Two big changes are coming up for residents of the city of Santa Clarita, with a new residential waste hauler and state-mandated organics recycling beginning July 1, 2023. With the City’s current agreements for residential and commercial waste hauling set to expire, the City awarded Burrtec Waste Industries the new waste services franchise agreement for all residential and commercial waste services in the City with service beginning on July 1, 2023.
Additionally, new statewide legislation will require all Santa Clarita residents to begin recycling organics at home and in their place of work, this change will also take place on July 1, 2023. Over the next few months, the City will be working closely with Burrtec to transition services in preparation for the official start date on July 1, 2023, at which time the monthly rate for residential services will adjust from the current rate of $26.31 to Burrtec’s new rate of $28.92.
June 30, 2023 will mark the expiration of the city of Santa Clarita’s existing agreements with Waste Management for residential waste services, and Burrtec for commercial waste services. In preparation, the City began conducting a thorough competitive bid process in early 2022. Because of their years of experience, high level of customer service combined with a competitive service rate, the City awarded Burrtec the new waste services franchise agreement for all residential and commercial waste services in the City. Service will begin on July 1, 2023 with a new monthly rate of $28.92 for the standard service of 96-gallon carts for all three waste services including garbage, recycling and organics.
Leading up to the new service date, all Santa Clarita single-family homes will automatically have their existing trash carts replaced with new Burrtec carts. New cart colors are required under state legislation and will provide consistency across the industry – these cart colors include black for garbage, blue for recycling, and green for organics. Discounts will be available for senior citizens and reduced size trash cart users upon request. More information regarding the cart transition will become available within the coming weeks.
“The city of Santa Clarita will work with residents to ensure they are informed and updated throughout the transition process” said Mayor Jason Gibbs. “We want to make sure they have the information and resources necessary to begin the required organics recycling.”
Included with the transition to Burrtec will be state mandated organics recycling. Residents will also receive new food waste pails and enhanced waste services including bulky cardboard collection, carpet recycling, document shredding events, a local customer service center and much more.
“Santa Clarita is our home, and after servicing the City’s commercial customers and maintaining a local office for more than twenty years, we are looking forward to a smooth transition, servicing our friends and neighbors of Santa Clarita in addition to continuing commercial services for the business community,” said Dennis Verner, general manager of Burrtec Waste, Santa Clarita Valley.
Throughout the transition process, the City will keep residents informed of updates and next steps, while ensuring Burrtec continues to meet the City’s exceptionally high standard of service. Residents and businesses can look forward to viewing a series of informational videos called ‘Trash Talks,’ which will provide viewers timely information and resources leading up to the transition. Updates will also be sent by mail and through the City’s and Burrtec’s social media pages. Residents are encouraged to follow @GreenSantaClarita on Facebook and @BurrtecSCV on Facebook or Instagram to stay informed.
For more information about the transition to the City’s new waste hauler and organics recycling program, residents and businesses are encouraged to visit Residents or businesses with questions or concerns may contact the City’s Solid Waste Administrator, Curtis Williams at or by calling (661) 255-4308.

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