He doesn’t speak for all republicans! I wonder how he feels about the blob if a woman was raped?? I love religion and respect whatever religion you choose but don’t force religion on other people! Don’t bring your religion to my door!

  37. Try reading your Bible!

  38. ugggh just go awayyyy already!

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