Every year, millions of older and dependent adults become victims of abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, neighbors, and other loved ones may be experiencing unimaginable trauma unknown to those around them. Last year alone, our Adult Protective Services team received and responded to nearly 50,000 referrals of older and dependent adult abuse – sadly, a record in L.A. County.
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors adopted a motion declaring June as Elder and Dependent Adult Awareness Month and June 15 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day throughout the County of Los Angeles. During the month of June, the County is spearheading a campaign to raise awareness of the escalating epidemic of elder and dependent adult abuse.
With the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affecting the older adult population, the need for awareness and engagement with our most vulnerable is even more crucial.
Here are simple ways you can spread awareness:
1) Wear purple on Monday, June 15 and encourage your friends, family, and neighbors to the same.
2) Attend a Free Webinar at:
- Aging in the COVID-19 World
Monday, June 15, at 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
To register for the event, visit here.
- Upholding Justice for Older Americans: A National Conversation
Monday, June 15, at 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
To register for the event, visit here.
3) Learn about the warning signs of abuse, types of abuse and when and where to report it by visiting wdacs.lacounty.gov/programs/aps.
It is critical for all of us to educate one another on how to identify, address, and prevent abuse to support our most vulnerable as we age. |
5 Things Everyone Can do to Prevent Elder Abuse

We can lessen the risk of elder abuse by establishing foundations that make elder abuse difficult. Identifying ways to safeguard our vulnerable and empowering older adults will reduce the effects of aging. Here are five things everyone can do to build community support and prevent elder abuse:
Contact Us
Our L.A. County Adult Protective Service team provides a system of in-person response, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Elder Abuse Hotline: 1-877-4R-SENIORS (1-877-477-3646)
Long Term Care Related Reports: 1-800-334-9473
For more information on elder abuse or our Adult Protective Services team, visit here.
For information on COVID-19 services for older and dependent adults, visit here.
For information on Great Plates Delivered, visit here.
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