Photos: LASD
SCV Sheriff’s deputies conducted a parole check in Canyon Country on Friday that netted a pair of arrests, Deputy Josh Dubin said.
Jason Flint, 26, of Canyon Country, and his brother Jeremy Flint, 20, also of Canyon Country, were arrested in the sweep.
“Deputies began their parole check at 6 a.m. We focused on the Canyon Country area,” Dubin said.
“The area was chosen based on a Crime Prevention Unit review of Part I crimes, reported incidents and information reviewed by the SCV Sheriff’s Station Special Assignment Team,” he said.
The first two arrests were made at the 18900 block of Nearbrook Street in Canyon Country. As Deputies drove up to the house, they noticed two suspects running from the back of the house.
“We later discovered the residence had a surveillance system that would alert the occupants of vehicles and pedestrians approaching,” Dubin said.
Deputies then set up a containment of the area, which is near Homyr Place and Soledad Canyon Road.
“We yelled for the suspects to stop as they fled the area,” Dubin said. Failing to yield, the suspects were then tracked down and found hiding on the roof of a vacant building on the corner of Homyr Place and Soledad Canyon.
“A subsequent search yielded two firearms, ammunition, a small wooden billy club, lockpicking tools, shaved car keys (which are skeleton keys used to steal cars), a slim jim and other burglary tools and narcotics paraphernalia,” Dubin said.
Five pipes, methamphetamine and ecstasy were also discovered in the home.
“(Jason Flint) is facing charges for possession of a controlled substance, weapons and burglary tools,” Dubin said.
Jason Flint was on parole as a result of Assembly Bill 109, Dubin said. In 2011, Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. signed Assembly Bill 109 and AB 117 into law.
The move was aimed at helping California reduce the number of inmates in the state’s 33 prisons to 137.5 percent of design capacity by June 27, 2013, as ordered by the Three-Judge Court and affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court.
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NICE bust!! Their father Bob is a piece of crap too, too bad he couldn’t be picked up for contributing to the delinquency of (many) minors!!!
Hey scv mon don’t hate cause your kid like that kushhhhhh haha