[LASD] – A witness saw two babies in a car in a parking lot at about 12:30 p.m. Saturday and was very concerned because it was over 90 degrees outside and they were left unatttended. She waited for several minutes for adults to return to the car for the children, but when they didn’t, she called East Los Angeles Sheriff’s Station.
Deputies immediately responded, using their radio car’s red lights and siren, to the 7900 block of Atlantic Avenue, Cudahy.
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy Pedro Mejia arrived in less than two minutes, and found the car with a 2 week old infant and a one year old toddler sitting in child protective car seats inside a locked car, with no adults present.
Deputy Mejia was able to gain access through a partially opened rear window and safely removed the children.
The babies were hot and moist to the touch, so the deputy placed them in his air conditioned patrol car until Los Angeles County Fire Department paramedics arrived to render further medical aid.
Deputy Mejia said there was no time to waste when patrol units arrived and found the kids in the car in the parking lot. “The window was partially cracked. I stuck my arm in, unlocked the car, and pulled the children out,” Mejia said.
The temperature outside at the time was over 92 degrees Fahrenheit and the temperature inside the car was estimated to be more than 110 degrees. It is estimated that the babies were inside the hot car for over 20 minutes.
Mejia said the children’s 18-year-old mother, did not seem upset when she came back to her car. “She was in a local store, making a purchase,” Mejia said. She was placed under arrest for child endangerment.
The children were treated at the scene by Los Angeles County Fire Department paramedics and transported to a local hospital for medical treatment. Their present condition is not known.
We are grateful to the anonymous witness who cared and called us right away. “If You See Something, Say Something.”

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