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1834 - Sinforosa, daughter of Narciso and Crisanta, born at Mission San Fernando; mom from Tejon, dad from Piru; believed to be last speaker of Tataviam language (died 1915) [record]

You Know I'm Right | Commentary by Betty Arenson
| Friday, Jul 3, 2015

bettyarensonDo you recognize the names Jennifer Rivers, Chuck Taylor or Tavin Price?  No? There’s no wonderment in that. Mainly because the names aren’t sexy and do not command celebrity faces in the cameras.

Jennifer Rivers is a mom, Tavin Price is her son, and Chuck Taylor is the brand name on faddish sneakers.

The sneakers got 19-year-old Tavin shot and killed in a South Los Angeles neighborhood recently.

Tavin didn’t wear his red sneakers to represent a gang; he wore them because he liked fire trucks.

Sandy Banks, an L.A. Times reporter, a black reporter, gave needed attention and tribute to young Tavin.

At age 3, Tavin had a bad accident that left him in a coma for months. He did awaken, but with brain damage and “a stunted” body that required his mom to buy his clothes in the children’s department when he was a teenager.

Tavin was at a car wash with his mom, not realizing the gang danger confronting him. As he approached his mom, the murderers shot him twice – then twice more. Among other things, hi mom cried and screamed, “You shot my son.  Who does that?  Who does that?”

Reporter Banks would ask the golden question. “How can some black lives matter so little to other black people?”

A whole lot of us are asking the same thing.

Here’s the absolute truthful, non-PC answer.

As I said earlier, Tavin’s death wasn’t sexy.  It didn’t fit the agendas of race-baiter Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder or Barack Obama. Tavin wasn’t killed by a cop, of any color, especially a white one.

Therefore there were no riots, no phony protesters hired and paid by George Soros to burn down black businesses and simply, in general, raise destructive hell.

Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s former White House chief of staff, isn’t in the race-baiting choir because he’s got his own full bucket to carry as mayor of Chicago.

The Chicago Tribune reports that Emanuel’s city had 2,589 murders (significantly black-on-black crimes) in 2014, and for the first 183 days of 2015 there were 1,289 (Chicago Tribune). In May alone, there were about 320. Black men, women, teens, children, all ages murdered in the streets.

It’s the hot-button “gun violence,” you say? Chicago has one of the toughest, most restrictive gun laws in the union.

We need more gun control laws? No. “No,” to that tired old refrain. I’ve yet to see one published statistic on the gang hoodlums who purchased their guns legally and registered them. Have you?

With 3,878 murders in Chicago alone in 18 months, Tavin joins them in not even being a footnote to the world.

It matters to his mom who visits his grave at the Inglewood Cemetery every day, and to his brother James. But to the “left,” they are no-names; they are not utilitarian.

I like Jennifer Rivers’ unfettered emotional expressions for the murderers. She doesn’t care about being PC when she said there’ll be no forgiveness. To be exact, she said, “I want to kill him. … I want to blow his brains out.”

Oh, more violence, you say?

I say let this mom have her unleashed heave of fury. Not enough people care about her, her son, or all of the other families suffering, iced with the same lack of attention from the “celebrities.”

I read this story four times because it’s so poignant, sad and pure.  Each reading left me with one lingering question: Why does Tavin’s death and Jennifer’s grief bother me more than the leftist PC crowd?

It’s because I sincerely believe “black lives matter,” especially innocent black lives, versus it being merely a convenient, trendy hash-tag.



Betty Arenson has lived in the SCV since 1968 and describes herself as a conservative who’s concerned about progressives’ politics and their impacts on the country, her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She says she is unashamed to own a gun or a Bible, couldn’t care less about the color of the president’s skin, and demands that he uphold his oath to protect and follow the Constitution of the United States in its entirety.


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  1. Gary says:


    This time, you hit the race button with a clever slight of hand. You can’t even help yourself. It just boils up and out and taints your every word.

    And your hate for those with differing opinions. The “leftist PC crowd.” What hogwash.

    Please, try to write a column about a subject for what the subject is, rather than as another vehicle to attack “the leftist (black) president, or the socialists or the whatever label you’re attacking.

    Meanwhile, continue to live happily on your Medicare, your Social Security, and all the taxpayer paid social services this city provides.

    You seem to hate the very things that bring you a quality of life.

  2. Thank you Betty. Well said.

  3. Betty Arenson says:

    “Gary”…or whatever your name is. Whenever I bother to read blogs, I’m always entertained to get criticism from a “brave” anonymous. Secondly: Don’t tell me I didn’t write what I meant. Its very clear and you didn’t get it. You are so embedded with your inane defenses, you twisted the article to some perverted message that is not there. Believe this: If I wanted to directly criticize anyone mentioned in the commentary, I would pointedly do that. Third: It is always very amusing when a hateful critic who thinks he has a differing opinion from me, assigns me with the (his) “hate” when I have a perceived differing opinion. That kind ALWAYS miss the pure irony of their words. Fourth: save yourself some angst with not wasting any more time telling the world Obama is black. Really? That’s just laughable. Here’s a couple news flashes for you and your ilk: A.Obama has dark skin but he is HALF WHITE; B. why does the color of his skin bother you and your kind so much? 2. His skin color is hardly what bothers me. What bothers me is his core-engrained incompetence and ignorance of terrorism and al threats to the USA. Fifth: Where did Social Security and Medicare come in? But since you brought it up–No one “gave” that to workers; they and their employers paid for them. So unbelievable, you did not know that. Sixth:I did NOT know our “city” was providing the two. I think that will be a HUGE surprise to a whole lot of people. Eighth:…and I complained about city services where??. Ninth: You would have people of differing opinions silenced so you could read only things you like. Surprise, I disagree with you about that. Unrelated, miss-the-target responses like yours always prove so worthy and beneficial. Kudos to all of those, differing opinions or not, who “man-up” enough to put their real full name on articles they take the time to research, write and present. I am really going to have to start taking more time to read replies and respond because its a great opportunity to educate so many with such great referenced examples of the drive-by-dense.

  4. Debbie says:

    Gary, did you bother to read what Betty wrote? All life matters. All life. But most of the time it only makes the news is when it’s salacious. It shouldn’t matter who kills who. All life matters. What doesn’t matter is the color of a person’s skin. My own family is represented by almost every racial group there is. Killing for the sake of killing is what’s wrong. And the fact is, guns don’t kill people. People kill people. So cut Betty some slack for having a heart and being moved by another senseless death. And in case you think I haven’t had to deal with a senseless death, your wrong. My husband died less than 2 weeks ago from a cruel killer. Cancer. And in my grief I thought it was important enough to defend a woman I’ve never met,for expressing a valid opinion from a person who would rather attack her than the view she expressed. And for the life of me I can’t figure out why it matters to you if she collects Social Security or Medicare, unless your implying she’s too “old” to have an informed opinion. Sounds like ageism to me, and that in its self is discriminatory. By the way, those benefits are provided by the Federal Government (not the city). The individual receiving the benefits paid into the very funds they are receiving said benefits from. Medicare, like health insurance from your employer, is deducted from the Social Security benefit before the money is distributed to the payee. So if she is receiving SSI, she earned it. And trust me, living on those “benefits” provides a quality of life in most cases that is well under the national poverty line, unless you live in a state with a low cost of living. So educate yourself before pontificating on a subject you clearly no nothing about. And to you Betty, bravo!

  5. WOW. She’s officially crossed over into full blown conspiracy theorist nutbag. Note to Betty: Plastic surgery can’t hide a cruelly ignorant soul.

  6. You deserve every inch of backlash you’ll get for this commentary. So presumptive. Filled with assumption and lies. Filling in blanks to make your tired heart feel ok. Generalizing via media reports is easily the most asinine thing one can do. And you’ve done it, and then some.

  7. Hahaha, George Soros!!

  8. Betty Arenson says:

    Jared Gardner, first of all, you seem a little to familiar with the effects of plastic surgery……just sayin’. If you think I’ve had it, then thank you. Second: “Assumptions and lies”…inform yourself. Check out the complaints from the alleged protestors…Conservatives didn’t hire them….Here you go….

    1. #Ferguson Protesters Protest Not Getting Their Checks For Protesting…
    On May 14, protesters, upset with not being paid their promised checks for protesting, protested outside MORE, Missourians Organizing For Reform and Empowerment, an ACORN organization which had received funding through George Soros to fund Hired protesters with the Black Lives Matter movement have started a #CutTheCheck hashtag and held a sit-in at the offices for the successor group to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) in Missouri after the group allegedly stopped paying them.

    2.FrontPage Magazine reports that Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE) has been paying protesters $5,000 a month to demonstrate in Ferguson. Last week, hired protesters who haven’t been paid held a sit-in at MORE’s offices and posted a demand letter online.

    MORE is the re-branded Missouri branch of ACORN, which filed for bankruptcy in late 2010, FrontPage reported. MORE and other groups supporting the Black Lives Matter movement have received millions of dollars from billionaire financier George Soros.

    The group Millennial Activists United posted a letter on their blog demanding MORE “cut the checks” to demonstrators. (End of article(s)cites)
    “Generalizing”? That’s rich. I am positive that Jennifer Rivers thinking of her dead son doesn’t think I’m too “general”!
    Please! If I were afraid of “backlash” from people who neither READ nor understand what I actually write, without twisting topics to their sick, destructive agendas, I wouldn’t write.

  9. Betty Arenson says:

    Debbie, my sincere apologies to you. I addressed the (actually, useless in comparison)negative trash first and did not acknowledge huge loss; your husband after a battle with an awful disease. I am so sorry. I just took a friend to and from chemo yesterday in the valley, for her continuing battle. I wish you well on your journey of grief. My gosh, less than two weeks; I hope you have s strong positive structure to support you. May God’s blessings be abundant in your life. Thinking of you…with faith and prayers.

  10. Thank you for sharing…

  11. Arif Halaby says:

    You may be onto something Betty. Where are the “activist”? Thanks

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