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Today in
S.C.V. History
March 7
1976 - Groundbreaking for new First Presbyterian Church in Newhall; former structure heavily damaged in 1971 earthquake [story]
First Presbyterian Church

[AB] – Valencia-based Advanced Bionics, the global leader in cochlear implant technology and a subsidiary of the Sonova Group, announced Monday that Neptune – the world’s first and only swimmable sound processor – has earned a prestigious product design award from the German-based Red Dot Institute for Advanced Design Studies. Neptune, one of 4,515 products submitted by manufacturers from around the globe for this renowned product competition, was awarded a coveted “Red Dot Award: Product Design 2012” at a July gala in Essen, Germany, after undergoing an extensive evaluation process from a 30-member jury composed of product design experts.

“The experts thoroughly examined, tested and evaluated each individual entry, applying the highest standards,” said Dr. Peter Zec, initiator and CEO of the Red Dot Design Award, which has origins dating back to the 1950s. “With their performances, the laureates did not only demonstrate an extraordinary design quality, but they also showed that design is an integral part of innovative product solutions.”

This design seal of approval from Red Dot represents the third award garnered by Neptune so far this year–a considerable achievement given the waterproof sound processor was introduced a few short months ago in the first part of 2012. Earlier this year, the Industrial Designers Society of America Northwest honored Neptune with a Silver Shaggie award in recognition of excellence in product design. Neptune was also recognized as a Finalist at the 2012 Medical Design Excellence Awards competition held in Philadelphia in late May.

“We’re proud to receive awards and accolades from Red Dot and other esteemed organizations,” said Dr. Gerhard Roehrlein, CEO and CTO of Advanced Bionics, LLC. “We knew we had something special when we created Neptune, which is the only swimmable processor on the market that can be worn for hearing in and under water. Winning these prestigious awards from renowned design authorities proves that we didn’t just create a product that’s extremely beneficial to recipients, we also created something aesthetically pleasing that people want to wear.”

Across the world, recipients do want to hear with the beautiful Neptune processor, as evidenced by high demand for the product since its introduction. The fact that Neptune is the only sound processor on the market with truly waterproof technology, allowing recipients to wear it in the bath, shower, or pool, is an obvious reason for this high demand. In addition, Neptune comes fully compatible with the industry’s most advanced hearing technology, including ClearVoice, HiRes Fidelity 120, and AutoSound for better hearing in and out of the water.

Another clear factor in Neptune’s growing popularity, and growing array of awards, is its industry-first freestyle design offering recipients the most flexible wearing options of any sound processor on the market. Featuring chic styling in the vein of popular consumer electronics and a selection of convenient accessories, Neptune can be worn in a variety of modern colors virtually anywhere or any way a recipient chooses–in the hair, on an arm, under a collar, in a pocket. For those who prefer a more discreet look, Neptune is also available in blending colors and can be easily tucked away completely out of sight.

AB recently debuted the new Build myNeptune app for iPad devices in order to easily create a custom Neptune style to match any mood or wardrobe. Available as a free download from the App Store, the interactive application allows users to build their ideal Neptune look by selecting from hundreds of fashion-forward color combinations. Touch-friendly features include the ability to mix and match colors and cables, rotate Neptune 360 degrees, create a favorite swimming configuration, share customized Neptune looks on Facebook and Twitter, and even email designs to friends and clinicians.

For more information about the award-winning Neptune processor, contact a local Advanced Bionics representative or visit AdvancedBionics.com.


About Advanced Bionics

Advanced Bionics is a global leader in developing the most advanced cochlear implant systems in the world. Founded in 1993 and a subsidiary of the Sonova Group since 2009, AB develops cutting-edge cochlear implant technology that allows recipients to hear their best.

AB offers the most sophisticated cochlear implant system on the market, the HiResolution Bionic Ear System, with five times more sound resolution than its competitors, designed to help recipients hear in noisy settings and enjoy the full dimensions of music.

With sales in over 50 countries and a proven track record for developing high-performing, state-of-the-art products, AB’s talented group of technologists and professionals from all over the world are driven to succeed, work with integrity and stay firmly committed to quality.

To learn more about AB and its innovative cochlear implant technology, visit AdvancedBionics.com.

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