Loren Janes
Many families are coming home to find scorched earth where their homes once stood after the Sand Fire ripped through more than 37,000 acres in Santa Clarita – and one of those families is that of Loren Janes, a renowned movie stuntman who co-founded the Stuntmen’s Association during a career that spanned five decades.
Janes, 84, and his wife, Jan Sanborn Janes, live – or more correctly, lived – off of Little Tujunga Canyon Road and Sand Canyon Road, directly in the path of the destructive flames.
A GoFundMe page set up by Sanborn Janes’ daughter, Janet Hansen, is called “Janes Family Phoenix Project,” suggestive of hope for a rise from the ashes.
Hansen, the page author, recounted her story of watching her mother and stepfather’s home go up in flames:
“The place where they have lived for more than 20 years housing all of the memories, pictures, art work, awards, music, her grand piano and everything that meant something to them was being burned and captured live on the news,” Hansen wrote.
Housing memorabilia from a film career that stretched from “The Ten Commandments” (1955) with Charlton Heston and “Spartacus” (1960) with Kirk Douglas to “The Poseidon Adventure” (1972), “Blazing Saddles” (1974), “Back to the Future” (1985) and “Spider-Man” (2002), Janes’ ridgetop home was one of at least 18 structures destroyed in the massive fire.
Janes was instrumental in developing the type of stunts that are used today. His contributions to the industry include the improvement of safety procedures,and he co-founded the Stuntmen’s Association of Motion Pictures and Television.
Janes was inducted into the Newhall Walk of Western Stars in 2004, alongside Keith Carradine, Melissa Gilbert and Buck Page.
The GoFundMe page is looking to raise $20,000 that is needed to help the couple “re-establish their lives.”
To donate to the Janes family, go to https://www.gofundme.com/2g7ns64.

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Heartbreaking ? Hopefully the “Stuntman’s Association” has a few pictures of his action shots. There were so many of those “Movie Industry” folks in those canyons !
If he doesn’t have a”Star on the Cowboy Walk of Fame” he dang sure should have !
Loren does have a star on the Walk of Western Stars
Good glad to know, it’s been a while since I’ve been down there. Just out of curiosity when was he inducted ? Also had a question about Jerry Wills, he was a son of Henry Wills that was “really old school” stunts on the street. I thank you Carl N Andree Walper for your reply ?
Thanks that when I left SCV. There are a few more deserving cowboys needing recognition from days gone by:( Like Eddie Ademak who was a “lesser known trick roper” than Monte Montana but still from the area. He’s buried at Eternal Valley in the “Pioneer Section” & has a picture of him trick roping hanging at the “Way Station” cafe he always wore a red cowboy shirt
My mom and I had lunch with Loren and Jan at their home a few years ago. We were treated to a tour of Loren’s memorabilia and he gave me a DVD of his most famous stunts. We also had an impromptu concert from his lovely wife on the piano. They are such a beautiful, kind couple, it’s so sad to see them in these circumstances.
Without being cruel, why didn’t they have fire insurance?
Kimberly A. Rosen Josephine De Guzman Feliciano
Doesnt he have insurance?
Maybe Lee Bonner but it won’t cover memories or his “Golden Spurs” he earned from the ‘biz :(
So how will us sending him money change that?
Maybe his “relocation expenses ” & perhaps the “copies of photos” not quite sure. :(. This man is in his ’80’s
have him check with FEMA. Ins. shoud pay for relocation
Leticia Thomas Insurance pays for relocation expenses and loss of property.
They have no fire insurance. Those of us that live in rural properties are often priced out of it. As retirees, I can see how it could have been out of their reach.
What difference does it make insurance or not he’s one of us. I know Loren for 50yrs besides being one of the best stuntmen in the business he’s a great person.
This is heartbreaking.
I don’t believe “didn’t he have insurance” is an appropriate response to this loss.
What does insurance have to do with this?
I think its important to know if we are asking people to give him money (a hollywood actor ) that we know if he is going to double dip.
And if he didnt have insurance – shouldnt we ask why?
Lee… They didn’t have fire insurance. From what I understand it wasn’t available. Loren also has had Alzheimer’s for the past four years and you sound like kind of an asshat.
1. They didn’t have insurance. 2. They are senior citizens and one has Alzheimer’s. 3. They didn’t set up this fundraiser; a friend did it for them.
By the way, my husband is a “Hollywood actor,” been in the business for over 49 years, has worked with him, and I can tell you most of us aren’t rich by any stretch.
Hope that enlightens Lee Bonner
wow! Clearly you don’t know much about fire insurance in CA…it’s very expensive especially in rural
Areas. And even if he had it it wouldn’t pay him the total value of his home to replace it!
I take back my first assessment Lee, you are an asshat!
Lee Bonner he’s not an actor he’s a stunt man! And we have all known him for many years…shame on you for your disgusting remarks! He is one of the most trusted and respected humans unlike your self
Steve you are so right and he’s a dumbass and he better not ever come across Charlie…?
Oh my, so sad.
Nice guy, I’d met him 20 years ago I think it was … sorry he’s fallen on hard times, and now this. So sad
Leon Worden… Are there two go fund me pages? https://www.gofundme.com/helpjansanborn
Cortnee Hollingsworth-Peterson
I saw his wife on the news last night, so heartbreaking
He also suffers from Alzheimer’s. Very sad. I grew up with his daughter.
I read their house wasn’t covered for wildfires.:(
Fire insurance ,he has it trust me(Placerita resident )
Ok, good to hear
Very, very sorry to hear this. Loren is one of the good guys. I know there are others that have lost there homes. But Loren is one of us. He needs help.~
Shared on a bunch of Pages including ” Hollywood Stuntmen and women Tribute Page … https://www.facebook.com/HollywoodStuntMenWomenTributePage/
So sad indeed, love and prayers…
I had the pleasure and privilege to work w Loren on both MACGYVER when I guested as PIEDRE the ASSASSIN and again on MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE when I played Blade. Loren generously commented I knew more about swords than he did (44 years now as working Sword Master) which led to my training and choreographing He Man (Dolph Lundgren) and doubling Skeletor (Frank Langella). Loren has always been a class act. Thanks for posting the info, I’d like to help
So sorry to hear that about Loren’s house what a terrible thing to happen. Prayers for you and your Family.
So sad such a great man I’ve known him my whole life!!! Love and prayers go out to him and his family!!????
Charlie and I are so sorry to hear about this…count us in the donate!
So sorry to hear of his loss. I remember he took a hit in the 94 earthquake too. Always there to help others. When you get older your photos and albums mean everything to remember your friends and family. Always one of my favorite stunt guys. A good man. God Bless Him and his family.
Budd Albright
I met him at yak’s house while doing a stunt show for some special people he was there and I looked up his movies next time we met he remembered me and was so nice he was a real stuntman with honor I feel horrible this has happened to his family sending love and prayers to them
Very sorry to hear. To lose a lifetime of memories is hard
I met Mr. Janes several times at the Lone Pine Film Festival and he was one of the nicest “celebrities” I have ever met. I put “celebrities” in quotes as being a stuntman, all his work was behind the scenes so those fantastic things you thought Steve McQueen, Kirk Douglas, or even Debbie Reynolds did were really him. He did a lot of work in the film How the West Was Won. He had a wonderful video he shared with us that showed a lot of behind the scenes stuff. I hope there is a copy of that somewhere other than his house as that was priceless. My hear goes out to the Janes family and all of those who lost their homes in this fire.
sorry to hear this…thanks for sharing Chris Nielsen. I went to donate, but site says donations stopped?
they are combining two accounts, not sure why…
Don`t forget about the deductible they have to pay also the insurance company will…k you if they can.They tried it on me after the earthquake in 94 and I ended up having to hire a private insurance adjuster to get my money…they get a % of the money they get for you but well worth it.
It would be great to see the Hollywood community come together to help one of their own.