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March 10
2012 - John Hobbs, Hart Class of 1968, inducted into Country Music Hall of Fame [story]
John Hobbs

Download the strategic plan [here].


[LACo FD] – The Los Angeles County Fire Department has published Engineering our Future, a strategic plan to address the Department’s goals and priorities in its desire to provide more effective emergency services to the millions of residents its serves each day.  The 52-page report sets goals for preventing injury and illness, innovating new delivery systems, ensuring the Department’s financial stability, containing risks, increasing its use of technology, forming better communication with each community and building relationships with local public, private and non-profit organizations.

“While we enjoy a proud legacy of innovation and exemplary service, we plan to become a multi-faceted global leader in public safety services by 2020,” says Fire Chief Daryl L. Osby.  “We have embarked on a multi-year strategic planning effort to set a new course for our almost 90-year-old organization.  Our goal is to deliver the most innovative, caring, and efficient emergency services possible – all supported by the most technologically advanced business services.”

The plan’s 12 goals, with accompanying strategies and projects, were created with direct input from the organization’s team of uniformed and business members at all ranks who carry out the Department’s daily mission.

“This approach was uniquely collaborative, given our paramilitary-style organization,” says Osby. “From the first day of this effort in 2011, we set aside rank and invited all 4,800 members of our team to submit suggestions and project ideas, and to become active members of the project teams.  Because of their input and involvement, we expanded our plan from seven to twelve goals.  It is ambitious, but we have always achieved what we have set out to do.”

About the Los Angeles County Fire Department

Founded in 1923, the Los Angeles County Fire Department is an international leader of the fire service and one of the largest emergency service agencies in the world.  It is proudly credited with the creation of the nation’s first 911 emergency calling system and America’s second paramedic program, which inspired the hit 1970s television series, “Emergency!.”  It is also the real-life home of the world-renowned “Baywatch” lifeguards. Each day, more than 900 firefighters and lifeguards are on duty to provide fire protection, life safety and environmental protection services to more than four million residents and businesses in the County’s 2,300-square-mile area.  When called into action following major disasters, the Department’s Urban Search and Rescue Team responds around the nation as members of California Task Force 2, and around the globe as members of USA-2. Once back in Los Angeles County, these same responders can be found at work in hometown neighborhoods in 58 cities and unincorporated areas served by the Department.  The organization proudly continues to be a frontrunner in firefighting technology, offering specialized training opportunities in Urban Search and Rescue, Emergency Medical Services, Hazardous Materials, Air Operations and Homeland Security.  Behind the scenes, more than 800 dedicated business professionals help carry out the mission.

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Monday, Mar 10, 2025
Among several important issues presented at its Tuesday, March 11 regular board meeting, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors will hear a review on emergency actions ordered and taken to respond to and recover from the January 2025 windstorms and fires.
Wednesday, Mar 5, 2025
Los Angeles County filed suit today against Southern California Edison and Edison International to recover costs and damages sustained by the County from the Eaton Fire.   
Wednesday, Mar 5, 2025
Applications are now available for California Credit Union’s Summer Internship Program for college students.
Wednesday, Mar 5, 2025
 Los Angeles County Assessor Jeff Prang has issued an advisory to clarify a point of confusion for property owners impacted by the recent fires regarding construction allowances that permit the rebuilding of a larger structure.
Tuesday, Mar 4, 2025
Los Angeles County Public Works is closely monitoring a series of storm systems forecasted to bring light to moderate rainfall to the region, including the Santa Clarita Valley, through Friday.

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Placerita Canyon Nature Center Associates and Field Mycologist Bat Vardeh, founder of Women Forage SoCal, will present a Mushroom Foray and Talk, 2 p.m. Sunday, March 16 at Placerita Canyon Nature Center, 19152 Placerita Canyon Road, Newhall, CA 91321.
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The Castaic Union School District will hold its regular board meeting Thursday, March 13 at the District Office, located at 28131 Livingston Ave., Valencia, CA 91355. A closed session will begin at 5 p.m., followed by an open session at 6 p.m., where there will be a report of closed session action.
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2012 - John Hobbs, Hart Class of 1968, inducted into Country Music Hall of Fame [story]
John Hobbs
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March 8: Mountain Bike Demo Day at Bike Park of Santa Clarita
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Santa Clarita Valley nonprofit Fostering Youth Independence is celebrating its eighth year with the theme of “GR8TFULNESS,” acknowledging the many volunteers, donors and community partners who have supported the organization since its founding in 2017. On March 11 a training session will be held for anyone interested in learning more about what being an FYI Ally entails.
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The Master's University men's Golf team finished second by just one stroke at the RMC Intercollegiate in Henderson, Nev. on Wednesday, March 5.
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First Presbyterian Church
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In response to proposed cuts to the Department of Veterans Affairs by the federal administration, Assemblywoman Pilar Schiavo issued a statement which is available for press interviews after the legislative session today or by phone and video.
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The Santa Clarita Artists Association will be hosting a Plein Air Outdoor Artmaking and public meet up Friday, March 21, 9 a.m.- noon.
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The William S. Hart Union High School District Governing Board unanimously approved the appointment of Ramon Zuniga as a new assistant principal at West Ranch High School.
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City of Santa Clarita residents are invited to pre-register for the annual Neighborhood Cleanup in celebration of Earth Day taking place on Saturday, April 19, to join the city in removing litter from local neighborhoods and public spaces.
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The Master's University men's basketball team came up just a bit short, 75-77, on Tuesday, March 4 at home against the No. 2 Arizona Christian Firestorm in the GASC Championship final.
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