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1962 - Articles of incorporation filed for Golden State Memorial Hospital on Lyons Avenue [story]
Golden State Hospital

Several Santa Clarita Valley churches are targeted for a Sunday, Feb. 22, protest by members of the notorious Westboro Baptist Church.

Westboro’s online “Picket Schedule” lists five churches with Sunday services the group plans to protest ahead of the Oscars next week — Saint Kateri Tekakwitha in Saugus; Grace Baptist Church in Saugus; St. Stephen’s Episcopal in Newhall; Santa Clarita United Methodist; and the Church on the Way.

westboroStarting at 8 a.m., WBC posted its plans online to spend a half-hour at each church, and then begin protesting the Academy Awards ceremony at Dolby Theater in Los Angeles from 2:30-4:30 p.m.

The Topeka-based Westboro Baptist Church is considered a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Law Poverty Center, which tracks such activity.

WBC members frequently protest military funerals because they feel God is punishing the United States with war deaths because the nation supports homosexuality, as well as other views WBC members feel are immoral. WBC is not officially affiliated with any larger Baptist denomination.

According to a message on the WBC website:

“WBC will picket the St. Stephen’s Episcopal Dog Kennel with words of life and hope. There is nothing good to come from an Episcopal church, founded by and [sic] adulterer for the sole purpose of committing adultery. Hello?! NO ADULTERY!!

wbcRev. Kelly O’Connell, lead pastor for St. Stephens, sounded somewhat bemused by the news Thursday, when she found out the church was targeted by WBC members, who have never contacted St. Stephens directly, she said.

“(St. Stephen’s) reaction is, ‘Well, if we’ve gotten the notice of Westboro Baptist, then we’ must be doing something right,’” she said.

Church leader Fred Phelps Jr., son of the late founder.

Church leader Fred Phelps Jr., son of the late founder.

The church’s communication team will be meeting to discuss any concerns and questions this week, she said, adding WBC’s planned appearance coincided with the church’s largest weekly service.

Her main concern was that parishioners feel safe and comfortable while attending their worship, she said, adding there wasn’t a lot of public property around the church’s main entrance, so access shouldn’t be an issue.

“We believe that Jesus expressed his love for everyone – so my question is how much time and energy do we put into this, in case no one shows up,” O’Connell said, adding she also was aware sometimes WBC announces protests that don’t materialize. “I actually have some serious doubts that anyone will show.”




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  1. David did u see this?

  2. Wow I’m really surprised they aren’t picketing Real Life

  3. John Ricci says:

    This is awesome! Don’t they have anything better to do then spread hate? And have hate speech ?

  4. Why are they doing this? Love the reaction from Rev. O’Connell though.

  5. April Fiege says:

    Who’s up for throwing some water balloons at these idiots?

  6. Zach Downing says:

    Daniel Ruppert don’t you wish you were here for this.

  7. Message to Westboro Baptist Church…why don’t you help the homeless or something…isn’t that what Jesus would be doing…PS: go back where you haters came from

  8. Brett Milam says:

    are you kidding me….

  9. Hate and church shouldn’t be used together

  10. Brett Milam says:

    i’m bringing tomatoes.

  11. Aaron Reno Roz Reno – and i thought scv was boring. lol!

  12. Oh bring it on you whackjobs..i live between 2 of these churches so this shall be interesting! Although, i’m wondering why they are targeting SCV, kind of weird but then again they are weird. I will sit with my rainbow shirt on blasting “I kissed a girl and i liked it” with my 3 kids in tow!!! I ❤ my gays/lesbians and i’m straight as an arrow!!

  13. I never seen Santa Clarita have so much support. Speaking from My Wife and I,we also attend that church. My family has felt out of place since moving here 6 years ago. Thank you.

  14. Cori Leon says:

    Omg just ban religion. .. geez

    • Nes Tor says:

      NO. NO. That is not the solution. Their are many evil people who try to make their bad look good. Investigate and weed out those bad apples and discard them.

    • Paul Keogh says:

      lol, ban religion, good luck with something that can NEVER happen.

    • Cori Leon says:

      It’s a matter of a few years.I mean I’m in my late twenties and I remember being little and being openly gay was a huge NO! Look at it now, it’s legal to marry for our gay communities. Newer generations are being raised by my generation or even the generation after me and we’ve all developed into high tech and science people. It’s rare to see a 20-30 year old actually be part of a religion. Does it mean that we don’t believe in God? Absolutely not! It means we don’t follow man made organization that claim they can interpret the bible which for all we do know it was written by men that claimed God inspired them…

  15. Sergio Alvarez Lauren Neville

  16. Kim Sloan says:

    I think these fanatics haven’t met the likes of my SCV brother’s and sisters yet! It will hopefully be met with the CITIZENS of SCV counter protesting, and scaring the Cr-p out of the Westboro nut jobs! Bring your megaphones, and blast that music on them! Car horns, or whatever it takes to make them get the heck out of SCV! This is our town! We welcome only peaceful good folks around here! Get the Bikers for Jesus up here! They know what to do!

  17. Emily Ball says:

    I am fascinated by the choice. Of all of the churches in SCV I would assume Real Life Church would be targeted as devil worshippers.

  18. So what are the sane rational people doing in response? This could be fun! Does that make me sick and twisted?

  19. Taken directly from their website I apologize for the name of their webpage I don’t like posting it myself. Makes me cringe


  20. I hate these scum bag fundaMENTALIST

  21. “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!” http://bible.com/116/gal.5.22-23.nlt

  22. Pepper spray……gallons of pepper spray

  23. Deb Clem says:

    I didn’t know that GOD Hated anything!

  24. Raul Engle says:

    Ugh! So annoying! We need to arrange a love party to show them how tolerance gets DOWN!

  25. Kara Eckert says:

    I’m confused, who exactly is picketing,? And why?

  26. Kara Eckert says:

    Isn’t Westboro baptist that cult ?

  27. Neil Arno says:

    Those are some crazy and disgusting people.

  28. Sally Rivera says:

    Monique Lucas Michael Lucas

  29. Maybe they will be struck by lightning on their way here.

  30. Compassion and kindness.

  31. What are the Churches? I would gladly be ready at the churches to show them what Santa Clarita is made of! We won’t take this sitting down! Who wants to protest against them with me because this is unacceptable behavior and they need to be punished for it!

  32. Hate groups need to stay the efffff out of scv. We have enough problems without idiots trying to brainwash our youth

    • Hate groups need not exist at all! But I do think that our youth are in era now (unless raised by these people) where they think everyone should just be with who they love…gender not an issue. So, I don’t think we need to worry about any brainwashing

    • I wish I can agree. I feel that most parents and friends of teens can raise their kids to come to that conclusion on their own yet I find there are youth in this world who will listen to the trash that hate mongers are spewing because they either a) don’t want to piss off their parents or b) are forced to believe what those hate spreading idiots are trying to sell. Idiots that spew hate target vulnerable teens and young adults with their bs “youth groups”. It’s scary to think these morons are coming to our town to preach. I guess what I mean is lock up your daughters and lock up your sons since the idiot convention will be here. :)

  33. JENNIFER JANUS says:


  34. Nancy Moreno RUN!!!!!

  35. The protesters all need to get a life. Pathetic people that they are.

  36. Leo Gonzalez says:

    This pretty much sums them up.

  37. I sell pepper spray. Just sayin’

  38. Scott Ervin says:

    WB in the SCV. Shaken not stirred. This outta be good.

  39. i want to make a god hates kanye sign and join them hahaha

  40. Jason Greil says:

    F U C K…………OFF!!!!!

  41. Chris Cahill says:

    Absolutely disgusting.

  42. God doesn’t hate anyone. Except for these folks…pretty sure he hates them.

  43. I am a bible thumper evangelist and what/how they protest is not ok. Jesus also says you will know it’s fruit by it’s tree. God bless everyone.

  44. Sunny says:

    Where do I report and time should I be there? I am ambidextrous and would enjoy throwing water balloons at WBC members who protest here in SC. I feel sorry for small minded people. We need to stand together against these haters.

  45. Ram Iro says:

    It’s happening ..

  46. Dave Lee says:

    They want attention. Just completely ignore them and eventually they’ll feel like they’re wasting their time and go away. Think about it, if nobody even looks at them they’ll get bored and go home.

  47. Sharon Todd says:

    These people are whacked. Who are they to pass judgement on anyone? Only God reserves that right. Two words for them…More Ons….

    • JENNIFER JANUS says:

      they are more then a more on’s we need god more then ever now we need to stand together as one and fight for god and jesus and i am jewish

  48. Kory Abel says:

    The whole point of God is love these people are crazy

  49. Throwing projectiles i.e. tomatoes, water balloons may be construed as “Battery” in the state of California. Be careful. These scumbags thrive on lawsuits and they win. The matriarch is a lawyer. Go to youtube.com and type Westboro Baptist Church.

  50. Danni McCall says:

    Tammie Rose JT Rose apparently they’ll be at St. Kateri

  51. Nes Tor says:

    If they do or do not believe in God, they will get their reward when they leave this earth and meet Him face to face. No if, ands or buts. May he have pity on your soul.

  52. Nes Tor says:

    Are these idiots followers of Tony Alamo? Throw them all in jail alongside with him.

  53. Char says:

    I usually don’t hate on anyone… but… after learning about them, watching documentaries, and learning about “their bible”… my blood just boils.
    I want them out of our beautiful community. I’m ready to kick them out of our town. I’m ready to picket them out of town.
    Please tell me someone is starting a picketing to picket them out. I’m ready. Sign me up.

  54. haha Sara Raye Raza…I’ll be right next to you

  55. Ooooooo I’m so going to church this Sunday. Thanks.

  56. Oh look the attention whores are back… it was a good run not hearing about their asses for a while… now they hunger for fame again.. fml

  57. Oh look the attention whores are back… it was a good run not hearing about their asses for a while… now they hunger for fame again.. fml

  58. Shane Rosas says:

    These are the same people who think the earth is 6000 years old. Like watching apes at the zoo.

  59. Shane Rosas says:

    These are the same people who think the earth is 6000 years old. Like watching apes at the zoo.

  60. Mike Navarro says:

    Fire up the Harleys and drown them out!!!!!!

  61. Mike Navarro says:

    Fire up the Harleys and drown them out!!!!!!

  62. Since when did it become their job to judge! God is not about hate.

  63. Since when did it become their job to judge! God is not about hate.

  64. Sean King says:

    So happy its not my church.

  65. Sean King says:

    So happy its not my church.

  66. John Gilbert says:

    The Westboro Baptist Church. America’s Taliban

  67. John Gilbert says:

    The Westboro Baptist Church. America’s Taliban

  68. Len Rothmann says:

    I saw these people this morning, they were between my colon and the water in the toilet.

  69. Len Rothmann says:

    I saw these people this morning, they were between my colon and the water in the toilet.

  70. Wow… Lol #toomuchtimeontherehands

  71. Wow… Lol #toomuchtimeontherehands

  72. Joe Zepeda says:

    I know we can’t shoot them with real guns but how about paintball guns? PLEASE?

  73. Joe Zepeda says:

    I know we can’t shoot them with real guns but how about paintball guns? PLEASE?

  74. Christine Dlugatch says:

    are there any ‘ pickets’ by citizen against this ignorant group?? I’m Jewish and this group shouldn’t be allowed to spill filth ANYWHERE or at least televise their ignorance.

  75. Haha I think it’s time that celebrities put their money where their mouth is. For every protestor their should be a donation to a LGBT OR military charity. I would say 1000 a head. Which person out there wants to do that?

  76. Also, I can’t wait to
    See these guys. I should get their autographs!!!!

  77. Ty Brandt says:

    Janine Elise Harris awareness & Tyler Gregory thought you’d like to know about this if you didn’t already

  78. Frank Rock says:

    Although I wouldn’t mind if an errant, out of control truck found it’s way through this crowd of inbred hypocrites the best thing to do is give them no notice, no press, nothing to suggest they exist.

  79. J Mig Uel says:

    Bring it on Westbrook baptist. We will be ready.

  80. God only dislikes false prophets

  81. macroview says:

    Here’s some pure delusion for you, from their website:

    The Church on the Way in Santa Clarita, CA February 22, 2015 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM

    It’s always a bad sign when a group calling themselves a church of God seeks donations. It’s an even worse sign when that group has female “pastors”.

    This passage is very clear:

    1Ti 2:9-14 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

    Any person who has the smallest desire to serve God should RUN, not walk, away from this house of satan. Those who seek to serve God, seek to obey His commandments. All of his commandments, not just the ones convenient to you.

    Joh 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

    “christians” refusing to obey the simple commandments of God have led this nation to accepting fag marriage. The Church on the Way caused fag marriage and each member will be held accountable.


  82. suit up its clobbering time.

  83. This is so sad to read all these comments lil do these ignorant people know that they aren’t rejecting them or telling them of there doing it to god so sad than they wonder why so much crime why so dangerous cuz people wanna ignore the fact that theirs a god

  84. They make my skin crawl!!

  85. Ian O'Hara says:

    Cant wait to say these words to them, “youre the load your mother should have swallowed” and then we do a dance off via guardians of the galaxy

  86. Cass Lopez says:

    These people need to get a life. Preaching to be forgivers and non judge mental and to love is NOT to turn around and “judge” others for getting a divorce and remarried. So controlling and sickening!! Oh and Leo Gonzalez, truth!!

  87. Ian O'Hara says:

    This will be a pre comic con workout for me! They were there last year

  88. Cass Lopez says:

    These people are psychos …

  89. Tan Phung says:

    Kyle Edward Harris the circus is coming to town

  90. Feel free to join the protest at Saint Kateri Tekawitha. Let’s bring PEACE during this time of hate.

  91. Maria are you defending Westboro?

  92. I’m sorry, but so many of you are responding to this in the exact way that the people of Westboro want you to. They clearly want their voices heard and their name to be known, so the easiest solution to their protesting is to completely ignore them. If they see people responding with rage and fighting back, they will know they have won because they got in your heads. I can’t say I know the Bible from beginning to end, but I do know some things stated in Romans 2 that may help you in understanding where I am coming from. “You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.” So, if you are continuously judging others for not being perfect and not loving God in the same way that you do, you are only judging yourself in the same that they are. Much love.

  93. Bill says:

    And the nutcases come to town

  94. Aren’t there better things to do, in Santa Clarita than this? I just moved here. If they DON’T like something why not pray about it ? EMBARRASSING I say

  95. Taylor Green says:


  96. So just so I have this right….. A baptist church is going to picket other church’s with unkind, mean spirited and messages of hate? Really? That does not sound like “church” activity….. I am go to pray for those who attend and minister at the Westboro Baptist Church. Something has gone HORRIBLY off track for these folks.

  97. Tony The Messenger says:

    These people are no diferente than those “Extreme Muslims”. I’m “born again” alive and active but with a councious that equals = common sense and a heart that equals = compasion. Let G-d always be the judge.
    -Tony The Messenger

    • And sinners! See Romans 9:15; Psalm 5:5 and so much more of God’s word. Gandhi coined your lie, NOT God! What burns in hell? Sin or some clump of sins? Don’t check your brains at the door! Read the words and obey God!

  98. Shirley Phelps-Roper says:

    We do not need to talk with the devil to know he is up to mischief. Just ask the woman that calls herself a pastor (God hates women preachers) – are there divorced and remarried people in that so-called church?

    Our Lord Jesus Christ said two things about that – Luke 16:18 – if you divorce and remarry, you are living in adultery and if you marry someone that is divorced, you are living in adultery. He also said many times – THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY! Malachi 2 says that God HATES divorce – yes it says just that! Stop being Bible dumb and rebellious, and read the words and hush up! California is getting her back-side handed to her, and you foolish rebels refuse to connect the dots!

    Paul said – it is for your proud sin that the wrath of God comes upon and abides upon the children of disobedience! Your destruction is imminent and you don’t even see the slaughter hand coming a you! :(

    PS – God will NEVER have same-sex marriage!

    Follow @wbcsaysrepent for more word of God from Westboro Baptist Church. :)

  99. James DeRuvo says:

    He that doesn’t love, doesn’t know God. For God is Love. – 1 John 4:8

    Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness.
    1 John 2:9

    They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work. Titus 1:16

    Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things. We know that the judgment of God rightly falls on those who practice such things. Do you suppose, O man—you who judge those who practice such things and yet do them yourself—that you will escape the judgment of God?
    Romans 2:1-5

    “‘I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear with those who are evil, but have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and found them to be false. – Rev 2;2

  100. Ryan Rivera says:

    Wait…..so a church is going to protest…..another church????

  101. Shirley says:

    Get real. do something more productive with your damn time.

  102. mboron says:

    Believe it – God loves these people too. Perhaps
    He wants us to show them that by our response.
    Prayers and Blessings instead of reaction in the
    same manner as theirs. A hateful response to them
    proves their conduct is valid. Silence, prayer and
    Blessings are God’s ways. Peace, not violence.

  103. James DeRuvo says:

    Proverbs 6:16-19New International Version (NIV)

    16 There are six things the Lord hates,
    seven that are detestable to him:
    17 haughty eyes,
    a lying tongue,
    hands that shed innocent blood,
    18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
    feet that are quick to rush into evil,
    19 a false witness who pours out lies
    and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

    Hmmm I don’t think they’re reading it right.

  104. Oh my, they are evil. It’s amazing they don’t target us Jews. Or, maybe we’re next. I’m sorry this is happening to your churches…my dear, precious neighbors go to one of those churches. They are the most wonderful, g-d fearing an loving, people I know.

    • JENNIFER JANUS says:

      look at the picture showing the star of David we all need to stand together as one now there is to much hate in world and it is very sad to see this i was shocked to see this i am Jewish Vietnam veteran and all we what is peace in the world and god is love

  105. Paintball snipers ready?

  106. Maybe they could come feed the homeless

  107. Apparently. These people have never heard” judge not lest he be judged”. Sad

  108. I’ll bring my pa and blast some slayer… westburo is gonna love some slayer.

  109. If You Ask Me—I Suspect That Westboro Baptists Are Agents Of “Poo-Poo” Putin, Helping With His Secret Agenda. ;)

  110. So ya they appear as wierdos but last I heard there is Freedom of Speech. Im sure the Sherriffs Dept will be around. Crazy.

  111. Danny Reilly says:

    Can I hate with you?

  112. It’s been a crazy dream of mine to go head to head, toe to toe with those F’d up Westboro people!!! Let’s do this!

  113. It’s been a crazy dream of mine to go head to head, toe to toe with those F’d up Westboro people!!! Let’s do this!

  114. Bill P. says:

    I am sadden by this group that attacks the body of Christ and the negative Christian witness that non-christians are seeing because of them. I am also VERY concerned (based on many of the comments already posted here) that the response to them will be seen by the non-christian community as being just as hate filled as that of the protestors. I hope our response will bring honor to Jesus.

    • Xavier says:

      My thoughts exactly Bill. We must show the protestors Christian love back. Do any of you really think that hating this group and not showing them love will solve anything?

  115. The saddest part about all this is the battle between believers and believers when the battles as Christians we are to fight are against the enemy Satan not each other. I do know my Bible and it clearly says that we are to love one another as Jesus Christ loves us. All this Truly breaks my heart, but the bible does say that all of this would come to pass before he came back for us in book of Revelations. I will pray for peace & clarity to come from all those involved & for God to have mercy on them, for they know not what they do. Amen

  116. Judge not lest you be judged….they don’t get that!

  117. Joe Schreier says:

    Your Pastor vs. WBC …battle of the bible versus.

  118. Please do not bring tomatoes or paint balls or anger. Bring love. Bring a song. Bring peace in your heart and the love of the Lord. Only love can conquer hate. If we smile at them and wish them peace, we win. If we are angry, they win.

  119. Joe Yamauchi says:

    Question, A Church is considered a private institution ? Can they really come on the grounds and protest while services are happening? Don’t we as parishioners have the right to block them from stepping onto the grounds of private property? Anybody in law enforcement know or lawyering know ? They can’t ruin services for every Church in the SCV. This could unite all the different Churches to be one for peace and respect for the freedom of Religion.

  120. Alfonso Estevan Montejano

  121. Xavier says:

    It seems like, If only we could get these folks into Mass or Adoration. They should be talked to and explained to. :)

  122. I highly dislike religious fanatics.

  123. JT Rose says:

    Didn’t see any today Danni McCall!

  124. Betty Arenson says:

    What a photo op! Holding a sign that says “Fags doom nations” Classy. The good news is that all people disgusted by that fool are not him or have his decrepit mind.

  125. Tessa Lucero says:

    Please do not stoop to the WBC’s level by bringing megaphones or projectiles. They can’t help the hateful beliefs with which they were raised, though I pray that they will learn the love and forgiveness that Christ taught.

    Attend the service at whichever of the target churches you prefer to attend at the time WBC plans to be there. Show them that we are stronger than they are both in numbers and in faith. If your place of worship isn’t one of the churches WBC is targeting, attend your service as you normally would and come to one of the churches targeted to lend your support and worship with us.

    I’ll be at St. Stephen’s for the 10 AM service as I am most Sundays. All are welcome — yes even WBC members — to come and worship as we begin the observance of the Lenten season. We’ve been the target of demonstrations before. We survived and stood strong. We’ll stand proudly for our faith and our beliefs this time also.

  126. Davud says:

    To those of you whom zcrist has calked to be his body here on Earth, until he returns,

    Do not advocate violence on therpse lost souls. Instead, pray for them. If it God’s will that they shoukd hear them, they will be coals of fire upon their heads – as their own pride convicts them of their hypocricy.

    You will know them by their fruit. Their fripuit is hatred, do not become infected by it. You have been calked to minister to a dying workd.

    Remember: the wise man holds his tongue and is thought a fool, while the fool proclaims his foolishness.

    Hold your tongues therefore and be wise and not fall int hypocrisy.

  127. Davud says:

    To those of you whom Christ has called to be his body here on Earth, until he returns,

    Do not advocate violence on these lost souls. Instead, pray for them. If it God’s will that they should hear them, they will be coals of fire upon their heads – as their own pride convicts them of their hypocricy.

    You will know them by their fruit. Their fruit is hatred, do not become infected by it. You have been called to minister to a dying world.

    Remember: the wise man holds his tongue and is thought a fool, while the fool proclaims his foolishness.

    Hold your tongues therefore and be wise and not fall into hypocrisy – lest you find yourselves the fools.

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The California Institute of the Arts will present the "NAACP Santa Clarita Masquerade Ball", Friday, Oct. 4, 7-11 p.m. at 24700 McBean Parkway, Valencia, CA 91355.
Oct. 4: NAACP Santa Clarita Masquerade Ball at Cal Arts
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is investigating two human cases of a rare parasitic infection, Baylisascaris procyonis, also known as raccoon roundworm.
Public Health Investigating Disease Spread from Animals to Humans
1879 - First official Newhall School building erected near Walnut & Ninth streets [story]
First Newhall School
The city of Santa Clarita is hosting Make A Difference Day on Saturday, Oct. 26 and is looking for enthusiastic residents to volunteer for various projects that benefit local nonprofits, as well as the city.
Oct. 26: Volunteers Needed for Make a Difference Day
Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital and PathPoint announced the graduation of Aiden Land and Andrew Mendence from the Project SEARCH internship program.
Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital, PathPoint Celebrate Grad Interns
The William S. Hart Union High School District has announced upcoming community information meetings about Learning Post Academy Independent Study School, Thursday, Sept. 18 and Friday, Sept. 19.
Sept. 18-19: Learning Post Academy Online Information Meetings
The Santa Clarita Community College District Board of Trustees will hold a special meeting Wednesday, Sept. 18, 5 p.m. in open session to interview and appoint a new trustee for Area 5.
Sept. 18: COC Board to Interview, Appoint Area 5 Trustee
The city of Santa Clarita wants to remind residents that volunteer registration is open for the 29th Annual River Rally Cleanup and Environmental Expo scheduled for next Saturday, Sept. 21, from 8 to 11 a.m. at the William S. Hart Pony Baseball and Softball Complex, 23780 Auto Center Drive, Santa Clarita, CA 91355.
Sept. 20: Last Chance to Register for the River Rally
The California Highway Patrol is dedicating Sept. 15-21 to promoting child passenger safety across California, focusing on the protection of the state’s youngest road users.
CHP Emphasizes Child Safety for National Child Passenger Safety Week
The regular meeting of the Saugus Union School District Governing Board will take place Tuesday, Sept. 17 beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Sept. 17: SUSD Regular Board Meeting
West Ranch High School’s Studio A Jazz Band will be the opening act for the Huntertones, a Brooklyn-based sextet, who are coming to the Santa Clarita Valley for a one-night performance.
Sept 30: West Ranch Jazz Band to Open for Huntertones
An exclusive Ransomeware webinar "Ransomeware, Don't Be the Next Victim!" will be hosted Wednesday, Sept. 25, 11 a.m.- noon by Shield IT Networks, in partnership with Lucas Insurance Services. It will be free for VIA members.
Sept. 25: Free Ransomeware Webinar for VIA Members
As part of the Third Annual Business for Artists Conference on Saturday, Oct. 19, Judith Modrak will lead the Imaginary Fossils Sculpture Making Workshop.
Oct.19: Business for Artists Fossils Sculpture Making Workshop
The city of Santa Clarita’s Film Office has released the list of six productions currently filming in the Santa Clarita Valley for the week of Monday, Sept. 16 to Friday, Sept. 20.
Six Productions Filming in Santa Clarita
1872 - Mitchell adobe home in Soledad Canyon area first used as schoolhouse; genesis of 1879 Sulphur Springs School District [story]
Mitchell adobe