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1834 - Sinforosa, daughter of Narciso and Crisanta, born at Mission San Fernando; mom from Tejon, dad from Piru; believed to be last speaker of Tataviam language (died 1915) [record]

You Know I'm Right | Commentary by Betty Arenson
| Friday, Mar 20, 2015

bettyarensonThere’s a new default “F” word. It’s Ferguson. If anything happens across the country that can be remotely connected to a non-black vs. black issue, you can bet the deed to your house that professional demonstrators will fuel the fires of destruction in Ferguson, Mo.

These misdirected heathens-for-hire have set the bar so low that a dangerous black convicted felon could be caught on video or audio tape slaughtering innocent lives, but should he be shot by the responding police, brace yourself for excuse-driven riots in Ferguson.

After the August 2014 shooting of Michael Brown, protestors claimed they wanted city leaders’ resignations and the U.S. Justice Department, headed by Attorney General Eric Holder, a black man, to lead a federal investigation. Holder complied, yet even while the investigation was underway and the final report was being written, protestors let it be known they were still in Ferguson waiting for “justice.” (I’ve asked before: Who’s funding these “professionals” for their daily expenses?)

With the utmost certainty, be assured not a hair was left in place with that investigation. Officer Darren Wilson’s life was demolished not only by the investigation but by also a bunch of lying witnesses including Brown’s associate Dorian Johnson, the creator of the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” lie. Even Holder now concedes that “HUDS” never happened. It is amazing how many ignorant people still hang on to that to this day. It fits their destructive agenda.

The Justice Department concluded Officer Wilson acted appropriately. Brown’s blood was inside the patrol car from assaulting Wilson and trying to get his gun. Had the 6-foot-3, three-hundred-pound Brown succeeded with his intentions and murdered Wilson, there would be no headlines, no protest and definitely no high-level investigation.

For some background, Ferguson’s population is about 21,000 people, with about 67 percent of the residents being black; however, black officers make up less than 6 percent of the force. More statistics show about the same disparity with Ferguson’s other municipal governmental bodies. One looming question is this: The mayor, school board, city council, etc., are elected positions. Plainly white people are being voted in by the black majority. Unquestionably, there are no allegations that black residents want to be part of the town’s government but are not allowed to. Why aren’t they, especially the critics, running for offices or applying for a law enforcement job? That subject is not mentioned.

One answer may come from the Aug. 19 CBS St Louis article: “Police have reported that 93 percent of those arrested in Ferguson early this week were not Ferguson residents, and 27 percent don’t live in Missouri.” Further, “Of 52 people arrested on Monday, only four were from Ferguson, seven from nearby Florissant and two from Jennings. There were 15 from the city of St. Louis and 14 from out of state, including Illinois, New York, California and Washington, D.C.” Thus the foundation for last week’s riots in Ferguson.

Holder’s report, coupled with demanded resignations of city officials, fell short of quelling the furor. Officer Wilson is long gone; six city leaders have resigned, new protocols are in place, but it isn’t enough. One professional activist said he won’t be happy until the entire police department is dismantled. Appallingly, Eric Holder reiterated same. He’s “prepared to dismantle the entire police department if necessary” (L.A .Times, March 13, 2014).

It’s frightening for the good people of Ferguson to think what would happen to their city should that shredding occur by design or by officers simply walking out with their lives while they still have them.

This week two innocent officers were shot by Jeffrey Williams, 20, a convicted criminal on probation. The officers, from nearby departments, were shot in the head and shoulder, respectively.

Williams is black, and remarkably I cannot find one news report that gives the nationalities of the officers. It’s political correctness gone amok. Hate crime, anyone?

The ensuing events just get more inferior and pitiable.

As if Obama’s September 2014 remark on the Brown-Wilson shooting wasn’t witless enough in saying that “most Americans” believe America is racist, there’s more.

I response to the officers’ shootings, Eric Holder uttered his mandatory “inexcusable and repugnant” line but took no responsibility for playing his part in carrying some of the gasoline. Obama shortly punctuated Holder’s wretched comments by appearing on Jimmy Kimmel’s show saying, “Whoever fired those shots should not detract from the issue – they are criminals, they need to be arrested,” The translation is “so sorry you were shot in the head but let’s not forget professional hoodlums are tearing cities apart under that default umbrella called “racism.”

It’s such vacuous rhetoric from our black U.S. president and our black U.S. Attorney General. Does anyone else see the paradox in that?

I am not alone in wearing thin on being designated a racist by the uninformed and ill-informed merely because I’m not black, therefore I need to understand that “black lives matter.” A whole lot of us totally believe that; that’s why we keep asking what Eric Holder, Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel are doing about the everyday shootings in the black high-crime areas, especially like Chicago.

The Chicago Tribune cites that in 2014, there were 2,589 shootings in the city, and in the first 77 days of 2015 there have been 326.

It is immeasurably apparent that to Holder, Obama and Emanuel, victims of black-on-black crimes do not matter. Well, to these three I say, “Oh yes they certainly do.” When will you imposters recognize that?


Betty Arenson has lived in the SCV since 1968 and describes herself as a conservative who’s concerned about progressives’ politics and their impacts on the country, her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She says she is unashamed to own a gun or a Bible, couldn’t care less about the color of the president’s skin, and demands that he uphold his oath to protect and follow the Constitution of the United States in its entirety.

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  1. Garu says:

    Betty, you wrote: “I am not alone in wearing thin on being designated a racist”.

    You’re not “wearing thin.” You’ve slipped over the edge with your guns and bibles into old school faith-based racism. That Leon let this also slip by and get published is incredible. Plainly, you are a skilled writer, but your unrelenting tunnel vision will not allow you to let up on your single minded mission of hating our black president. You see no good, no value, no contribution – even as things improve all around you after the Bush debacle. “All the world’s problems are this black guy’s cause” and you can’t pull yourself out of that mantra.

    Well, you only have a little less than 2 years to go until you’ll get a white person in that White house. I wonder what the tenor of your writing will be then?

  2. Garu says:

    Betty, you wrote: “I am not alone in wearing thin on being designated a racist”.

    You’re not “wearing thin.” You’ve slipped over the edge with your guns and bibles into old school faith-based racism. That Leon let this also slip by and get published is incredible. Plainly, you are a skilled writer, but your unrelenting tunnel vision will not allow you to let up on your single minded mission of hating our black president. You see no good, no value, no contribution – even as things improve all around you after the Bush debacle. “All the world’s problems are this black guy’s cause” and you can’t pull yourself out of that mantra.

    Well, you only have a little less than 2 years to go until you’ll get a white person in that White house. I wonder what the tenor of your writing will be then?

  3. mboron says:

    AMEN! Betty! This should be sent to the President,
    Mr. Holder, and to ALL the members of Congress,
    and every Governor of every State but would they even read it?

  4. Dave Warburton says:

    Over the top as usual. No pervasive racism in America? Good grief! Obama’s election didn’t show that racism is dead, it simply ripped the scab off the wound and allowed racists to come forward to spread their bile more openly, using the president as the object of their scorn.

    There are hundreds of Fergusons around the country; it is by no means unique. We have a very long way to go before we can truthfully say we have a race-free society. Ferguson, Missouri was just a potent reminder of that hard truth.

  5. Lee Morrell says:

    And with this, I am no longer following your “publication.” You make Fox look liberal.

    • Khaled Eid says:

      Lee, you are completely right. As SCV native this a complete garbage. Who in the right mind would write this let alone publish it online…

    • Mike Navarro says:

      I see nothing wrong with this publication. If you yourself are a staunch dem and don’t believe in others opinions then that is your perogative, but do not put the work or opinion down of another who feels differently. For you to believe that there has not been turmoil between different ethnicities because of these professional “activists” then you are just not looking close enough.

    • It is in the commentary section, I am sure you can write your own commentary and submit it for publication, it is about giving everyone a voice. You should try it.

  6. Mike Navarro says:

    Good peice, we are all entitled to our opinions but I find it refreshing for a spade to be called as such from time to time.

  7. Dave Warburton says:

    Nice talk, Mike Navarro. You should be ashamed of your comment but I’m sure that you are proud of it instead.

  8. Emily Ball says:

    Let’s get this party started. I support Garu,Dave,Lee and Khaled and the others who find this vitriol shocking. I am looking forward to the trolls, especially those who are married to pastors and their supporters.

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