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1876 - 223-foot Soledad train tunnel completed; last tunnel on line linking L.A. & S.F. [story]

See Surveillance Video Here

sunglassthievesSanta Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station deputies are seeking the public’s help in finding eight suspects who shoplifted more than $20,000 worth of merchandise from a Sunglass Hut in Santa Clarita on March 29.

Deputies responded to 911 calls from the Westfield Valencia Town Center mall around 2:50 p.m. from the Valencia store, located at the 24200 block of Town Center Drive.

The employees were handling normal business operations on the Saturday afternoon when the women came in, opened display cases and starting stealing merchandise.

Witnesses likened the incident to a “flash mob”-style theft, according to Sheriff’s Station officials.

The theft occurred in a little over a minute, from start to finish, and the suspects fled the scene before deputies arrived at the Valencia mall.

Sheriff’s Station depuites released video of the theft, which shows the suspects, who are believed to range in age from 18-25 years old.

Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station officials have footage of their suspects, which was captured on security cameras.

If you recognize any of the women or have any further information that can assist detectives in this investigation, please contact Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station Detective Burrow at 661-255-1121 or at JDBurrow@lasd.org.

If you would like to remain anonymous, please call the LA Regional Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.

No further information regarding this incident is available at this time.


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  1. Palmdale’s finest

  2. Palmdale’s finest

    • Mtthw Kltnr says:

      Sadly, you’re probably right. Believe it or not, there was a time when Lancaster and Palmdale were safer (and nicer) than Santa Clarita. Everything started to change in the early 2000s when Section 8 came in. I know this because I grew up in both places — SCV and AV.

  3. Chsles son Latinas lol

  4. Chsles son Latinas lol

  5. Great pic of them – NOT

  6. Great pic of them – NOT

  7. Wow not even trying to hide the fact they ripped this place off!! Blatant!!

  8. Wow not even trying to hide the fact they ripped this place off!! Blatant!!

  9. John Taylor says:

    Couldn’t you have found a WORSE picture? If that’s the best resolution they have on the camera at Sunglass Hut, I’d be willing to bet that they’ll have 10x as many shoplifters in the future.

  10. John Taylor says:

    Couldn’t you have found a WORSE picture? If that’s the best resolution they have on the camera at Sunglass Hut, I’d be willing to bet that they’ll have 10x as many shoplifters in the future.

  11. Here’s another still frame from the surveillance camera.

  12. Here’s another still frame from the surveillance camera.

  13. So dark can’t even see there faces

  14. So dark can’t even see there faces

  15. So brazen. Sadly, these ghetto people will get away with it!

  16. So brazen. Sadly, these ghetto people will get away with it!

  17. Kim Sloan says:

    These are some of the criminals that run around stealing in our stores, who ruin it for all of us who actually live here. This is why SCV is leary of outsiders and minorities. Such a shame these stupid women don’t understand the impact they leave on all of us! I hope they’re found and the judge throws away the key!

    • Bill says:

      This is why SCV is leary of outsiders? and minorities? I live here and I’m not leary. Well, perhaps of you. A bit prejudiced? (That means “pre judging” others btw.) So Lucy from the 50’s is who you best identify with. Is Stepford Wives your favorite movie?

  18. Kim Sloan says:

    These are some of the criminals that run around stealing in our stores, who ruin it for all of us who actually live here. This is why SCV is leary of outsiders and minorities. Such a shame these stupid women don’t understand the impact they leave on all of us! I hope they’re found and the judge throws away the key!

  19. I’m sure there’s more camera footage in the mall, they will get greedy and they will get caught!, it’s not there fault, but lack of education, sad that we have people like this around us.

  20. I’m sure there’s more camera footage in the mall, they will get greedy and they will get caught!, it’s not there fault, but lack of education, sad that we have people like this around us.

  21. It’s not education there missing its opportunity there missing

    • KG says:

      Their opportunity comes with their education. Can’t get one without the other. It’s not the government’s job to give them a job. It’s their responsibility to earn one.

  22. It’s not education there missing its opportunity there missing

  23. You people are so quick to judge but really who are to blame society and the government lack of opportunity

    • ROFLOL are you for real? So let me get this straight…. its all everyone else fault for the the things i do. if only the world had been nicer to me i might not have been a criminal. it is society fault that i lack any moral fortitude… sweet, where do you live again?

  24. You people are so quick to judge but really who are to blame society and the government lack of opportunity

  25. “This is why SCV is leary of outsiders and minorities.”

    Speak for yourself, Kim Sloan. What a blatantly racist thing to say. YOU’RE the reason this valley has the reputation it does. Step aside or get trampled while the rest of the world evolves. Your lily white kids aren’t as innocent as you think. Ignorance breeds hate.


    • Kim Sloan says:

      I’m am far from your accusations of racism, and frankly I have been a resident in SCV since 1966. I have been a victim of racism and anti semitism throughout my childhood living here, but it only made me want to be a good citizen, follow the rules, and be a good example to others. I have many good friends of many different ethnicities, and since you are so ignorant in your complaint toward me, you might want to look inward at your own life! The point I was making is that we want to live and be among a diverse community, but when pictures like this showing these women stealing are circulating, it is subject to criticism by many more people, who shake their heads and just are tired of it! They are criminals, no matter what they look like, they are shoplifters who vandalized OUR mall! If you have no sense of community, get out of SCV! This is a town of loving, kind, and diversely awesome people who will not accept garbage stealing vandals!

      • Bill says:

        Lucy, you are so mixed up. You brought minorities and outsiders into the conversation and now you try to backpedal . Better go ask your neighbor Ethel. And your hubby Ricky…he doesn’t look like one of us in the SCV! WHAAAA!!!

    • damn those minorities to hell.

    • Kim Sloan says:

      Actually my kids are 1/2 Hispanic, so maybe um you should think twice before making racist remarks Jared.

  26. “This is why SCV is leary of outsiders and minorities.”

    Speak for yourself, Kim Sloan. What a blatantly racist thing to say. YOU’RE the reason this valley has the reputation it does. Step aside or get trampled while the rest of the world evolves. Your lily white kids aren’t as innocent as you think. Ignorance breeds hate.


  27. “Palmdales finest”????
    Why would you assume that?

  28. “Palmdales finest”????
    Why would you assume that?

  29. Alex Vogel says:

    Is it time to re-activate “good ol’ boys” style vigilante types? SCV is becoming GHETTO. That’s MY hometown, and tired of ghetto-types desecrating it.

  30. Alex Vogel says:

    Is it time to re-activate “good ol’ boys” style vigilante types? SCV is becoming GHETTO. That’s MY hometown, and tired of ghetto-types desecrating it.

  31. You are soooo right Jared Gardner, never seen such a high group of racist you I moved to SCV!!

  32. You are soooo right Jared Gardner, never seen such a high group of racist you I moved to SCV!!

  33. So they stole like three pairs of Versace sunglasses?

  34. So they stole like three pairs of Versace sunglasses?

  35. Shrink (shoplifting) can be prevented through customer service and floor awareness. Poor management and attention to detail are the only thing to blame for this.. Smh. It has nothing to do with color, what area they are from, “if SCV is now ghetto”, it ultimately comes down to the owners and who they hire to protect and sell their merchandise.

    And on the “ghetto” comment… People really? SCV is nice I’m over hearing about how it’s ghetto. Damn. Learn to appreciate your surroundings and pay attention to prevent these things from happening

  36. Shrink (shoplifting) can be prevented through customer service and floor awareness. Poor management and attention to detail are the only thing to blame for this.. Smh. It has nothing to do with color, what area they are from, “if SCV is now ghetto”, it ultimately comes down to the owners and who they hire to protect and sell their merchandise.

    And on the “ghetto” comment… People really? SCV is nice I’m over hearing about how it’s ghetto. Damn. Learn to appreciate your surroundings and pay attention to prevent these things from happening

  37. Thank you Jared for expressing what I felt as soon as I heard those racist comments.

  38. Thank you Jared for expressing what I felt as soon as I heard those racist comments.

  39. “Is it time to re-activate ‘good ol’ boys’ style vigilante types? SCV is becoming GHETTO. That’s MY hometown, and tired of ghetto-types desecrating it.”

    Is this real? Veiled KKK references?

  40. “Is it time to re-activate ‘good ol’ boys’ style vigilante types? SCV is becoming GHETTO. That’s MY hometown, and tired of ghetto-types desecrating it.”

    Is this real? Veiled KKK references?

  41. Alex Vogel, please tell me you’re being sarcastic.

  42. It’s society’s fault? It’s not their fault? Seriously? Boo hoo, cry me a river…not.

  43. Well said, Jared Gardner, well said!

  44. Lulu Saab says:

    This is the actual footage. They stole the whole wall of frames.

    Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff Station Seeks Public…: http://youtu.be/qGdBFbffXyU

  45. There’s a Sunglass Hut in Valencia Town Center?!??

  46. Louie Lm says:

    Ok so umm where’s the person that works there….

  47. I saw the video footage of this on the local news and it was infuriating. They weren’t even rushing frantically while doing it, they were calm and nonchalant the whole time, even while the clerk was calling the police.
    Unbelievable. And to those commenting that it’s not their fault, that society is to blame, please stop apologizing for criminals, their poor choices, and their conscious lack of integrity and decency.

  48. John Gilbert says:

    $20k for some sunglasses? Answers the question why I don’t shop at the Mall since Westfield took over.

  49. And why was there a 10-12 day delay in reporting this to the public???

  50. Tommy Rini says:

    Well sad to say the scv is a failed experiment. back in good o 86, when we incorporated we were promised a better environment to raise kids …. Now the kids that were born in 86 are tearing up their playground in a blink that town became a HUD factory, better schools my butt!!! being an elitist is not the same as being educationally superior. I say this without throwing the race card out, don’t need to. take a good look at your environment as it slowly turns in to sylmar or for that matter the “city” of San Fernando,what an oasis that former wetland is.Newhall land & Farm sold our town down the wash with the rest of the DDT & gods knows what else. Oh do I long for a Tim toms chili dog:( wait I change my mind I want a sub from final score, or maybe pancakes from tiny naylors . Getting off of the soapbox..P.S. Valencia you sux and get what you deserve, and made Palmdale look better all at the same time (everybody knows that place is a $hit hole)

  51. Lisa Correa says:

    Jared Gardner, I don’t think Alex Vogel is being sarcastic. I do find it somewhat interesting coming from someone who was an anti-establishment 80s punk rocker turn into something he rebelled against BITD.

  52. Joey Caban says:

    Now now, let’s not pick fights. I thought we were all adults here. I see good points to this and some points that need a little deeper thought. Main thing is these people need to get caught and I need some sleep hahahaha good night everybody

  53. Mtthw Kltnr says:

    I wonder if they were from Lancaster/Palmdale?

  54. Do-it-yourself ‘reparations’?

  55. Zareh Chboukjian I know

  56. Weren’t you covering a shift there a few weeks ago? Insane Lara Bedrosian

  57. Linda Morgan says:

    I am NOT being racist by asking if they are Hispanic. My reason for asking is my manicurist was robbed 10 days ago by 4 Hispanic women. 3 distracted her and others in the shop while another went in the back and took her purse and other items.

  58. I have no sense of community with racist cowards like you, Kim. And I never will.

  59. Life long resident says:

    Sad to see this town has been taken over by Palmdale’s and Compton’s trash. They should shoot them all and scare them out of town. I hate to say this but it is obvious that they want to ruin this town. I wish they would ask move their low life children back to the ghetto.

  60. Lol these losers. They move to nice town, just to ruin it. I think the sheriff should harass them until they move back where they belong. Low life losers. I just miss the SCV I grew up in.

  61. Why the hell are these sunglasses so damn costly, to be targets of theft?
    So lame.
    But at least I can can break out some popcorn for this discussion’s direction.
    They tell you to always look fir the silver lining.

  62. The store needs better camera surveillance, the photo shows no face for ID

  63. I always laugh when I see posts like this.. It kinda sucks when you realize as time passes that good old SCV is no different than any other town.. You want to be different but you are not.. You have thieves and sexual predators in your midst like everybody else.. I was that outsider that lived in SCV for a couple of years and because I grew up in the Midwest I know how people think… Expecting the worse until you actually get to know a person and then surprised that they are not THAT kind of person.. I’ll never forget the day I registered my now Senior at Arroyo Seco for 7th grade.. He’s biracial so for race I put both. I always did and the woman in the office asked me to pick which one because her computer system would only take one race…

  64. Alex Vogel says:

    Jared Gardner -projecting much, coming from a white boy like you ? I’m bi-racial. I grew up with people calling me “spic” “gook” “Wetback” you wouldn’t know REAL racism if it bit you on the ass. TRY being someone of darker skin in an upper class predominantly white school in the 70’s. For the record I hate everyone equally buy make NO effort to appease other people by pretending to be politically correct. Crime is NOT discriminatory depending on race.

  65. Tom Dehn says:

    Filled out an application and they asked my race, I put down “human” inside the space. ~Beastie Boys

  66. Tom Dehn says:

    Filled out an application and they asked my race, I put down “human” inside the space. ~Beastie Boys

  67. @ Christian Lanz…….my sentiments exactly.

  68. @ Christian Lanz…….my sentiments exactly.

  69. Good ol’ SCV; full of hate and prejudice.
    It’s funny how one is hating on expansion of this valley, yet takes pride in “OUR mall”, which can’t keep stores open if it tried. It’s not just the mall either, stores close down left and right. A little expansion wouldn’t hurt. Sheer economics.

  70. Wow in scv too they’re probably from canyon country or Palmdale/Lancaster they’re stupid they’re going to get caught

  71. That’s reality show material ….RHOP

  72. Jason Chavez says:

    Probably came her from the av

  73. Ckay Walker says:

    Most likely a group of girls.

  74. Kim Sloan says:

    Jared you are obviously okay with criminal activity so I suppose your chauvinistic b s is stemming from your lack of attention and it’s really sad. I pity you, and I pray for you.

  75. Tony Simone says:

    I can’t beleive there black that’s shocking

  76. Kim Sloan says:

    Wow, the claws are out, but the criminals are loose.

  77. Hey Breanna…no dissing canyon country…I live there and love it…thieves and criminals come from every location…no need to point unjust fingers

  78. Hey Kimberly I used to live there when it was nicer can’t deny dumbass people live there too I’m sry looking at them do they look like they live in stevensons ranch Valencia or Saugus or even newhall ya NO

  79. Don’t act all high and mighty Santa Clarita. Your local politicians kept hooters out of town center because of “family values” and 3 months later allows the tilted kilt to operate In the same spot. Nothing corrupt going on ever here right Valencia?

  80. LOL.god these people are awesome everyone in SCV are garbage and their police is even more garbage, sorry to say they’re not going to find them because the police department is such trash their busy giving 16 year old curfew tickets and hassling people driving to school turning out their car.

  81. Kim, save your prayers. You’re gonna need em.

  82. The almighty dollar! Greed makes people do such horrible things.. Anyway, the universe balances itself out as it should. Karma will catch em eventually. It always does!

  83. Well duh. Their all wearing black ski masks. What did the guy running the store expect?

  84. Enough Kim. Enough. Go worry about your family. They could be meeting “minorities” and “outsiders” in the alley! Hurry, run!!

  85. Lorena Garay says:

    all these woman came from Palmdale they already have some info on them. They should hop back onto the 14Fwy North and go back where they BELONG and never come back!!!! WELFARE LOW LIFES – POS’s all of them. Tired of them!

  86. Lorena Garay says:

    My thoughts exactly @michaelerickson

  87. Lorena Garay says:

    Why dont they go to the sunglass in their town at the mall in lancaster??? Why come and trash our stores? They know who to target!!

  88. You all were wrong about where they’re from…

  89. Do you guys have any idea how many girls actually shop lift? And theyre of all colors and class. Dont act like your kids are more innocent than the people of palmdale/ lancaster. There are plenty of people SCV doing drugs and stealing but theyre just better at keeping it a secret.

  90. The next time someone scoffs at the suggestion that the SCV is a hotbed for racist, ignorant, snobby douchebags, I’ll use these comments as an example.

  91. I work at a sunglass Hut not in that area but it happens everywhere but we have a high return rate on ppl who steal watch your back just saying they don’t play

  92. Robby says:

    See what happens when the Obama mentality takes hold. Next stop, the liquor store…..

  93. All 8 women are from San Francisco. So using the narrow minded half breed logic used by commenters here – that means they MUST be lesbians. Right?

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