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Today in
S.C.V. History
January 3
2004, 8:35PM PST - NASA Spirit rover lands on Mars. Wayne Lee of Stevenson Ranch handles entry-descent-landing; Richard Cook of Canyon Country is deputy project manager; Jennifer Trosper of Canyon Country is mission manager/surface operations [story]
Rover landing

Tuesday’s regular meeting of the Santa Clarita City Council at 6 p.m. will be preceded by the annual reorganization meeting at 5 p.m.

At that time, Councilwoman Marsha McLean, the current mayor pro-tem (vice mayor) is expected to be named mayor. The five-person council designates one of its members to serve as “mayor” each year. That person chairs the council meetings and has no more and no less voting authority than the other four council members.

The council will also name a new mayor pro-tem, who would likely step into the mayor’s position 12 months from now.

The Valencia High School Chamber Choir will perform at the reorganization meeting.







Tuesday, December 09, 2014

6:00 PM

City Council Chambers

23920 Valencia Blvd. 1 st Floor

Santa Clarita, CA 91355



How to Address the City Council

You may address the Council during Public Participation on any matter within the Council’s jurisdiction that is not listed on the agenda. Each person wishing to speak should prepare a presentation of not more than three (3) minutes. Public Participation speaker’s cards must be submitted to the City Clerk BEFORE this portion of the meeting begins. Public Participation takes place before the consideration of the agenda items and following the consideration of agenda items. However, each person will be allowed to speak only one time during Public Participation per meeting.

Anyone wishing to address an item on the agenda should fill out a speaker’s card and submit it to the City Clerk BEFORE the Mayor announces the item. Each person addressing the Council is given three (3) minutes to speak indicated by a colored light system on the Council dais; a green light appears when the speaker begins; a yellow light appears when 30 seconds remain and a red light appears when time has expired. Comments should be complete at this time. Each presentation may not exceed three (3) minutes.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk’s Office, (661) 255-4391. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II)








This time has been set aside for Councilmembers to review the agenda and obtain any further information that may be needed. Council will also discuss each individual item during the course of the meeting with the exception of the Consent Calendar, which may be approved in its entirety by one motion, unless there is a request to pull an item for discussion. No action will be taken on public agenda items during the Executive Meeting.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Mayor to inquire whether there are any changes to the Agenda or if any member of the Council or the public would like to pull for discussion, any item on the Consent Calendar.








This time has been set aside for the public to address the City Council on items NOT listed on
the agenda. The City Council will not act upon these items at this meeting other than to review and/or provide direction to staff. ALL speakers must submit a speaker’s card to the City Clerk PRIOR to the beginning of this portion of the meeting. Thirty minutes are allotted for public input at this time. The FIRST TEN people to submit a speaker card prior to the beginning of Public Participation will be heard. Speaker cards will be accepted beginning at 5:45 p.m. Any speaker cards received once the first speaker has begun will be heard at the end of the meeting regardless if the ten person limit has been met. Speakers may not exceed three (3) minutes and may only be heard once per meeting under Public Participation.

STAFF COMMENTS (Matters of Public Participation)




All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion by the City Council. The items are not individually discussed by the City Council unless a request is made by a member of the public or the Council, in which case, the item(s) will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately.

APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES – The minutes of the Joint City Council and Board of Library Trustees meeting are submitted for approval.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council and Board of Library Trustees: Approve the minutes of the November 25, 2014, special and regular meetings.


NEWHALL AVENUE BEAUTIFICATION, PROJECT B2015 – AWARD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT – This project will provide a landscaped median on Newhall Avenue from 80 feet south of the Southern California Regional Rail Authority rail line to 550 feet north of State Route 14, totaling about 1.2 miles.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council approve the plans and specifications for the Newhall Avenue Beautification, Project B2015; award the construction contract to R.C. Becker and Son, Inc., in the amount of $1,529,880 and authorize a contingency in the amount of $305,976, for a total contract amount not-to-exceed $1,835,856; authorize an increased expenditure in the amount of $105,000 to the existing professional services contract with Penfield & Smith to provide construction engineering, construction survey, and landscape architect support during construction; authorize an expenditure in the amount of $7,500 to Castaic Lake Water Agency for water connection fees; authorize an expenditure in the amount of $25,000 to Newhall County Water District for a two-inch water meter installation fee; award a contract to Tetra Tech Inc. in the amount of $90,000 for construction management services; and authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all documents, subject to City Attorney approval.


AWARD A CONTRACT FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE MANCARA PROJECT LOCATED AT THE TERMINUS OF LOST CANYON ROAD AND OAK SPRINGS CANYON ROAD – This is a contract between the City of Santa Clarita and Michael Baker International (formerly “RBF Consulting”) for the completion of an Environmental Impact Report previously awarded to RBF Consulting for the Mancara Project.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council award a contract to Michael Baker International in the amount of $158,890, plus a 10% contingency of $15,889 for a total contract cost of $174,779, and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract and associated documents subject to City Attorney approval.


FISCAL YEAR 2014-15 MID-YEAR BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS – As the organization approaches the middle of the fiscal year, City staff evaluates the adopted budget, revenue projections, and economic conditions for the remainder of the fiscal year. It is standard procedure to perform a mid-year review of the City’s budgetary and financial position to ensure any deviations from the initial budget projections are proactively addressed. Staff also reviews requests for appropriations to address new priorities which are unfunded or underfunded.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council authorize adjustments to Fiscal Year 2014-15 budget in the amount specified in Exhibit A; and adopt a resolution amending the classification plan.


APPROVAL OF LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT MONITOR CONTRACTS – Landscape Maintenance District (LMD) monitoring services are outsourced and managed by the Special Districts Office. The purpose of this item is to execute month-to-month agreements for a term not-to-exceed 18 months, through June 2016.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council approve a month-to-month extension of Agreement No. 08-00533 with Bryan Smith Consulting to provide landscape maintenance monitoring services for a period not-to-exceed 18 months and an amount not-to-exceed $485,551; approve a month-to-month extension of Agreement No. 13-00244 with LandscapeConsultant.com to provide landscape maintenance monitoring services for a period not-to-exceed 18 months and an amount not-to-exceed $151,474; approve a month-to-month contract with Aguila Consulting, Agreement No. 14-00403, to provide landscape maintenance monitoring services for a period not-to-exceed 18 months and an amount not-to-exceed $80,730; approve a month-to-month contract with Jeff Maxwell Design (JMD), Agreement No. 14-00402, to provide landscape maintenance monitoring services for a period not-to-exceed 18 months and an amount not-to-exceed $74,808; and approve and authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all documents subject to City Attorney final document approval, contingent upon the appropriation of funds by the City Council during the Fiscal Year 2015-16 Annual Budget process.


AWARD CONTRACT FOR BID NUMBER LMD-14-15-11 TO PROVIDE PARK LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES – Award a two-year maintenance service contract to ValleyCrest Landscape to provide contractual landscape maintenance for eight Landscape Maintenance District (LMD) managed parks for a total two-year contract in an amount not-to-exceed $465,280.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council award a two-year maintenance service contract to ValleyCrest Landscape, to provide contractual landscape maintenance for eight Landscape Maintenance District (LMD) Parks in the annual amount of $186,112, and authorize an annual contingency in the amount of $46,528, for a two-year contract in an amount-not-to exceed $465,280; appropriate funds from the LMD Fund Balance (357) in the amount of $39,450 to expenditure account 15250-5161.010 to fund six months of maintenance for River Village Park; authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all contracts and associated documents, or modify the awards in the event issues of impossibility of performance arise, contingent upon the appropriation of funds by the City Council in the annual budget for such Fiscal Year, and execute all documents subject to City Attorney approval; and direct staff to return to the Council prior to the conclusion of the two-year contracts to consider authorizing the City Manager or designee to execute up to three annual renewal options not to exceed the annual bid amount, plus Consumer Price Index (CPI) adjustments.


DECLARING RESULTS OF CITY OF SANTA CLARITA SPECIAL ELECTION – In accordance with Elections Code Sections 10262 and 10263, upon receipt of the results of the election from the elections official conducting the election (LA County Registrar-Recorder), the city elections official (City Clerk) shall certify the results to the governing body (City Council) no later than the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting following presentation of the 28-day canvass of the returns.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council adopt a resolution reciting the fact of the Special Election held on November 4, 2014, declaring the result of City of Santa Clarita Measure S and such other matters as provided by law.


LOCAL APPOINTMENT VACANCY NOMINATION AND APPOINTMENT – At the regular meeting of October 28, 2014, the City Council declared a local appointment vacancy and directed the City Clerk to post and publish the Notice of Vacancy for one position on the Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District Board of Trustees.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council appoint Tina Szumanski as the City of Santa Clarita Representative to the Greater Los Angeles Vector Control District Board for a two-year term, commencing January 5, 2015.


CHECK REGISTER NO. 23 AND NO. 24. – Approval of the Check Register.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council approve and ratify for payment the demands presented in Check Register Nos. 23 and 24.




ADJUST CONSOLIDATED FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT DEVELOPER FEE – Fire District developer fees pay for the cost of fire stations and related fire protection improvements. The resolution would adjust developer fees by $0.0281 per square foot for fire protection facilities in keeping with the latest Los Angeles County Development Fee schedule adopted by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council conduct a public hearing and adopt a resolution to adjust Consolidated Fire Protection District developer fees from $1.0293 per square foot to $1.0574 per square foot in accordance with the Developer Fee Agreement between the City of Santa Clarita and the Consolidated Fire Protection District of Los Angeles County.


FORMATION OF DRAINAGE BENEFIT ASSESSMENT AREA NO. 2014-1 (RIVER VILLAGE AREA C) – Formation of a special assessment district to pay for the ongoing maintenance of an on-site water quality detention basin as a condition of development approval.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council conduct a public hearing, and open and review ballots. If no majority protest exists, adopt a resolution approving the Engineer’s Report for Drainage Benefit Assessment Area (DBAA) 2014-1, and authorize the annual levy and collection of the assessments within DBAA 2014-1, beginning Fiscal Year 2015-16. If a majority protests exists, no action will be required.




ACCEPTANCE OF DONATED REAL PROPERTY FOR THE PURPOSE OF PUBLIC RECREATIONAL AND OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION, 10 +/- ACRES OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF SANTA CLARITA, LOS ANGELES COUNTY ASSESSOR’S PARCELS 2841-015-006 AND 2841-015-007 – Acceptance of 10 +/- acres of real property in the City of Santa Clarita, adjacent to the City’s existing Golden Valley open space.
City Council accept the donation of real property for the purpose of public recreational and open space preservation, 10 +/- acres of real property in the City of Santa Clarita, Assessor’s parcel numbers 2841-015-006 and 2841-015-007; and authorize the City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents, subject to City Attorney approval.


LOS ANGELES COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS BOARD OF DIRECTORS APPOINTMENT – Health and Safety Code Section 4730 provides that the Mayor of the City of Santa Clarita is automatically designated to the Board of Directors of the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts as Santa Clarita’s first Director. The Health and Safety Code also allows the City Council to appoint one of the Councilmembers as the second Director, and a third Councilmember as the alternate Director.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council, if necessary, as a result of a vacancy, appoint a 2nd Director and/or an alternate to the Board of Directors of the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts.



This time has been set aside for any speakers that have turned in speaker cards and were not heard in the first thirty minutes allotted to address the City Council on items that are NOT on the agenda. No further speaker cards will be accepted once Public Participation begins. Speakers may not address items that have been considered this evening. Speaker cards may not be submitted relating to any items listed on the agenda.

STAFF COMMENTS (Matters of Public Participation)

ADJOURNMENT – In memory of Harry Shapiro, Helen Minn, and Bill Gilmore.


The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held Tuesday, January 13, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 1st floor of City Hall, 23920 Valencia Blvd., Santa Clarita, CA.


I, Kevin Tonoian, City Clerk, do hereby certify that I am the duly appointed and qualified City Clerk for the City of Santa Clarita and that on December 4, 2014, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., the foregoing agenda was posted at City Hall and the Santa Clarita Sheriff’s Station.

Kevin Tonoian
City Clerk
Santa Clarita, California

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Agenda Item 7 – The City Council will accept the election result on Measure S.

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Thursday, Jan 2, 2025
The Placerita Canyon Nature Center will host a Community Hike on Saturday, Jan. 4, from 4-6 p.m.
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The Old Town Newhall Public Library will host a adult Mindful Art Hour workshop Tuesday, Jan. 7, 4-5 p.m. at 24500 Main St., Santa Clarita, CA 91321.
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Join the city of Santa Clarita each month for guided Community Hikes led by city staff at different trailheads and parks.

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