A homeless man was charged with the attempted murder of a 70-year-old woman who was walking along a bike path in Santa Clarita, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office announced Thursday.
Colton Ford, 29 (dob 11/6/87), faces one count of attempted willful, deliberate and premeditated murder with an allegation that the defendant inflicted great bodily injury upon a victim 70 years of age or older.
Ford was arraigned in case PA089633 in Department S of the Los Angeles County Superior Court, San Fernando Branch.
On Sept. 25, Ford crossed paths with the victim and allegedly grabbed her and began to strangle her until she became unconscious, prosecutors said.
Cyclists riding on the bike path near Creekside Road and Auto Center Drive allegedly saw the defendant standing over the victim and proceeded to call police and keep him away from the woman, prosecutors added.
Bail is scheduled at more than $1 million. Ford faces a possible maximum sentence of 20 years to life in state prison.
The case remains under investigation by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Santa Clarita Valley Station.
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Susie Castaneda Mayra Castaneda
Stay off that trail. It is in no way awesome.
Max of 20 years? Lock his ass up for 20 more years and thats a fair trial
Moises Costello
Well— what trail do you recommend ??
There are WAY too many homeless creepy tweakers that live in the wash areas these days!! They come up onto the paseos and leave their trash and drug paraphernalia….. getting pretty sick of not feeling safe anymore!
It’s really terrible it’s very scary I don’t feel safe here anymore it’s sad!
When you go jogging carry a gun
Andrew Carroll Do you “Jog” with a gun? Why should we have to do that?
Jogging with a gun doesn’t sound safe… sounds like an accident waiting to happen but idk ?
that’s because you don’t know how to use one
I jog with a very Sharp ice pick andso if some random Raper wants to come at me I’m going to stop their eyes out their jugular and their dick
You are going to be fine with rest Rex basically a chance for Honor baby backpack you said you hit me up I came to but you’re talking to her
I don’t jog but if you do jog in your backyard I live in the country I can carry my gun anywhere
I don’t jog but if you do jog in your backyard I live in the country I carry my gun anywhere
Just avoid being alone.
Libtard California – The Lawless State – The Sanctuary
Send them back to L.A. where they came from ???????
What have they come from here Matthew
Like the Mickey Mouse “Talent Round-Up” song (1950’s). . . .”Round ’em up, bring them in, everyone is sure to win!” All joking aside, it is an epidemic everywhere. In other states, they stand at the fast food restaurants and gas stations harassing people. Scary and sad. In the SCV, you even find scams where they move these solicitors from corner to corner and probably pool the contributions they collect. But if people don’t contribute, maybe they’ll move on to another city. Then, a great majority of them are in need of psychiatric help. Perhaps that is where the focus should lie and that of drug addiction. Anyway you slice it, it’s ALL OF OUR PROBLEM! Either a safety issues for us OR a dip into tax payers pocket books. Sad days in America and Awesome Town.
Well now he will have a roof over his head and a meal everyday….all thanks to our tax dollars…..he has nothing to loose at this point….so who wins in this situation. But then again prison life is no joke.
Who pays for the victim? The poor elderly woman who simply took a walk on a nature path should never have had to deal with this criminal at all? I say put these homeless nut jobs in mental institutions or halfway homes that make them accountable for their whereabouts. They are dangerous to the public.
They get off easy in institutions. Put him in jail.
We win because he’s locked up!
Exactly what I thought.
I think the rise in homeless in SCV might be due to AVs shelter closing thier doors .
The reason for the rise is due to we’ve turned into a society that’s picks everyone up when they fall down. I say don’t help anyone who doesn’t want to help themselves. I have a great job and a beautiful home due to I worked hard and never gave up. We need to stop helping the quitters and maybe just maybe some will turn their life around and if not it. I wont loose any sleep over it .
Wade Compton
That’s scary.
When I was growing up in the San Fernando Valley, 50’s and 60’s, they were taken down to skid row to the missions.
We did not have this problem all over.
Ricky Santiago
Be careful!
Why don’t we have sheriff bike patrols on the paseo?
I was thinking the same thing. There is no point in having all these great trails of people are afraid to use them.
Because they are to busy harassing kid’s like our son, bike patrolling the condos they pulled over our son for rounding the corner to fast. Cuffed him, ripped through his car and had to let him go. He was 17, born and raised here. Bike patrol needs to be where it is needed not harassing our teens.
Awesome town is unwilling to open its arms to California’s homeless problem?
Send them back to LA? What if they can from Awesome town?
This is getting out of control. It’s sad; no place seems safe anymore!?
Damn…can’t even take a walk alone anymore. ..guess I better carry my weapon. ..
Mental institutions
Now we have year round shelter
Nicole Garrett this is why I worry about you
Anybody this dumb enough to try drugs and they get addicted and wrecked our family deserve to die Point Blank. You’re not supposed to do drugs so if you’re that dumb to do them you deserve to die you’re f****** stupid what the fuc don’t be a f****** dumbass God who does drugs be smart
Why are you guys trying to give drug addicts a shelter they deserve to die because they chose drugs but he is f****** stupid if somebody raped your daughter are you going to house them and feed them???
Yes and I am beginning to believe although I can’t say this for all that just about Mexican-American I have encountered in the last 16 years will side with protecting DACA and allow Mexican citizens to cross the border for free! (This excludes you William my good conservative American patriot) can you help me understand why? (Like our cousins from AZ; I am living with one here and we both get into some pretty contentious discussions).
Zack Engle
Get out of our city.. “keep city crimeless” Santa Clarita, California..
Homeless are taking baths and wiping excrement onto the restroom walls at fast food restaurants in Santa Clarita. Carls Jr on Soledad (before it was torn down a month ago) was charging customers 25 cents to use the restrooms because they had to lock out the homeless. That’s what they told me when I just wanted to wash my hands after buying my lunch and eating there. I’ve seen homeless folks walk into Taco Bell in Saugus, fill up a used paper cup with soda, then use the restroom. Many are camped outside Del Taco and other places.
So sad ? that we are hearing this in this valley. I hope the lady is ok.
It’s time to do some house cleaning, boys and girls.
There are so many homeless people in America for one reason the system does not work you have all these cops or a power-hungry thinking that they’re untouchable throwing people in prisons every single day that would normally never even see the inside of a jail or Institution it’s not like this is back in the 1960s or the fifties where things were a lot easier to obtain my mother my father were able to easily put a down payment on a house and living drama free unpa least State free for their families where is nowadays you know next thing you know you have a criminal record not being able to get the job that you want maybe not even getting a job. Which then you lose your house then your money then you’re out on the streets and you are now a drug addict because you have no other means to support yourself then you get busted by the cops give you a drug charge which rolls over into more problems so now I took the whole system of America is f*****the same the greatest land the greatest country is a piece of s***
Angie Smith wouldn’t that be great just kill all the drug addicts and anybody who does drugs should die what’s look at the big picture here lady I would say if you’re not buying drugs from the government then you are classified as a addict dope fiend piece of s*** right so everybody who’s on pain management oxycodone Valium you name it need to be shot in the head according to you let’s hope to God you never have children that become drug addicts or anybody in your family has a substance abuse problem cuz if anything you need to wake up smell the coffee and maybe grow up a little bit