Deputy Gaxiola serves our country and our community as a Deputy Sheriff assigned to Santa Clarita Sheriff’s Station, but is now fighting a rare form of cancer.
Come join us for a tactical road march this Veteran’s Day weekend. Co-workers, friends, and fellow veterans march to raise awareness and donations for Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Deputy and Army Veteran Luis Gaxiola who is fighting a tough battle with cancer. Watch for the road marchers as they cross Santa Clarita to honor Deputy Gaxiola and other veterans this veteran’s day weekend.
WHAT: Tactical (RUCK) Road March (simulated military style march)
WHEN: Saturday, November 9, 2013 – Briefing 9:00am Depart 10:00am
WHERE: City of Santa Clarita Library parking lot next to the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station (23740 Magic Mountain Parkway). The “march” concludes at Jersey Mike’s (26510 Bouquet Canyon Road). The route is traversing approximately 13.5 miles through Santa Clarita. Estimated time of arrival of marchers at Jersey Mike’s is 3:30pm.
MORE MARCHERS WELCOME – Walk at your own pace and distance. Water stops provided. No requirements to complete the 13.5 miles. NO requirement to wear military garb (but appreciated).
DONATION ACCEPTED – At the event OR by mail or drop off at the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station (care of Deputy Gaxiola) OR by eating that day at the Bouquet Canyon Jersey Mike’s which is contributing 15% of sales directly to the Gaxiola family (must present flyer of digital image).
For further information contact LASD Military Activation Committee member Kym Duxbury at 661-295-7812 or at 661-713-8336 or via email at kjduxbur@lasd.org
Come march with us, Saturday, November 9th.
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