On Thursday, Nov. 5th, 2015, The Los Angeles Sheriff’s Transit Policing Division, Crime Impact Team, targeted a graffiti tagging group or crew by the name of “PUNKS”.
The CIT team had discovered through investigation that members of the crew had been targeting Metro buses, trains, and properties, among committing other crimes throughout LA County. The TPD CIT team obtained an eleven location search warrant for specific members of the crew that investigators had positively identified as committing crimes aboard Metro.
At 7 a.m., over 90 deputies from around the county and from units such as Community Oriented Policing, Emergency Operations Bureau, Parks Bureau, TPD’s Threat Interdiction Unit, K9 Unit, and Detective Bureau, and LA County Probation, participated in the service of the warrants.
Seven male, Hispanic suspects, and one female, Hispanic, ranging in age between 19 to 21 years old, were arrested for felony vandalism.
Additionally a 26-year-old, Hispanic male, was arrested at one of the warrant locations for an outstanding Child Abuse warrant. The arrests were made in the cities of Bell, Downey, Huntington Park, Los Angeles, South Gate, and Walnut Park. All of the suspects were booked at the Sheriff’s Century Regional Detention Facility, in Lynwood, CA.
Sheriff’s TPD CIT Team lead investigator on this case Deputy Mark Marriott-Lodge, said, “If criminal vandals want to gain “fame and notoriety” by tagging and damaging businesses and public transportation, they need to understand that law enforcement is going to extraordinary lengths to ensure it now costs them significant jail time and restitution (having to pay to repair the damage).
Each act of tagging adds jai
l time and monies they will have to repay. Suspects unable to pay restitution, are commonly held on formal probation subject to “search and seizure” by law enforcement for years.”
CIT Team Sergeant Henry Saenz noted that, “Although graffiti on Metro is not a prolific problem, when you consider how many buses and trains are out at any given time, it still presents a problem that Metro has to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to clean and repair. We in turn have to devote time to investigate these crimes and bring those responsible to justice. We currently use several different technologies, including social media, to help us identify those responsible.”
Today, the Los Angeles County District Attorney filed 26 counts of Felony Vandalism against the suspects arrested on Nov. 5.
There may also be gang enhancements attached to the indictments based on the manner in which the “PUNKS” tagging crew used intimidation and fear against innocents and rivals.
If you see graffiti or any crime being committed on Metro, please call LASD Transit Policing at (888) 950-SAFE(7233), or if you wish to remain anonymous, you can call “LA Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477). You also can text the letters “TIPLA” plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or use the website http://lacrimestoppers.org
Please remember, if you SEE SOMETHING that you believe is suspicious or doesn’t look right to you, say something by calling: (888) 950-SAFE (7233), or your local police department.
You can also use the LA Metro Transit Watch App, to report crime or advise of something/someone
suspicious on the transit system. The App can be downloaded at the Apple App Store, or on Google Play for Android Devices. http://transitwatchla.org and calling is always best.
Written by,
Ramon Montenegro, L.E.T.
Transit Policing Division – Unit Public Information Officer
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
(213) 922-3649
24 Hr. : (888) 950-SAFE (7233)
Email: tpdpio@lasd.org
Transit Watch LA website: http://www.transitwatchla.org/
LASD website: www.lasd.org
Twitter: @TransitLASD http://twitter.com/TransitLASD
Facebook LASD Metro Transit Services: http://www.facebook.com/LASDMetroTransitServices
Instagram LASD Transit Photos: http://www.instagram.com/LASDTransitPIO
Periscope LASD Transit PIO: http://www.periscope.com/LASDTransitPIO
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So how many of the little punks did they bust? A lot I hope.
Over 100 cops to bust 8 vandals.