The Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Water Resources and Watershed Committee Meeting will be held 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec 14 at Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Engineering Services Section Boardroom, 26521 Summit Circle, Santa Clarita, CA 91350.
Among the items on the committee’s agenda is receiving reports on the status of the SCV’s water supplies and the status of drought response and performance in the SCV.
The Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency’s Water Resources and Watershed Committee is an in-person meeting. However, the public may participate either by phone or virtually through Zoom Webinar. Please see the information sheet attached to the agenda for further information. For your convenience, listed below is the login/dial-in information for the upcoming Dec. 14, Water Resources and Watershed Committee meeting along with the link to the agenda packet.
Please note that those who attend the committee meeting in person should be aware that while the Agency is following all applicable requirements and guidelines regarding COVID-19, the Agency cannot ensure the health of anyone attending a committee meeting. Attendees should therefore use their own judgment to protect themselves from exposure to COVID-19.
If you are participating virtually, please be aware of the possibility of feedback/echoing if you are logged in to multiple devices at the same time. Please use either the link or the dial-in number to join the meeting; do not use both unless you do not have audio on your computer/device, in which case you can call in to hear the meeting.
Below are links for additional information for the Dec 14 Water Resources and Watershed committee meeting.
PowerPoint: Item 4.1 – Status of Water Supplies
PowerPoint: Item 5.1 – Status of Drought Response and Performance
Dec. 14 Water Resources and Watershed Committee Meeting Packet:
Please click on the link below to join the meeting virtually:
To attend by telephone call toll free: 1-833-568-8864, Webinar ID: 160 448 8742.
SCV Water is a full-service regional water agency located in the SCV. SCV Water provides water service to approximately 75,000 business and residential customers. It was formed on Jan. 1, 2018, when local water suppliers combined into one integrated, regional water provider. More information can be found at Your SCV Water.
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