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S.C.V. History
September 20
1954 - C-46 cargo plane crashes at Saugus Drunk Farm; Civil Air Patrol chaplains parachute to safety [story]

Santa Clarita Valley water officials have drafted a Water Action Plan that would restrict lawn-watering and car washing, in order to comply with a state mandate during the drought.

All residents and businesses that get their water from one of the local purveyors – Castaic Lake Water Agency’s Santa Clarita Water Division or Valencia Water Co., County Water Works District 36 or Newhall County Water District – will be required to comply with the restrictions once officials have worked out the details.

“The draft is a very good indication of what will be expected from residents,” said Dirk Marks, water resources manager for CLWA, although he added some aspects, such as who’s in charge of enforcement of the rules, are still unclear.
The proposed statewide restrictions will take effect Friday, but because the state left it up to local agencies to enforce, the restrictions may not affect Santa Clarita Valley residents until the middle of August, officials said.

The draft of the Santa Clarita Valley water plan states it will be, “mandatory for residents and businesses in the Santa Clarita Valley.”



If residents do not follow the specific water restrictions laid out in the Water Action Plan, they will be issued two written warnings, according to the proposed plan. “A fine of $50 per day for the first infraction and increase by $50 for each additional infraction up to the maximum $500 per day,” after the third notice.

Residents will be prohibited from hosing down driveways and sidewalks, may be forced to turn off their decorative water fountains and will not be allowed to wash their cars unless the hose is fitted with a nozzle that allows it to stop running when not in use, according to the proposal.

The plan lays out two “outdoor irrigation” frameworks, one for winter, and one for summer.

During the summer months, residents will be allowed to water their lawns three times a week, and those days will be given to each resident specifically.

In the winter months, watering days will be limited to only twice a week.

Many residents expressed concern that the new watering schedule could affect their lawns, and they could subsequently be punished by their HOAs.

However, the state passed a law that prohibits homeowner associations from punishing a resident for scaling back on landscaping under an executive order signed by Gov. Jerry Brown in April.

“The water suppliers will continue to assess water supply conditions in 2014 and 2015,” the plan states. “If water supply conditions continue to worsen, further actions may be necessary to ensure available water supplies for SCV residents and businesses.”

There will be a meeting on Tuesday with the Water Retail Committee, Marks said, and an Aug. 13 public hearing to discuss adoption of the plan.


– Kimberly Beers


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  1. I’m wondering how they enforce this. Do they drive around and give fines or ?

  2. Jim Oge Jr says:

    I started this last year.

  3. Are the HOA’s aware of this?

  4. Well they should not have sold the water from Castaic Lake to Riverside County. Ask them what they did with the money they received? Ask they why they sold the water knowing we are in a drought?

    • Not sure what you’re referring to, but almost all of the water in Castaic Lake does not belong to the SCV (or the Castaic Lake Water Agency). The biggest owner, to our knowledge, is the city of L.A. MWD.

    • Regardless of the ownership of the water, the fact is it was sold, employees at Castaic Lake have confirmed this.
      What about the other posts asking about the HOA’s which I live in. And what dose the City plan to to do on cutting down on there water usage for the trees and lawns ?

    • (1) CLWA doesn’t own the water in Castalc Lake (2) asked & answered (State has stopped HOAs from levying fines for dead lawns) (3) The city responded to comments on this facebook page when people pointed it out to them last week. Hasn’t that stopped by now?

    • The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is a consortium of 26 cities and water districts that provides drinking water to nearly 19 million people in parts of Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties.

      The mission of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is to provide its service area with adequate and reliable supplies of high-quality water to meet present and future needs in an environmentally and economically responsible way.

      Metropolitan currently delivers an average of 1.7 billion gallons of water per day to a 5,200-square-mile service area.

    • The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is a consortium of 26 cities and water districts that provides drinking water to nearly 19 million people in parts of Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties.

      The mission of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is to provide its service area with adequate and reliable supplies of high-quality water to meet present and future needs in an environmentally and economically responsible way.

      Metropolitan currently delivers an average of 1.7 billion gallons of water per day to a 5,200-square-mile service area.

    • Right–? We’re not part of MWD. But MWD owns most of the water in Castaic Lake.

    • Right–? We’re not part of MWD. But MWD owns most of the water in Castaic Lake.

    • UCLA-area water main break spews millions of gallons.. And the water main breaks just in time right poor tax payers ..

    • UCLA-area water main break spews millions of gallons.. And the water main breaks just in time right poor tax payers ..

  5. Water is a Precious Resource and it’s only getting more Precious. EVERY DROP COUNTS!

  6. Our neighbors across the street wash their cars every weekend, obviously there not worried about a fine, neighbors next to us water their lawn at noon!

  7. Judi Jo says:

    When does this take effect for homeowners? (Already called out our HOA for over watering common properties)

  8. Bree Scurti says:

    Denise Lacoste Saylor

  9. what do the blank days mean? sorry ~ I’m a little scatter-brained

  10. Blank days are when your allowed to hook up your slip n slide and waste water!!! Jk :)

  11. Joey Campbell just thought you should know

  12. Joey Campbell just thought you should know

  13. This schedule does not make sense. The state says not to water your outside landscape more than twice a week.

  14. This schedule does not make sense. The state says not to water your outside landscape more than twice a week.

  15. I only water mine for seven minutes a day or less, but if I skip a day on days like today ( 100 plus) the plants will not rehydrate the next day they just die.

  16. I only water mine for seven minutes a day or less, but if I skip a day on days like today ( 100 plus) the plants will not rehydrate the next day they just die.

  17. technically, according to this picture, we are supposed to turn on our water hoses and point them straight in air…lol

  18. technically, according to this picture, we are supposed to turn on our water hoses and point them straight in air…lol

  19. Tony Follett says:

    Ok just because the governor couldn’t get his 20%drop over last year. This knuckle head won’t achieve it this way either because we starting cutting back three years ago. This is being done out of spite and not necessity.

  20. Tony Follett says:

    Ok just because the governor couldn’t get his 20%drop over last year. This knuckle head won’t achieve it this way either because we starting cutting back three years ago. This is being done out of spite and not necessity.

  21. Perhaps they should also have time prohibitions. I saw some moron’s sprinkler system going yesterday at 1pm.

  22. Perhaps they should also have time prohibitions. I saw some moron’s sprinkler system going yesterday at 1pm.

  23. Not necessity?! What are you smoking?

  24. Not necessity?! What are you smoking?

  25. Hmmm maybe the state can override the cities that ban artificial grass still!!

  26. Hmmm maybe the state can override the cities that ban artificial grass still!!

  27. So when in driving around the SCV you’re telling me the city as well will be on the same schedule? Doubt it. In fact with all the building going in all I see is more and more sprinklers going in when they could hard scape it. Such BS.

  28. So when in driving around the SCV you’re telling me the city as well will be on the same schedule? Doubt it. In fact with all the building going in all I see is more and more sprinklers going in when they could hard scape it. Such BS.

  29. I got a quote on artificial grass thinking that would be the way to go, but they want $4000 for my tiny 400 sq ft front yard. Ridiculous. My lawn is brown now and we water 4 days a week. It’s a lose/lose situation.

  30. I got a quote on artificial grass thinking that would be the way to go, but they want $4000 for my tiny 400 sq ft front yard. Ridiculous. My lawn is brown now and we water 4 days a week. It’s a lose/lose situation.

  31. Alana Smith says:


  32. Alana Smith says:


  33. Marc Deagon says:

    Hey SANTA CLARITA WATER DIVISION. I wonder when you are going to put the big boy pants on and upgrade your coloring book website so we pay bills just like mom and dad . You store no information so we have to type in our name and address along with all the other BS and then you want to know the country and state in which we live, every freaking time, You list no payment history or the amount owed. You can’t pay your bill unless you have the statement in front of you or have you account memorized and guess the amount owed. Then you have the unmitigated gall to charge a 2 dollar “convenience fee”? No, it’s such a bush league, 3rd grade website it’s an inconvenience fee and you should pay us to use it. It’s cheaper to spit on a stamp and mail it. Hopefully with your outrageous late fees you can buy additional water and plant more trees since we can’t go paperless. But in case you haven’t heard there is a drought going on. So save the water and kill a tree you dolts. And get a new slogan too, you know like…”SCWD where we kill trees and you get HOSED. SCWD can take my hose and stick it in their ear,

  34. Marc Deagon says:

    Hey SANTA CLARITA WATER DIVISION. I wonder when you are going to put the big boy pants on and upgrade your coloring book website so we pay bills just like mom and dad . You store no information so we have to type in our name and address along with all the other BS and then you want to know the country and state in which we live, every freaking time, You list no payment history or the amount owed. You can’t pay your bill unless you have the statement in front of you or have you account memorized and guess the amount owed. Then you have the unmitigated gall to charge a 2 dollar “convenience fee”? No, it’s such a bush league, 3rd grade website it’s an inconvenience fee and you should pay us to use it. It’s cheaper to spit on a stamp and mail it. Hopefully with your outrageous late fees you can buy additional water and plant more trees since we can’t go paperless. But in case you haven’t heard there is a drought going on. So save the water and kill a tree you dolts. And get a new slogan too, you know like…”SCWD where we kill trees and you get HOSED. SCWD can take my hose and stick it in their ear,

  35. and they charge to pay online. ive already cut my watering from 6 to 3 minutes. and what about the days that are blank?

  36. and they charge to pay online. ive already cut my watering from 6 to 3 minutes. and what about the days that are blank?

  37. So, if we don’t water our yards regularly, then the grass turns brown, then we’ll have to deal with our HOA, too!

  38. As long as HOA abides to the new law. I’m in for water conservation and brown grass. Joy Canalita

  39. Ciana Rego says:

    I honestly am amazed that the city is ok watering lawns at all. For it being an extreme drought, you’d think having green grass would be the least of our priorities. God forbid Santa Clarita every loose any curb appeal in this state of emergency.

    But then again, I’ve lived on horse property for 15 years with no front lawn and lots of dirt. Maybe having green grass outside your house adds a quality of life I’ve been missing out on.

  40. Tim Fassino says:

    Oh but let’s build 25,000 MORE homes with the Newhall Ranch Project. Our local politicians are pathetic and corrupt

    • I was waiting for someone to mention all the new homes that were approved to be built. That is exactly what I was thinking reading all this. Not to mention all the new plants being added to the beautification road projects the city is doing all over town. Those will need water as well.

    • Tim Fassino says:

      Karen. Your correct. The city just put in about 3 miles of new trees and vegetation along Golden Valley Road. It saddens me our city officials are so myopic in their decisions. They just rubber stamp any new projects that create an income for a business in this city.

  41. Tim says:

    City Officials ” please save water or you will be fined”. City Officials. ” We unanimously approve the Newhall Land Project to build 25,000 new homes in Santa Clarita”.

    • SCVNews.com says:

      Huh? No city officials ever said anything about fining anybody. The city isn’t in the water business. That would be the water utilities that would be fining people.

  42. What about watering by hand?

  43. Ronie Rowsey says:

    I see that the city is putting in sprinkler lines for ALL the new homes that are being built and planting trees on the sidewalks!!!

  44. Roz Hogan says:

    When is the proposed starting date

  45. Gary Mason says:

    Candace it’s getting real

  46. Gary Mason says:

    Candace it’s getting real

  47. Clwa’s website says $2 a square foot to replace your lawn, not $5.

  48. Clwa’s website says $2 a square foot to replace your lawn, not $5.

  49. Brian Towles says:

    Heather Towles Hilmer Breeanna Towles Karen Towles Kenny Tolls

  50. Brian Towles says:

    Heather Towles Hilmer Breeanna Towles Karen Towles Kenny Tolls

  51. Brandon Cook says:

    Tank Funicello Dempsy

  52. Laura Lopez says:

    Too bad you can’t get the $2 or $5 (whatever amount) per square foot unless your grass is still alive. My grass is already dead, so I’m just stuck with dirt. Also, there are all these hoops you have to jump through just to get the incentive.

    Design Requirements:

    No spray irrigation in renovated landscape area (spray irrigation is defined as pressurized water flowing from a sprinkler in a misty fan like pattern. Spray irrigation is mostly used for watering residential grass areas distributing water in 90-360 degree circle patterns).
    Drip, bubbler or rotating stream irrigation devices are required in renovated portion of landscape. Hand watering is allowed, if the spray irrigation system is removed.
    Plant material must cover 50% of renovated landscape at maturity (2 years); 50% of renovated landscape can be permeable hardscape (e.g., mulch, synthetic turf that is permeable, decomposed granite).
    Irrigation zones must be shown on landscape plans. Landscaped zones with mixed irrigation or plant water requirements will not be approved.
    A plant list must be included with your landscape plans including plant type, quantity of each plant used, water requirements (low, medium, high) and mature size or plant spread.
    Individual homeowners are responsible for checking with their HOA and the City of Santa Clarita or County of Los Angeles for design requirements and permits. Applications to the program are not a substitute for applying to an HOA or City or County for permission to renovate landscape.

  53. Michael Foth says:

    Shouldn’t have taken this long…..

  54. Mike Navarro says:

    Beautification is okay with me, just stop building. There will be no open spaces and we will become another city with even more overpopulation. The city council is ruining what this city used to be.

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