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1876 - 223-foot Soledad train tunnel completed; last tunnel on line linking L.A. & S.F. [story]

Branden Weir

Branden Weir

Branden Todd Weir, who received the Buck McKeon Congressional Medal of Honor upon his 2013 graduation from Jereann Bowman High School in Santa Clarita, completed his U.S. Army basic training at Fort Benning, Geo., on Dec. 12, 2013.

Weir received the Expert Marksman badge during basic training and was sent to the 101st Airborne Division in Fort Campbell, Ky., where he attended Air Assault School.

He graduated from Air Assault School on March 6, 2013, in the top 3 percent of his class.

Weir’s goal is to proceed to Airborne Jump School, then Army Ranger School.

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  1. Emily Ball says:

    I am very proud of Branden. If you are going to post those who have completed basic training, why not post the stats for all of our students who have accepted placement offers from universities?

  2. Sandy says:

    Awesome news! Best of luck and success Branden!

  3. Emily Ball says:

    Excellent! I do think college is more impressive and sends a better message. The wars have ended!

    • Ms. Ball, while I appreciate your comment of being proud of my son, Branden Weir, I respectfully pose to you that this was an opportunity to lift up and encourage our young people. Your point, which is a wonderful idea, could have been proposed to SCVTV in a private message rather than publicly making this suggestion to them. Additionally, college being “more impressive” is a matter of opinion, for which I don’t think was at all called for regarding this article. I am equally impressed with a young person that succeeds academically as I am with a young person who would put themselves in front of a bullet in order protect YOUR rights, one of them being free speech. The wars may have ended, Ms. Ball, but humans were born with free will, which means they will CREATE CONFLICT. As long as there are people which such personality traits, we need protection. I am quite sure if a life threatening situation arose in your life that you needed immediate physical protection from a military member or law enforcement, you wouldn’t stop them and call an accountant, an engineer or the like, with an academically impressive resume. God bless you Ms. Ball

    • Andy Crudge says:

      basic training woooo

    • Andy Crudge says:

      basic training woooo

    • When you attack a cub you deal with Moma… I completely understand why she is my MIL best friend!

    • When you attack a cub you deal with Moma… I completely understand why she is my MIL best friend!

  4. Surely he deserves a higher honor than something with Buck McKeon’s name attached to it.

  5. So proud of you bud! I love you! Branden Weir

  6. Branden Weir says:

    Wow thanks everyone! Love you Amanda Tyler

  7. That’s my son!!! Proud of you!! Thank you to ALL of you who have and are serving!! GO 101st !!!

  8. More impressive than serving our nation during a time of uncertainty? Wow.

    Thank you, Branden, for doing what others can’t do by serving your country. Congratulations on pursuing life to your fullest potential. Bulldog Pride!

  9. Brittany Brewer says:

    For those of you with negative comments, please keep the following in mind. As Branden’s sister, I have seen this young man go through a great deal of trouble, a childhood full of obstacles and let downs–and now he has found something he is great at and can be proud of. At one point, we weren’t sure he was ever going to finish high school–yet he graduated with honors and is now serving our country, and protecting YOU. As long as there is conflict in the world, we will need protection–and I don’t doubt that without a military in place, y’all would be the first to cry for help if it was needed.

    What you may not be seeing is that a lot of these young soldiers do end up going to college, as I saw in my time at a university. Please don’t discredit these accomplishments because college, in your eyes, is more impressive.

    • SCVNews.com says:

      Hi! Looks like you’re responding on our website to comments made on Facebook. (Comments from our Facebook page get magically sucked into the corresponding story page here.) Generally if you see someone’s face next to his/her comment, that’s from Facebook. If you’d like the Facebook poster to see your reply, you want to put it in the appropriate place on our Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/scvtv)

  10. For those of you with negative comments, please keep the following in mind. As Branden’s sister, I have seen this young man go through a great deal of trouble, a childhood full of obstacles and let downs–and now he has found something he is great at and can be proud of. At one point, we weren’t sure he was ever going to finish high school–yet he graduated with honors and is now serving our country, and protecting YOU. As long as there is conflict in the world, we will need protection–and I don’t doubt that without a military in place, y’all would be the first to cry for help if it was needed.

    What you may not be seeing is that a lot of these young soldiers do end up going to college, as I saw in my time at a university. Please don’t discredit these accomplishments because college, in your eyes, is more impressive.

  11. So incredibly proud of you little bro <3 You are no doubt making us so so so proud, we love you!

  12. Congrats to him n his family I know how it is to have young man struggling I got 2 of them you must be very proud I know I would be (:

  13. Jude Ratekin says:

    Branden Weir … congratulations … Marion Brewer … What a proud Mommy moment

  14. Jude Ratekin says:

    Ms Ball .. With all do respect … The military PROVIDES COLLEGE FUNDS FOR SERVICE MEMBERS … step outside the box and off the high horse your on and appreciate that college & student loans are expensive … GOD BLESS YOU, Branden Weir, AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE

  15. Emily Ball says:

    Ms. Luckett Brewer, let it be said once again that I am proud of your son. I am aware of his overwhelming personal obstacles. I also feel that we should not encourage young people to enter the service if they have other gifts to offer. I would like to see the gifts of all of our young people celebrated. Bless you and yours.

  16. Congratulations Branden!! What an achievement!! Stand proud, stand strong, you must have an enormous amount of inner strength that only a few people can ever hope for!! Your future looks bright!!!!

  17. Emily Ball says:

    Ms. Or Mr. Ratekin, please read my post in response to Ms. Luckett Brewer’s attack. I do not want the city to give the impression that it favors young people entering the military over other life courses.

  18. I remember Marine Corps Bootcamp! MCRD San Diego. Memories in which I will never forget. For those I served with in Afghanistan and did not return, you are not forgotten! …..

  19. Way to go!! As a SCV mother of 4 boys (20, 19, 16, 3), I would encourage my kids to join the military if they so chose to. Ms. Ball, I think your first comment was disrespectful to this young man and his family. And in no way did his mother “attack” you. I think there are many avenues in life and being a soldier for our country is very admirable. I would have to disagree with you on college being more impressive when we have college graduates who can’t get a job….or students who are so deeply in debt with loans that they will never be able to repay in their lifetime. That’s more impressive? No way! Hats off to this young man!!!

  20. Thank you Heather so well said! It pains me that there always has to be negative commentary even on something so positive.

  21. As a wife of a Marine & family member to several service members your comment Emily Ball I found to be disrespectful that being said Marion Luckett Brewer congrats to your son

  22. Jude Ratekin says:

    Oh Dear Heavenly Father … Ms Emily Ball give her some common sense and less judgemental opinion … Let’s see .. One joins the military to serve the Great United States of America and COMPLETE Basic Training consisting of mental, physical, and emotional tests of strength and endurance and an article is published .. Then you have the nerve to whine about being ACCEPTED to a college as something comparable to COMPLETING Basic Training … are you SERIOUS? I have known MRS Brewer decades … As a matter of fact before and whilst she was pregnant with Branden Weir … Never .. I repeat NEVER have I known her to “attack” anyone … Ms Emily Hall you are NOT and NEVER will be anything but an opinionated ass if you continue your narrow minded thought process .. so with all do respect … ZIP YOUR LIP AND PUT THE KEYBOARD DOWN … ALT CONTROL DELETE … PERIOD

  23. Miss Ball the wars are not over, if you believe that, then your as ignorant as you are rude. Branden will risk his life for you, your children and anyone else though you show contempt just so that you can stand idle and do nothing to better this the greatest country on Earth. It is the greatest country on earth because of the many young men and women who dedicated some or all of there lives to defending the American view of basic humanitarian rights for all. Shame on you for trying to cast a shadow on him and his achievements, shame on you for dirtying the face Christianity with your hypocrital bless you comments and shame on you for steeling the light from an otherwise proud moment. To all the men and women of the armed forces, thank you and God be with you through all you do.
    Branden Weir you are a hero to me and you always will be. You stand on the side of right and represent what is good in American. Honor, integrity, courage and strength are at your command.

  24. Jude Ratekin says:

    AMEN Jayson Brewer … nicely worded

  25. OMG I can’t believe the audacity of that woman. Forgive her for she knows not of what she speaks! I also served in the Army to earn $ to go to college & now run a very succesful business! I could not have gone otherwise. Thanks to my military time I was able to travel the world & get to see many different cultures first hand. We trained for war everyday & to say there is no war… Ha… Tell that to the men & women serving in Afghanistan & many, other places. I thank God there are people like Brandon who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice!!! I’ll hire an ex military person any day over the average college grad! Thank you Brandon!!! You are the best!

  26. Congratulations Branden and Thank you!

  27. PS Most of my parent friends who have recently sent their young students off to “college” are finding out most of the time the undisciplined young students are drinking & partying more than studying

  28. Congratulations to Brandon!! Thank you, so much, for selflessly and willingly serving our great country! Marion, I know you are so proud!

  29. Congratulations to Brandon!! Thank you, so much, for selflessly and willingly serving our great country! Marion, I know you are so proud!

  30. Robert says:

    There is no higher honor than military service. Being a soldier goes beyond merely risking your life. Sometimes a soldier has to go forward, knowing he cannot survive, but he must go and do his job, for his friends and ultimately to save our freedoms and way of life. Under army doctrine, every soldier must be ready to make his own decisions, to take initiative and to do what is necessary, come what may. We live free and unmolested in this country, only because brave men like Mr. Weir are mentally, physically and morally prepared to act. There is no harder job, there is no nobler profession. No, it’s not like going off to college, though that’s certainly part of it. Becoming a soldier is something more, to put it straight, a lot more. Congratulations, Mr. Weir, and thank you. I have a strong feeling we are all a lot safer because of your choices.

  31. Congrats Branden Weir sorry some people have to be the center of attention 24/7 but always remember i love u cousin and as a fellow American i greatly respect u for everything u r doing and everything u plan on doing :-) :-) :-) im super proud

  32. Congrats Branden Weir sorry some people have to be the center of attention 24/7 but always remember i love u cousin and as a fellow American i greatly respect u for everything u r doing and everything u plan on doing :-) :-) :-) im super proud

  33. VeraKB says:

    Branden will have tremendous life skills coming out of his military training that will put him head and shoulders ahead of those who stayed behind and attended college. A soldier has real life & survival skills. God help us if those of us who sat behind desks or computers ever have to defend ourselves or others in a time of crisis. I have 2 children, one who graduated college and another graduating in 2 months. My kids have book smarts but the real education is going to come for them upon entering the real world, which has been deferred in order to ‘learn’ about it. For whatever reason, certain people have anti-war agendas, and I don’t want war either – but being first-gen American, I saw what my parents had to live through as refugees of Communism and corruption, and I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone. If you think there is no war, turn on your television and observe what is happening in the Ukraine and other parts of the world.

  34. Branden you are a true hero in my eyes :-)

  35. Branden you are a true hero in my eyes :-)

  36. He he a fine looking young man Marion. I know you are proud, we Mama’s and grandmama’s are just that way!!!

  37. He he a fine looking young man Marion. I know you are proud, we Mama’s and grandmama’s are just that way!!!

  38. My Hero and favorite cousin, miss you B(:

  39. My Hero and favorite cousin, miss you B(:

  40. Chris Rider says:

    Great news to read

  41. Chris Rider says:

    Great news to read

  42. Thank you Branden for your sacrifice! Thank you For risking your life to make sure mine is safe! Thank you for putting it all on the line to defend this beautiful country! Thank you for being a strong enough man to just brush off ignorant humans who obviously didn’t learn much at her fancy university! Thanks for defending her freedom of speech; she seems to of forgot without men and women like you she wouldn’t get to enjoy her social media rants. Thank you for all you do many blessing!

  43. Thank you Branden for your sacrifice! Thank you For risking your life to make sure mine is safe! Thank you for putting it all on the line to defend this beautiful country! Thank you for being a strong enough man to just brush off ignorant humans who obviously didn’t learn much at her fancy university! Thanks for defending her freedom of speech; she seems to of forgot without men and women like you she wouldn’t get to enjoy her social media rants. Thank you for all you do many blessing!

  44. Lori Scott says:

    Thank you for your service young man.

  45. Lori Scott says:

    Thank you for your service young man.

  46. Sheri Dale says:

    Great job, Branden!!!

  47. Emily Ball says:

    Well, I stand by my posts. I am proud of this young man, but would not encourage anyone to join the military. I do think that our college bound seniors are very impressive. Those who feel that our college bound seniors are less impressive than those who complete basic training make no sense to me.

  48. If you’re not willing to stand behind our soldiers, feel free to stand in front of them.

  49. Jude Ratekin says:


  50. Congrats & thank you for your service… You’ve done great!

  51. Jude Ratekin says:

    Oh … I MUST ADD THIS … My precious son … United States Air Force for 5 years … got his Bachelor’s Degree while in the United States Air Force … He’s grown up so much, is very respectful, and HE IS MY HERO along with every other active duty and veteran

  52. Emily Ball says:

    Well, Jude, I am not concerned about your opinion of me. This site is going to begin posting congratulations to college bound seniors who send their information to SCTV. I have achieved my goal and have done so without name calling or otherwise lowering myself. God bless.

  53. Jude Ratekin says:

    You lowered yourself all by yourself … You didn’t need any help … I’ve heard of your previous posts … The saying is so true in this instance .. You just can’t teach an old dog new tricks .. oh and … stupid is as stupid does … You’re living proof

  54. Congratulations to you Emily, for not only accomplishing your goal, but successfully using a positive triumph in our family as an excuse to spew your negative unwanted opinions. You should’ve chosen a better forum.

  55. Jave Fierro says:

    It’s always awesome to see someone you know be recognized for doing something so great.
    Congrats to my friends The Brewers.

  56. Gary B. says:

    Congratulations Branden! Thank you for your service. Don’t let the “Women’s Studies” major get to you! There’s a reason they call that a B.S. degree!

  57. Way to go Branden. As a Bulldog Grad and Army Wife I wanna thank you for your service, as well as the rest of our beloved Military and families.
    Keep making yourself, your family and your country proud.

  58. Gary Bierend says:

    Congratulations Branden! Thank you for your service. Don’t let the “Women’s Studies” major get to you! There’s a reason they call that a B.S. degree!

  59. VeraKB says:

    Slightly over 50% of college students actually complete their college degree. It’s quite ludicrous to post ‘participation awards’ before students complete what they were expected to do. http://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=40

  60. Jude Ratekin says:

    LOL Gary … awesome

  61. Kathy Baty says:

    Congratulations and thank for your service to our country.

  62. Jane Staven says:

    Ms Bell, As someone who continues to try to explain to us the importance of college over going into the military please tell us what college you went to and what degree you have that will change the course of our lives? You obviously don’t know that only 1% of our nation makes up the military population. Branden is that 1%. If god forbid war breaks out again, which is inevitable, I couldn’t be prouder to have him protect and defend our freedoms. And for the record my 89 year old father served in WWII as a Marine in Iwo Jima. My husband served in the Marines for 6 years and the Air Force for 16 years. The military provided my husband the opportunity to get his Bachelors & Masters degrees…the military protects YOU Ms Bell and gives YOU your 1st Amendment rights of freedom of speech. What did you do today to help protect & defend our country? I know what Branden was doing. HOOAH Branden!

  63. I am proud to say that I am a member of the minority. You see I was blessed with a family member that was “blessed with other gifts to offer” and he chose to offer them in the defense of this great country and it’s way of living. He graduated from college and enlisted in the military at the bottom. He wanted to work his way to the top, so if and when he had to command other soldiers he could say that “he never asked of them what he had not done himself.” He received his paratrooper wings, and became a Green Beret. He then gave his life so that the uneducated would maintain their rights to protest at his funeral! You see, General Washington, Teddy Roosevelt, George Patton, and 100’s of thousand more, had other talents to give, however they offered their lives and 1000’s died so that we would maintain our right to worship the God of our choice, be able to vote(if we choose to do so and most choose not to do so), and for our right to bear arms, as well as all the other rights that we cherish in this GREAT Country. so Ms. Ball I am glad that you accomplished your goal! I hope that you and all the other liberal Westboro Baptist Church members will thank a soldier for the rights that you all hide behind, because you see, they are willing to die so that you will have that right!!!

  64. Gary B. says:

    Great post Bryan, thank you. I’m curious, has there been a single post in defense of whats-her-name?

  65. Kim Millar says:

    Ms. Ball, these soldiers are the reason you have your freedom and can sleep at night and you can go to college. Remember that! I am so proud of my cousin Brandon and all the Military. Thanks to them all!

  66. That’s awesome. Even makes me proud……

  67. von fortenberry says:

    Branden, I do not know you but I do know your mother. Thank you for your service. I know that your mother is very proud of you, as am I.
    Best of luck.

  68. Frank Anderson says:

    As a former soldier and the parent of a current soldier may I say congratulations. To anyone who would make little of this young man’s accomplishment I say until you’ve actually gone to basic you don’t know how difficult it is. As for choosing the service over going to college or the wars being over, I say this we will always need young men and women to walk the wire that most choose to hide from. Once again congratulations soldier.

  69. Gary B. says:

    I suspect that the poster claiming to be Emily Ball is a phony. No grown up would post nonsense like that under their real name, especially not a local business person. I believe we have all been had, and I would recommend SCVTV look into it. Perhaps contact the Emily Ball that works at Realty Executives and confirm if it is her. Whether it’s her or a phony, the person that posted this nonsense is not worthy of a response.

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