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1927: First major competition, second annual rodeo, at new Baker Ranch arena (later Saugus Speedway). Overflow crowd more than fills 18,000-seat arena. Entire SCV population was ~3,000 [story]
1927 Baker Ranch Rodeo

The Real Side | Commentary by Joe Messina
| Tuesday, Aug 30, 2016

joemessinamugThis past weekend, I was handed the ultimate gift. A rich, progressive, lefty who hates the rich. It doesn’t get better than this. Thank you, Colin Kaepernick.

Colin, the San Francisco 49ers quarterback, exercised his right to free speech last week while being cheered on by the far left when he made a political statement by refusing to stand for the national anthem at a preseason game. They stood arm-in-arm with him against this oppressive nation known as the United States.

You see, Colin is a product of the oppressive society where “whitey” doesn’t care about the “African American,” and all that befalls the black community in this country can directly be attributed to a white person. Just ask those on the far left.

Because of how the whites treat African Americans, Colin’s dad left his mom who was 19 and pregnant. Why? Because he was mad, and afraid of whitey, and afraid of bringing up a child in this oppressive country.

It was a miracle that Colin was even born, considering that the majority of babies aborted in this country are minorities and mostly African Americans who are specifically targeted by Planned Parenthood.

His mom had the good sense to give him up for adoption (bless that mom wherever she is). And she probably hoped he would be adopted by a solid African American family.

Imagine her fury and disappointment when a rich, white, oppressive family stepped up to enslave her son. To Colin’s point, he was forced to go to school in this oppressive American culture where he had to attend air-conditioned schools and he was given paper, pencils and books to work with.

OMG. He attended schools that were kept safe by an oppressive government? That forced him to eat food it provided and drink clean water? Oh, the humanity.

Colin was able to pursue his dreams because of the men and women of ALL colors who fought and continue to fight for his freedom and all of the freedoms of this country. Colin should consider a visit to – or even try to live in – countries like North Korea or Venezuela or any other country that would jail him for what he said.

Colin, you are the classic lefty-progressive jerk. After taking advantage of and working the system that afforded you the luxuries you have today, your only takeaway is hatred for the very system that helped you get to where you are today.

Is it true you converted to Islam? Are you going to tell us you aren’t allowed to pledge allegiance or stand for the national anthem? That’s confusing to me, because some of us have Muslim friends and associates who do stand and have respect for the country. Is yours a different type of Islam? Or are you just practicing Jerkism?

You play in an industry with some of the highest paid “entertainers” in the world./ This is very “oppressive” towards Asians, Hispanics and whites (the NFL is almost 70 percent African American). Using Rev. Al Sharpton’s logic here, since there aren’t many blacks in the boardrooms of some major American companies, he says they are racist. Does that same logic apply to the NFL – or the NBA, where African Americans makeup approximately 75 percent of the players? That’s another industry that pays mega bucks, millions of mega bucks to the oppressed black players.

I’m sure that oppressive white family stole you from the adoption agency and didn’t allow a black family to adopt you. Then they sent you to oppressive schools in areas that hated blacks and forced you to go to college where you got picked up by the “major big oppressive” leagues that are so proud of you today.

You have proven the point of many of us on the right: You socialist, progressive lefties who scream foul are often the recipients of all of the good and more that this country has to offer. Apparently nothing is good enough or fair enough or simply “enough” for you.

People like you are what keeps racism alive and well in America, and that’s a shame.


Joe Messina is host of The Real Side (TheRealSide.com), a nationally syndicated talk show that runs on AM-1220 KHTS radio and SCVTV [here]. He is also an elected member of the Hart School Board. His commentary publishes Mondays.

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  1. gary conray says:

    This Hanity wanna be is pathetic.Whatever your belief he has the courage to stand up to an injustice in a not perfect society you gripe for attention Colin gripes from the heart and has much to loose.

  2. Gary Horton says:


    Aside from your continued slide to true, overt racism – resurrecting “whitey vs. blacks” – and, your continued slanderous rants against those with views differing than you (“lefties”) – throwing everyone into convenient boxes against which you hate: Even amidst all this, old Joe, you hit on some truths here.

    Colin Kaepernick indeed received about all the breaks ANYONE could ask for in America. True, to get to the heights he’s achieved he certainly had to work exceptionally hard in his own right. Still, to attend the schools he did, to be raised by such a doting family, to be able to ascend – what more could one want? “The System” – certainly worked for Colin. And he comes across extremely privileged and naive. But let’s remember, he’s not a political scientist. He didn’t study rhetoric or philosophy.

    Joe: Colin Kaepernick throws a pigskin 20 yards for a living. I’m not sure we should look to seriously to him for social guidance.

    But to Colin’s point, which is valid – Joe you can’t overlook that here in America, 150 years after actual slavery and only 50 years into what we call the “Civil Rights Movement” – blacks continue to work hard through social injustice. Colin got all the breaks. Most don’t.

    Joe, you go get born into abject poverty amidst a dearth of hope and understanding and see how far you go. You go live in an inner city slum with inner city schools and see how high your mind climbs. You go live around so much drugs, so much crime, and so few examples of “good living” and see how well you turn out.

    The social injustices continue, whether or not Colin Kaepernick is a jerk. Yeah, I didn’t like him before this stunt and I like him less now. But yeah, when we invade innocent nations and tear them apart I won’t sing that song, either.

    It’s easy simply to call all opposing ideas away from your budding racism “Leftism.” But the injustices still remain in their own right and they will until they are finally and correctly addressed. Your labeling and ranting, or not.

    – Gary

  3. Name calling….this is what the conservative right has to offer lately. You make everyone in this country just as unpatriotic as you believe this man is by resorting to such a low level.

  4. This “author” just happens to be an expert on practicing “jerkism.” Pot meet kettle.

  5. Dr. Y. Dino says:

    You forgot to mention the white man was also to blame for his father abandoning his mother. Just think where Conlin would be today if his father had been there to help raise him.
    Conlin has every right to his actions, AND we have every right to boycott anything he is involved with.

  6. Judy Rich Judy Rich says:

    The majority of Americans agree with this and are outraged!!! ( the exception would be some of these people that always like to just criticize your articles!)

  7. Hard to believe this person is allowed to be associated with anything to do with a school.

  8. Kris Kelso Kris Kelso says:

    What he didn’t address was what Colin said about people committing murder & getting paid leave, this is why he sat. I also know that we live in a country with free speech & just because Colin came from a stable house & was raised with all the chances anyone should get does not mean he does not have the right to discuss this issue. Joe’s whole argument is that because Colin was not oppressed he has no right/ability to talk about it, which is just not how it works. I for one don’t think sitting out the Anthem is the answer but I would take up arms to protect his right to do it.

  9. Cody Kennedy Cody Kennedy says:

    I’m confused. Was he implying that Colin’s bio mom is black? She’s not. Way to show how racist you are and in turn showing exactly why he was protesting

  10. Alleys Zerep says:

    Takes one jerk to recognize another it seems. Newsflash, our country was founded on dissent and as citizens we have the right to practice it. Now, you or I or even the collective “we” may not agree with this particular viewpoint, but Colin Kaepernick exercised his right to do so. BTW, so did the late great Jackie Robinson and Muhammed Ali.

    Calling someone a “leftie” or “progressive” adds nothing to the public discourse, it does however, reflect on your close mindedness and lack of sensitivity to a very real issue in this country; the vilification of minorities and those deemed “others.” Like it or not, the 21st Century is here, and this great country of ours now more diverse than ever before. Embrace it, don’t fear it or demonize it because only you will be left in its wake.

  11. Denny NNWofLA says:

    I’d say that I was just handed a gift by a mouth-breathing knuckle-dragging, bigoted wingnut today.

    The earlier comments pretty much summed up what I would have pointed out, but I am calling you out specifically on what you said, Joe, in your fifth paragraph about Planned Parenthood targeting blacks for abortions. That is not only incorrect but highly offensive. Planned Parenthood is there to assist women and families that would otherwise have no other recourse. Abortion accounts for only about 3% of it’s activities. They do target anyone, you smug white idiot! It’s the right wing in this country that does that.

  12. Lee says:

    “Kaepernick was baptized Methodist, confirmed Lutheran, and attended a Baptist church during his college years.[46] Kaepernick spoke about his faith saying, “My faith is the basis from where my game comes from. I’ve been very blessed to have the talent to play the game that I do and be successful at it. I think God guides me through every day and helps me take the right steps and has helped me to get to where I’m at. When I step on the field, I always say a prayer, say I am thankful to be able to wake up that morning and go out there and try to glorify the Lord with what I do on the field. I think if you go out and try to do that, no matter what you do on the field, you can be happy about what you did.”

    Kaepernick has multiple tattoos. His right arm features a scroll with the Bible verse Psalm 18:39 written on it. Tattooed under the scroll are praying hands with the phrase “To God The Glory” written on them. To the left of both the scroll and praying hands is the word “Faith” written vertically. His left arm features a Christian cross with the words “Heaven Sent” on it referring to Jesus. Written above and below the cross is the phrase “GOD WILL GUIDE ME”. Written to the left and right of the cross is the Bible verse Psalm 27:3. His chest features the phrase “Against All Odds” and artwork around it that represents “inner strength, spiritual growth, and humility”. His back features a mural of angels against demons.”

  13. Scvtv you just lost me by posting this vitriolic nonsense.

  14. This guy is literally what keeps America from being great. Racist as racist can be. He published a whole account of Hilary and the people she’s supposedly killed with no references for his claims? Whoever runs this Santa Clarita page is also a racist. I hope your proud of yourself. Posting this racist garbage. I don’t even have to question what race you are. I can confirm it with some of your post.

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