1890 - Castaic Range War: Landowner William Chormicle brought to L.A. to stand trial for double murder [ story]
The William S. Hart Union High School District Governing Board has published its March 4 agenda for a closed session at 6 p.m. followed by a regular meeting at 7 p.m.
The meetings will take place at the Administrative Center, 21380 Centre Pointe Parkway, Santa Clarita 91350.
March 4 agenda items include a salute to outgoing District Superintendent Vicki Engbrecht from new Superintendent Mike Kuhlman; a look at the status of the district’s Local Control and Accountability Plan; possible awarding of a bid for a fiber-based wide area network and other internet services; and plans for student achievement at Saugus, Valencia and West Ranch High Schools.
The full March 4 agenda follows below:
A member of the audience may address the Board on items listed in Closed Session by completing a Speaker Card. Please use the microphone and state your name and location of residence. No action will be taken at this time, and the Board President will limit comment time to 2 (two) minutes. If you wish to speak regarding an item not appearing on the Closed Session agenda, please make your comments during the Public Session (see below). |
Action to be taken on Claim No. 19/20-10L. Documentation is confidential and maintained in District files. |
Public employee appointment/discipline/dismissal/release/reassignment/non-reelection. |
Negotiations with Hart District Teachers Association. |
Negotiations with California School Employees Association. |
Ratification requested for Student Expulsion Report No. 19/20-15. Documentation is confidential and maintained in District files. |
Kathy Hunter, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services |
The Board will recognize ERICS counselors and community volunteers for their efforts toward recovery for students and staff at Saugus High School. |
Mike Kuhlman, Superintendent |
The Board will thank Vicki Engbrecht for 44 years of dedicated service to the students and staff of the Hart District and her outstanding leadership as superintendent. |
Mike Kuhlman, Superintendent |
Academy of the Canyons School Principal Pete Getz will give a presentation on the unique ways the school is working to increase family engagement. |
If you wish to address the Governing Board on a topic within the subject matter of its jurisdiction, please complete the Request to Address the Board form and return it to the Secretary to the Board prior to the beginning of the item. Comments regarding the Consent Calendar will be taken during Public Comments. Please use the microphone and state your name and location of residence. No action will be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda, and the Board President will limit your comments to 2 (two) minutes. The President may limit public comment time based on the number of persons who wish to speak. If you wish to speak regarding an item that appears on the agenda, you will be called upon to make your comments at the time the item is discussed by the Board. |
Jan Daisher, Director of Special Programs and Staff Development |
Staff will provide a brief update on progress toward achieving Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) goals. |
LCAP March 2020 Update |
Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer |
Presentation and approval of the 2019/20 Second Interim Financial Report. |
California Education Code Sections 42130 and 42131 require each school district to file interim financial reports twice a year. The first report covers the financial and budgetary status of the District for the period ending October 31st. The second report covers the period ending January 31st. Both interim reports require Governing Board approval and certification of the District’s financial condition. The purpose of the interim reporting process is to raise early warning flags for districts that will not be able to meet financial obligations for the current or two subsequent fiscal years.
The interim report includes the following documents:
- Certification of Interim Report (Form CI)
- Second Period Financial Report (Fund Forms 01, 11, 13, 14, 17, 21, 25, 35, 40, 49, 52, 67, and 73)
- Average Attendance Summary (Form AI)
- Multi-Year Financial Projections
- Criteria and Standards Review
The 2019/20 Second Interim Financial Report for the period ending January 31, 2020, is before the Governing Board for approval. Statute requires the Governing Board to certify in writing whether or not the District is able to meet its financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year, and based on current forecasts, for the subsequent fiscal year. The Second Interim Financial Report reflects all changes resulting since the District presented its 2019/20 First Interim Financial Report. Staff will make a presentation on these adjustments at the Governing Board meeting.
Based on current revenue and expenditure assumptions, staff recommends a positive certification of the 2019/20 Second Interim Financial Report. |
As reflected in the attached report. |
Staff recommends the Governing Board approve the 2019/20 Second Interim Financial Report, and adopt a positive certification pursuant to California Education Code Section 42131. |
2019-20 Second Interim Budget |
Jon Carrino, Director of Technology Services |
Request authorization to award Bid No. RFP2001B for fiber-based wide area network and dedicated Internet services to Charter Communications Operating, LLC. |
Charter Communications Operating, LLC (Spectrum Enterprise), has been providing fiber-based wide area network and dedicated Internet services to the District since July 1, 2012. The network services that Charter Communications Operating, LLC, currently provides are critical to the daily operations of almost all technology within the District. As more services become Internet based, the bandwidth required to use said services also increases. The existing contract is set to expire on June 30, 2020.
On December 20, 2019, the District released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for new fiber-based wide area network and dedicated Internet services. Proposals were accepted until January 29, 2020, at which time the responses were opened and rated. Based on the evaluation criteria outlined in the RFP documents, Charter Communications Operating, LLC, was the lowest cost responsive bidder.
The new agreement would be for a three year term, July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2023. This agreement provides the District the flexibility and pricing to increase connection speeds between school sites and the Internet as needed, throughout the entire contract period. The connection between all school sites and the Administrative Center, and between the Administrative Center and the Internet, will remain at the current speed of 10Gbps.
The new agreement decreases the cost of services by $14,555 per month, lowering the annual services total from $626,088 to $451,428, for the same services. If there is a need to increase the connection speeds, an agreement addendum will be brought to the Board before such changes are initiated. These services are eligible for federal E-Rate reimbursement, which is based on free and reduced lunch percentages. Pending an annual E-Rate funding approval, the District would be reimbursed approximately 50 percent of the annual costs for these services. |
$451,428 per fiscal year from General Fund 01.0. These costs are before any applicable E-Rate funding reimbursements. |
Award Bid No. RFP2001B to Charter Communications Operating, LLC, for fiber-based wide area network and dedicated Internet services through June 30, 2023. |
Charter Communications Operating LLC Service Agreement 20200304
Charter Communications Operating LLC Service Order 20200304 |
David N. LeBarron, Director of Curriculum and Assessment |
A textbook has been recommended for final adoption for the 2019/20 school year. |
The Fault in Our Stars – Publisher: Penguin Books – Author: Green – Course Area: – English 9 / English 9 Honors – Grade: 9 – Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. She is 16 and reluctant to attend a cancer support group. But when Augustus Waters suddenly appears at the meeting, Hazel’s story is about to be completely rewritten. He is charming and witty. Augustus has had osteosarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer, but has recently had the all clear. Hazel and Augustus embark on a roller coaster ride of emotions while searching for the author of their favorite book. They travel to Amsterdam in search of Peter Van Houten, the author of An Imperial Affliction. While on their trip, Augustus breaks some heartbreaking news to Hazel, and both of their worlds fall apart around them. Insightful, bold, irreverent, and raw, The Fault in Our Stars is award-winning-author John Green’s most ambitious and heartbreaking work yet, brilliantly exploring the funny, thrilling, and tragic business of being alive and in love. |
Funding from State Instructional Materials Funds. |
Approve textbook, as referenced above, for use beginning in the 2019/20 year. |
David N. LeBarron, Director of Curriculum and Assessment |
A local committee, the Cultural Bridges Committee, is seeking the Board’s public support of this fall’s visitation of students from Pinegrove School in Solan, India. This is the fourth time that students from Pinegrove School have visited the Santa Clarita Valley. |
Cultural Bridges is a local group of individuals who formed for the express purpose of creating foreign exchange opportunities in the Santa Clarita Valley. The committee believes that the experience of interacting in a different culture can have an extremely positive impact on the life of a student. The committee is currently working to organize the visit of 20 students from Pinegrove School in Solan, India. These students and their chaperones will spend up to three weeks in the Santa Clarita Valley this September and October. In preparation for this visit, the Cultural Bridges Committee, with support from individuals from College of the Canyons and the City of Santa Clarita, is arranging housing, transportation, and activities for the students. |
Publicly support the work of the Cultural Bridges Committee |
Hart District Letter of Invitation – AJ Singh, Headmaster |
Kathy Hunter, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services |
Revised Board Policies (BP) 5145.13 – Response to Immigration Enforcement and BP 5146 – Married/Pregnant/Parenting Students are being brought to the Board for a second reading and approval of revisions. |
Approve revised Board Policies (BP) 5145.13 – Response to Immigration Enforcement and BP 5146 – Married/Pregnant/Parenting Students. |
BP 5145.13 Response to Immigration Enforcement
BP 5146 Married.Pregnant.Parenting Students |
Unless a Board Member has a question concerning a particular item and asks that it be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar, the Governing Board approves all the items at one time. |
Michael Vierra, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources |
Personnel Report No. 19/20-14 regarding certificated, non-certificated, classified and non-classified employees is presented for approval. |
Approve Personnel Report No. 19/20-14. |
19-20 -14 Personnel Report |
Mike Kuhlman, Superintendent |
Approve overnight/out-of-state student trip requests from Canyon High School (Theatre), Hart High School (Boys and Girls Track and Field), Saugus High School (Yearbook, Band/Choir), and Valencia High School (Soundwaves Vocal Ensemble, Two N’ Four Vocal Ensemble). |
The submitted trip requests have been reviewed and meet all requirements established by Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3541.1. The trip requests signed by Canyon High School Principal Shellie Holcombe, Hart High School Principal Jason d’autremont, Saugus High School Principal Vince Ferry, and Valencia High School Principal Steve Ford are attached. |
Approve trips: CHS Theatre, Fullerton, 3/20-21/20; HHS Boys Track and Field, Pleasanton, 3/20-22/20; HHS Girls Track and Field, Pleasanton, 3/20-22/20; SHS Yearbook, New York, NY, 3/17-22/20; SHS Band/Choir, San Diego, 3/26-28/20; VHS Soundwaves Vocal Ensemble, Marina, 4/4-6/20; VHS Two N’ Four Vocal Ensemble, Marina, 4/4-6/20. |
Trip Approvals for 3-4-20 Board Meeting |
Mike Kuhlman, Superintendent |
Approve ratification of overnight/out-of-state student trip requests from Valencia High School (Two N’ Four Vocal Ensemble) and West Ranch High School (Distributive Education Club of America (DECA)). |
The submitted trip requests have been reviewed and meet all requirements established by Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 3541.1. The trip request signed by Valencia High School Principal Steve Ford and West Ranch High School Principal Mark Crawford are attached. |
Approve trips: VHS Two N’ Four Vocal Ensemble, Salt Lake City, UT, 3/4-6/20; WRHS DECA, Santa Clara, 2/28-3/2/20. |
Ratification of Trip Requests for 3-4-20 Board |
Jan Daisher, Director of Special Programs and Professional Development |
Victor Rios, Ph.D., will conduct two full school presentations at Bowman High School on March 18, 2020, and multiple presentations at Golden Valley High School on May 1, 2020, and May 26, 2020, for all staff and students. |
Victor Rios, Ph.D., is an award-winning professor, author, and educational speaker. Currently, Dr. Rios is the Associate Dean of Social Sciences and Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. However, he is also a former high school drop-out and juvenile delinquent. He opposes terms such as “at-risk youth” for their damaging effects on children, and has been the most highly influential, passionate advocate behind California’s Assembly Bill 413 which in April of 2019 changed the label to “at-promise” in education code, policy, and practice.
Through his research, Dr. Rios examines how racism, inequality, and class play a role in determining if a person will be successful in education. He is the author of five books, and his Project GRIT program is featured in the documentary film, “The Pushouts”. He has been featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Ted Talks, the Oprah Winfrey Network, and National Public Radio. He was a vital part of the Obama Administration’s Domestic Policy Council giving his insight on his research with youth who have experienced gun violence, aggressive policing, and the school-to-prison pipeline. He is currently a highly sought-after keynote speaker at conferences nationwide, as his personal life story about determination and the life-changing influence of teachers resonates with students, parents, and educators everywhere.
Dr. Rios will work with staff on how to directly connect with students in a meaningful, life-changing way (without labeling and limiting students), and he will speak with students at each school about their unlimited possibilities and potential. |
$25,500.00 paid from Low Performing Students Block Grant – restricted funds to be used to support the goals of the grant which targets under-performing students through:
- Professional development for staff – improving school culture, addressing the social-emotional needs of students, and trauma informed education
- Supports for pupils – addressing social emotional barriers to learning, including anxiety, stress, personal and family problems, trauma, and crisis intervention
Approve the Agreement for Professional Services with Victor Rios Ph.D. |
Agreement for Professional Services (Victor Rios, Ph.D.)
Victor Rios, Ph.D. Scholar System |
Jan Daisher, Director of Special Programs and Professional Development |
Staff Development for Educators (SDE) has been contracted to provide on-site staff development training with Bryan Harris for up to 100 staff members for two days on May 28-29, 2020, at Arroyo Seco Junior High School. |
Bryan Harris is the Director of Professional Development for the Casa Grande Elementary School District in Arizona. Dr. Harris’ work focuses on helping classroom teachers incorporate effective teaching and learning strategies that help all students to succeed. He is a national educational trainer on the effects of trauma and stress on the brain, how it rewires your thinking, and how to overcome stressors through building resiliency. This two-day training will focus on how trauma affects learning and brain development, how to help students and staff build resiliency to overcome stressors, and how to create a trauma-informed learning environment. |
$9,000.00 for the 2-day workshop, including the speaker’s honorarium and all related travel expenses to be paid from the Title IV, Part 2 budget. |
Approve the Staff Development for Educators service agreement for staff development for up to 100 staff members on May 28-29, 2020, provided by Bryan Harris at Arroyo Seco Junior High School. |
SDE Agreement Bryan Harris |
Jan Daisher, Director of Special Programs and Staff Development |
State and federal laws require schools to develop a plan called the “School Plan for Student Achievement.” These site-specific plans describe school improvement activities that are supported with categorical funds. |
State and federal laws require schools to develop a plan called the “School Plan for Student Achievement.” These site-specific plans describe school improvement activities that are supported with categorical funds. Senate Bill 374 requires that school leadership, site councils, and advisory committees conduct a needs assessment as well as an analysis of student achievement data based on the California Dashboard to develop objectives for their plans. Staff can only approve categorical purchases that directly support the objectives stated.
In keeping with the District Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), schools align their School Plan for Student Achievement goals with the four goals of the LCAP.
Each school site council has approved its respective School Plan for Student Achievement after consulting with required advisory groups and recommends it to the Board for approval. All legal requirements have been met for each plan. The annual evaluations will be conducted to meet the requirements of Board Policy 6190.
To facilitate implementation, Board approval is requested. |
Approve the 2019/20 School Plans for Student Achievement for Valencia High School, West Ranch High School and Saugus High School. |
2019/20 School Plan for Student Achievement Saugus High School
2019/20 School Plan for Student Achievement Valencia High School
2019/20 School Plan for Student Achievement West Ranch High School |
Jan Daisher, Director of Special Programs and Professional Development |
State and federal laws require schools to annually review and update their School Plan for Student Achievement. These site-specific plans describe school improvement activities that are supported with categorical funds. |
State and federal laws require schools to annually review and update their School Plan for Student Achievement. These site-specific plans describe school improvement activities that are supported with categorical funds. As required by Senate Bill 374, each school leadership, site councils and advisory committees conducted comprehensive needs assessments as well as an analysis of student achievement data based on the California Dashboard in the fall of 2018 to develop objectives for their action plan.
Analysis of the plans reveal necessary updates and revisions. Each school site council has approved the revisions after consulting with the school leadership team and advisory council and recommends them to the Board for approval. All legal requirements remain in place for each plan that was approved in June 2019. Annual evaluations conducted at that time meet the requirements of Board Policy 6190.
Attached are the revisions for the school plans of La Mesa Junior High School and Sierra Vista Junior High School for the 2019/20 school year. Goals and action plans remain aligned with LCAP District goals and school goals for increased student achievement. |
School plans account for the spending of Title I federal grant money allocated to school sites specifically for increasing student achievement at schools with 40 percent socioeconomically disadvantaged families. Allocated costs have not changed. The revisions simply modify the plans guiding how the funds will be spent at the school site. |
Approve the revisions to the School Plans for Student Achievement for La Mesa Junior High School and Sierra Vista Junior High School. |
La Mesa SPSA Revisions 2/19/2020
Sierra Vista SPSA Revisions 2/19/2020 |
Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer |
It is necessary to update authorized signatures for the period of March 5, 2020, through December 31, 2020, as reflected in Amendment No. 1 to Resolution No. 19/20-16. |
On December 11, 2019, in accordance with California Education Code Sections 42632 and 42633, the Governing Board adopted Resolution No. 19/20-16 authorizing the District’s Certification of Signatures for the period of December 12, 2019, through December 31, 2020. This action allows the District to file a verified signature of each person authorized to sign notices of employment, contracts, and/or orders drawn on District funds.
Amendment No. 1 to Resolution No. 19/20-16 identifies the following changes to the authorized signers:
– Remove Mrs. Vicki Engbrecht, Superintendent, effective February 28, 2020;
– Change Michael Kuhlman, Deputy Superintendent, to Superintendent, effective March 1, 2020;
– Add Kathy Hunter, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services, effective March 1, 2020. |
Adopt Amendment No. 1 to Resolution No. 19/20-16 – Certification of Signatures to remove Vicki Engbrecht, effective February 28, 2020, change Michael Kuhlman’s title, and to add Kathy Hunter, effective March 1, 2020. |
Amendment No 1 to Resolution 19_20-16 Certification of Signatures |
Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer |
Monetary donations for the 2019/2020 school year are presented for Governing Board approval. |
Accept the monetary donations in the February 2020 Monetary Donations list in the amount indicated for each recipient. |
Acceptance of Monetary Donations |
Leigh Hansen, Director of Purchasing and Warehouse |
Board Policy 3311(a) provides that the District may piggyback with the contract of another public agency or corporation when the Board has determined it in the District’s best interest. The term “piggyback” is associated with Public Contract Code Section 20118, which allows public entities to acquire property by participating in an existing contract of another public entity. |
Piggybacking with another public entity contract allows the District to take advantage of lower costs realized through economies-of-scale and also avoids the time and expense of a public bid process. Each piggyback contract is evaluated for participation and usage. When the District’s need is greater than the piggyback contract participation or usage, the District will author and publish its own bid to obtain best cost. Administrative Regulation 3311(a) further defines that when bids are not required, District staff shall make a good faith effort to secure quotes.
Staff requests the use of the following California-approved piggyback contract during the 2019/20 school year:
E&I – Contract CNR01439 for computer equipment and related hardware, software, services, and support.
E&I – Contract CNR01468 for archival supplies, book protection, and other media solutions. |
Approve the procurement of various items via California-approved piggyback contracts for the 2019/20 fiscal year pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20118 and Board Policy 3311(a). |
Joanna White, Director of Special Education |
Request for approval of additional nonpublic schools for the 2019/20 school year. |
On July 17, 2019, the Governing Board approved a list of state-licensed, nonpublic schools to provide services for Individuals with Exceptional Needs for whom the District has no appropriate program. Such determination is made by Individual Education Program Teams. It is requested to add the following nonpublic schools to the approved provider list:
Sequel Youth Services of Lava Heights, St. George, Utah
Fiscal implications will be determined as the Individual Service Agreements are completed. |
Approve the additional nonpublic schools, 2019/2020. |
Michael Otavka, Director of Facilities, Planning and Construction |
Staff requests approval of a list of 18 architects determined to be qualified for work on future District projects. Staff also requests authorization to begin negotiations with six architects on current projects. |
On November 14, 2019, the District Purchasing Department published a request for a proposal for architectural firms seeking to work with the District on future building projects. The District received responses from 18 architectural firms (see attached list). All proposals were reviewed. Staff is requesting that all 18 architectural firms be considered as a qualified pool of architects for future projects for a period of three years.
In addition, District staff and a Board member held interviews with 11 of the 18 architectural firms. Of the 11 firms interviewed, staff is seeking authorization to begin contract negotiations with six architectural firms to begin design work on the projects listed below:
DLR Group – Hart High School Modernization
Harley Ellis Devereaux, Inc. – Valencia High School Modernization
HMC Architects – Sierra Vista Junior High School Multi-purpose Room and Kitchen Modernization
Oasis Associates – Landscape projects at Hart High School, Placerita Junior High School and other landscape projects
Rachlin Partners – Bowman High School Modernization
TDM Architects, Inc. – La Mesa Junior High School Modernization
Approve the list of architects qualified for future District projects, and authorize contract negotiations to begin on current projects with six architects. |
Alpha List of Architects |
Collyn Nielsen, Chief Administrative Officer |
Ratification of the Vote Center Facility Use Agreement with the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk, is presented for approval. |
The Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk has entered into a Vote Center Facility Use Agreement with the District for the use of the District Office (Annex 101), La Mesa Junior High School (MPR room), Rio Norte Junior High School (MPR room), and Sierra Vista Junior High School (MPR room) as vote centers. This agreement is from December 13, 2019, through December 13, 2020, and covers elections conducted by the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk. |
There will be no financial impact to the District as the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk has agreed to reimburse the District for custodial overtime. The District anticipates reimbursement estimated at $1,680. |
Ratify the Vote Center Facility Use Agreement with the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk. |
VC FUA La Mesa
VC FUA Rio Norte
VC FUA Sierra Vista |
Collyn Nielsen, Chief Administrative Officer |
Ratification of the security service contract for the March 2020 and November 2020 voting centers held at the District Office, La Mesa Junior High School, Rio Norte Junior High School, and Sierra Vista Junior High School (Sterling General Security Securities, Inc.). |
The Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk has entered into a Vote Center Facility Use Agreement with the District for the use of the District Office (Annex 101), La Mesa Junior High School (MPR room), Rio Norte Junior High School (MPR room), and Sierra Vista Junior High School (MPR room). This agreement is from December 13, 2019, through December 13, 2020, and covers elections conducted by Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk. |
There will be no financial impact to the District as the Los Angels County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk has agreed to reimburse the District for two security guards. The District anticipates reimbursement estimated at $19,392. |
Ratify the security service contract for the March 2020 and November 2020 voting centers held at the District Office, La Mesa Junior High School, Rio Norte Junior High School, and Sierra Vista Junior High School (Sterling General Security Securities, Inc.). |
SGS Election Contract |
Collyn Nielsen, Chief Administrative Officer |
Accept the donation of three trailers from Quixote Studios for the 2019/20 school year. |
The District was in need of additional counseling space at Saugus High School. Quixote Studios donated the use of two 2-room and one 4-room trailer to meet this need. Trailers were used in January and February. |
Donated value was $15,300. |
Accept the donation of three trailers from Quixote Studios for the 2019/20 school year. |
This Closed Session will be used as an extension of item II – First Closed Session, if needed. |
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Superintendent’s Office (661.259.0033.x201). Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. |
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