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Today in
S.C.V. History
September 19
1863 - Gen. Edward F. Beale loans money to A.A. Hudson and Oliver P. Robbins to erect toll house in Newhall Pass [story]
toll house

By Nick Cahill, Courthouse News

SACRAMENTO (CN) – Ramping up their fight against the Trump administration’s plan to end protections to children of undocumented immigrants, California lawmakers on Tuesday announced they will dedicate $30 million to defending and educating the state’s 200,000 Dreamers.

The agreement between Gov. Jerry Brown and state Democratic leaders earmarks $20 million for legal aid and $10 million in financial aid to assist Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program recipients.

The late additions to the state budget were to be reviewed this afternoon by the state Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee.

“The new funding for DACA services we are adding to the budget will provide answers and help young Californians stay in the only country they’ve ever known,” Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon said in a statement. “Donald Trump may love chaos. These kids don’t deserve it.”

The funding announcement comes one day after California Attorney General Xavier Becerra filed a lawsuit against the administration’s recent decision to phase out the Obama-era DACA program. California is one of 19 states fighting the proposed wind-down of DACA over the next six months.

The Golden State is home to more than 200,000 DACA recipients, nicknamed Dreamers, more than any other state. Democratic lawmakers have routinely promised to protect Dreamers and the rest of California’s undocumented residents from deportation since Trump took office.

State Senate President pro Tem Kevin De Leon, D-Los Angeles, is pushing a proposal that would limit communication and cooperation between state law enforcement and federal immigration officials. He said California Dreamers, brought to the United States while they were children, are an integral part of the state’s future.

“We will not let one man with xenophobic tendencies undercut years of progress we have made in California to integrate these young adults into our society and economy,” De Leon said of the emergency funding.

In a statement, Gov. Brown said: “California stands with the millions of immigrants who make this state a vibrant and prosperous place. We are suing the Trump administration for canceling the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program and we are investing millions of dollars in new legal aid to help law-abiding people stay with their families in the U.S.”

If approved by the budget committee, $20 million in additional funding will go toward immigration legal services under the One California Program. The program provides naturalization, legal and educational services to the state’s immigrant population.

An additional $10 million will assist Dreamers with college financial aid, including $7 million for community college students and the remaining $3 million for state university and University of California students.

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  1. Brett Lahey says:

    Well then you guys can take a take a pay cut and tax yourselves cuz I’m over being taxed to death in good old CA

  2. Agreed take it out of your own pay checks

  3. Dean Wise says:

    Hey governor and lawmakers first you guys want to pay gang members not to break the law no you want illegal aliens which have already broken the law to be paid what are you going to do for citizens that do not break the law What About Us!

  4. Lauri Gentry says:

    We don’t have $ to fix the roads but there is plenty for this. SMH

  5. This is on you guys…if you can get your head above your waist.

  6. Pam Norman says:

    I’m ashamed to say I live in this ridiculous state and livid at the idiocy of our elected officials. This liberal BS will bankrupt us and make it even more difficult to afford living here than it already is. Pure insanity. ?

  7. This is really pathetic. Raising taxes because there is no money for road repair. Then you are going to pull 30 million for this!!! From where! Stop taxing us before all the high earners leave.

  8. Steve Brown says:

    Hey you moron politicians, you realize these ILLEGALS can’t vote! Oh, that’s right, you are counting on their 8 or 9 children to vote for you. All you bleeding heart liberals just remember, all 200,000 of those “dreamers” aren’t in college studying to be model citizens. They are also in gangs, robbing and raping your daughters and burglarizing your home.

  9. Fred Mc Ginn says:

    These kids are citizens of the USA without the necessary paperwork. Maybe not born here but raised here.

  10. I’m moving anybody want to buy my house.

  11. The leaders of California continue to do this kind of thing….but will Californians finally vote them OUT?

  12. Joseph Brown says:

    That guy should hold the sign higher

  13. I don’t want my California tax dollars to go for it but I’m the minority now.

  14. Justin Lewis says:

    You should all check into the new seven layers of government that they’re implicating shouldn’t there only be one layer of government it putting seven layers of government so that way they can pass bills without anyone knowing look into it

  15. Richard Mace says:

    California sucks! One day I will be able to move to America! Where I can live the way I want and teach my own kids how to live. #caliIsGoingDown

  16. They should just reallocate the 68million they just voted in on this years state budget for the Illegal Alien CRIMINAL Defense Fund. I would rather have my tax dollars go for non-criminal aliens then the ones that commit crimes. California politicians are a joke!

  17. Mandy Day says:

    They won’t be happy until they’ve turned the entire state into Newhall. The proud state of Nixon and Reagan is no more cuz the illegals love all the free handouts

    • John Haro says:

      You act like newhall is a bad area ??

    • Get off your pathetic horse, go to South Central, you’ll be running back to Newhall.

    • Paul Wynne says:

      Congratulations Mandy, you just won “Miss White Privilege of Santa Clarita”

    • Paul Wynne white privilege? As in paying for freeloaders? Wake up.

    • Paul Wynne says:

      Ruben Andre Norte your name sounds Latino, so I’ll assume you regard yourself as different from illegal immigrants, in the fact that you don’t take Government subsidies because you earn good money. Or maybe you’re just misunderstanding the Welfare System in this country. Let me explain it, so you don’t spend the rest of your life having unnecessary feelings of anger. Immigrants to the USA face an almost impossible task of entering the country legally. So they come here illegally. They live in countries that have no jobs and are also life threatening, and this forces them to leave their families behind to seek work. The illegals I’ve talked with have spend as much as $15K on the services of a Coyote to bring them to the States, (that’s a lot money for a person living in the 3rd World). Once here they get ‘black economy’ jobs where they get paid cash, or they fill out paperwork and work under a ‘fake’ SS number. That’s right they pay their taxes to the fake SS number. And guess what, nobody from the Government ever complains about this. Or mentions it even. Millions of dollars go into the IRS this way, but are NEVER claimed as benefits later in life, because the person making the payments has no real Social Security number, and can therefore never claim the benefits they’ve put into the system. Illegals don’t get ‘free handouts’ anything they get is usually more than covered by the tax payments they make. They work hard just like you and I do, but they don’t have the benefits of actual American Citizenship. Sure they can go to County Hospital in Sylmar and get free treatment, so can you. But it’s only free if you have zero income, if you have any income at all you will be billed by the hospital based on your income. I’m sure you already know all this Ruben. And I’m sure that as an American you appreciate the contribution that immigrants make to this country, a country of immigrant families, like yours originally was. Without immigrants, especially illegal immigrants, the economy of this country would suffer greatly. America has always existed on the backs of a sub-society the subsidizes the lifestyle of the rest of society. In the past it has been Irish, Chinese, African Americans, and now it’s Latinos doing the brunt of the grunt work. So you see, Ruben, they’re not ‘freeloaders’ – they’re hard working Americans who don’t have the necessary paperwork to get better jobs. And after all, they were here first. ‘Santa Clarita’ sounds kinda Spanish doesn’t it?

    • Paul Wynne …..and then they send the money they make or get from here and send it to their families in whichever country they are from. So as I see it, they are taking from this country not once but twice. When are all you bleeding hearts going to open up YOUR homes and bank accounts for these wonderful people you speak of?

  18. Because the state is rolling in money ..smh

  19. US government uses the World Bank to destroy unions in Mexico and completely decimate living conditions. Mexico’s working class of course comes to work in the US under the persecution of money-grubbing capitalists. And middle-class white people, stirred up into an Evangelical fervor by their McChurchs and the same Republicans who support poor laborers entering the country illegally, blame poor Hispanic people for bringing their kids to the US.

  20. State laws never supersede federal laws

  21. At least Santa Clarita has a republican Steve knight . And btw this is getting ridiculous. This state is becoming liberal loony tunes . What a waste of money . This amount of money should be spent taking care of the homeless Americans and veterans , not illegals and their children .

  22. Stop wasting our tax dollars

  23. Kj Allen says:

    CA the state run by lunatics voted in by lunatics

  24. This justifies why my family just left California! And now they why want to go all in, voting by Friday to make California a Sanctuary State, you voted these assholes into office. Remember the Gas Tax increase, there it goes ! FACT: 1.3 trillion dollar in debt !?????

  25. Such BS! What about 30 million to help our Veterans and Homeless that already exist here.

  26. Patrick says:

    Why should the taxpayer be paying for legal aid? Immigration is a federal responsibility. The state should stay out.

  27. SCVTV…posts like this are stupid. Most of SCV is conservative. Thank God.

  28. Bri Michelle says:

    Not cool! That money could be used for so many other things!

  29. John Haro says:

    All of you need to work sun up to sun down in 100 degree heat just to put food on the table to realize that your comments are hateful and ignorant. Also, 30M/39M (population)= ~$1 per tax payer. Why don’t you make a fuss when trump costs us millions to go golfing ?

    • Krystal Mora says:

      Seriously your a fkn idiot trump has only golfed on his own golf courses so go kick rocks. He also donated all his money this year as a president. The 400,000 he would have gotten went straight to Veterans.. So he has made zero dollars.. Look into how much it cost the tax payers for the Obamas to travel and Barack Hussien to play golf.. Educate yourself before poating erratically

    • John Haro says:

      Krystal Mora very typical from another Trump supporter(?) Throw an insult over a valid point without actually answering the question. Also, you have no idea what my political agenda is or what I liked. So honestly insult Obama some more, I literally don’t care lol. Also, bringing up ONE good thing Trump has done that has zero to do with what I’m talking about and is a fraction of what he costs taxpayers just to go golf proves that you all get so defensive when I even mention his name. So go kick rocks and educate yourself before posting.
      P.s. He hasn’t made “zero dollars” he owns many businesses he constantly brags about ?

    • He has been more at work than golfing…?️‍♂️

  30. My head feels like exploding whenever I hear liberal logic. We are broke, california is broke!! The working class citizens are heavily taxed on everything. And bringing more people in just so they can have a free ride on our tax dollars is ridiculous. It’s socialism. I mean why bother working hard to get ahead anymore. I can’t wait to either leave this state or die from not having to put up with this insanity. By the way as an american citizen I had to work 2 jobs and go to school just to make ends meet. While foreigners got a free ride and didn’t even have to work

  31. This is a bunch of BS, lets take care of our vets !st.

  32. Jared Axen says:

    That’s a lot of money

  33. John Lazar says:

    What about spending the $30 million on our veterans? Don’t they deserve it more?


  35. How about donating that 30 mil to our hurricane relief and helping our fellow Americans! All others have 6 months to register…. get busy!

  36. Bye bye California.
    Just give it to Mexico and call it a day.

  37. I have a dream! To move out of California!

  38. Why not lower the taxes of those that live here legally by 30 million?

  39. Kind of like big mouth Maxine Waters being a millionaire, with a big mansion, while the people in her district live in poverty and ghettoes, and hos and such, yo? There, I went ‘gangsta’ for fun…!

  40. John Prosser says:

    They should use that money on infrastructure and not illegals.

  41. They’re already broke ,where’s this 30 million coming from ?

  42. Bunch of cry babies will be at COC today protesting for DACA.

  43. Bob Johns says:

    Oh good….for a moment, i thought all those massive tax increases that were shoved down are throats were actually going to what was advertised. Good to see they lied yet again

  44. Shane Greedy says:

    Ashamed to live in CA…moving on!

  45. that’s not fair for those who spent their own money to come and stay here legally

  46. But??? In the time these kids were here, receiving the benefits of our system using our resources…….Not one of them would think about MAYBE applying for citizenship??? Why aren’t there any incentives or programs to assist them in that process?

  47. ridiculously stupid waste of money

  48. When is thus clown going to.stop being are governer

  49. Michael Ford says:

    gee, thanks obama…

  50. KJ Slo says:

    What about the citizens of CALIFORNIA? Where is our right to have a say in whether we want our tax money going to illegals? I don’t!

  51. Kathy Diane says:

    Use the 30 million to fix the roads instead of raising taxes and car registration!

  52. David Cheek says:

    Buying future votes with our money ! Are you Frikken kidding me ?

  53. Such a misappropriation of funds! What about homeless vets? Who said my tax dollars could go there?

  54. Jeff Goenner says:

    It should say politicians spending taxpayer money to defend illegal immigrants. Then it should list the names of every politician and their voting district.

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