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March 6
1772 - Spanish Capt. Pedro Fages arrives; camps at Agua Dulce, Castaic, Lake Elizabeth, Lebec, Tejon [story]
Pedro Fages

The California Department of Public Health has launched the “Take Space to Pause” campaign, addressing youth mental health stigma by educating teens on how to recognize early signs of stress, teaching them new coping skills, and promoting positive ways for them to seek help before they reach a breaking point.

The campaign includes a new web-based tool at TakeSpaceToPause.org, available in English and Spanish, that allows kids to input how they’re feeling and learn about different coping mechanisms that may help them feel better.

Data shows that rates of mental health challenges in teens are increasing and disproportionately affecting Black and African Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders, Latinos, Native Americans and LGBTQ communities, making equitable access to mental health resources a critical health priority.

“Doctors, teachers, caregivers, and teens across the state have been sounding the alarm and sending the message that we cannot afford to wait for action on youth mental health,” said Dr. Tomás Aragón, Director of the California Department of Public Health and the State Public Health Officer. “The Take Space to Pause campaign lets us help teens by leveraging research-backed approaches to give them the foundational knowledge, tools, and critical resources they need to address their mental health concerns.”

Take Space to Pause brings a new lens to addressing the youth mental health crisis, with an intentional emphasis on “breaking points” – or the moments when stress becomes overwhelming – to identify the best coping mechanism. Teens who are experiencing mental health challenges will be able to design a customized “plan to pause,” encouraging them to adopt healthy behaviors that help them get ahead of their breaking points. The campaign, along with all accompanying tools and resources, was designed by thousands of teens across California, while also incorporating input from scientific experts.

The campaign was formally launched in early December in Los Angeles at a youth-focused “self-care fair” with a teen-led panel discussion on mental health. The conversation centered on the importance of destigmatizing mental health challenges and educating teens on the fundamentals of mental health. Attendees also participated in self-care activities that promoted calming behaviors.

This campaign is part of the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI), a key component of Governor Newsom’s Master Plan for Kids’ Mental Health – a groundbreaking investment that adopts a “whole child” approach to support the mental health and overall well-being of children and youth. This initiative addresses the full spectrum of factors that influence young people’s mental health, aiming to create a healthier, more supportive environment for California’s youth.

“Take Space to Pause provides teens with a foundational understanding of what’s happening when their bodies experience stress,” said Dr. Sohil Sud, Director of the CYBHI. “The campaign complements other ongoing efforts within CYBHI to raise awareness about preventing suicide and living beyond adverse childhood experiences.”

“Through our listening sessions, we learned that while teens don’t typically stigmatize others’ mental health, they often experience stigma regarding their own challenges – leading to feelings of guilt and shame,” says CDPH Assistant Deputy Director of the Office of Health Equity, Ana Bolaños. “Through ‘Take Space to Pause,’ we’re helping teens understand that their mental health shouldn’t cause stress and that they have a community of people and resources available to help them.”

The campaign also provides technical assistance for 28 local-level Tribal and community organizations across the state of California, with a particular focus on underserved communities in rural and urban areas. In partnership with the Take Space to Pause campaign, these Tribal and community-based organizations will have access to a toolkit with campaign assets that can be used to amplify their campaigns, as they see fit.

For more information about the campaign, follow @TakeSpacetoPause on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube.

The Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative is a statewide initiative and a key component of California’s Master Plan for Kids’ Mental Health to reimagine the systems that support behavioral health and wellness for California’s children and youth. With an intentional focus on promoting well-being and preventing behavioral health challenges, CYBHI focuses directly on screening, supporting and serving all children and youth for emerging and existing mental, emotional and behavioral challenges, including substance use disorders and wellness.

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