Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva issued a statement Sunday afternoon about the investigation into Lancaster Station Deputy Angel Reinosa, 21, who claimed he’d been shot by a sniper Wednesday afternoon.
At the time it was reported Reinosa’s life was saved because he’d been wearing a bullet-proof vest, and the deflected bullet just grazed his shoulder.
Sheriff’s investigators later determined Reinosa’s story was false.
Here’s Villanueva’s statement:
“When the news broke on Wednesday, I dropped everything I was doing to be at Lancaster and check on the welfare of Deputy Reinosa. Like many responding personnel, I spent needless time and energy on something that did not happen.
“Rather than delay reporting what we learned for another day, I felt that it was urgent that we share the truth with the public.
“As Sheriff, I am responsible for my deputies and am embarrassed & incredibly disappointed at what this Deputy did.
“I apologize to our community and our elected officials who rallied in our support.
“During the investigation, we had suspicions concerning the validity of the claimed assault but had to exercise care before accusing an employee of making false statements.
“After investigators were able to establish the facts, we were compelled to share the disappointing truth in our wish to be transparent with the public.
“I will not tolerate any willful misconduct by any one of our employees. Deputy Angel Reinosa’s actions violated the public’s trust.
“Every day, the men and women of this department work hard around the clock to ensure the public’s safety. I do not want the actions of one individual to tarnish our tradition of service.
“Like any subject of an internal investigation, Deputy Reinosa is entitled to due process.
“I will not tolerate anyone who willfully violates their oath of office, makes a false police report, wastes valuable public safety resources, and causes fear in the community. Those who choose to violate the public’s trust will face at minimum termination and potential criminal prosecution.”

Lancaster Sheriff’s Station Deputies ‘Angry, Ashamed’
Deputies from LASD’s Lancaster Station on Sunday morning posted more than a dozen photos on their Facebook page depicting them protecting and serving the public in their jurisdiction, along with the following message:
“Angry. Embarrassed. Furious. Unbelievable. Ashamed. These are some of the words circulating our station’s hallways since last night as our deputies try to wrap their minds around last night’s press conference surrounding the incident that occurred in our parking lot on Wednesday, August 21, 2019.
“Our deputies responded to a cry for help and did exactly what they have been trained to do to protect our civilian staff, residents and community. Our community and other first responder partners worked side by side with us to move quickly, effectively and efficiently. There is no shame in that.
“We are saddened by the outcome of the investigation, but are so grateful to our community for their cooperation on Wednesday and your ongoing support every day.
“The actions of one individual are not indicative of who Lancaster Sheriff’s Station Deputies are. And we know most people know that. But just in case some of our incredible men and women in tan and green are feeling ’embarrassed/angry/ashamed’ today, let us remind you of who you really are. One moment does not leave your legacy, the work you do, day in, day out does.”

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