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Today in
S.C.V. History
July 3
1925 - By letter, Wyatt Earp beseeches his friend William S. Hart to portray him in a movie, to correct the "lies about me." Hart never did. [story]
Hart-Wyatt Earp

Now and Then in the SCV | Commentary by Darryl Manzer
| Tuesday, Jun 2, 2015

darrylmanzer0215Once again the California High Speed Rail folks tried to convince us we are going to be better off if the train runs through our valley. Once again we went and told them we don’t want it, and once again we are ignored.

Snake oil salesmen. Patent medicine all over again. This will make you feel better, live longer, save energy, save the planet, save the whales and save the universe. Just think – you can take a train to San Francisco from Los Angeles in about three hours. OMG! The speed. We will be just like Europe and Japan – and China and Russia, too. We can compete with the others at last.

I’ve got only one question: Why?

Why is it so important that California have a high-speed train? Gee, we can be like any number of failed economies in Europe?

And then I get notice that the California High Speed Rail Authority Board is meeting to discuss the route of the train from Palmdale to Burbank. We aren’t invited. Just when did we elect that board? How are they being paid? It appears they are not listening to us at all. Why should they? They don’t work for us.

petesdragonsnakeoilFrom the northern end of the proposed route to the southern towns, counties, farmers and individual citizens are fighting to stop from even having the high-speed rail system. The fact remains that we were lied to about the proposed costs, ridership and routes. We’ve been lied to about nearly every aspect of this train.

They are doing the huge sales job because people are realizing what we voted for and what is happening are two vastly different things.

In case you think folks in the San Fernando Valley are in favor of the rail line, you think wrong. The city of San Fernando is also asking that it be rerouted around that city or not built at all. They are joining a growing number of cities that want to stop the train. If Amtrak can’t complete a continuous rail service from Los Angeles to San Francisco via an inland route through Bakersfield and the other cities of the Central Valley, how can we expect any other outcome?

A few basic facts remain:

1. There isn’t enough money even to complete the 29 miles now being built.

2. If it was such a good idea, why didn’t the real railroads build it?

3. Safety is still a huge concern, and with the recent crash of a train at high speed back East, can we be assured the special needs of “earthquake-proof” design can be found and used?

4. Why is the more direct route from Palmdale to Burbank not really being considered?

5. Why are we paying for a train that is technologically obsolete? Why not a maglev or other faster and more advanced designs?

I don’t understand. I guess it is all just to get a job for “Mr. Senator Feinstein.”

If only you could see the look of surprise on my face right now.



Darryl Manzer grew up in the Pico Canyon oil town of Mentryville in the 1960s and attended Hart High School. After a career in the U.S. Navy he returned to live in the Santa Clarita Valley, where he serves as executive director of the SCV Historical Society. He can be reached at dmanzer@scvhistory.com. His older commentaries are archived atDManzer.com; his newer commentaries can be accessed [here]. Watch his walking tour of Mentryville [here].


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  1. paul says:

    Have you ever tried to drive to Orange County on a Friday afternoon? The traffic sucks.

    • Linda says:

      Paul…I drive to OC a lot. But what does this have to do with the high speed rail?

      • Paul says:

        Someday high speed rail will go all the way to anaheim. Nevada is also trying to build a line to vegas that would connect in burbank. You would be able to skip most of the traffic to get to these places. Even disneyland is pretty close to the anaheim train station. SF is not the only stop. If you live in New York you can take the train to DC or Boston. why not have the same thing here?

        • SCVNews.com says:

          Because people in California drive. People in New York City do not. California is not New York and never will be. Plus, it won’t work. Amtrak tried it and went bankrupt. Now your federal tax dollars subsidize Amtrak. How many more unwanted, antiquated steel-on-steel rail systems must our tax dollars subsidize? You might have heard about the person who tries the same thing again and again, expecting a different outcome…

          • James Leno says:

            People in California drive, AND ride. Every single rail system in the state, including Amtrak, is reporting record year-over-year ridership.

            Amtrak didn’t start passenger rail in the US. Amtrak was started when private passenger trains went out of business. When they disappeared, states learned (the hard way) that passenger rail was needed in this country. Thus Amtrak was born…subsidy and all.

            We are not New York. We’re not Japan. We’re not China, or Germany, or Taiwan, or France, or Spain, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, or any other place that has high speed rail.

            And we’re also not so different from the rest of world that HSR won’t work here too.

          • SCVNews.com says:

            And we’re not L.A. and we’re not S.F. We’re Santa Clarita, we’re Acton, we’re Agua Dulce, and we have real people living in real homes who don’t need the government uprooting them and destroying their neighborhoods.

  2. Dave Warburton says:

    The direct route from Palmdale to the SFV is not feasible due to cost. Most of that route would require tunneling under the San Gabriel National Monument, which would be enormously expensive and cost far more than the overland route along the SR14 corridor.

    High-speed rail is an efficient way to transport a large number of people between major population and business centers and produces much less air pollution than autos would.

    Nobody wants an intrusive infrastructure project coming though their backyard. Using that logic, neither the Cal Water Project nor the Interstate Highway System would have been built back in the day.

    • SCVNews.com says:

      Just asking – You mention “transport a large number of people between mayor population and business centers” … Has anyone figured out how many people actually need to commute from L.A. to S.F. on a daily basis? And what that cost-per-rider would be?

      • James Leno says:

        “Has anyone figured out how many people actually need to commute from L.A. to S.F. on a daily basis? And what that cost-per-rider would be?”

        Yes. The airlines would have all of that info I’m sure.

        But travel between LA and SF isn’t the only issue. Intervening cities will benefit too. By connecting LA and SF, we can, at the same time, build commuting connections between Fresno and SF, LA and Bakersfield, and even Fresno and Bakersfield.

        So even if LA-SF isn’t a commuting market, HSR will help expand the places that are.

  3. Get over it. This isn’t a small town anymore, it is now one of largest suburbs of Los Angeles County. If you are going to speak for all of us then why weren’t you speaking for us when we didn’t want all the mass development. The town will continue to progress and grow. 15 years ago nobody knew where Santa Clarita was located, now everyone lives here. Maybe the folks at the California High Speed Rail know more about what’s better for us than we do. Considering Santa Clarita has always been a pass threw town for railway since its beginnings. How about scvtv santa clarita report the local news and not try to speak for the whole population on matters that not everyone agrees on.

    • Lived here for 50 years. Watched Santa Clarita grow like topsy. For the most part the development has been planned well, except there is no emergency care for folks on the east side of the valley. Amazing really. But now this fast train is being proposed or should I say crammed down our throats. Right now we need water. We’re not going to be bullied into this boondoggle. Beware!We’re a valley of sleeping tigers.

    • Well, it’s going to happen. Regardless of what you think. If you know anything about economics then you know that it’s best to always keep building. Or you can keep thinking we live in the 50’s and ignoring the fact that the city is filled with more people who want it rather than the few who still think there are only three stop lights in the town. My point in general was that the local news shouldn’t be spewing out opinions and trying to represent a whole community and just report the news.

    • The local news is extremely biased in their reporting of the news lol but I think we have more chance of stopping the train than getting unbiased news reporting from our khts/scvtv peeps.

  4. It’s all about lining Mr Feinstein pockets he’s made millions already on bonds high speed rail isn’t worth it

  5. Sharon Todd says:

    I’m still not sure of the benefit to anyone except for the builder, and owners. If the rail is built, which I’m guessing won’t be in my lifetime since this is only one of many hurdles they need to surpass and then still build, how do the airlines, restaurants, fast food, oil & gas companies all compensate for their lost revenues from people taking the train? The list can go on and on….and all of this just to get people to SF quicker? Now if the LA to Vegas route was still on the table that would make sense…:)

    • Paul says:

      The airports are crowded enough. Ever try to fly out on a Friday afternoon? The planes aren’t going away, they will be able to offer more profitable long distance flights since they won’t have to have as many flight for these puddle jumpers. Of course there will still be short haul flights too.

  6. Don’t understand how so many who don’t want the train use “we don’t need a train we need water” argument. Yes we need water. There is a historic drought. But the train can’t change a drought, the train doesn’t mean it rains, building a train does not mean we can’t build and solve other issues the state suffers from. No doubt we need to build. Trains, bridges, desalination plants. But we also need different ways to travel our huge state besides planes and cars. And we need jobs. Now we do need water plants. Let’s build them. Santa Barbara has one that’s been in moth balls for 12 years.

  7. Maybe they should give our city a stop and it would feel a bit better. The fact that we don’t have a train stop just makes you wonder why it needs to come through our city. Not really for or against it, but that would make a difference to me and I’m gonna be affected by the rail since I live on this side of the town.

  8. Travis May says:

    This seems like a completely unbiased news report.

  9. Peter Bishop says:

    Pete’s Dragon. Love that movie

  10. David Hong says:

    What is this rail stuff where and when

  11. Brad James says:

    How do you know what people want?? You behave like a grade school TV station.Truly.

  12. Daniel Leedy says:

    Good! Keep fighting it! I sure as hell don’t want that rail here let alone it built period!!! Waste of money by a senial governor. Also hey people, if you don’t like SCV then leave :D. LA isn’t far so stop complaining about the city! Nothing wrong with the city.

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