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September 20
1954 - C-46 cargo plane crashes at Saugus Drunk Farm; Civil Air Patrol chaplains parachute to safety [story]

[KHTS] – A former Santa Clarita Valley woman and her two children were killed in an alleged murder-suicide Tuesday, according to Syracuse, Utah, police officials.

Kyler Ramsdell-Oliva, 32, who moved away from the SCV just weeks ago, reportedly killed her daughters Kenadee “Kenn” Oliva, 13, and Isabella Oliva, 7, before turning the gun on herself, said Lt Heath Rogers of the Syracuse Police Department.

Police Department officials were called to the home the night before, Rogers said, regarding a potential domestic incident.

“We were called on that (house) the night before, it was more of a ‘keep the peace’ civil standby,” Rogers said, declining to give the fiance’s name.

kylerramsdelloliva2“(He called us to) watch the place while the fiance took some stuff out of the house,” he said.

The fiance is not suspected of any wrongdoing, officials said.

The 13-year-old, Kenadee Oliva, was a former Rancho Pico Junior High student.

“We were made aware of this on Wednesday and immediately, on Thursday morning, parents were notified,” said Gail Pinsker, spokeswoman for the William S. Hart Union High School District. “An email was sent to all parents to let them know of her tragic death.”

Kenadee, age 13 (Facebook)

Kenadee, age 13 (Facebook)

“The message to parents also is to alert them that their student may be upset about this,” Pinsker said, adding that resources continue to be available for students interested in grief counseling services.

Kenadee Oliva would have been an eighth-grader at Rancho Pico, but she was pulled out of school at winter break, Pinsker said.

“If the parents have a concern and the child doesn’t want to approach someone at school, then the parent can come in,” Pinsker said, adding that counselors talked to students on Oliva’s “academic team” at the school.

“We want to have very open lines of communication right now,” Pinsker said.

Isabella was enrolled in Helmers for a short time, and then briefly was enrolled in West Creek Academy before she was also taken out of school late last year.

Kenadee, age 13 (Facebook)

Kenadee, age 13 (Facebook)

“These kinds of situations are not just touching on children, they’re touching on adults, too,” said Dr. Joan Lucid, superintendent of the Saugus Union School District.

If a child has an issue with the death, he or she can contact a teacher regarding school counseling services, Lucid said.

“These are not things that you deal with every day,” she said, “and so you need professional support when this type of situation happens.”

Both students were attending local schools in Syracuse, a suburb about 25 miles north of Salt Lake City, at the time of their deaths.


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Facebook post by Kenadee Oliva, 2012

Facebook post by Kenadee Oliva, 2012

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  1. Teresa Wekid says:

    how so very sad :(

  2. How sad… That she thought whatever trouble she was going through, killing her daughters and herself was the only way to solve it. … prayers to the family and friends they leave behind. .

  3. Cowards way. Just kill yourself. Rip girls.

  4. That’s horrible and yes why? Why kill the kids!!

  5. Facebook post by 13-year-old Kenadee Oliva in 2012

  6. What a selfish way to kill yourself. Take yourself out for a man if you want but leave innocent people/kids alone that don’t want to die! Smdh

  7. Sandra Caipo says:

    How sad. Let’s not judge her for we don’t know her state of mind. JS

  8. Wow, this is really sad! She didn’t have take her kids with her! Children are so innocent

  9. Dave Hilton says:

    Why do people do that. I bet shes really bummed to find out the grass is not greener on the other side.

  10. What’s wrong with people?

  11. Heartbreaking :-( how can people kill their own kids..so selfish..rip girls :'(

  12. Gina Stewart says:

    Seriously, no one should be judging her. We have no idea if she had mental health issues. Normal, healthy moms do not kill their children. May all 3 of them rest in peace.

  13. Dobie Gillis says:

    I’m judging the hell out of her. She shot her kids. Sorry but she a POS. Simple and plain. Take yourself out but the kids? Really?

  14. Arcy Sendejo says:

    Omg, so sad. Although they look like such a beautiful family in this picture, who knows the troubles the Mom had been going through to do something like this. God bless them… RIP

  15. Brad Hoskins says:

    How could you say we shouldn’t judge her @Gina Stewart. She killed two innocent children and took the cowards way out by killing herself after. Ima judge her definitely.

  16. Just tragic!! :( where’s the father?

  17. Gina Stewart says:

    We haven’t walked in her shoes. While I don’t condone her actions, I can’t sit on my high horse and judge her. Obviously she was deeply troubled. The father of the children passed away, she was a single mom, & had a history of being unstable. Maybe if someone had stepped in and gave her the help she needed…I didn’t know her but I have a good friend who did and she has told me some sad things about their life. I’m not God, I will not condemn her to hell.

  18. What a pos! She’s just a coward! She could’ve killed herself, no need to take her kids lives!!!!

  19. This is so tragic and sad. WHat a beautiful family.

  20. Brad Hoskins says:

    I don’t think Gina understands that two young innocent girls will never get to accomplish what they could’ve because of how horrible of an act her mom did. No matter how mentally unstable you are, murdering children, especially you’re own two daughters is horrible

  21. Brad Hoskins says:

    Pretty much the worst act anyone can do.

  22. Lisa says:

    OMG…horrible, heartbreaking… :-(

  23. All I can say is that she obviously was seriously ill in her head. No person, especially a mother would do that otherwise. I would gladly give my life for my kids any day. Such a shame.

  24. Adam White says:

    geez so sad,such a good looking family…never know..poor girls

  25. Shannon King says:

    I think this is the case where the ex was not paying her enough support and she was under tremendous financial strain to make her house payments. Not an excuse, but probably a factor in driving her over the edge. Still I don’t understand how she could kill her kids unless she had a narcissistic need to make it all about her and punish her ex. Maybe more information will come out.

  26. Omg!” So very sad killing her own kids. Breaks my heart reading this. Their own mother. So very tragic!

  27. SO VERY TRAGICALLY SAD!!!! God receive and rest the souls of those children and have mercy on the soul of that troubled mother!!! One of the most troubling news I’ve seen!

  28. that is just HORRIBLE!!! SOOO SAD!

  29. Silvie Faust says:

    Sounds very tragic.

  30. This is terrible. My heart goes out to their family :(

  31. I just want to cry.

  32. Why do people do this? Why drag innocents into your very selfish act?

  33. Donna Moore says:

    Omg saddest thing ever

  34. So sad that people feel there is no other way out but to kill innocent kids. And then ultimately themselves. Sad really sad.

  35. Heartbreaking… I can’t stop thinking about the sweet innocence of those two young girls gone way too soon…

  36. Dawn Gross says:

    Just heard a story about a woman who tried to kill herself so her kids could have the ins money. That didn’t work out and long story short she turned the tables on her bad life and eventually got a PHD and is mayor of her town. Talk about GUTS!!! Good for her.

    • Anonymous says:

      I also saw that amazing story! She turned over her problems and herlife to God & that made all the difference.?

  37. Bob Haas says:

    Sad, really sad when someone feels that their situation is so dire that they have in other options. What is even sadder is apparently they was no one close enough to see the signs. The loss of the innocent children is just too overwhelming to get over.

  38. Debra Foley says:

    Shes a murderer!!!!!!…plain and simple…..those girls were innocent.

  39. Sean Nichols says:

    This is a terrible tragedy, no doubt. Definitely a selfish horrible act.
    However, I can’t help but think that those of you that are willing to judge this woman after she’s dead certainly would have done the same when she was alive. Point being, would you help someone this desperate if they needed it, or would you judge them and turn your back on them? How about we reserve judgement when we have never walked in her shoes folks.

  40. That’s just horrible! I’m so sad for their families!

  41. Her daughter Kenn was one of my daughter’s closest friends. She is devastated. I met the mom once, but never got to know her. Her daughter was so sweet and energetic, and friendly to everyone she met. We will definitely miss her. I can’t imagine what would drive someone to take the lives of their innocent children. So incredibly sad…

  42. Sean Nichols says:

    Good point Karmen. Is it possible local PD rushed judgement on this?

  43. Hailey says:

    Kenn was one of the best friends I ever had and she was actually perfect! Her hair was amazing. She was super nice and fun to be around and judged no one. She loved the life she lived and she is a real role model to me. Her sister Bella was also very special and also perfect and just a happy person! I’ve only met her mom once and I guess you never really know someone. I loved the person she was sooo much!! Everyone did!

  44. So very sad! May she rest in hell and her kids rest in peace! How could any mother take her children’s life, they did not ask to be born, just because Mom couldn’t get her sh?? Together why take it out on children! There is soooo much help out there for people!!!!!!!!

  45. Aja says:

    So tragic. I’ve always judged parents when these things happen, but something else just popped into my head. We always ask “WHY!?!” & I wonder if she was so depressed that she felt taking her life was her only option…but didn’t want to leave her kids behind with no mother. What if she felt she was protecting them from the loss they would have endured? Maybe that’s the thought process of others who do the same thing. Whatever it is, it’s just sad.

  46. Very sad. I pray desperate people will ask for help and be specific. Heard another one last night on TV from FL being labeled “The Day the Music Died.” Tragedies both. I wonder if the mothers were on some kind of prescription drugs that mess up your ability to think straight–just as several of the mass murderers have been.

  47. Rob Cannon says:

    Hopelessness can suck the life out of you. So tragic. God bless others contemplating anything close…. RIP

  48. i could of had taking care of those girls but lets not judge maybe she hasd a mental decease u never know. if any has a love one with mental decease call nami or call 18888547771

  49. I think more investigation should be done, it is hard to believe she would kill her own daughters. Hope the investigators take another look they might overlook something.
    A lot suicides were not suicides after a deeper investigation, what looks like May is not what happened. It is very sad tragedy. My prayers goes for the family and friends.

  50. Jordan Katz says:

    Totally sad! Rest in peace you 3.

  51. Jordan Katz says:

    Totally sad! Rest in peace you 3.

  52. Dina Caddy says:

    OMG…that is horrible……Such beautiful children. . …..WHY!!!! To kill your own children…….. the very thought is just unthinkable, unimaginable, repulsive, detestable. That mother will never know peace now. Not in life or after. May those precious children rest in peace and join the angels now.

  53. Dina Caddy says:

    OMG…that is horrible……Such beautiful children. . …..WHY!!!! To kill your own children…….. the very thought is just unthinkable, unimaginable, repulsive, detestable. That mother will never know peace now. Not in life or after. May those precious children rest in peace and join the angels now.

  54. jailene says:

    So sad. Makes me think twice about allowing my Child to go to a friends house. You dont know what type of issues they really have:(

  55. So sorry for the girls!!!!

  56. Wow to wish someone to hell is worse than the act that was commited, I wonder where were all of you when she needed help? Only the Lord can judge.I Hope that the Lord forgive her actions and that she can have eternal peace in Heaven as she must have suffered hell here.I know that Her Daughters are with the Lord. Iam not saying that this is right, But it is not for us to judge, and to wish the worst is terrible.

  57. She must’ve had some major problems and just snapped you can’t do that to your kids with a clear mind. Depression is nothing to be ignored

  58. I immediately started to cast my judgement as I read this, however, I stopped. I really hope that this is not true and there is more to be learned of this story. I will wait until I know more to decide. In any case, this is a very sad, avoidable and senseless tragedy. My thoughts are with their family and friends. :( May they all rest in peace.

  59. I immediately started to cast my judgement as I read this, however, I stopped. I really hope that this is not true and there is more to be learned of this story. I will wait until I know more to decide. In any case, this is a very sad, avoidable and senseless tragedy. My thoughts are with their family and friends. :( May they all rest in peace.

  60. Jen says:

    I’ve had a lot of issues with depression myself but I not only could I NEVER EVER even consider harming my own children, of course I would not nor could not take there Innocent little lives. Not 2 mention I feel the same way about my own life and definitely agree with some of the others, in that it would be EXTREMELY SELFISH!!!!!! I LOVE my children with all of my heart n soul.

  61. Mike Martin says:

    That is just tragic.

  62. ellie says:

    I was friends with her. we went to school together. At school on Friday, we made a memorial with all her favorite things. Then we gathered in a large circle and had a moment of silence for her.
    then, we made a giant “k” in her honor. we miss her sooo much:(

  63. Abbie Berman says:

    kenn was my best friend i found out the day after her death personally. i knew kenn 5 months and in those 5 months i realized angels really do live on earth and that my baby boo will never ever in a million years be forgotten. i am happy for her though because she was already depressed and sad she cut and me and her other friend stopped her. i feel like i failed to protect her. i could have done something to keep her here but instead i just let her drift away. i miss her so badly i cry at the thought of her name or even what she looks like. i painted my room blue because that was her favorite color. i have a necklace that we both have and i wear mine everyday no matter what. i keep a giant poster in my room to remember her. and to everyone who says it could have been suicide i know it wasn’t because my baby girl would never kill herself she had to much to live for and her sister bella was so amazing and cute i only met bella once but from the moment i met her i knew she was an angel to. the last thing kenn ever said to me was “baby girl i miss u so much but i am staying strong so i need u to also remember always and forever nothing can tear us apart”(kenadee louise ann oliva). thank you to everyone who has been there for me through this i really appreciate it. valentines day was one moth since she passed and i sang to her that night telling her how much i love her and will never forget her. #alwaysandforever

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