SACRAMENTO- – Labor Day weekend is one of the busiest on the highways, which makes impaired driving even more dangerous.
To help keep the roadways safe, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) is joining forces with five other Western states with the slogan “No safe place for impaired drivers” to crack down on drunk and drugged driving for the coming holiday weekend.
In partnership with the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, the state patrols of Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington will work as a Western States Traffic Safety Coalition to place special emphasis on the enforcement of drug-impaired driving. The states will jointly stress that driving under the influence (DUI) means drugs as well as alcohol in their educational efforts.
“Whatever causes impairment makes you an unsafe driver,” CHP Commissioner Warren Stanley said. “High visibility enforcement in these six states will help create a general deterrence and promote safer driving.”
In California, roads will be patrolled by all available CHP officers for the Maximum Enforcement Period (MEP), from 6:01 p.m. Friday, August 30, to 11:59 p.m. Monday, September 2. During the 2018 Labor Day weekend MEP, 36 people were killed on California roads and 1,084 were arrested for DUI.
Since the legalization of recreational cannabis, the CHP has increased training efforts to detect impaired drivers. All CHP officers and sergeants have received additional impaired driving enforcement training. California also has the highest number of drug recognition expert (DRE) trained personnel in the nation. For the Labor Day MEP, DREs will be on duty throughout the state.
Many people think of Labor Day as the last weekend of summer and plan special trips. The CHP reminds all drivers: Do not drive if you are going to drink or use any other impairing substance. Always wear your seat belt. Avoid distractions behind the wheel. Be patient, especially when it comes to road congestion or construction.
The mission of the CHP is to provide the highest level of Safety, Service, and Security.
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