[UU of SCV] – Members of Westboro Baptist Church, based in Topeka, Kansas, are set to descend on Santa Clarita this Sunday, Feb. 22.
Westboro is notorious for denigrating homosexuals, female clergy and others they deem socially objectionable, justifying their intolerance with narrowly selected and interpreted biblical passages. According to their website they are scheduled to picket five local houses of worship, beginning at Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Parish at 8 a.m., then continuing to Grace Baptist, St. Stephen’s Episcopal and Santa Clarita United Methodist before ending at The Church on the Way at 11 a.m.
“One of the dilemmas with defending freedom of expression is you sometimes have to defend expression that is morally offensive and hurtful,” said Peter Farriday, minister of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Santa Clarita Valley. “Still, my heart goes out to the haters. For only people who have been profoundly wounded feel the need to lessen their own spiritual distress by turning their self-loathing outward. One would hope to reach and heal their tortured spirits, but in the absence of that, I want to make clear that our religious community stands with the churches targeted for picketing—and all those whom Westboro seeks to devalue—against intolerance and exclusion; and for acceptance, mercy and inclusive love.”

File photo: A Westboro demonstration.
Some people are organizing to counter Westboro’s presence, planning to go to the targeted churches and link arms with their backs to the protesters, a symbol of turning their backs on hatred and turning their hearts toward those under fire. (A note of caution: It’s been said that Westboro folks try to provoke people, then sue anyone who so much as brushes up against one of them.)
“Compassion was the final test of religious legitimacy for Jesus, and all the great spiritual teachers,” says Farriday. “Westboro has flunked royally.”
Unitarian Universalist services are held each Sunday at 10:30 AM at the SCV Senior Center, 22900 Market St., in Newhall. For directions and information, visit www.UUofSCV.org or call 661-254-7866.
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“Some people are organizing to counter Westboro’s presence…” Anyone know who to get in touch with to join with the counter protestors?
I would like to peacefully protest also.
Here is a link with some info on the counter-protest
Tate & Chris ^^^^^
All I know is that I’ll be ready at church on Sunday for them.
Show up.
Show up.
That’s what they want….the best protest is to not show up and make their protests a non-event!! The less attention they get the better!
Sarah’s got it right. Ignoring them is the best thing to do.
They shoulda gone to Daytona to protest the 500 if they wanted attention..!
Most everyone I know will be to drunk at home watching it on TV to notice or even care..!
Erin, not sure if you saw this.
No, I wasn’t. Thank you Beth Blok for sharing it
I am and always will be a VERY proud UU. If someone wants to hate me for it then let them rage on. It won’t change me or my love for my faith.
I am and always will be a VERY proud UU. If someone wants to hate me for it then let them rage on. It won’t change me or my love for my faith.
Remember that in case like this, how these individuals behave reflects their internal struggles….their inner demons if you will. How others react will reflect theirs. It makes me sad to see so many people nowadays suffering internally…and in turn seeking ways to inflict their pain on others. It appears as if their religious faith is not enough, on both ends (those publicly announcing on street corners their struggles…and those who are angered by it). Life is too precious and short to only focus on pain and anger. Very sad.
Westboro is a bunch of fools. Ignore them and they will leave.
For your counter-protesting pleasure:
Yes I saw it they are freaks
Good job!
Good job!
If these people hate America so much….why don’t they leave?!?! No one is keeping them here!! And walking on the flag of the USA……I want to quote Toby Keith’s “Courtesy of the Red White and Blue”