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The Real Side | Commentary by Joe Messina
| Monday, Nov 23, 2015

joemessinamugPresident Obama gives a whole new meaning to “altered reality.” The French president called it the first year President Obama was in office. After they met, he alluded to the fact that Obama might have some real character flaws. His actions protecting America (or not) throughout his terms in office have proved his grasp on reality is almost nonexistent.

Those of you who love to read my pieces and then tell me how useless they are and what a waste of your time they are have always been a puzzlement to me. Why would you waste your time (your words, not mine) and then tell others what a fool I am? Curious.

If you are a hardcore Democrat who believes that no Democrat ever does anything wrong, stop reading now. This is not for you. If your Lord and Savior is Barack Obama, stop reading.

You’ve been given fair warning…

Obama is not interested in protecting Americans. His daily actions prove it. Let’s just deal with the recent events, with the understanding they are not so recent.

Remember these bombings, these killings, are planned out. It takes time. This wasn’t a sleeper cell or a rogue group. This was a coordinated, planned attack.

In the president’s speech on the morning of the attack, he said ISIS was contained, that it wasn’t growing. Our president is delusional. They are still killing and maiming people all over the Middle East. They torture and brutally kill wherever they end up. When was the last time you saw a Christian or Jew holding up a head he had just cut off of a live person?

On the same day of the president’s speech, 138-plus people were killed, 100 execution-style. Think about that. Not murdered, not just killed, but executed. Thirty-eight others were killed in the blasts, with more than 440 people injured. But apparently ISIS was contained – in Paris.

Was there no security intelligence anywhere? I think we will find out differently somewhere down the road, as we frequently do.

Obama keeps telling us how we are continually fighting ISIS (that J.V. team) and we have contained and slowed them down. Where does he get the meaning to his words? They don’t seem to be the same as everyone else’s.

Why is it the Russians, the Jordanians, the French can act quickly and do more damage to ISIS in a few short days than the most effective military force on the face of the planet has done in years? Why? Because our community organizer-in-chief has put so many restrictions on our military that it cannot act. They fly an average of about seven missions per day and rarely drop bombs. Why? Because the “military expert” sitting in the White House is calling the shots. And because the leaders of those countries care more about their citizens than ours do.

Obama will make sure we take in as many refugees as we can. Because one of his spokes-holes just said the United States has a better vetting system than those other countries have. Is he serious? He is delusional once again. Are there computer systems that tie into the Syrian computer systems? Will he get ratings on these people? Will it tell him who belong to ISIS?

When in doubt, you protect your family first. Maybe he doesn’t consider us family.

French officials spoke about how disappointed they were that America has not been out in front of this. Many Middle Eastern and European leaders want to know where we are in the fight. They don’t trust us anymore.

Bernie Sanders and his fellow loon Hillary Clinton still believe the most dangerous issue out there is climate change. Don’t worry. Just wait. Because as you allow ISIS to grow, they will execute enough people to turn it around. There will be fewer people driving cars and fewer people using the Earth’s resources. Sure, no problem.

I fear that the only way the Obama administration will take action is if ISIS fighters end up here and hurt his family or congressional and senate families. What will it take? A mushroom cloud over the country? A river of blood shown on non-mainstream media? Why does it have to come to that?

As I write this, I’m hearing that five more Gitmo detainees are being released. You didn’t hear about it? That right, five militant detainees were released last weekend. Did I say detainees? I’m sorry. I meant animals.

Time and time again when we let the animals go from Gitmo, they rejoin the fight – usually as “upper management.” Obama’s batting average is zero.

Does he not even have the basic political sense to wait? Or does he believe that if it is a thought that’s in his head, it has to be right and true?

All of you armchair war experts who disagree with world leaders can go pound sand. I see the posts on Facebook: “All you Republicans want is war.” Yes. And all you Democrats seem to think if we just find them jobs and fix the nonexistent man-made climate change problem, then everyone will live in peace. You are nuts.

Europe is looking for us to lead. We don’t. The Middle East is looking for us to lead. We won’t. The only lead our president wants to take is in climate change. Sure, that makes so much sense, because climate change is bombing and beheading so many people, right?

He will go down as the most dangerous and failed president in history. Yes, even worse than Jimmy Carter. Jimmy can now die knowing he will not be remembered as the worst president in American history.

We are being misled by inept leaders. And America, we are in a world of trouble.

Russia’s Putin issues order on ISIS: “Annihilate them.”




Joe Messina is host of The Real Side (TheRealSide.com), a nationally syndicated talk show that runs on AM-1220 KHTS radio and SCVTV [here]. He is also an elected member of the Hart School Board. His commentary publishes Mondays.


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  1. Suzi S Smith says:

    Which way does the wind blow, Joe? Weren’t you a proponent of “freedom fries” ? Thanks again for the reminder of the narrow-minded, mean-spirited people here in the SCV.

  2. Why does this person get to editorialize? What a moron.

  3. just stop writing please

  4. Michelle says:

    You tell em!So who do we have that is going to do it? What choices of the next president can we really count on? Maybe you should run☺

  5. marian says:

    “When was the last time you saw a Christian or Jew holding up a head he had just cut off of a live person?” Exactly! Obviously, none of the commenters before me actually read what you wrote before calling you a moron, Joe. They won’t believe it until an ISIS sword is being held over their own necks.

  6. Chris McCrory says:

    To be honest, I really think this commentary lacked significant substance. For one, where are the quotes, the links. Anything to back up Mr. Messina’s statements. I disagree with many of the statements in this article, but concede that these quotes and statistics may exist. I did, however search for collaboration to all that I mentioned in my comment and was unable to find any supporting evidence.

    For one, the only recent release from Guantanamo Bay that I have seen was a wrongly imprisoned Brit (Shaker Aamer) who was personally petitioned for release by British PM David Cameron.

    French officials have not displayed disappointment with the U.S. in any recent article that I am aware of. Most officials seem to echo French President François Hollande’s war cry that those responsible would be swiftly punished by France herself.

    I could not find a single statistic to back up his claims about U.S. bombing runs. There are many countries performing targeted attacks in that area, including, as Mr. Messina said, Russia. But both the AP and the NY Times, as well as dozens of other reputable news sources, have claimed that the Russian bombings have affected the Syrian civil war more than the Islamic State. The U.S. has consistently attacked only Islamic State held (suspected or known) locations according to those same news outlets.

    Also I have never heard anybody claim “when we let the [prisoners] go from Gitmo, they rejoin the fight – usually as “upper management.” Again, I could not find any expert ever quoted as saying that freed detainees often become senior Jihadist leaders.

    And finally, the question, “When was the last time you saw a Christian or Jew holding up a head he had just cut off of a live person?” This question implies a connection between the Muslim faith and terrorism. Just because they were not Muslim does not mean that the Boston bombers, every mass shooter in the past decade, and even the KKK were not terrorists. Terrorism is outside of religion.

  7. Debbie Acree says:

    Bravo Joe for telling it like it is. Obama is a lame duck President who doesn’t care about having a Legacy of a job well done, because he thinks being the first black in office is enough. And for everyone castigating over your statement of FACTS, truly need to educate themselves. All the worry over climate change won’t mean anything if we’re DEAD! I wonder how many of your haters even know why France is our oldest ally. The people who like to label us names lie, “faux news zombie”, don’t realize that we actually watch a variety of news channels, buy and actually read books, op-eds, all in an effort to educate ourselves. And I always laugh when a book from the left is published and the sales are dismal. Because for the most part the left does not bother to read the Books written for them. I actually read, a lot, about a multitude of topics. History, Biographies, you name it. And for those condemning all things “Fox”, why do you care? Why did the White House work so hard to shut it down? Yes I watch. No I don’t agree with everything I hear because I listen, educate myself, and form my own conclusions.

    We are living in the most dangerous time since WWII. Ambassador to the UK Joseph Kennedy advised President Roosevelt to try to work diplomatically with Hitler. Prime Minister Chamberlain advised Britains that diplomacy was the best course of action with Hitler. That advice worked so well that Papa Kennedy lost his ambassadorship along with any hope of becoming president himself. And Churchill replaced Chamberlain and led his country into battle while his country was being bombed to bits. The world rose up an one to to take Hitler out. These terrorist groups like Isis are our Hitler. They espouse the same singleminded mentality that anyone who is not like them is unworthy and must die. So people, wake up, and pray the next time were hit at home that your not in the line of fire when it happens. Because it WILL HAPPEN.

  8. Don Teller says:

    Before and after in Syria this is what they are running from

  9. Don Teller says:

    History repeating itself we have the opportunity in 1938 to save thousands and thousands of German refugees but we were too afraid then to do it also so let’s learn from our mistakes

  10. This fake patriot….

  11. Dennis says:

    For understand this ISIS was created and funded and given usa weapons by obama and his open boarder policy is not to get votes.Its so ISIScan sneak into our country this is Obama’s private army.The U.N is the other half of Obama’s private army they are already here.If anyone thinks this not to be true i suggest you do your homework because what if what im saying is true?We need to start looking at the big picture because our children will suffer if we dont stop this evil spread the word blog this to everyone you know.Now if you go to Ventura harbour there is a military base close by its called point hunnemie i dont think thats the correct spelling but you can figure it out im sure any ways there are at least 1000 U.N tanks and all different kinds of weapons just sitting there on stand by obama plans on using the U.N to disarm America most people dont relize the second amendment was put there for Americans to protect against foreign or domestic meaning our government.This is N.W.O coming to your neighborhood.You need to wake up!!GOVERNMENTS KILLED CLOSE TO A HALF OF BILLON OF THERE OWN CITIZENS IN THE 20th century and the first thing they did was disarm them all the false flag events coming for the liers the lame stream media proves this is real do your own research so you will know how to protect your familys please heed this warning!!!GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND GOD BLESS AMERICA!!

  12. DennyNNWofLA says:

    Christians and Jews do not cut peoples heads off.
    That’s much too messy up close. Instead we bomb them into red mist from the safety of our planes and drone command centers far far away.

  13. marian says:

    ChrisMcCrory Here ya go…


    Uh..the Boston Bombers WERE Muslims. From Chechnya. I suggest you actually pick up a Koran and flip thru it. There’s one in most Kaiser medical libraries [but no Bible]

  14. Dan Traub says:

    I don’t even click on links to his articles anymore. Clicks equal ad dollars, and pretty much guarantee more articles by this moron.

  15. Frank Rock says:

    This dreck has the right to be opinionated, obnoxious, reprehensible and wrong. What disturbs me is that his fat ass sits at the table of one of our school boards.

    • Like hell she is, we are in a sad predicament if any of the presidential candidates get in office. To hell with the political party they belong to, we as a country is just screwed. With the candidates we have running, ISIS ALREADY WINNING.

  16. Lee Uber says:

    What a rambling, incoherent article. I’m not sure who’s more unhinged – Trump or this guy. Lay off the sauce, Joe.
    Fact: more Americans have been killed by toddlers then by ISIS.
    Fact: Boko Haram is deadlier than ISIS.
    Fact: the US has killed more than 12,500 ISIS fighters (as of July)
    But of course, Republicans don’t let facts get in the way of a good freakout. Keep doing ISIS’s propaganda work for them, Joe!

  17. It’s tragic that all conservatives can do is hate OBAMA. Mitch McConnell set the standard just after Obama was elected in 2008. He pledged the GOP would oppose his every initiative. And they have. Now, this is a fact, unlike the Trumpisms about Arabs applauding the collapse of the WTC.

  18. All you genius critical thinkers, why don’t you remove your head from your rear end and get a clue of what’s happening around the world.. You want people here to cut your head off? Go ahead and volunteer, no loss to society. I am neither a Obama supporter or hater. He has not exactly wiped out ISIS. Why didn’t the US immediately take out these guys when they first started killing Americans. The King of Jordan sure did..Remember a few years ago Obama said, “Eventually we have to end this war on terror”? I saw it on the news. No seems to remember this. I was concerned when he said that. How can we stop the war on terror? Really…That’s what he believes.. He has no intention on winning the war on terrorism. So go ahead and volunteer your head, as long as they stay away from the rest of us…

  19. Scott Erviń says:

    Only a good toddler with a gun, can stop a bad toddler with a gun. Wait …

  20. Drop this guy. We need constructive, intelligent editorials… not more politicizing and Obama-bashing.

  21. Gary Wells says:

    I would suggest that in the future Joe, you shouldn’t write your commentaries while drinking and listening to Fox news. You articulate hate and ignorance while doing so. To say our President is not interested in protecting Americans is yourself making delusional statement. The Russians, Jordanians and French have done more damage in few days than the most effective military force on the face of the planet? Have you been listening to Alex Jones too? C’mon Joe! I know your more intelligent than that. Keep your emotional rhetoric to a minimum and stick with facts while writing these commentaries.

    Thank you,

    From a true realist

  22. Sharon Parker says:

    If Mr. Messina is SCVNews editors’ idea of an intelligent op/ed journalist worthy of taking up any space in your publication, you need a new editor. Please cancel my subscription.

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