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September 26
1876 - California oil industry born as CSO No. 4 in Pico Canyon becomes state's first commercially productive oil well [story]
Pico No. 4

The following was written Friday by a member of the SCV Sheriff’s Search and Rescue team. The writer’s name and that of his partner have been withheld by request.


“One of the toughest calls I have been on was today. Santa Clarita Search & Rescue was called out to look for a missing 4-year-old autistic boy in Castaic.

“As we were leaving the station, our air unit spotted the boy in a neighbor’s pool and directed deputies into the backyard. Several deputies jumped into the pool, uniforms, guns, radios and all to get to the boy. They immediately began CPR on the unresponsive little boy.

“The air unit landed in the middle of a residential street and scooped up the boy. Patrol deputies continued CPR in the chopper all the way to Henry Mayo.

“My partner (name withheld) and I met the air unit on the roof of Henry Mayo and took over CPR the rest of the way to the ER. The poor little guy was very cold and blue and still unresponsive. He was in full arrest.

Travis Stratton, 4

Travis Stratton, 4

“The hospital staff immediately started lifesaving measures but it was too late. Nobody had any idea how long he was in the pool. They pronounced him dead shortly after 4 p.m.

“I have never been so proud to be part of the Sheriff’s Department as I was today. I wish everyone could see how hard all those involved tried to save this little boy.

“Just outside the trauma room in the ER were 15 or more deputies. Some soaking wet, just waiting for some good news from the doctors. Some broke down and cried. Myself included. I stepped outside the ER to call my wife and tell her where I was and what happened. All I could smell was the burning brakes of the 10 or so patrol cars that rushed the parents to the hospital. I could hardly talk.

“For the first time I can remember, my emotions got the best of me. That never happens at work. But today it did. I guess I am human after all. We all tried our best today, but it just didn’t turn out the way we hoped.

“Rest in peace, Little Travis.”

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  1. Lori Lee says:

    How very sad! R.I.P. little one!!!

  2. Thank you for working so hard for Travis.

  3. Thank you LASD for all you do.

  4. Thank you LASD for all you do.

  5. Elaine Vega says:

    My thoughts and prayers to all those involved…especially Travis’ parents ♡

  6. Evita Antwi says:

    You all did your best. Thank God for you all. Rest in peace Travis

  7. So sad..Thank you to who tried so hard to rescue this precious child. .. And my prayers to his family at this devastating time…May he be at peace now…I live not just a few blocks away and have a pool..I am going to check all my entrances again to make sure they are secure..

  8. So Extremely Devastating for All involved especially this precious baby!!

  9. I don’t think I’ve ever read something more heartbreaking than this. I’m so sorry

  10. Chris Dunne says:

    So devastating. Our prayers go out to the family.

  11. Cynthia Hernandez says:

    As I read this post yesterday and shared it in prayerful hopes that a family in our neck of the woods would find their could safe and sound. It breaks my heart to hear the outcome. My heartfelt prayer goes out to the family. Little Travis is now in the arms of our Heavenly Father  I have to say and I have seen them in action, Our Emergency response system here in SCV is Amazing! Thank you! Law enforcement and all emergency teams in the entire world should be added to every person’s daily prayer. God Bless All who were involved in this tragic event…… And those to come 

  12. BH says:

    Men like all of you are what makes a Great Hero. Prayers to you, and the boys family. I worked in a trauma center for years. The innocent kids always got to me and reminds me why we do what we do. You guys are what SCV needs to protect us. Thank you for all you do and showing us all you have heart too.

  13. May God richly bless each and every one of you who helped this precious little one! R.I.P. Travis….

  14. Laura Conant says:

    A new angel is in heaven, RIP Travis. Thank you SCV Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Team.

  15. God bless lil Travis. Rip. Prayers for your grandparents…, they did am amazing job of taking care of you!!! Xoxox

  16. Thank you all of you for trying so hard. We did not know him but our harts are broken to hear about this. My wife works with bright kids like Travis and this hits a spot deep down in her.
    We are so sorry for the parents and there lost. Really it is all of our lost for such a lovable little boy.

  17. Thank you SCV Sheriff personnel and medical staff. You are our guardians. God bless the family with peace and comfort.

  18. Linda Tah says:

    So sad. Thanks too all of you who tried so valiantly to save him. RIP Travis

  19. Mike Bryant says:

    So sad. The effort to find and save him was amazing, but this time, too late.

  20. laura steger says:

    Thank you for sharing your story with us and Thank You all for the fine work you do. This story has a sad ending, God Bless all

  21. What a heart wrenching story. I cannot fathom the emotions involved. Thank you to our protectors and god bless all involved in this tragedy.

  22. I am sad for everyone involved, including the owners of the home where the pool was. Praying for peace for all involved. Thank you to the SCV deputies for reminding us, you do attempt to protect, serve AND rescue. God bless you all.

  23. VeraKB says:

    One of the hardest jobs there is. My bro in law was LAPD. You did your best and God bless you, may you come to terms with what happened and be able to put it behind you to serve another day. Thank you for your service.

  24. Ron says:

    I appreciate LASD taking care of Santa Clarita. God bless and keep you all.

  25. Josh Shannon says:

    Where were the parents,how does you’re child just wonder off??!! I never let my kid out of my sight!!

  26. Pam says:

    Thank you for what you do in our community. Some people just don’t understand what it takes and what all you have to go through, good and bad. I am proud of anyone (including those in my family) who is willing to give as you do.

  27. Wow. Crying- thanks to all of the amazing deputies and ER staff. You are all heroes.

  28. Tommy Dyo says:

    May the peace of God be upon all. So sad…

  29. Jennifer Griffin says:

    This is devastating. People often overlook what first responders and medical professionals go through. Trust me, we go home and lose it – esp. when a child is involved. My gratitude and support to all.

  30. May God comfort the parents most of all… People shouldn’t make remarks like.. Where were the parents. Have compassion please. After all, the boy was autistic .. Sometimes they wonder off.. Don’t judge

  31. Joanne Criss says:

    How very sad! RIP Travis!

  32. Thank God for SCV Sheriffs and Fire Department they do such a good job and care about all of us here in SCV. It was so sad hearing if this case I pray for the little boy his family and those who did all they could for him and them.

  33. I thought about his family all night, about the crushing pain they must be in…praying for them in this tragic time. So devastating!

  34. I didnt have autism…but I was a natural born wanderer…not always possible to literally watch children every second…in the blink of an eye…I would be gone…none of my kids were as bad as me…but my son was a close second…I called him my houdini child…now you see him…now you dont…this could happen to anyone…my heart goes out to all concerned…

  35. My heart goes out to this family and the officers involved. Sad day but your bravery is so respected and appreciated. Thank you for all you do to keep us safe.

  36. Maria Trejo says:

    So sad R.I.P little one

  37. Thanks to all the deputies & fire personnel that were involved. True heroes. Praying for this poor family.

  38. Diane Davis says:

    That was beautifully written. God bless you and the child’s family.

  39. Tiffni says:

    Thank you for your service to our community and to our children. Our hearts break for the family and for everyone who had to bear witness to this tragedy.

  40. I was there and watched as the rod iron gate was being kicked down by deputies in a frantic effort to get to little Travis, then as he was being rushed out in the arms of a Deputy who was running with him and jumped into the back seat of a patrol car. Another Deputy shut the car door and yelled “GO GO GO” as I witnessed what seemed to be about 15 or more patrol cars running code 3, lights and sirens blaring down The Old Road as CPR was being administered in a frantic effort to save him.
    It was something that I will never ever forget and I truly admire those Deputies who were involved as I saw how emotionally affected they all were. It was a very tough day for the community of Castaic and also for all the SCV Deputies who were involved. Thank you so much for your hard work to those involved in the search, rescue and the attempt to save sweet little Travis Stratton.

    • MacroView says:

      The officer in the article states that the child was taken to Mayo in the helicopter, not in a patrol vehicle.

      And how did the child get into the yard with a locked iron gate?

      What is the truth here?

  41. Marla T. says:

    I got the notification and immediately grabbed my keys and ran out the door to help look for him. It was amazing to see the community come together. There were so many people driving and walking the streets. There were people hiking up the hills to get a Birdseye view. There was so much sadness and I was excited to hear they had found him but then the news of where and how they found him made my heart sink. Thank you LASD for I witnessed the determination to find him. Prayers to everyone affected by this tragedy.

  42. Lisa Summers says:

    I saw this unfold as I was driving up our hill. So very sad for all. I’ll never forget the panic look on the sheriffs faces. R.I.P. Precious little one. U r in Gods arms now.

  43. My prayers for all of them.

  44. Josh Shannon, some autistic children are houdinis. Nothing will stop them once tunnel vision kicks in. He was reportedly living in a very secure home but managed to get away. We have alarms on all our doors (we sound like a store in Chinatown everytime someone goes in or out) b/c since the day he was able to walk my 3yo has been a wanderer. He is not autistic, just curious and, like small children everywhere, oblivious to danger. Please don’t make his family feel worse – God knows they are blaming themselves enough.

  45. omg…………..i can’t even go there….rip little angel.

  46. Beautifully written…sad, sad day for all involved

  47. Broken hearted for his family… Fervent prayers for his family, for the deputies of great valor and all those who were involved in the search and resuce effort of this precious little one who is now in the arms of the Lord.

  48. DL Thompson says:

    I am so sad for the family…what a beautiful little boy. Thank you SCV deputies for all you do for us!

  49. Super sad on all accounts not only for these sweet parents, but for the homeowners with the pool.

  50. Jennifer says:

    God Bless that sweet child and all the sheriff’s who tried so hard to save him.

  51. So sad. My prayers go out to the family and friends of this lil angel. Rest in peace baby. I really hope people will stop pointing fingers at the parents and babysitter…..accidents happen! There is no way anyone can keep an eye on a child 24/7. We can turn our heads for a second, we can use the restroom, go to the kitchen, read a newspaper, check an email and you never expect something like this to happen. It’s very sad and unfortunate. I’m sure the family feels bad enough but to have to hear negative people, who act like parents of the year, scrutinizing there every move. Some people really make me wonder where there hearts are. Come together instead of breaking eachother down!

  52. So sad for all involved. First responders have a hard job and you do the best you can do. May God Bless all involved and give peace to the family in this time of loss.

  53. Lane Patton says:

    I’m am so happy the SCV Sheriffs had something productive to do for once.

  54. Robin says:

    The LASD and Castaic Fire Dept are on group of amazing people so tragic the loss of this lil angel they are so fast to respond. In 1995 I had an emergency my then 8 1/2 yr old was bitten by a baby rattle snake and the LASD and Fire Dept responded so fast and I thank them so much for there service

  55. Jamie says:

    It is so sad and my prayers are with the family members and all the first responders from that day. The day that a first responder is not affected by losing a child is the day they need to leave their job. I know helping to save people is the reason they are in that job.

  56. Alyssa Williams says:

    Such a sad day. My heartfelt condolences and gratefulness goes out to all who helped.

  57. Paul Dodson says:

    Great job by all the deputy’s.

  58. Karla Posner says:

    Thank you to all the people that tried to save this special little boy. This was well written, thank you to the Sheriff that worked so hard! RIP sweet little Travis!

  59. Autistic children, most especially boys, have a tendency to be drawn to water. They often engage in a behavior called ‘wandering’ or elopement where they “intentionally” (for lack of a better word) slip away from caregivers who think they are napping or engaged in a routine activity. They then seek out sources of water such as pools, rivers, and lakes. An autistic child is three times more likely to die of drowning than a non-autistic child. So sad. Maybe some people should walk a mile- before they feel so entitled to judge that which they don’t know.

    • Tracy you are sooooo right!! Thank you for your comment, maybe it will open some eyes. I have a 16 yr old son who is autistic. He was diagnosed at 4. He walked right into my mom’s pool…fully clothed. He did not know how to swim. Thankfully we were all standing right there. Water safety was a huge issue for us. He also was a climber. This story hits so close to home I can hardly handle it. My heart is broken for this family. I am begging people to please keep their criticism to themselves…the suffering for them is unimaginable…as well as the homeowner with the pool. They need prayers.

    • Brandi Howse says:

      Thank you for posting this. As a mom of a child with autism I know how scary it was when my now 16 year old was little. So drawn to water, he bolted , and did not at that time respond to his name. Praying that those who criticize come away from this experience with a better understanding of what autism is and how they can support instead of criticize. Sending prayers for the parents and all who knew this sweet baby.

    • ELizabeth says:

      well said.

  60. Such a heart-wrenching story. Thank you to all the officers who tried to save that little boy. RIP Travis.

  61. So sad for everyone!!!!!

  62. God will take good care of him now. Thank you for all you did yesterday… And everyday to keep us all safe. God bless you.

  63. Taisha Sung says:

    I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if that was my boy.


  65. Really sad.Rip little angel.

  66. karen blum says:

    So sorry for the loss of this child. There is a special place in heaven for the first responders who risk their lives everyday for the rest if us.

  67. God calls some home early and calls on others to do His work here. Bless them for trying.

  68. Maggie Ingersoll says:

    God bless you all for trying to save Travis. My heart goes out to not only the family but all who worked so hard to try to save him. Heaven has another angel to watch over all of you now.

  69. Gerri mccorkle says:

    This was a tragic event for all involved! Please don’t judge this family! You don’t know the story, the people or circumstances! These folks are the most giving and inspiring couple! They give so much to other families! This is a devastating event in their life and don’t need others to Monday Night quarterback it! My heart goes out to all involved as this will be with them forever! The job of First Responders is emotionally demanding and this is one of the many things that make their job tough! Blessings to all !

  70. My heart is breaking. Prayers to the family.

  71. Heart wrenching letter by this deputy. God bless

  72. Anonymous says:

    God bless u!!!!! And your family!!!!

  73. All the negative comments need to be removed says:

    All negative comments about family and deputies need to be deleted. Totally inappropriate

  74. Liz Roark says:

    My thoughts are with the little guys parents. My thoughts are with the deputies. These are hard calls being deputies ED staff and first responders

  75. So sad. Thanks for your efforts.

  76. I am so very sorry to hear such a tragic story. i hope the family and friends of Travis can at least be assured that he is in God’s loving arms.

  77. Rip sweet sweet baby – so so heartbreaking and thank u for giving your all for trying to save him!

  78. Rob Klein says:

    God Please Bless this little boy soul and Bless his family in these horrific times.

  79. Joyce says:

    So many prayers go out to this little guy’s family. What a sad day. And, many thanks to the remarkable deputies and their determination to find and help the little guy.

  80. Rest in God’s arms, Travis. I hope the parents and grandparents find peace someday. Absolutely heartbreaking. Thank you LASD and Henry Mayo ER.

  81. So sad. Thank you for sharing.

  82. My prayers for his family. Such a devastating story.

  83. RIP Travis play with the angels .

  84. Desiree says:

    Now if everyone will remember that this is an example of the hearts of the people in EMS. Remember this the next time the media tries to spin something around on them or tries to paint them in bad light. Remember this who the really are and not some sort of villains. SCV needs to go back to the day when it was cool to shake an officers/ deputy’s hand and say “thank you.” I am guessing most of you won’t but this is my dream. one community.

  85. Trish says:

    My heart aches for these parents, the first responders and for the community. It literally only takes a blink of an eye for a child to run off. Parenting is the most difficult job in the world. Nobody is to blame. This is an awful tragedy.

  86. Una oración por la familia

  87. God Bless Travis and his parents. Thank you Sheriffs Dept. For working so hard to save little Travis. This is just so heartbreaking.

  88. Jose Aguilar says:

    Wow this is so sad

  89. Its his job he’d do it again

  90. MacroView says:

    Horrible tragedy.

    The officer in the article states that the child was taken to Mayo in the helicopter, not in a patrol vehicle as one alleged eyewitness stated.

    And how did the child get into the yard with a locked iron gate the first responders had to “tear down” (as reported by the same alleged eyewitness)?

    What actually did happen here?

  91. Anna Veach says:

    Anyone who has had a little one knows there are moments when you can’t find them at home. So the heartbreak is very real.

  92. Can’t even imagine…i have an almost 4 yr old who is drawn to water. My prayers most definitely are all I can offer.

  93. ELizabeth says:

    My girl scout troop had a visit planned that day to the hospital and we witnessed first hand the heroic efforts of your department to save this sweet boy. WE were standing outside the elevators and had to run aside as you came down. God bless you all for your efforts. The family should rest assured that you tried EVERYTHING. We all stopped and said prayers for him and his family.Expect a thank you and treats from us soon.

  94. Heart goes out to the family. RIP Travis

  95. Sha sha says:

    This is just the saddest thing ever. Thank you all who tried to help. Travis is in the arms of our father GOD. Lord, please bring peace and comfort to the family, and the First Responders involved. Thank you all who serve, you make the world a better place.

  96. Dana Deuson says:

    So very sad, my heart goes out to the family and the wonderful people that tried to save him!

  97. Ugh breaks my heart. That sweet little boy

  98. Travis is now one of GOD’s special Angels. It is truly amazing that the neighbor’s, sheriffs and community pulled together for Travis. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU OF YOU FOR YOUR HEROIC EFFORTS. And the community should feel both safe and proud of the wonderful sheriffs department.

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