The Ridge Route Preservation Organization, a nonprofit volunteer organization dedicated to the history, preservation and reopening of the Old Ridge Route will host a Clean Up the Ridge Route volunteer event on Saturday, March 22, 9 a.m.-noon.
The event will focus on two locations that have sustained water damage, filling the areas with cold patch to prevent further erosion that could lead to the road being undermined.
This volunteer work day will address an item on the list of repairs necessary to reopen the road.
After 20 years of being legally closed, the Ridge Route Preservation Organization is in talks to reopen the Old Ridge Route seasonally.
The road will be closed during the rainy and snow season to prevent damage to the concrete and protect motorists from landslides. the group’s goal is to reopen the historic route in the summer of 2026.
The historic Ridge Route was a two-lane highway between Los Angeles County and Kern County, opened in 1915 and paved with concrete between 1917 and 1921.
The Clean Up the Ridge Route volunteer event will be led by Ridge Route experts. Bring all your Ridge Route-related questions. Experts will discuss the history of the road,the group’s plans for the road and make stops at a few of the historic locations.
To particpate in the event, RSVP at
If you are unable to join but would like to support the effort, please consider becoming a member or donating at
the next scheduled volunteer event will be held on Saturday, April 19.
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