[LASD] – On Monday September 3, 2012, between the hours of 1:14am and 1:16am, a male suspect rode a motorcycle into the parking lot of a pharmacy located on the 27800 block of Smyth Drive in Santa Clarita. The male suspect entered the pharmacy by carefully removing the window pane of the front door with a pry tool. The suspect (who was wearing gloves) then entered the pharmacy where he stole several bottles of prescription narcotics and $25 in U.S. currency. Based on the way the male suspect entered the business, it is believed he may have experience installing or removing doors and windows.
The suspect is described as a male (unknown race) who is approximately 5’08 to 5’09, and weighs between 200 and 230 pounds. The male suspect was wearing a gray long sleeved hooded sweatshirt, black pants, black shoes, black gloves, and possibly wearing prescription glasses. The suspect was in possession of a black backpack.
The suspect fled the area on a motorcycle in an unknown direction.
The investigation into this burglary is on-going. Anyone who has any further information to assist in this investigation is urged to contact Det. Darland of the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station at 661-799-5135 or at LWDarlan@lasd.org
ORIGINAL STORY by Elliott Cohen / SCVNews.com, 9-3-2012:
Santa Clarita sheriff’s deputies responded to a report of a burglary Monday around 7 p.m. at The Druggist Pharmacy in Valencia.
Deputies arriving at the pharmacy at 27867 Smyth Drive found the front door removed and the siren blaring. It was unknown if anything was taken, but good fingerprints were found at the scene.
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