The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department has added three new canines to its repertoire, increasing the level of service and speed to the communities we serve. Coda, a Hanovarian Hound, and Fury and Tess, both Malinois, are assigned to the Countywide Services Division.
The unique aspect of these newly-acquired canines is two are dual purpose explosives detection and trailing canines, and Coda is solely a trailing canine. Their dual purposing is a unique approach to crime fighting, training the dogs to detect explosives and locate suspects or victims by sniffing a trail. This is a great asset, especially when valuable time is saved by not having to wait for another dog to be transported to the scene of an investigation. Coda, Fury and Tess are the first trailing canines to be introduced into the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department for a purpose other than cadaver detection.
Coda, Fury and Tess are assigned to the Countywide Services Division (CWSD), and joined the K-9 Detail team of four deputies and one sergeant in Fall, 2014. The dogs, which were purchased with Asset Forfeiture funds and acquired from breeders in Poland, Holland and the Czech Republic, received five weeks of formal training in rigorous training with their handlers at a specialized training center in the State of South Carolina and here, in Los Angeles. Daily training and deployment will be the regimen for these canines as long as they are in service.
Having since completed their training course, Fury and Tess participated in their final certification exam on Wednesday, January 7, 2015. They were tested alongside their handlers by an independent auditor and passed their certification process.
Coda, a one-year-old male, joined the CWSD K-9 Detail ahead of Fury and Tess, and has been in service since November, 2014. He is assigned to CWSD K-9 Detail supervisor, Sergeant Mark Jennings, and part of a two-dog team with Chip, a narcotics detection canine.
Fury, a 15-month-old male, is assigned to Deputy Brad Feder; and Tess, an eight-month-old female, is assigned to Deputy Nicholas Castellanos. Both canines are dual purpose, certified in both explosives detection and trailing.
Chief James Hellmold, Countywide Services Division, attended the certification. He said, “We are proud to welcome Coda, Fury and Tess to the Sheriff’s Department family. They are a welcome addition and will strengthen our ability to keep the community safe.”
If you would like more information about the Countywide Services Division K-9 Detail, please contact Sergeant Mark Jennings at 323-806-9358 or
Countywide Services Division, which is under the operational supervision of Countywide Services and Detective Operations, and consists of County Services Bureau, Parks Bureau, Community College Bureau, and Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Bureau, provides law enforcement services to nine community colleges, 177 County parks, and six major County hospitals.
For information about the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Countywide Services Division, click [here].

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So good to see the addition of the K-9 dogs. They are such an asset to our officers. And what better way to spend Asset Forfeiture Funds!
I would suggest that all of the exams are done in a good and secure way but maybe no one can do that theese days and that’s way they can’t manage to do the ideal think. Also they preffer the best and most amazing thinks. And last
Hope I helped.
These dogs are great but I wish we could also get some money for deputies with drug dogs for the high schools. I believe they used to do something like that but had to stop becuase of lack of money.